
TribaalHi folks15:00
Tribaalslashtommy: sorry about this weekend, I was offline most of the time (irccloud still marks me as being present I assume)15:00
slashtommyah, that's fine15:00
slashtommythere was a lot of stuff on this last weekend15:01
slashtommythe ILUG AGM and the Tog open social15:01
Tribaaloh cool15:01
TribaalI had to visit flats with my wife etc...15:01
Tribaalbut now we found something cool at least15:01
Tribaalin Rathmines15:01
slashtommynot bad, not too far out15:02
TribaalI'm looking forward to move in15:03
Tribaalbut that'll be on the 20th onlz15:03
BenChapmanhas anyone here used a CF card attached as SATA to a PC to boot ubuntu faster? Any issues with it?17:02
serenityjust a notify: 5 people of ubuntu-de (read ubuntuusers.de) will be in Dublin on New Years Eve21:41
airurandohi serenity21:46
airurandothat sounds like fun21:46
airurandohopefully some of the ubuntu-ie folks will be able to hook up with you on New Years eve.21:47
airurandoperhaps we should generate an event on the loco team portal21:49
czajkowskiairurando: ello there21:49
airurandohi czajkowski21:49
airurandojet lag?21:49
czajkowskinope been awake all day21:50
czajkowskiam kinda tired now21:50
airurandogood UDS?21:51
czajkowskiaye very21:51
serenityairurando: one of us talked with some of you21:51
czajkowskipretty busy though21:51
czajkowskias you can tell from my blog posts21:52
serenitythey will hook up21:52
serenityubuntu-ie/-de meetup..canonical, where's your wallet? ;)21:52
airurandoczajkowski when do you start the new job?21:55
czajkowskitomorrow morning21:55
airurandovery best of luck with it.21:55
airurandowhat will you be doing?21:56
czajkowskiwriting open source articles for the h-online.com21:56
airurandonice :)21:56
airurandoI look forward to reading them21:57
serenityairurando: an event would be cool21:59
airurandoserenity your idea :)22:01
serenitywill talk with our guys22:01
airurandoif you put it up on the ubuntu-de loco team portal page we can promote it here22:01
airurandoor vice versa22:02
airurandosome of the guys here live in Dublin and can suggest places22:03
airurandopop in here anytime to chat about it22:03
serenitythat would be cool. As tourist i don't like places made for tourists ;)22:04
=== airurando changed the topic of #ubuntu-ie to: Welcome to Ubuntu Ireland! || http://www.ubuntu-ie.org/ || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam || This channel is logged - logs at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ || Next IRC Meeting: Wednesday 16 Nov 11 @ 9pm || Stay tuned for details of the next Ubuntu Hour!

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