
* niemeyer waves13:39
hazmatniemeyer, g'morning13:44
niemeyerhazmat: Heya14:04
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pindongamorning... so I am trying to use juju for managing lxc containers for development (I know this is not the primary use case for it)14:40
pindongathe problem I'm facing is that containers do not survive a reboot (I have to destroy the whole env and rebootstrap)14:40
pindongaI know this is a known issue, but I was wondering if there is a workaround for it14:40
* noodles775 is interested too. I thought by putting my juju-dir somewhere other than /tmp I could avoid that.14:42
pindonganoodles775, no, I have my data-dir in /home and this is still the case14:42
pindongabtw I'm running a freshly installed oneiric14:43
hazmatso there are two issues here, one for hibernation (which is problematic in a different way) and one for reboot, the first one is a work in progress, the second one doesn't have a workaround, it can be done by hand though, albeit its a pretty tedious process14:43
pindongaanother issue I have is that I don't get lxc containers to start (for some reason cgroup is not mounted automatically by juju)14:44
hazmatit requires starting zookeeper by hand, and the machine agent, and then starting all the containers14:44
pindongahazmat, is this written down somewhere?14:44
hazmatjuju will need to write out an upstart job per environment to make this a bit cleaner14:45
hazmatand automatic14:45
hazmatpindonga, its not written down, i'm finishing up an email atm, i'll see if i can put together a workaround after14:47
pindongahazmat, awesome14:47
pindongahazmat, another thing: can you think of a reason why the cgroup is not mounted automatically by juju?14:47
pindongamay it be that I bootstrapped using distro-series: lucid? (I'm running on oneiric though)14:48
hazmatpindonga, only the host distro matters regarding the cgroup mount, and juju doesn't handle mounting it, it should be automatic though14:49
pindongahazmat, automatic as in? if juju doesn't handle it, does lxc handle it? do I need a cgroup entry in /etc/fstab?14:50
hazmatpindonga, automatic as its handled by the cgroup-bin package's upstart job14:57
hazmatpindonga, see /etc/init/cgconfig14:57
hazmatpindonga, it does not need to be in fstab14:57
pindongahazmat, don't have that file., but I have /etc/init/cgoup-lite14:57
pindongaI run cgroups-mount manually and it's now mounted I think14:57
hazmatpindonga, yeah.. i think the other one might have been an old natty file.. cgroup-lite looks correct14:57
* hazmat pokes at the packages14:57
hazmatah.. ic. cgroup-lite is a minimal set which can support lxc, cgroup-bin also suffices for lxc but has additional cgroup tools14:58
pindongaok, got one container up \o/15:03
pindongahowever, the sources file still reads oneiric as the distro15:03
pindongaeven though I had lucid in environemtns.yaml15:04
* niemeyer => lunch15:04
hazmatpindonga, yeah.. there was a bug filed about that15:04
hazmatbug 88636415:04
pindongaah, ok15:04
_mup_Bug #886364: default-series ignored in environments.yaml <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/886364 >15:04
brtszhi guys15:15
hazmatbrtsz, greetings15:17
hazmatpindonga, i'm looking at what a workaround would take, doesn't seem like its something that's doable cleanly as a manual script it would need some patching of libraries to record port information, better to just implement per desired direction of using upstart15:56
pindongahazmat, yeah... I think I found a workaround for the time being15:57
pindongajust use plain lxc without juju for my dev lxc containers :)15:57
pindongaas I don't need juju really for that15:57
pindongait was just nice to have it manage my lxc containers too15:57
pindongathanks for the help though, it's been really useful so far15:57
hazmatpindonga, np16:08
* hazmat lunches16:13
noodles775Is this a known bug? (specifying a config.yaml results in charm not being found, move it out of the way and it deploys): http://paste.ubuntu.com/731083/16:30
* noodles775 can't see any bugs on bugs.launchpad.net/juju for config.yaml16:30
_mup_Bug #887194 was filed: charm not found on config.yaml parse error <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/887194 >16:54
hazmatnoodles775, it was reported with a fix in bug 88551517:02
_mup_Bug #885515: More verbose error when issue occurs in config.yaml <juju:In Progress by hazmat> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/885515 >17:02
noodles775hazmat: ah, nice (LP's bug search didn't turn it up, but great that the fix is there already :) ).17:03
hazmatnoodles775, not merged yet, but yeah.. should be in soon17:03
* noodles775 marks his new bug as a dupe.17:04
hazmatjimbaker, ping19:06
hazmathmm.. riak didn't make the hot and hairy list19:09
nolan_dI'm trying to understand Juju. I'm in a situation where we have a bunch of servers we'll wish to deploy various services on, and I'm wondering if I should recommend it.20:50
nolan_dIs it still limited to one service per machine as a FAQ I read seems to state?20:50
nolan_dFeel free to tell me to RTFM, I just need to find a FM to read. :) The one on the Ubuntu wiki seems a bit fragmentary and doesn't really address my questions.20:51
nolan_dAlso, how does it handle the situation where I might want to, say, host a bunch of services at various domains on a cloud? "expose" is nice, but does it give me any way to say "expose this service at this domain/port/service type?"20:52
nolan_dBack later.21:07
jcastrojuju G+ page is up!21:13
hazmatjcastro, nice21:37
jcastroadding videos21:38
jcastroas soon as I figure out how to make it a team manageable page I'll let you know. :)21:38
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