
BugeyeDlovelace: regarding tmux for screen users ...16:34
BugeyeDtmux configuration is relatively straight-forward, and can be tweaked to act like screen.16:34
BugeyeDit comes with an example configuration that does just that:16:34
BugeyeD/usr/share/doc/tmux/examples/screen-keys.conf (on my current system)16:35
BugeyeDhere is a decent run-through of what it does, how it works, and how to reconfigure its defaults:16:36
BugeyeDthe most notable difference in its default config is that the command-key is CTRL-b (screen uses CTRL-a). that was chosen because the original development/testing of tmux was done from within a screen session. :)16:37
BugeyeDi've given several talks on screen over the years; i suppose i'll have to replace those in the future with talks on tmux ...16:38
BugeyeDfor reference, my own (pretty simple) config can be found here; please don't spam it ... : http://www.deweyonline.com/fossil/tmux-config16:41
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lovelaceBugeyeD: Thanks!19:40
* lovelace loves how the instructions talk all about splitting windows into panes, but are absolutely silent on how to get them back into single windows!19:44
BugeyeDlovelace: that's "break-pane" ... CTRL-! in my config (must be default, because i haven't changed it)19:54
lovelaceBugeyeD: Yeah, I found that later, but WAY down the page.19:55
BugeyeDCTRL-<space> is mapped to next-layout, which i think is pretty nifty. i've been using xmonad as my window manager for several years now, and i'm able to replicate some of what i use that for directly with tmux19:55
BugeyeDi started with screen-keys.conf to get me started, but eventually just created my own minimal config and am learning the tmux defaults for the rest.19:56
BugeyeDi like simple configs because they are more portable.19:56

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