
DavieyIf someone sees ball, can they tell him to use #ubuntu-mythtv please03:36
MartijnVdSDaviey: memoserv? :)05:40
florent_perhaps it is too early to speak05:46
florent_i'm french and i research a computer scientist in oder to improve my english expression05:47
florent_What's more, i want to understand little better ubuntu 11.1005:48
florent_nobody ?05:48
* ball waves06:43
shaunoball: 03:36 < Daviey> If someone sees ball, can they tell him to use #ubuntu-mythtv please07:12
shaunoalso, morning o/07:12
ballshauno: Thanks, I figured that out after I asked the question.  I appreciate passing on the message though.07:27
joar_ #joar07:28
AlanBellmorning all07:33
ballMorning AlanBell!07:36
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AlanBellgood trip back?08:27
popeyyeah, all recovered08:28
* popey hugs landscape08:32
DJonesMorning all08:34
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* ball waves08:36
TheOpenSourcerermorning earthlings08:36
TheOpenSourcererLet's hope "they" are right and this asteroid that passes between us and the moon is going to miss ;-)08:37
shaunothe nerd in me thinks it'd be pretty neat if it hit the moon08:37
TheOpenSourcerer"Scientists say the asteroid will miss us, but it will be barely more  than 200,000 miles away when it passes Earth at 11:13 p.m. Tuesday"08:40
TheOpenSourcererThat sounds quite close to me...08:40
shaunoit's odd talking about close on that scale.  earth's only ~8000 miles wide08:44
popeythe universe is very very very big. 200K miles is _very_ close :D08:46
jmltry flying it in economy!08:48
hoovergood morning08:58
MooDoomorning all09:01
diplomorning all09:09
AlanBellpopey: figured out what you do yet?09:15
selinuxiumGood morning all    o/09:15
MooDoogood weekend everyone?09:16
popeyyes AlanBell09:16
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:23
* ball waves09:23
* brobostigon waves back09:23
brobostigonmorning Laney09:26
brobostigonmoin Myrtti09:27
TheOpenSourcererThunderbird & Firefox 8 are released tomorrow. Oh how I hate thee - quick release cycle with major version number change.09:27
* awilkins yawns and stretches now that his cavity wall insulation has been done09:29
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: what happens if you just set the plugin to be compatible with thunderbird up to version 10 for example?09:30
TheOpenSourcererIt might keep working. Then again it might not. ;-)09:30
diploTheOpenSourcerer, It's whats holding me back upgrading at the mo09:31
diplothe version changes09:31
AlanBellpopey: glitter bang sparkle09:31
diploI use some of my plugins daily, don't want the chance of them breaking just to have newest09:31
TheOpenSourcererI could project support forward but not by much (only 9 and 10.0a1) currently: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/pages/appversions/09:33
TheOpenSourcererThat was a manic and great firework display popey - I saw that yesterday. Kids thought it was great.09:34
AlanBellok, so no forward projecting by much if you want to be in the addon store09:34
TheOpenSourcererEven not in the store. Those numbers are what are "understood" by the app.09:35
TheOpenSourcererIf I tried 10.* for exmaple it would barf.09:35
JamesTaitMorning all! May your Monday be magnificent! :)09:36
AlanBellhuh?? so how would an older version of the app use your latest plugin?09:36
TheOpenSourcererThere is a min version09:36
TheOpenSourcererand a max version09:36
AlanBellyes, so say I have current thunderbird 7.01, and I want to keep that09:37
AlanBelland next year your app supports thunderbird 13 because it is allowed to then09:37
TheOpenSourcerermin version is 3.something iirc09:38
AlanBellwould my thunderbird reject the plugin because it doesn't understand the max version?09:38
TheOpenSourcererI see. Dunno.09:38
* TheOpenSourcerer decides to do some more testing later.09:38
* ball is using a Webcam in Chippenham to test some application servers10:11
ikoniaball: you're reasonably local to me11:27
ballikonia: Where are you?11:34
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)11:39
bigcalmpopey: is that you jetlagged face?11:39
