
EvilResistanceno flood bots in -server?00:13
Picino, its historically a much lower volume channel to need them.00:22
EvilResistancei see.  i only ask because we hit micro-flood when someone pasted in -server00:26
pangolinhyper-paranoid people are funny01:23
funkyHatwhat. no we're not. what do you mean, I'm not paranoid?01:24
Jordan_UI'm not paranoid if the penguins are really out to get me.01:25
Jordan_UThat's why I use linux by the way, keep your friends close...01:25
ubottuIn #ubuntu, SushiDude said: ubottu, but is the firewall on?03:50
ubottuIn ubottu, meta-coder said: !you is I am a bot.05:43
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi
ubottullutz_ called the ops in #ubuntu (ucenik*)08:27
ubottutheadmin called the ops in #ubuntu (jasonmchristos is being a troll, please, someone, get rid of it)11:05
jasonmchristoswhy was i baned11:08
ikoniayou where removed from the channel11:09
jasonmchristosi stoped11:09
ikoniabecuase I asked you to stop what you where doing and you agreed, you then went the exact opposite approach11:09
ikoniayou went from telling people not to use to telling everyone to use
jasonmchristoswas sarcasm11:10
jasonmchristosi said when thier isp provides it11:10
ikoniaI can only conclude either a.) you are trying to provoke people or b.) you don't understand what you are saying - so I've removed you from the channel11:10
jasonmchristoswhen you use the local isps ns its more protected11:10
ikoniajasonmchristos: ok - so I ask you to stop what you're doing, and you start making sarcastic comments about it11:10
ikoniajasonmchristos: not helpful and not what I asked you to do11:10
ikoniajasonmchristos: please stop11:10
jasonmchristosthen resolving from an external network that doescensorship11:10
ikoniajasonmchristos: if you want to use #ubuntu, join it and HELP people with sound reasoned advice11:10
ikoniajasonmchristos: if you can't do that, don't use the channel11:11
jasonmchristosits sound advice to say use your isp's nameserver11:11
jasonmchristosits safer11:11
ikoniait is - but if you follow what theadmin was doing, he was trying to resolv/debug a problem11:11
jasonmchristossecurity wise11:11
jasonmchristosbesides censorship11:11
ikoniaso you spouting random stuff about racist content/sarcasm doesn't help11:11
jasonmchristosok sorry11:12
jasonmchristosill just go do something else11:12
ikoniajasonmchristos: so - if you feel you can join in with a conversation usefully, please rejoin #ubuntu, if you don't, please leave11:12
jasonmchristosnext time i will try another approach11:12
ikoniajasonmchristos: ok - that's great, please leave this channel now. If you feel like you can use #ubuntu properly, please re-join #ubuntu, if not, there are other channels11:14
topylijasonmchristos: if there's nothing else, please part this channel, as we don't allow idling. thanks11:32
Tm_Tnice lag, did the command 2 minutes ago11:47
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Angelon appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)13:31
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (lakatosi appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)14:14
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1549 users, 3 overflows, 1552 limit))14:22
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1598 users, 0 overflows, 1598 limit))14:28
Myrttiyes yes I know you are confused14:28
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1611 users, 1 overflows, 1612 limit))14:30
pangolinpoor bots getting yelled at for doing what they are meant to do :/14:32
* pangolin slaps all the floodbots14:32
pangolinnow they have a reason to cry14:32
Myrtti_webcgatso apparently there is a worldwide Juniper routers decide to die-day16:33
Myrtti_webcgatI can't access my shell16:33
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* genii-around makes a note to check the one in the office later16:46
Myrtti_webchat_I'm not amused at all16:49
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genii-aroundDarn. I start typing replies, get sidetracked, return and finish reply, then they have already departed by the time I finish and hit enter. :-/18:53
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth

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