
cjohnstonalourie: your welcome01:31
alouriecjohnston: askjorge is yours? amazing...05:09
alouriegood morning06:32
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi
dholbachgood morning08:38
jussiMorning dholbach. Back in .de then?08:39
dholbachyep :)08:39
jussidholbach: good trip ?08:40
dholbachnot too eventful, so good :)08:40
* popey hugs dholbach 08:47
AlanBellakgraner: the gery carr interview restarts at about 9:30 and plays again08:50
duanedesigngood morning08:54
duanedesignhope everyone is making back to their home bases safely08:54
* dholbach hugs popey back08:54
czajkowskijust in the door09:46
jussiwb czajkowski10:01
nigelbMorning popey, dholbach!10:04
dholbachhi nigelb, czajkowski10:24
Pendulumczajkowski: hiya!11:23
czajkowskiPendulum: ello11:29
Pendulumczajkowski: Lucy was my roomie last night instead of you. It was sad :(11:29
=== dpm is now known as dpm-lunch
nigelbjussi: around?12:33
scott-workgood morning :)14:03
duanedesigncjohnston: /`414:28
cjohnstondid you see the conversation in #ubuntuone?14:28
duanedesigni did not, looking now14:29
duanedesigncjohnston: that is interesting. I did not know that. Glad you asked about it :)14:31
akgranerAlanBell, I'll email that film crew , but they aren't back in England yet15:01
akgranerthat part is out of my hands :-) but I can email them and let them sort it out when they get to their office on Tuesday..Thanks15:01
akgranerI'll be afk for most of the day today.  Taking some much needed vacation time and re-grouping :-)15:02
cjohnstonno vacation for akgraner :-P15:03
akgranercjohnston, oh I can find you mister - I am still in FL mind you! :-P15:03
cjohnstonI'll give you directions15:03
nigelbjust astart a fre15:04
nigelbakgraner: just start a fire. He'll come to you.15:04
akgranerPlease give your wife a proper hug from me...I am sorry I couldn't hang out will you all very much...15:04
cjohnstonwill do15:04
akgranerhopefully we can fix that next time you are in Banner elk15:04
cjohnstonim trying to plan out time off for next year..15:05
cjohnstoni have to pick my vacation next week15:05
akgranerhave fun and I hope we'll get to see you all in my neck of the woods next year again15:09
cjohnstoni hope so too15:09
akgranerwell off to hang out with the family  - more tomorrow15:09
cjohnstonbe safe!15:10
=== dpm-lunch is now known as dpm
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
scott-workgood morning15:43
scott-workwow, i'm looking at the people in this channel and i'm amazed at the number of you that i met at uds-p, that's bloody amazing :-)15:43
nigelbscott-work: yeah, at least 18 people in here wwere at UDS15:48
scott-worki thought is was a remarkle and life changing experience, nigelb15:49
scott-workseriously, i don't want to do my work here at work, i just want to work on ubuntu now :)15:50
scott-works/i thought is was/i thought it was15:50
nigelbscott-work: I totally know that feeling :)15:51
dholbachdpm, jcastro: do you know if Jono was going to show up today? or if there were 1-on-1 calls?15:54
czajkowskiscott-work: yay15:54
jcastrodholbach: not sure15:54
jcastroI'm kind of off today, I said I'd be responsive over email15:54
jcastrobut it ends up I'm just working, hah15:54
dholbachgo out and play15:55
scott-workhi czajkowski , how are you feeling today?  still up from yesterday?15:55
czajkowskiscott-work: yup15:55
czajkowskiscott-work: staying up till my bf comes home have dinner with him then I'm gonna sleep15:56
czajkowskiam really tired15:56
cjohnstonthats cause you are so dedicated jcastro15:56
czajkowskihttp://pix.ie/czajkowski/album/426006  for folks not on fb pics of UDS mosly of Friday night15:56
dpmdholbach, I don't know. Generally we don't have the 1-1's after UDS or sprints, but I'm not sure if he wants to have them. I've also got my 1-1 with him today and I don't know if he wants to have it15:56
dholbachthanks dpm15:58
cjohnstondholbach: jono showed up :-)16:10
jonohey cjohnston16:11
dholbachhey jono16:11
dholbachjono, 1-on-1 today?16:11
jonohey dholbach16:11
jonodholbach, yup16:11
dholbachdpm ^16:11
jonodholbach, my call with dpm is in 15 mins16:12
jonoand then with you dholbach in 1hr 1516:12
jonois that what you are expecting?16:12
jonoI know there has been some TZ changes16:12
dholbachjust wasn't sure if we'd talk right after UDS or if you were still travelling, etc.16:12
jonoI figured we will review you BPs16:12
scott-workgood morning jono :)16:18
scott-workczajkowski: you know all the hair and beard i had?  i don't have it anymore ;)16:18