popeyhah, no jetlag here11:39
ballikonia: Where are you?11:40
ballI'll brb.11:42
TheOpenSourcererMelatonin FTW!11:54
DJonesWhoever has got the remote control for the heating, please use it and turn it up a few notches12:29
TheOpenSourcerer+1 DJones - I have just donned my old baggy jumper12:30
TheOpenSourcererI refuse to heat the whole house when there's just me in one room.12:30
DJonesI'm not quite that cold, but I think the jumper will be needed when I go out for dinner12:31
DJonesAnybody interested in HP Touchpads, if your a registered webOS developer you can get a 32Gb Touchpad for £130 https://developer.palm.com/content/resources/develop/developer_device_program.html12:55
ali12341hmm i might be one of those12:59
diploGot to be pre-registered DJones ?13:00
diploLoading page now13:00
diplobut internet here is sssssooooooooo slooow13:00
DJonesI picked the report up about it from here http://www.reghardware.com/2011/11/07/hp_offers_devs_cheap_touchpad_tablets/13:00
DJones"Signing up for a Developer Account is free, though you'll need a PayPal account"13:01
diplomay sign up just to try13:03
* TheOpenSourcerer is quite pleased with his touchpad.13:10
* TheOpenSourcerer is looking forward to getting CM7 or 9 on it though.13:10
directhexTheOpenSourcerer, the irony is there are more touchpad apps than android tablet apps, since there are more webos tablets than android tablets sold13:11
directhexHP are accidentally #2 in the market behind apple13:11
ali12341what is that i don't even13:12
ali12341how many touchpad apps are there?13:13
AlanBelldefining tablet to be a fondleslab that isn't a phone?13:13
bigcalmWhat's the native app language for WebOS tablet apps?13:13
bigcalmThen that might contribute to there being more apps for WebOS13:15
bigcalmA lot of web devs know HTML/CSS. We don't really need to learn Objective C or Java13:16
bigcalmWell, the linux desktop ideal is slowly getting there13:18
bigcalmBut I agree with that tweet13:18
ali12341desktop is dead13:18
bigcalmLong live the desktop!13:18
bigcalmWhy am I struggling to find a document holder? Are they not called that?13:24
DJonesYou mean something like this http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&sugexp=ppwl&cp=15&gs_id=1n&xhr=t&q=document+holder&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1154&bih=667&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=15542777574166386784&sa=X&ei=M9y3TojvBorNhAeLh7ixBA&sqi=2&ved=0CHsQ8wIwAQ13:25
bigcalmYes. Except I need one with a g-clamp as I've run out of desk space13:26
DJonesIf it is, probably better looking for "desktop copyholder"13:26
bigcalmTa :)13:26
DJonesHeh http://www.amazon.com/Kensington-Adjustable-Ergonomic-Copyholder-K62066/dp/B00006B8MX/ref=pd_sbs_op_1913:27
bigcalmThink it would attach to a TFT?13:28
DJonesLooks like it needs a decent sized area to stick onto, TFT I've got in front of me only has about 2cm's depth on the side of the case13:29
DJonesThere is this http://www.amazon.com/3M-Mounted-Holder-Capacity-DH445/dp/B00006IA8S/ref=pd_sbs_op_313:30
DJonesWhen you search doe flat panel mount copyholder, seems to be loads of them13:33
bigcalmLunch time is here. Might pop out and have a look around Staples13:33
DJones\o/ After the complete farce of new software providers saying that their system would do things and then finding out they wouldn't/couldn't, we've abandoned the system, lets see if we get any money back (although we do have a recorded conversation between their directors & ours admitting they'd mis-sold it)13:36
diploDJones, good luck, we went through that for months/years trying to get back 80k13:38
Myrttiwhat is the current going price for webhosting for a small website that needs a) php b) mysql c) shell access with vi/vim and d) allows phpBB2 to be run in it?13:39
popeyhehe, that was all good till you said d)13:39
MooDooMyrtti: small vps from bitfolk?13:40
Myrttipopey: d) is because I'm lazy and I have limited amounts of patience to try to migrate to phpBB3 without handhelding13:40
diploShared hosting is going to be cheaper MooDoo ?13:40
