
sagacihead_victim: probably should update the topic, for the next meeting08:35
ikt_hello all :)09:06
ikt_whatcha up to sagaci ?09:29
sagacijust ducking out to woolies for a few09:35
ikt_i got a cookie for dinner :(09:42
ikt_just noticed sarcasm doesn't tend to translate well on the internet10:02
head_victimI think the IRC world needs sarcasm tags10:04
head_victimsagaci: ping10:17
ikt_indeed :D10:23
sagacihead_victim: ding10:24
head_victimGot a min for a pm?10:24
sagacigot about 150 of them10:25
sagacihead_victim: sorry dsl dies when someone calls the landline :/10:35
head_victimHah bummer10:35
head_victimEasy solution, disconnect the landline ;)10:37
elkyor get a filter that works.10:41
sagacihead_victim, have you been getting gpg errors with the aarnet archive?12:31
sagacijargonfactory,  12:35
jargonfactoryscreen issue sagaci ;)12:36
sagaciah ok12:36
sagacigraphics playing up?12:36
sagacior the application screen12:36
jargonfactoryyeah just Ctrl-L playing up12:38
sagacireferenced or referrenced12:57
jargonfactoryfirst one sagaci13:00
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=== db is now known as Guest74077
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jaddi27head_victim, I am guessing you are not around at the moment (10am brisbane)23:53

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