
=== Pilif12p is now known as Pilif|stufy
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spacebug-hi there02:32
spacebug-since 12.04 will use gnome 3.2, will there still be the same (lack of) settings to make in the system?02:32
pangolinhopefully not02:32
spacebug-isn't that related to the gnome version?02:33
spacebug-like fonts/sizes and more settings for apperance02:33
spacebug-I see how they want to make a easy-to-use-system but it would be great to be able to change more. Maybe use a advanced tab ot something02:35
mewerner_arandspacebug-: That's never going to happen from GNOME... gsettings might have something...02:37
spacebug-hum ok. Maybe stick with kubuntu then02:37
mewerner_arand(I was referring to the idea of an "advanced" tab), that would be a personal insult to any GNOME dev, I'd assume.02:39
jbichaa few more options will likely be added to System Settings by Ubuntu devs02:45
spacebug-guess I just have to wait and see then :)02:46
bjsniderspacebug-, you can change font sizes and themes and whatnot in gnome-tweak-tool already03:12
spacebug-bjsnider: ok tnx03:12
bjsniderif you want to see thousands of options you'll never need cluttering up the screen, continue using kubuntu03:13
gnomefreakbjsnider: any idea if fglrx drivers have been fixed?03:28
bjsnideroh, i'm sorry, you're serious03:29
bjsniderprobably not fixed03:29
gnomefreakthanks and yes i am serious03:30
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genii-aroundWhen the first daily becomes available, will zsync between the last 11.10 iso and the daily work to update it?15:20
genii-aroundAh, by empirical testing the answer is no.15:23
Ian_Cornewhere can I see the build queue?15:53
bjsniderthat's it16:00
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dluziusis this the right channel to ask about Ocelot22:48
holsteindluzius: this would be more for talk about 12.04 when that starts to get talked about22:49
holsteinyou can ask in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners if you are looking for support :)22:49
dluziusis there a channel for ubuntu 11.1022:50
Daekdroomdluzius, #ubuntu22:50
dluziusok, tks...22:51
nhainesI guess the topic is too vague.  :)22:54
holsteinmaybe saying 'upcoming release' or something22:55
nhainesNah, it's probably just newbies who aren't familiar with IRC and miss the topic, that's all.22:58
nhainesSo gentle redirection to the right channels is the best thing.  :)22:58
=== Logan_ is now known as Log

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