diploI pay £4.50 a month for 150gb disc space/unlimited data13:40
DJonesdiplo: I can believe it, luckily all our conversations are recorded and we've got mutiple recordings with admitting they sold us a product that wouldn't work & that they'd sacked teh sales rep13:40
Myrttimind you, the discussion forum does have traffic instead of being stagnant13:41
diploheh we were employing the guy who sold us it and it still went to court13:41
diploYep, these people don't like giving up ( well this compnay )13:41
Myrttithat didn't make much sense13:42
diploI use GoDaddy atm Myrtti as I said it's cheaper, hosted in the EU13:42
Myrtti2800 registered users, 226688 messages, seven years running13:43
diplo2800 registered, but how many active :)13:43
diploI've got 400-500 members of my forums, with 10 active now :D13:44
Olipopey (or other EMEA council bod): any news on when the 1st's membership meeting has been postponed to yet?13:45
popeyOli: uhm. I am not on it anymore, ask czajkowski13:46
OliOh right, my bad. Is that (your not being on it) recent?13:46
popeyfairly, yes13:47
Myrttidiplo: ask again in a few hours, users are either at work or doing something else important at the moment, the peak comes after six o'clock13:48
Myrttidiplo: only four at the moment13:48
diployeah I don't have to watch load anymore, made life a lot easier..13:49
diploAll because we all got old / had kids / no time.13:49
czajkowskiOli: just finding out now, we were all at UDS last week.13:49
Oliczajkowski: Thanks13:51
czajkowskiOli: we'll contact the applicants when we figure out a day, alternatively you can add your name to the Americas board if that is sooner ok.13:54
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* Laney just slipped on a pile of Ubuntu CDs13:55
funkyHatUbuntu CDs -- the new bananas?14:01
* Laney writes to hanna barbera14:04
ali12341i think it's trying to snow14:07
dwatkinsit can't be that cold, surely?14:14
=== dipl0 is now known as diplo
daubersIs there a summary of all the big decisions made at UDS somewhere?14:48
MooDoohow tall are you popey ?14:48
NET||abuseHi folks, having a weird time with 11.10, using 11.04 on laptop, and things are great, 11.10 is ok, but got some reaaaly odd stuff14:49
NET||abusewhen you alt-tab you get all the windows of a type up at the same time,14:49
NET||abuseit's not really very good as it then makes it MORE difficult to switch between windows of that same type wihtout using th emouse14:49
NET||abuseme == mostlykeyboard guy14:49
NET||abusesecondly, trying to use the compiz screenshot tool, it's giving the blue overlay for the screenshot selector with the screenshot14:50
NET||abuseeg.. http://www.ashe-browne.com/tmp/yahoo1.jpg and http://www.ashe-browne.com/tmp/yahoo2.jpg14:51
NET||abuseYou can see yahoo2.jpg has the blueness overlaid on it14:51
NET||abusethe first is taken with regular PrtScn and cropped in gimp14:51
popeyMooDoo: why?14:52
NET||abusepopey: he's mesurin yer cofin14:52
MooDoopopey: lol no saw a pic of the loco council with you and czajkowski just wondering how tall the other chap is :)14:52
jussithat pic popey's eyes are like a devil...14:54
MooDooi just want to be the tallest ubuntu user in the world EVER!! :)14:54
mgdmpopey has stolen my tshirt!14:55
hutchme 2  (I'm only 5'3") What R my chances?14:55
awilkinsNET||abuse, With the task switcher, you can break into the list of similar windows by using the down arrow, and move between them with side arrows14:56
mgdmhttp://twitpic.com/68x23y <-- me in same tshirt14:56
MooDoomgdm: hmmm why is popey wearing your clothes?14:57
NET||abuseanyway, questions, can i configure any of these things?14:57
mgdmMooDoo: it's worrying14:57
NET||abuseawilkins: yeh i saw that, but it sucks as a shortcut, the efort required to context shift into alt-tabbing, and then hit down and left right between windows, it's too different14:58
NET||abuseso it sucks14:58
NET||abuseTo me it feels like an interface getting in the way14:59
hutchIs there a way to add dash home to cairo docck and remove side bar?14:59
diploNET||abuse, One of the reasons I've been trying Gnome3 :)15:00