scott-workwife has been bugging me to cut it for a while, i'm pretty cleanly shorn now16:18
jonohey scott-work16:19
scott-workjono: i was saying in channel how much uds-p meant to me and how i don't want to do my regular job, i just want to work on ubuntu16:25
scott-worki grossly underestimated how powerful uds's are16:25
nigelbAh. dholbach is working on BPs.16:26
dholbachnigelb, want some work items?16:27
nigelbdholbach: I have plenty, do you want some?16:27
dholbachno, thanks that's very kind, but no, I can't complain16:27
nigelbdholbach: I managed to get little in the way of formal action items this time. But I have enough scheduled work :)16:28
* cjohnston assigns every summit work item to nigelb 16:28
mhall119hey jcastro, would you have time in the next week or two to run a classroom session on how community teams can make use of trello?16:32
mhall119we've going to use it for the community-web team16:32
cjohnstonjcastro rocks16:32
jcastrothough I still need to have my work in work items, so I'm going to just mirror them16:32
jcastrowe can just bust out a quick google hangout16:33
jcastroit takes about 15 minutes16:33
cjohnstonthats prolly what we are going to do16:33
scott-workdholbach: scott lavender here, i'm tasked on one of the documentation blueprints, but please do not hesitate to poke me as necessary as i will probably get distracted by ubuntu studio development16:43
dholbachscott-work, thanks alot - will do :-)16:44
jcastromy bp's are a mess16:44
jcastroI wish we could just inline etherpad into blueprints16:44
nigelblol, one of jcastro's BP is to clean up a BP.16:45
jcastroso I don't have to copy and paste crap16:45
nigelbjcastro: We could.16:45
nigelbFile a bug.16:45
nigelbNot this cycle though16:45
jcastroI'm not scared about you guys16:45
jcastroI'm scared about lp16:45
nigelbjcastro: I hack on LP. Nothing to be worried about. The week before UDS, mhall119 was asking me something about BPs and I didn't know. I eventually looked at the source, because, y'know, its in my computer ;)16:46
scott-worki'm pretty lucky, i only had a single bp and andy and other kernel guys were pretty disciplined during the session, i only had minor touch ups after the session16:47
* cjohnston will assign scott-work many BPs16:51
jcastrocjohnston: mhall119 we could do a hangout today if you guys want16:51
mhall119jcastro: sure16:51
jcastroI'm mostly just cleaning up my BPs and prepping for travel16:51
cjohnstoni cant do it till thursday16:52
cjohnstonim at work today16:52
jcastromhall119: we can do a quick one today and then link up with cjohnston16:52
jcastroif you want16:52
mhall119nigelb: are you available today?16:52
mhall119though this was cjohnston's initiative, so it might be better to just wait, if you'll be available thursday16:53
nigelbcjohnston: Yep16:53
nigelberr mhall119 - yep16:53
cjohnstoni dont really care.. yall can do it without me.. i can catch up thursday16:53
nigelbmhall119: Tomorrow is a busy day. I need to run around for a visa.16:53
cjohnstontomorrow is tuesday nigelb16:53
mhall119I can be available whenever is good for the rest of you16:53
nigelbsam here.16:54
nigelb*same here16:54
nigelbas long as its at a reasonable time.16:54
nigelb(morning for you guys is my best time)16:54
cjohnstonmhall119: nigelb jcastro thursday at 10?16:56
jcastrosure, whatever16:56
mhall119sounds good16:56
nigelbyep, wfm.16:56
mhall119I have a team call at 11, but we should be done by then16:57
jcastrowe suck if it takes more than 10 minutes16:57
nigelbDo you guys really want to do a hangout?16:57
mhall119do you have a better way?16:58
nigelbor audio-only hangout.16:58
mhall119it will be audio-only for me16:58
mhall119I don't have a webcam16:58
jcastrocjohnston: when are you turning on precise statuses?16:58
cjohnstonjcastro: they are on16:59
nigelbmhall119: I don't think 0.4 is on PyPI.16:59
cjohnstonnigelb: i looked and could swear it was16:59
mhall119nigelb: it's not?  I'll ask achuni, I thought he was going to upload it16:59
jcastrocjohnston: oh right, they need to be approved, etc.16:59
cjohnstonjcastro: i have filed an rt to get the url switched to precise by default16:59
cjohnstonbut ya, you need to get Mr. Metal to approve them for precise16:59
jcastroI bookmarked by precise one16:59
jcastroit's just none of them are approved  yet.17:00
cjohnstonEveryone should have an invite for the trello meeting on thursday17:00
jcastrohere's how the classroom one is done17:05
jcastrowhich is different than the normal todo -> doing -> done17:06
