
Darkwingphoenix_firebrd: AFAIK we will still have a CD size and a DVD size.00:01
phoenix_firebrdDarkwing: ok00:11
_Groo_ill put amarok in a ppa if you want, i already do weekly builds anyway, and my amarok is package ready aka, it conforms to kubuntu rulez00:34
_Groo_check my experimental ppa in a few hours, im uploading a daily build for your evaluation00:35
Riddellit's quiet on the amarok side, maybe they went to sleep or to the pub00:40
_Groo_Riddell: ok amarok git is going up via dput, its in teh same peppa repo of the caliigra builds00:40
_Groo_should work just fine, i keep this builds very tight :)00:40
_Groo_check them out, bb in 30, need to take the dog out00:41
_Groo_Riddell: k its in the peppa ppa00:57
_Groo_apachelogger: ping00:57
valorierather late for the europeans who have to show up at work in the AM01:00
_Groo_gn ppl, amarok is in the oven in https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/peppa/+packages01:03
_Groo_just show me tarball or the git tag and ill send a oficial one01:04
_Groo_to the proper ppa01:04
_Groo_if i have upload rights :D01:04
claydohits going to be odd having Riddell in a closer time zone :)01:47
Riddellthe night is young, these Amarok people go to bed early02:32
donovanGood is by any chance rbelem here03:25
donovangood da8*03:25
DarkwingOh yeah... Riddell is going to be in a better time zone :D03:26
donovani spoke to Michał Zając via email and he said i should log on here and speak to rbelem with help on active one. might you be able to help?03:28
valoriedonovan: rbelem is in Portugal (I believe) so is on european time -- and he has a young child04:10
valoriebut he does hang out in here regularly04:11
valoriehe is the active guru, for sure04:11
donovanthanks ill wait for him to appear online. then ask him. thanks for the info valorie04:12
claydoh_valorie: missed meeting you this uds :(04:12
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
valorieclaydoh, I wanted to be there so much!04:12
valoriebut it would have been *impossible* since my dad broke his hip 10 days ago04:13
claydoh :(04:13
valorieI would have had to fly right home04:13
valorieotherwise my sis would have had to cope all alone04:13
claydohis going to be OK?04:13
valorienow, yes04:13
Darkwingrbelem is a bit older ten we all think :D 04:14
valoriebut it was touch and go -- he had pneumonia04:14
kubotuDarkwing meant: "rbelem is a bit older then we all think :D"04:14
valorieand went into heart failure04:14
claydohoh no!04:14
valoriequite scary last weekend04:14
claydohwell it is good he is better and has family to be there04:14
valorienow he is out of the hospital, pneumonia seems gone as of today04:14
Darkwingclaydoh: Finally running quassel-core and QuasselDroid is awesome. 04:14
claydohDarkwing: :)04:14
DarkwingOh no valorie, how is he holding up?04:14
claydohit is  it really is04:15
valoriehe doesn't like the rehab place, but they are very nice and helpful04:15
Darkwing:D if you like rehab then they are doing it wrong.04:15
valorieDarkwing: how much work was it to get going on your server?04:15
valorieI'm thinking of asking my son to do that04:15
* claydoh is isntalling oneiric on that freescale board I won, there is an official ubuntu image so im trying that04:15
DarkwingNot bad actaully.04:15
valorieright on the rehab!04:15
valorieI will for sure ask for sponsorship to the next one04:16
valorieanybody know where it will be held?04:16
Darkwingapt-get install quassel-core then ./quasselcore -p ####04:16
Darkwingvalorie: not yet04:16
Darkwingthe -p is for the port.04:16
DarkwingI changed the port for my own fun reasons.04:17
valorieDarkwing: did you get my email about kde docs?04:17
Darkwingand I didn't install the SSL certs04:17
Darkwingvalorie: Yes, I did. Thank you.04:17
valoriehow is the jetlag, all you lucky UDS attenders?04:17
claydohnone here, same tie zone :)04:18
valorieRiddell probably has none04:18
valorieoh cool04:18
claydohrbelem is iirc 36!04:18
valorietoo old to be a kub. developer?04:18
DarkwingI came home sick :(04:18
Darkwingclaydoh: It's gotten worse. :( :(04:19
valoriewhat's up?04:19
claydohwell I know I ain't the oldest one here :)04:19
* valorie is a grandma04:19
DarkwingScottK is the old man04:19
valorieI think I'm older than scottk04:19
* Darkwing ducks04:19
valoriehe's no grandpa yet.....04:19
claydohI thinik I am about  his age iirc04:19
DarkwingI don't know how old ppl are anymore.04:20
* valorie thumps her cane04:20
claydoherr I think my laptop keyboard is wearing out04:20
claydohwho cares how old, really04:20
Darkwingvalorie: how many cats?04:20
valoriewhat do you have, Darkwing?04:20
claydohcan't tell in irc04:20
* Darkwing ducks and runs04:20
valorieonly one!04:20
Darkwingvalorie: flu I think.04:20
valorieI found a pile of feathers in my bedroom the other night04:21
valorieoh that sucks04:21
valoriedid you get the flu shot before flying?04:21
valorieI got mine early, before going to SF04:21
valoriejust in case04:21
Darkwingevery year... Doesn't really matter though, I get it every year with or without the shot.04:21