NET||abusediplo: have you got compiz on gnome3 or does it have it's own compositing window decoration?15:01
nymwarI'm using Gnome shell on 11.1015:01
diploMetacityI belive15:01
diploSame here nymwar15:01
nymwarAFAIK it doesn't use compiz15:01
NET||abusehmm, anyway, issue at hand is i like the quick box selection in compiz screenshot15:01
NET||abusebut it's giving me that blue colour15:02
hutchcompiz and metacity are differen't aren't they?15:02
NET||abusethere's no options to turn off that blue overlay colour it uses in the ccsm config tool15:02
NET||abusehutch: they have some kind of seperation of roles yeh15:02
diploSeems it's replaced by Mutter not metacity15:03
diploah, Mutter = Metacity+Clutter :)15:03
ali12341NET||abuse: that's a known bug/race condition15:03
NET||abuseali12341: ah, so no fix currently?15:04
ali12341the overlaw box doesn't disappear fast enough before the screenshot is taken, because for some reason copiz unity goes *really* slow on oneiric15:04
hutchI'm waiting for mint to come out to try Gnome 3 alongside ubuntu15:04
NET||abuseali12341: really, wow, that sucks,15:04
NET||abusecome on Canonical, get your shiiiiiii....p in order15:04
* NET||abuse forgot i have backspace15:05
ali12341dragging windows between desktops is painful15:06
ali12341redraws about 1 frame per second, tries to snap to everything or half miximize15:06
ali12341it wouldn't be so bad if the window placement was sensible or if it was possible to open windows when something is fullsreen on the left monitor15:07
nymwarI think there's still some way to go before Unity is really usable15:07
hamitronhopefully 5 months15:07
NET||abuseit's usable, just has some,      character, yeh that's it15:07
ali12341it's usable if you have infinite patience15:08
hamitronfor someone with very little, that counts me out :/15:08
ali12341it gets frustrating when you are trying to do something on a deadline though15:08
nymwarMy gripes would be: easy ability to disable global menu, better workspace management, ability to change the position of the dock15:09
hamitronI think I will find Unity better than expected15:09
hamitronI've heard so much against it, I'm expecting the worst when I switch ;)15:10
nymwarthere also seems to be a tendency for things to maximize involuntarily15:10
hutchI want to add dash home to cairo dock and remove side bar but can't move dash yet15:10
ali12341it has started hiding fullscreen windows now for somer eason15:10
ali12341never seen that before15:10
directhexi'm trying the wife on gnome shell.15:18
KrisDouglasI've switched to Unity 2D (on an NVidia 9600GT 1GB w/ binary drivers) and the system is about 80% faster.15:20
KrisDouglasIm sure this isn't a good thing.15:21
daubersdirecthex: You make it sound like a form of medication15:21
directhexdaubers, given her system is an atom netbook, it's more like massochism15:21
mgdmit didn't work all that well on my netbook15:22
mgdmthe fans spent much of their time on15:22
ali12341i keep hearing about how compositing desktops are so much faster because they offload work to the GPU15:26
ali12341but there's one thing a GPU doesn't have and that is process management15:27
ali12341so as soon as you have more than one thing using it, it grinds to a halt15:27
directhexaha "don't run a bitcoin miner and fallout 3 at the same time"15:27
directhexAKA, even15:27
ali12341more like "don't try to run fallout 3 and compiz at the same time"15:28
ali12341brb switching to unity2d15:29
Myrttioh come on Ubuntu, you can do it, all I did was press page down in my irssi...15:29
* Myrtti kicks the tablet a bit15:30
Myrttiand now it crashes?15:30
ali1234this is significantly faster15:32
ali1234unfortunately there's no panel on the second monitor, so no way to unmaximize windows or access their menus15:33
popeyI played with a demo of unity on 6 screens at UDS15:40
ali1234this isn't unity this is unity2d15:41
ali1234need to reboot for updates15:42
hamitronDev: "ewwww, 2d, not working on that"15:43
AlanBellunity2d is really really similar to unity 3d15:44
