
bluebomberHahahaha! That reminds me: I have to update my blog post to mention that terrible candy.00:09
bluebomberDoes anyone remember or know the man from The Linux Foundation that works on OpenPrinting? We talked with him awhile Wednesday night during the classic movie event.00:22
itnet7bluebomber: https://launchpad.net/~till-kamppeter00:23
bluebomberTill Kamppeter?00:24
bluebomberYeah, oh yeah.00:24
bluebomberI thought so. I just checked the event's RSVP list. :)00:24
bluebomberThanks, itnet7 00:24
itnet7I will be back in a but going to do some quick updates on my irssi server and then begin using tmux00:24
itnet7no problem00:24
itnet7So, for everyone currently using screen/irssi/byobu.... You should really check out tmux01:14
mhall119what does tmux offer?02:42
govatenthello everyone 02:43
bluebomberHi, govatent.03:18
govatenthey 03:19
govatentwhats up03:20
bluebomberNot much, but speaking of tmux/screen, can someone explain how these terminal multiplexers are working with regard to detaching/reattaching processes from a terminal?03:21
bluebomberI didn't know you could do that with processes. I'm assuming detaching is different from running a process as a background job.03:21
govatenti am learning this soon myself. been wanting to do it on my server03:22
bluebomberI see what purpose they serve, but I want to know the technical details underneath.03:25
bluebomberK, time to go grab a refill on my chai.03:30
maxhhttp://www.tampabay.com/news/humaninterest/florida-roads-go-by-many-names-8212-too-many-some-say/1200393 Isn’t it great how our state legislature have fixed problems like poverty, bad schools, environmental issues, and lack of money to important programmes, and are now able to focus on regulating dedications?07:15
bluebombermaxh: Yes. I'm so glad that we live in a state with proper priorities.11:32
dorganwhere can i get pycon manager?13:39
thinkjsonmhall119: LinkedIn is convinced that I should know Mackenzie Morgan. Do you know her personally?13:59
thinkjsonoh, and hi by the way ;-)14:00
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maxolasersquadthinkjson: I believe she is a MOTU.14:19
dorganmaxolasersquad: MOTU?14:20
maxolasersquaddorgan: Master of the Universe.14:39
maxolasersquadSo if you have some Ubuntu peeps in linked.in, then that would probably explain it.14:41
thinkjsonI guess I should meet her eventually14:59
mhall119thinkjson: too bad linkedin didn't convince you of this a week ago15:12
mhall119she was in Orlando for UDS15:12
mhall119but yet, I know her personally15:12
mhall119she goes by maco on IRC15:13
=== paulproteus_ is now known as paulproteus
thinkjsonmhall119: ah ok. I've met maco before on IRC. Didn't know that was her real name.19:08
thinkjsonso true - http://xkcd.com/963/19:32
DammitJimis it overdue?19:37

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