
mvojibel: just FYI, I'm currently working on substancially simplifiying the config required to setup the auto-upgrade-test profiles11:01
jibelmvo, ok thanks.11:19
jibelmvo, I moved the upgrade tests to wazn this morning11:19
jibelmvo, I'm doing a couple of manual run to check that everything is ok and will reenable the jenkins job after lunch11:20
jibelmvo, how was your flight back BTW ?11:21
jibelmvo, cool, it works. I'll add support for amd64 and deploy it on aldebaran11:29
mvojibel: flight back was good, I managed to sleep quite a bit12:09
mvojibel: I have amd64 support in trunk mostly ready, hope this message makes it to you in time for not duplicating effort12:10
mvojibel: sorry for the slowness, I was a lunch12:10
mvojibel: lp:update-manager trunk has a server-amd64 profile now12:20
jibelmvo, ah nice, I'll check it out, thanks12:27
jibelmvo, I think BaseImage should be set to SourceRelease instead of TargetRelease by default,13:14
jibelmvo, otherwise a lucid and an oneiric upgrade to precise will have the same baseimage, isn't it ?13:15
mvojibel: yeah, indeed, sorry for that, fixed in bzr now13:19
jibelmvo, no problem.13:29
jibelmvo, it takes 3 min to test a server upgrade :)13:29
jibelmvo, I'll try with a tmpfs and see if it can go faster13:29
mvojibel: can I get access to this machine as well please ;) ?13:29
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