AlanBellin fact, I flipped into 2d by accident and it took a couple of days before I bothered to investigate why the grid maximise thing wasn't working15:45
oimon1is ther a way to get suspend/resume working with nvidia drivers? worked with nouveau 2d drivers but not proprietary ones15:45
Myrttiis the friday night comedy special BBC4 podcast available only in UK? I think my gpodder is chocking on it15:46
popeyMyrtti: http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/radio4/fricomedy/rss.xml15:47
popeythat one?15:47
Myrttilooks about right, I got it from gpodder.net, it's quite high on the toplist15:48
MooDoochristel: you causing netsplit issues again ;)15:51
MyrttiMooDoo: it seems to have not been limited to freenode only15:52
MooDoowoohoo :S15:52
Myrttiatleast foonet and by some rumours efnet were effected as well15:52
Myrttiso there must have been a great disturbance in the force15:53
Myrttioh man, and my unity crashes again. or compiz. or whatever15:55
christelMooDoo:  http://blog.phyber.com/level3-outage-likely-juniper-bug15:56
ali1234that bunch of updates i just did seems to have really improved the speed problems16:41
ali1234or maybe it is just because i rebooted16:42
popeymgdm: threadless have free shipping for orders over 50 USD!16:44
mgdmpopey: !16:44
bigcalmOh dear16:44
popeyi just got their spam16:44
popeyvery welcome spam it is!16:44
bigcalmI got Subway spam saying that it was a double points Monday. But didn't get to go because Hayley is off sick :(16:46
mgdmtalking of spam, guess who I still get (unwelcome) spa from?16:46
bigcalmpopey: did you manage to stop the Adobe spam?16:46
mgdmI resorted to the MTA16:47
popeyi block that now16:47
bigcalmmgdm: bounce it back to them?16:47
mgdmYeah, I do16:47
mgdmwell, with a 550 'Bog off' type response16:48
bigcalmpopey: so are you working from home full time now?16:48
popeybigcalm: yes16:51
bigcalmAha. You can join us for a workplace day in Wolverhampton on the 17th then ;)16:51
bigcalmSpeaking of which, is davmor2 still alive?16:52
popeyI met mrs davmor2 too16:52
DJonespopey: Will you get one of the shiny "canonical" cloaks for irc16:52
MooDoopopey: did you give her a hug for putting up with davmor2 ;)16:53
popeynah, I'll keep my ubuntu one I reckon16:53
popeyMooDoo: my first words were "oh, I'm sorry"16:53
mgdmAm I the only one who thinks this whole Olympic torch relay thing is gigantic waste of time/effort/money/energy/all of the above?17:01
popeys/torch relay//17:02
bigcalmOh you cynic ;)17:02
AlanBellmgdm: http://twitter.com/#!/grumpygamemaker17:03
mgdmpopey: well, yes, but I was just reading about them taking a burning stick to various bits of the UK17:03
mgdmAlanBell: hah! Nice :)17:04
bigcalmAlanBell: you?17:05
AlanBellI couldn't possibly say17:05
* DJones digs out the sat nav & map after hearing that the motorway home has been closed until midnight after a serious accident17:10
MartijnVdSDJones: google maps \o/17:11
mgdmDJones: M56?17:13
MartijnVdSlooks bad on the googles17:14
MartijnVdSmore north/east than south/westbound though17:14
DJonesYeah, from what I've heard/read, HGV came off a road going above the M56 & crashed down onto the carriagway, cars then crashed into that, air ambulance in attendance17:15
MartijnVdSYou're not having a good week on the motorways in England17:15
DJonesI go down that slip road every work day17:15
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bigcalmCan you give a <br /> a class?17:59
mgdmbigcalm: probably, but... why? :)18:08
ubuntuuk-planet[Jo Shields] Bansheegeddon - http://apebox.org/wordpress/rants/398/18:09
bigcalmmgdm: hide the line break from desktop sites and only show on mobiles18:14
AlanBelldirecthex: I suggest you add an item to the community council agenda requesting them to review the way the default apps decision process works18:17
mgdmbigcalm: Hmm18:18
bigcalmmgdm: it's a horrible idea I know :)18:20
mgdmrather :)18:22
bigcalmRight now I'm trying to work out where about 300px of rhs padding it coming from. Makes the mobile version look silly18:24
mgdmits' not to do with the viewport size and initial scale and all that?18:24
bigcalmThe issue is only present on some pages18:25