jcastro(check out the subtasks on the back of each card, that is ninja)17:06
dholbachjono, skype? hangout?17:32
jonofiring up a hangout17:33
scott-worklol cjohnston , we still have our own blueprints for this cycle that weren't for uds17:38
scott-workbut we have been working those for the most part already17:39
scott-workbut i still have two or three more to do17:39
scott-workwe have plenty of work at the moment, thank you though ;)17:39
alouriegood evening17:47
bkerensaAlanBell: How do I retrieve Meetingology Minute if I lost the URL?17:53
AlanBellstart there18:16
scott-workAlanBell: meetingology if bloody fantastic!  we used it for our ubuntu studio meeting on sunday and it's top shelf in usability18:17
scott-workerrr....is, not if18:17
AlanBellcool :)18:17
dholbachalright my friends - see you all tomorrow18:21
jcastrojono: call in 10?18:51
jonojcastro, are your blueprints completed?18:58
jcastropretty much18:59
jonowith all work items18:59
jcastronot finalized though18:59
jcastroready to discuss though18:59
jonojcastro, I want to review the finalized blueprints with all the actions set19:02
jonowe can do this on Fri if you like19:02
jonothat is when I am doing Daniel and David's19:02
jcastrosounds good to me19:02
scott-worki hope to get all of ubuntu studio's blueprints to kate tonight19:04
bkerensajono: Does your team manage the Ubuntu page on FB?19:21
jonobkerensa, no19:21
jonobkerensa, although I am an admin19:21
bkerensajono: ok well I was just going to mention G+ is launching pages today :P19:22
jonobkerensa, cool19:22
jussibkerensa: only extra cool people get access today though19:27
bkerensajussi: Solution = E-mail Bradley Horowitz who VP of the G+ Product :P19:28
bkerensahe got me into G+ the day it launched :P19:28
jussibkerensa: aww19:29
bkerensajussi: But I use G+ more than FB these days so I hope to see a +Ubuntu page :)19:29
jussibkerensa: same actually19:30
bkerensajussi: Just to much nonsense hoaxes and game request spam on FB ;)19:30
jcastroFARM ME.19:31
jussibkerensa: and all those "fb is turning to pay site!"19:31
* jussi digs holes in jcastro19:31
scott-workany idea when g+ is opening this up for everyone, bkerensa ?19:32
scott-worki would love to secure +ubuntustudio19:32
jussibkerensa: you can email him and tell him to give me a page :)19:32
bkerensascott-work: Supposedly it is supposed to roll out over this week but I'm not privy to such :P I don't have access yet but I did ping Bradley Horowitz19:33
* bkerensa found a loophole in their page creation19:36
jcastroGet me in there!19:36
jussiwell, cough it up :D19:36
bkerensago there19:36
bkerensait will do a popup saying you cant get in right?19:36
bkerensarefresh the page and click on that pop up but before it redirects you it will give you a quick second19:37
bkerensato click one of the unhighlighted buttons19:37
AlanBelland if you hack the CSS and turn off the overlay and popup, it still doesn't work but it does let you fill out the form :)19:37
bkerensaAlanBell: Yeah I just got that far19:37
bkerensabut without hacking the CSS19:37
AlanBellfirebug is great19:37
bkerensajust uber-fast clicking19:38
AlanBelloh, I filled out the form and hit submit19:38
AlanBellcreate rather19:38
jussiAlanBell: :(19:39
bkerensaAlanBell: Did it work?19:40
AlanBellno, error submitting form19:40
jussiaww: "Error creating page. Please try again"19:42
* bkerensa has never used FireBug so no idea how to remove the CSS element19:43
AlanBelljussi: we have failed to outwit google19:43
jussiAlanBell: sadly. next time Ill win!19:44
AlanBellfirebug is awesome, but don't start learning it with G+ pages19:44
bkerensaAlanBell: What do you get if you win?19:47
* Pendulum is safely home with power and heat!19:47
bkerensaAlanBell & Jussi:19:50
bkerensaBradley Horowitiz19:50
bkerensajust commented on my G+19:50
bkerensahe said pages will be globally live in seconds19:50
AlanBellI am not in a hurry, I wanted to be cheeky more than I wanted a G+ page19:50
jussiI actually want the page...19:51
scott-workhi Pendulum , that is great that you have power and heat!  i'm glad to have met you face to face at uds :)19:51
scott-workby the way, scott-work = scott lavender (ubuntu studio guy) at work ;)19:52
bkerensajussi: G+ Page Land Grab19:52
* bkerensa sets a script to refresh the page creation url19:53
Pendulumscott-work: I know who you are. It was good to meet you too :)19:53
mhall119Pendulum: home?19:55
Pendulummhall119: yes. Was about to text Michelle to let her know19:55