valorieplanes are incubators for germs04:22
valorieyou have young children, right?04:22
DarkwingI flew the death trap plane on the way home.04:22
DarkwingI wearing a hepa mask :D04:22
valoriekids bring everything home, for sure04:22
valorieI get sick much less often since they all moved out04:22
DarkwingIf you want to know how I felt about my flight(s) home look at my twitter feed :D04:23
valorieah, will do 04:23
Darkwingclaydoh: I fixed KMail :D04:24
valoriedo tell!04:24
* valorie wants kmail04:24
DarkwingServer side IMAP filtering.04:24
valoriei'm hating tbird more by the day04:24
DarkwingYeah, I gave this one last shot before I switch to a CLI mail client.04:25
claydohDarkwing: can you fix mine?04:25
Darkwingserver side IMAP filters :D04:25
DarkwingKMail doesn't have to filter, I have not had an issue with it (yet)04:26
valoriewell, I refuse to use MUTT04:26
DarkwingCone is simple04:26
valorieever again04:26
valorieit sucks04:26
valorieand is ugly04:26
* Darkwing likes Cone CLI email04:27
valorieno cli mail04:28
valorieI likes me my pretty desktop for email04:28
DarkwingIf your server supports Sieve... It's simple and nice and KMail likes it.04:28
DarkwingOr, 04:28
valorieI'd go back to gmail on the web if their pgp thingie was working04:28
DarkwingMine just has a simple server side filtering04:29
valorieI used to do server-side filtering04:29
valoriebefore gmail04:29
valorieback when kmail worked for me04:29
Darkwing24 hours with no issues with KMail so far.04:29
valorieI'm going to try setting it up on my netbook again04:30
claydohomg this sdcard is soooo slow my 8y/o old laptop running akonadi and nepomuk and strigi is faster lol04:33
* claydoh orders a class 10 card from amazon....04:33
valorie8 yo lappy!04:33
claydohit took aver na hour to install the ubuntu image on this arm thingy04:34
claydohI have a 14 year old and a 4 year old too :)04:34
valorieyes, my netbook took a couple of hours to upgrade04:34
claydohthe slow sdcard is the issue04:34
valorieit's only 1 year old, but .....slow04:34
claydohits a development board with arn arm based cpu, like a panda board04:36
DarkwingUbuntu Server on her eh?04:36
claydohthe os runs off the microsd04:36
claydohnaw if I get the fast sdcard it should be just fine with kubuntu - maybe a media server, maybe just put fluxbox or something to run xbmc or something04:37
claydohwho knows, I get to play with it04:37
Quintasanapachelogger: pong, next time write what you want cause lol school05:59
apacheloggerQuintasan: you have to get up at 7 for school? :O06:38
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=== kyofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Cookies for Everyone! | 11.10 Released! | 4.7.3 out, upload to precise!
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danttido I need to install any package to get an apple keyboard to work? on kde settings I see no apple keyboard...12:42
danttinvm found it under hardware tab...12:47
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* rbelem backs online13:18
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Quintasan_apachelogger: I do15:26
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
apacheloggerQuintasan: madness15:37
Quintasanapachelogger: Whatever, call my isp and bash them for fucking up my internets15:38
QuintasanLike, 5s delay on IRC lol15:38
* yofel has his clock set to 6 AM for school...15:45
_Groo_apachelogger: ping15:48
_Groo_Quintasan: amarok is in my ppa, it broke the compilation cause i forgot some dependencies, but i have fixed it, tonight ill upload today git15:48
Quintasan_Groo_: How am I related to that?15:51
_Groo_Quintasan: nvm, confused you for Riddell 15:55
QuintasanUh, oh fancy15:56
* Quintasan be Riddell15:56
_Groo_Quintasan: from where im standing you look all the same to me! :D15:56
_Groo_except apachelogger ^^15:56
* apachelogger be ScottK15:57
_Groo_i can smell is drunken irish a$$ a mile away15:57
_Groo_apachelogger: ping ping ping16:00
_Groo_apachelogger: you pinged me yesterday?16:02
apacheloggerperhaps I did16:02
_Groo_apachelogger: im fine too tks :)16:03
_Groo_apachelogger: was it about amarok?16:03
_Groo_apachelogger: hello?16:05
_Groo_apachelogger: POKE!16:06
apacheloggerI AM AT WORK16:06
_Groo_apachelogger: ahah SO DO I :D16:06
_Groo_apachelogger: anyway, if you need a ppa for amarok, its already in my peppa ppa16:07
_Groo_apachelogger: should be ok tonight, when i fixed a silly dependency i forget16:07
_Groo_apachelogger: was that it? :)16:11
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Quintasanbulldog98: You damn bstrd. Y U NO TELL ME U FIXOR DAILIES TO TELEPATHY20:04
QuintasanI rushed school stuff to get something fixed20:05
QuintasanAnd it turns out someone did it beforehand20:05
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Quintasanfregl: ping20:37
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
apacheloggerQuintasan: does you haz kubuntu on transformer yet?21:15
apacheloggermegatron ahoy?21:15

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