bigcalmFound it :)18:28
* bigcalm slaps a position:absolute; element18:28
bigcalmJust noticed that it's half past home time18:30
Guntoriananyone here to help me please18:50
AlanBellhi Guntorian18:50
GuntorianI need some help18:50
GuntorianI got an acer aspire 6935g18:51
Guntorianand now im setting up a second moniter18:51
Guntorianapart from the one on the laptop18:51
Guntorianbut im not sue how18:51
AlanBelljust plug it in, and run the displays application, should be able to arrange them how you want there18:52
AlanBellis it Ubuntu 11.10?18:52
Guntorianit doesnt seem to be finding it18:52
Guntorianwhen I started up the laptop and has to pick windows or ubuntu it showed18:53
Guntorianbut once ubuntu started it hasnt worked18:53
AlanBelljust researching it a bit . . .18:54
Guntorianok np18:55
AlanBellgot any keyboard shortcuts like fn+f5 to turn it on?18:55
Guntorianlemme try ( my internal keyboard is abit broken18:56
Guntorianit worked18:58
Guntorianbut it came on18:59
Guntorianand went off18:59
Guntorianbut now the led is blue not yellow of the monitor18:59
Guntorianif I unplug the vga and put it back in the monitor comes on for like 1 second19:00
AlanBellis it perhaps set to a resolution the monitor can't support?19:05
celestehhello, i am trying to install the remix os, which is an ubuntu fork19:17
celestehthe download link on the official looking website links to a webpage that's all in russian and it seems a bit dodgy19:18
AlanBellerr, don't do that then19:18
celestehi guess there's not an easy way to tell if the site has been hacked?19:19
directhexyou'd need to ask the creators of that distribution19:20
celestehAre the on freenode?19:21
AlanBellI have never heard of the distribution19:22
celestehi just got a new computer (switching from mac) and wanted to run puredyne, but that distro is too old for a new laptop19:22
* AlanBell has never heard of that either19:22
AlanBellif you have any Ubuntu questions we might be able to help :)19:23
celestehi tried ubuntu studio earlier, but it seems to be mostly aimed at video and not audio19:23
celestehthey're ubuntu forks. sorry, for being offtopic19:23
celestehit's my understanding that ubuntu cannot deal with real-time audio production without changing the kernel because it glitches?19:24
BigRedSyeah, there was a real-time kernel I thought?19:26
mgdmcelesteh: depends what you're trying to do19:26
TheOpenSourcererWOW - Look at this graph of a hdd price: http://www.extremetech.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/CamelEgg1.png19:26
celestehsupercollider and ardour, mostly19:26
TheOpenSourcererApparently it will get worse too: http://www.extremetech.com/computing/103711-hdd-pricewatch-you-know-where-its-going-we-tell-you-how-much-its-going-to-hurt19:26
AlanBellwhat is happening to SSD prices?19:28
MartijnVdSnot much change19:28
AlanBelloh, last paragraph, not much19:28
celestehso where / how do i get a real time kernel?  (sorry for being a noob)19:31
MartijnVdScelesteh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/RealTimeKernel19:31
celestehta, checking that out19:32
=== GentileBen is now known as Saviz
=== Saviz is now known as RaycisCharles
awilkinsSSD prices are dropping a bit19:42
awilkinsAnd with the HD price going up, the sweetspot price for a HD (GB / £) will now buy you a reasonably sized SSD19:43
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awilkinsNo good for mass media storage but 128GB SSDs are practical for system drives (even for Windows)19:44
daubersawilkins: I wouldn't expect ssds to stay as they are for long. I'd expect them to go up a little bit if anything19:56
awilkinsdaubers, Yeah. Someone will go "hey, people are still willing to overpay for storage..."19:57
MartijnVdSthis might be a trigger for SSD adoption19:57
GuntorianIs anyone here to help me set up my dual monitor19:57
daubersawilkins: That or the demand for them goes up and they won't be able to meet it (which is industry prediction at the moment)19:57
MartijnVdSif you need storage, by now, or wait until next July19:58
awilkinsI'll probably wait19:58
