
jrgiffordPPA downloads seem to be taking a long time - anyone else?00:20
lifelessnoone else has reported anything00:24
* timrc scans up00:28
lifelesstimrc: no need, someone else with the issue duplicated was around00:28
timrclifeless, aye, read the bug and scrollback anyway :)00:36
jrgiffordok, must have been just me. :)00:37
EvilResistanceis it possible to make a bzr branch for myself to hold my packaging templates?04:02
EvilResistancei.e. to hold the contents of a debian/ template folder which I *always* use (and update semi often)04:02
EvilResistanceif so, how can i create said branch?04:02
poolienot sure what you mean04:04
EvilResistancecan i create a bzr branch that only I have access to that isnt linked to any projects04:05
EvilResistanceif so, how?04:06
pooliepush it to lp:~/+junk/my-packaging-template04:06
poolieStevenK, i like your +personal idea :)04:06
EvilResistancecan i have sub branches, say...04:07
EvilResistance(where # is 1 - 3)04:08
EvilResistanceoh wait nevermind04:08
EvilResistancethose would be subdirs, no?04:08
poolieno, but you can call it template-304:08
poolieor you could put it in lp:~evil/ubuntu/gnucash/packaging-template04:08
poolieif it does apply to one particular package04:08
pooliebut it's just personally yours04:09
BertVoegelehow can I delete (or de-registrer) a branch?07:14
lifelessclick on the delete icon in the top right of its page07:15
* BertVoegele feels stupid for not seeing this07:16
BertVoegelelifeless : thanks07:17
lifelessno probs07:17
BertVoegeleOn importing code from code.google.com into lp I get :"bzrlib.errors.NoSuchRevision: CHKInventoryRepository" - is this a general issue (like #878085) or just me using a wrong URL as source?07:32
poolieBertVoegele, i imagine that is bug 87808507:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 878085 in Launchpad itself "NoSuchRevision error during git import" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87808507:50
poolienot a bad url07:50
BertVoegelecan the code be pushed manually and then linked with the original repo later?07:52
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poolieBertVoegele... kind of08:21
pooliean automatic import can't be rebased on to your manual import or snapshot import08:21
pooliebut you could do the latter just for now08:21
pooliei answered your bug comment08:23
BertVoegelepoolie: thanks for giving a time frame.08:45
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mok0I'm afraid I screwed up on the lp:/ubuntu/gizmod repo12:01
mok0I need a bit of help12:02
bigjoolsmok0: wassup?12:06
mok0bigjools: I commited to the branch, and I am not sure it should be done like that12:07
mok0bigjools: link https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/gizmod/precise12:07
mok0bigjools: I wanted to fix the package and upload to my ppa12:08
bigjoolsmok0: if you are concerned it's the wrong thing then you can just commit a new revision that reverses your change12:08
mok0bigjools: ok... but can you explain how it works? It seems the repo is filled automatically from the source package12:09
bigjoolsyes, there's an importer daemon12:09
bigjoolsit grabs new uploads and creates branch revisions12:10
mok0bigjools: that's what I thought... can you tell me why there isn't any series file in debian/patch?12:10
bigjoolsthat's beyond my foo12:11
mok0bigjools: heh12:11
mok0bigjools: I'll revert it to r7 then12:11
bigjoolspanic over!12:11
mok0bigjools: I suppose I can just branch -r7 and push it12:12
bigjoolsI would do a reverse merge12:12
mok0bigjools: so bzr merge -r7 ?12:12
bigjoolsremoving revisions could be dangerous12:13
bigjoolsbzr merge -r8..712:13
mok0bigjools: hm, never tried that before :-)12:13
bigjoolsbzr is clever12:14
bigjoolssomeone actually wanted their LP project deleted as they preferred svn somewhere else....12:14
gesermok0: some people use the packaging branches also as a staging area for fixes which should be uploaded but don't warrant an upload on itself12:16
mok0geser: Ah, I see12:16
geserso don't worry too much if the packaging branch doesn't match the package source12:17
mok0geser: ... and once the package is uploaded, the daemon commits the final version?12:17
mok0geser: I guess I was worried for no big reason12:18
geseryou can also mark (tag) the revision you uploaded (see the UDD documentation) and ideally the importer should notice that the branch and the uploaded package are identical (else it creates a MP for that branch)12:19
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gesermok0: http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/udd-uploading.html12:21
* mok0 looks12:22
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aboudreault__a new guy in my PPA team did a small mistake.. he uploaded a package in lucid.. but the package was for oneiric. If I delete the package (versionned 1.3.0).. will I be able to upload the old package to get things working again, which is version 1.2.5?14:25
bigjoolsaboudreault__: IIRC that works14:28
aboudreault__bigjools, ok, will rework the package and try to reupload.14:28
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rotwhi... excuse the stupid question, but can anyone else not get on launchpad?14:52
rotwevery "is it down or is it just me" service tells me it's just me, but i have no idea what would cause it...14:52
MTecknologyrotw: up from here15:09
rotw*.ubuntu.com seems to be blocked15:16
rotwi can get past it with a proxy...15:16
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rotwdamn student halls internet >.>15:22
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agent00taihi everyone, I got a problem with setting up tarmac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/731290/19:41
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EvilResistanceis there a way to configure a branch for a project to mirror one-time another bzr branch?23:23
lifelessEvilResistance: no, but you can do that yourself very easily. bzr push -d <otherbranch> lp:...23:37
EvilResistanceanother question.23:38
lifeless(untested - if it doesn't work, branch it locally then push it up)23:38
EvilResistanceif the code for a project (i.e. the project itself's code) is on github...23:38
EvilResistancecan bzr/launchpad daily-mirror the code into the bzr branch?23:38
lifelessyes, thats a code import23:38

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