
MutantTurkeyenglish paper, a "how to paper"01:13
MutantTurkeywith any topic allowed01:13
MutantTurkey"how to berate your 2nd grade substitute teacher"01:13
MutantTurkeyI need your help #ubuntu-us-pa! what was your most evil bastardly plan?01:13
MutantTurkeythats you jedijf01:13
ChinnoDogMutantTurkey: Why would you want to berate your 2nd grade substitute teacher?01:18
ChinnoDogdo 2nd graders even know what that word means?01:19
MutantTurkeythis is supposed to be a ironic thing01:20
ChinnoDogDo the 2nd graders learn what "berate" means in this how to paper?01:21
rmg51how to install Ubuntu and change to another desktop manager01:21
MutantTurkeyrmg51: that is trivial I need to fill 1000 words01:22
MutantTurkeyrmg51: also my professor is 75+ years old and doesnt have a cell phone01:22
ChinnoDogHow to use a cell phone.01:22
MutantTurkeyreally good guy though, I love his class.01:22
MutantTurkey"why to get a cell phone, the inside story"01:22
MutantTurkeyI was thinking I should just go into PR or journalism.01:22
MutantTurkeyI am a good writer.01:23
rmg51why I hate Unity ;-)01:23
rmg51or in your case how to hate Unity01:23
MutantTurkeywhy unity has killed any chance for the linux desktop to be succesful in real worl applications.01:24
rmg51and Gnome301:24
MutantTurkey"why tablet devices are NOT the future for productivity"01:24
ChinnoDogI think we are straying from the how-to part of this paper.01:24
MutantTurkey"how 4g celphones have destroyed productivity in office spaces"01:24
ChinnoDogMutantTurkey: What other key skills could he use?01:24
rmg51how to survive Unity01:24
rmg51and Gnome301:24
rmg51how to get out of writing a how to paper01:25
ChinnoDogI like that one01:26
ChinnoDogStep 1. come up with a redundant BS topic like "how to get out of writing a how to paper"01:26
InHisNamenuthin' for loooong while then BAM lotta talkin' !!01:26
MutantTurkeyhe already said that01:27
rmg51how to select a Republican candidate01:29
MutantTurkey how to vote independant and stop being brainwashed by corporate committees01:30
InHisNameHow to STOP greedy corporate CEOs etc from raping and pillaging the world economies.01:32
rmg51how to figure out what andrew is talking about01:32
InHisName"hard drive price changes, tracked"01:33
rmg51how to figure out how to stop this sillyness and get some sleep01:35
InHisNamermg51: easy just stop reading your silly monitor and shut 'ur eyes.01:35
MutantTurkeyhow to write papers 12 hours before they are due - a life story.01:39
ChinnoDogMutantTurkey: I like that subject. You could be all dramatic abou tit.02:00
ChinnoDogabout it02:00
waltmanIt feels later than 9:1102:11
sadinChinnoDog thats a dirty word for iRC :P02:22
ChinnoDogsadin: :-p02:23
EvilResistanceanyone know of any PA-based apt repositories for Ubuntu?03:32
waltmanLooking at the list of mirrors, I'd say "Carnegie Mellon Computer Club", and possibly "pair Networks" as well.03:39
waltmanWhy does it have to be in PA? Depending on where you are in PA, the ones in DC and NYC might well be physically closer.03:39
EvilResistancei'm almost certain PSU has a mirror03:41
* EvilResistance is out in Harrisburg03:41
EvilResistancei'm just not certain if ithey have a mirror for Ubuntu03:41
EvilResistancei know they have one for Debian03:41
EvilResistancei was going to email their help desk (I'm a student at PSU) asking about that03:41
EvilResistancebtw, what "list of mirrors" is this you speak of?03:42
EvilResistancewaltman:  ^03:42
waltmanThe one I found when I googled for "ubuntu mirrors" :)03:44
waltmanUnless you've got a mirror in your local net, I don't really see why it would make any difference.03:45
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andrewrmg51: hrm?07:10
andrewnight all07:10
rmg51morning JonathanD11:10
ChinnoDoghi ssweeny13:42
InHisNameGood MONDAY morning to you all !14:28
ChinnoDoghi lamalex14:46
=== paulproteus_ is now known as paulproteus
MobileTurkeythis wifi is making me cringe18:55
MobileTurkeyalmost making me consider it is my laptop18:55
InHisNamemy wifi seems to be working fine for me, then I'm not a turkey either.20:36

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