daubersor buy last week and sell now19:58
MartijnVdSdaubers: I'll get my Delorean19:58
daubersGuntorian: Sorry, I only have a single monitor setup19:58
MartijnVdSdaubers: though I could probably fit more shipping containers in a TARDIS19:58
MartijnVdSGuntorian: please just explain the problem20:00
MartijnVdSGuntorian: if anyone thinks they can help they will20:00
GuntorianI got an acer aspire 6935g20:00
Guntorianand now I set up a monitor to it20:00
Guntorianthe Hyundai l91A20:00
Guntorianand its not recognising it20:01
MartijnVdSwhat kind of graphics card does it have/20:01
MartijnVdSIntel? Nvidia? At?20:01
MartijnVdSGuntorian: some NVidia cards only recognise external monitors if they're connected before the machine is started20:02
MartijnVdSGuntorian: also, you need to use the nvidia-settings tool20:02
Guntorianthe monitor was connected b420:02
Guntorianhow do I use that20:02
=== qbrix2a is now known as MarquessDeBonBon
MartijnVdSGuntorian: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia20:03
MartijnVdSGuntorian: also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaMultiMonitors20:03
GuntorianI already have recommended installed20:04
MartijnVdSGuntorian: that second page explains how to set up a multi-monitor setup20:05
GuntorianI got to the nvidia place20:06
Guntorianbut I got one problem20:06
Guntorianwhat is twin monitor or seperate x screen20:06
MartijnVdSGuntorian: it's explained on the web page20:07
MartijnVdSGuntorian: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaMultiMonitors#Differences20:07
Guntorianim not understand seperate x screen20:08
MartijnVdSGuntorian: it allows you to run two completely separate desktops (programs can't move from one screen to the other)20:09
MartijnVdSGuntorian: it's probably not what you want20:09
Guntorianoh thanks20:09
Guntorianwhen I hit apply it only works for 1 second20:10
MartijnVdSGuntorian: I don't know anything about nvidia drivers20:13
Guntorianomg ._>20:14
Guntorianit like comes on for 1 second20:14
Guntorianthen leaves20:14
Guntoriannot even windows has this problem usually20:14
MartijnVdSwell nvidia + linux isn't the best combo ever20:15
GuntorianI noticed20:15
AzelphurMartijnVdS: as far as I know nvidia proprietary drivers are the best drivers right now20:23
Azelphursecond to probably the open source ati drivers20:23
MartijnVdSAzelphur: For some things (3d) yes20:23
MartijnVdSAzelphur: for other things (randr) no20:23
Pernigmy computer is too loud with nouveau drivers :P20:24
ali1234xrandr is almost completely useless20:25
mgdmI've never had an Ubuntu release where the applet for changing the monitor layout has worked, I've always had to use the xrandr command from the CLI20:25
MartijnVdSali1234: except when you connect a second screen and need to configure it20:25
mgdmthe applet freezes X20:25
MartijnVdSmgdm: weird, it's worked for me on ATI and Intel for years20:26
mgdmBoth the laptops affected have ATI chips20:26
mgdmthere were bugs filed by other people, I'm not sure if they got looked at20:26
MartijnVdSfree or proprietary drivers20:26
mgdmI tried both until I decided just to live with the xrandr command20:26
ali1234unless you are using nvidia, then you use nvidia-settings and it is a lot more likely to work properly than xrandr20:28
MartijnVdSali1234: except not20:29
MartijnVdSali1234: the number of people I've had to help because they couldn't get their nvidia laptops to use the projector20:30
MartijnVdSIntel > * on Linux20:30
ali1234that's great for laptops20:30
MartijnVdS(in terms of support, not in terms of 3D speed or anything)20:30
ali1234but who uses those?20:30
AlanBellintel kind of just works for me, but occasionally decides that I want to mirror displays20:30
MartijnVdSali1234: Everyone.20:30
ali1234they don't just randomly pick what to support20:31
* MartijnVdS hands AlanBell the fillet knife, to fillet a bug20:31
MartijnVdSali1234: NVidia does.20:31
MartijnVdSali1234: "If it's older than 2 years you're SOL"20:31
ali1234they support the things that most people want20:31
ali1234such as proper 3d acceleration and easy dual head support20:32
