
=== vivien_ is now known as Vivouille
=== Vivouille is now known as vivouille
Chexdejuren: hey drago!! :) 20:50
dejurenChex: Hi Stefan20:53
dejurenwhat's new?20:54
Chexdejuren: just settling in at the new job :) 20:55
dejurenChex: nothing exciting on my site as well.. just got some oneiric strange behaviour, like the old days hehe20:57
Chexdejuren: yeah same for me, fixes some things, breaks others20:57
MagicFabdejuren, hi21:14
dejurenMagicFab: hi, what's up21:15
MagicFablearning about OpenVPN ALS (aka SSL VPN)21:16
dejurengood... I'm digging some simple stuff like scp host1 host2... which turns out to be realy tricky21:17
MagicFabjust copying stuff around ?21:18
dejurenyep... getting involved the ssh-agent and key forwarding21:19
dejurenand the sh...t is scp adds automatically -a to _disable_ key FW21:19
dejurenand the copy fails....21:20
Chexdejuren: funny I am fighting with ssh host keys with ssh remote acces, as well21:20
Chexone host is working, another is not.. I setup the public key properly on the remote site, but no luck.. 21:20
* dejuren thinks to anonce ssh week on #ubuntu-qc21:21
dejurenChex: ssh -v doesn't help?21:22
MagicFabget a support contract :)21:22
Chexssh -vvv, and nope21:22
ChexMagicFab: heh, these are centos systems :P21:22
dejurenChex: maybe you should try with a new key (temporary one)21:24
Chexdejuren: cant really do that, stuff is in production on that server21:32
ChexI am going to punt to the admin who is training me tomorrow21:32
dejurenbut you should be able to try with test account and ssh key i guess... but you're right, depends on how strictly is that box monitored and what policy permitts to do there21:34
MagicFabChex, if you can copy the private key + config to a sandboxed local box (test ?), try to reproduce/debug there21:35
Chexsomething I never had at canonical21:40
Chexand I need it here, actually, I can do that.. 21:40

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