Pendulumhouse seems to be fine, I am fine, there is heat and power and internet. Anywhere there were trees looks a bit disasterous (and there may or may not still be a tree there)19:56
mhall119well, at least you have the essentials20:03
cjohnstonhttp://status.ubuntu.com is now displaying the 'precise' cycle20:17
scott-workthat's a really pretty page20:29
scott-worki don't mean it being for precise, specifically20:29
scott-worki just mean that especially compared to some of the wiki stuff, this is a very well designed page20:29
scott-workfor those curious about me cutting my hair and beard after uds:  https://plus.google.com/100313956509426913392/posts/dWQVYkdDGv621:00
cjohnstonthat looks like it was a lot of work21:06
jcastrohahaha WOW.21:06
czajkowskiscott-work: totally different person there21:07
czajkowskiscott-work: you look great either way21:07
scott-workyeah, it's quite different21:10
scott-workczajkowski: you'll make me blush ;)21:10
bkerensaHey guys21:11
jcastroI AM IN.21:11
bkerensago create a G+ page for your locos21:11
bkerensaUbuntu Oregon is first G+Ubuntu related page ;P21:12
jcastrosnagged juju21:18
cjohnstonnow there's some good juju21:21
bkerensajcastro: I snagged +Linux21:21
bkerensaHAR HAR HA21:21
* bkerensa goes on epic G+ page land grab21:22
popeyI already got UUPC ages ago :D21:22
popeyisnt that a bit rude?21:27
bkerensapopey: ?21:31
popeygrabbing trademarked things like +Linux ?21:32
jcastrojono: ok I have unity and juju21:44
jonojcastro, yeah I have done most of the rest21:45
jcastronice timing21:45
jcastroI've been posting links from the youtube channel21:45
jcastrowhich is trivial to do21:45
jonoJane mailed me almost immediately as soon as they were being registered :-)21:45
jcastrothis will make getting the videos out so much easier21:45
jcastroI've added the right links on the subpages I own too21:45
jcastrothat will make "+juju" and "+unity" work right in google21:46
jcastroI just need to find a way to have more than one person manage a site?21:46
topylii haven't yet figured out how to go back to pages i created in order to admin them :)22:15
topyliah found it22:17
bkerensapopey: Linux is perpetually sublicensed for free worldwide22:44
bkerensaie: Open22:44
popeyI never said it wasn't.22:51
bkerensapopey: Well then how is it rude to secure it before a spam bot does if the trademark allows such?22:52
popeyHow will you hand it over to the Linux Foundation when they ask for it?22:54
popeys/when/when & if/22:54
bkerensapopey: Well I e-mailed LMI which technically owns the Mark.... and cc'ed Linux Foundation all prior to securing the page22:57
bkerensapopey: I kind of doubt they will want it considering they do not manage or own any of the "Linux" pages on other social networks22:57
bkerensaLinux on Facebook for instance is managed by a guy in Spain22:57
mhall119hmmm, I created a G+ page for Qimo, tried to mention it on Facebook, and it's dropping those status updated into the void23:30
popeythey're probably getting aggregated with all the other plus updates23:31
popey"These people mentioned google plus"23:32
popeyoh no, facebook is properly broken23:32
popeyhmm, can't see your post23:33
bkerensapopey: I informed Google+'s VP of Product so I think everyone is aware about +Linux and why it was created for safeguarding23:33
AlanBellit doesn't seem to enforce any kind of uniqueness on page names23:36
AlanBellI think if someone else creates +Linux they can just do it23:37
AlanBelland their +Linux may or may not be more popular than your version, and one or the other might be reported for removal, but their strategy for name squatting seems to be to let people create dupes, so squatting has no value23:38
bkerensaAlanBell: Indeed23:41
bkerensaAlanBell: But then brands pages will have no value either23:41
AlanBelland nothing of value was lost23:42
bkerensasomeone could create a Amazon page and affiliate link the heck out of it23:42
AlanBellyeah, they will, because they will have all the followers23:42
bkerensaand make money on Google's fail to weight pages23:42
mhall119bkerensa: did you see Linus's comment?23:52
mhall119Linus Torvalds  -  Junio already created the git one. And I'm trying to create the Linux one, but for some reason Google+ is taking forever thinking about it. I suspect it's doing some kind of background search on the term, and is being confused.23:52
mhall119Or then it's just everybody else also trying to create a Linux page.23:52
popeyheh, he created it called Linus, not Linux23:55
pleia2and then called himself a moron, doh :)23:56

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