ali1234the only thing intel has going to it is open drivers that don't crash and low power usage20:32
MartijnVdSand don't make users cry when connecting to a projector ;)20:33
ali1234yeah... as long as the width of projector + width of internal display < 204820:33
ali1234not that it will tell you this... it just fails to work20:33
AlanBellonly if the max texture size is 2048, which it is on some atom chipsets20:34
ali1234or does something random like set the internal and external displays to mirror and also be 320x24020:34
AlanBelland if it is then it should fall back to 2d mode20:34
MartijnVdSI've heard they fixed that20:34
ali1234crashing compiz in the process?20:34
MartijnVdSand made it 4096?20:35
ali1234it is a hardware limitation20:35
ali1234maybe they fixed it in newer chipsets20:35
ali1234doesn't help me much though20:35
ali1234otoh nvidia dual head works flawlessly20:35
AlanBellMartijnVdS: they fixed compiz starting to run if the screen size was equal to max texture size20:35
* AlanBell has a 2048px wide monitor20:35
AlanBellnewer chipsets have a much wider max texture size20:36
* MartijnVdS can't wait for Ivy Bridge20:47
Pernighopefully the motherboards won't get recalled this time20:50
MartijnVdSthey won't make the same mistake twice20:50
BigRedSthey might make a different one :)20:52
BigRedSOh, MartijnVdS you're perly. you coming to the LPW this weekend?20:52
BigRedSah, fair enough20:54
MartijnVdSalready went to YAPC::EU and $boss won't pay for both20:54
BigRedSI was hoping for more face-to-name links20:55
MartijnVdSI'll probably be at FOSDEM20:57
ubuntuuk-planet[Andy Loughran] Active Traffic Management - http://zrmt.com/2011/11/07/active-traffic-management-2/22:09
=== Lcawte is now known as zz_Lcawte
* popey pokes AlanBell 23:10
popeyI'll delete the page I made then23:10
AlanBellso multiple people can make the same page?23:12
* AlanBell just made +ubuntu23:12
popeyjono already made one23:12
popeyprobably best to check first23:13
AlanBellI just wanted to find out what happened if you create a page that is already taken, didn't expect it to work23:13
AlanBellwas expecting an interesting error message23:13
popeyright, deleted the ubuntu-uk one I made23:14
popey(two hours ago)23:14
AlanBellsorry, I was travelling :)23:16
popeyI'd remove the ubuntu one to reduce confusion23:16
celestehhello, i'm wondering how do i tell if I should install the 64-bit (AMD) kernel or the other one?23:23
hamitrondo you know what cpu you have?23:24
hamitronand how much memory23:24
=== Pernig_ is now known as Pernig
celestehit's a new machine (and I'm new to ubuntu, so i know it has 8 gigs of ram, but i don't remember what processor it has. I've booted the ubuntu live cd. is there a command someplace that prints out this information?23:26
hamitronthen you will want the AMD64 version23:27
mgdmcelesteh: cat /proc/cpuinfo23:27
celestehhow do i open the terminal? (sorry, i don't see it on the sidebar)23:29
celestehah, found it23:30
celestehwhat, in particular, ami looking for in that information?23:32
celestehit's an intel. is the 64 bit for AMD only?23:33
hamitroncelesteh, no, AMD made the standard23:36
AlanBellhttps://plus.google.com/u/0/b/110834053865602900585/110834053865602900585/posts G+ page for the UK team I think23:41
popeyAlanBell: seen the epic fail on linux format cover?23:41
popeythat url doesn't look right23:41
popeycover of linux format has a headline about women in linux, and uses "XY.org" as a headline23:42
AlanBellgenetics fail23:43
* hamitron got bored with LXF23:43
hamitrondecided to buy a few good books, rather than spend £6023:44
hamitronhas it improved since?23:44
hamitronsince 2006 I mean23:45
popeyconversely this latest issue of Computer Active has 40 pages about Ubuntu in it23:45
hamitronprob more than Linux Format :/23:45
hamitrontbh, it wasn't a bad read that bugged me23:46
hamitronjsut the huge cost, and them tutorials always left me wanting more23:46
hamitronso had to go buy books anyway :/23:47
celestehhamitron: ta!23:47
hamitronnp :)23:48

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