
Kilosmorning superfly and others04:22
superflynag oom Kilos, ek gaan bed tow04:22
Kiloslekker slaap my vriend04:23
Kilosgroete daar04:23
KilosMaaz, coffee on04:23
* Maaz puts the kettle on04:23
Kiloshiya nlsthzn 04:25
nlsthznMorning Uncle Kilos 04:25
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!04:27
KilosMaaz, ty04:27
MaazEnjoy Kilos04:27
Kilosbe back later04:36
hlubbe1More almal07:21
Kiloslo bakuman and others08:23
nuvolariKilos: môre oom09:11
Kiloslo nuvolari 09:16
nuvolarigoe gaan dit vandag oom?09:22
Kilosgoed dankie nuvolari en met jou?09:28
nuvolariKilos: gaan goed dankie oom10:00
nuvolariaan die werk :P10:00
nuvolarioh hi milamber-2018|36 12:11
milamber-2018|36Hi nuvolari :)13:51
* inetpro going for a trip to the airport on the gautrain in a few minutes13:53
milamber-2018|36Tell me what it's like I need to do it on Sunday the 20th13:56
nuvolarimilamber-2018|36: when did you join us? :P I became a little unobservant lately14:34
magespawnhowdy all15:15
magespawnhow do i install packages to a machine that has no net access?15:18
magespawni know there is a way just cannot think of it now, too tired15:18
magespawnMaaz tell Kilos I am fine, just been really busy. I will see him tomorrow.15:25
Maazmagespawn: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode15:25
Kiloslo highvoltage 15:54
Kilosafternoon guys15:54
highvoltagelo Kilos 16:04
Kiloshiya ludo16:25
KilosGuest51746, 16:25
nuvolario/ g'evening17:03
Kiloshiya nuvolari 17:23
nlsthznGood evening ZA land17:59
Kiloshiya nlsthzn 18:11
Kilosahab land18:12
nlsthznHi uncle Kilos :)18:12
Kilosyou at work or home lad18:13
nlsthznHome uncle Kilos ... still off tomorrow and then back to work... a tough two week stretch then my leave kicks in for about 5 weeks :D :D :D18:14
Kilosha ha ha18:14
nlsthznMy beurt is my beurt dankie tog :p18:15
Kilosja man. een of ander tyd kom almal se beurt om18:16
highvoltageSymmetria: howdy!18:20
highvoltageSymmetria: it seems like http://ubuntu.mirror.ac.za/ubuntu-cdimage is currently quite a bit out of date. is it something that is still maintained or don't you plan to sync that anymore?18:21
Tonberryi dont think its his problem anymore...18:21
tumbleweedTonberry: he kept it has his problem18:22
tumbleweedhighvoltage: you can also ping ambo about mirror.ac.za problems18:22
inetpromilamber-2018|36: not bad at all, 55 minutes from getting on bus at Reserve Bank to getting to OR Tambo. 40 minutes from Pta Station.18:25
inetprogood evening18:25
Kiloslo inetpro 18:25
inetproheh Kilos18:25
inetproMaaz: coffee on18:26
* Maaz puts the kettle on18:26
KilosMaaz, coffee please18:27
MaazKilos: Okay18:27
highvoltagetumbleweed: where is ambo usually?18:28
tumbleweedhighvoltage: I tend to ping them as a pair in #ubuntu-mirrors18:29
tumbleweedI think mirror issues can also be reported to TENET's NOC18:30
highvoltageah, great. I've never had to do more than ping Symmetria before but it's nice to know that there's other ways :)18:30
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!18:30
KilosMaaz, ty18:31
inetproMaaz: thanks18:31
MaazEnjoy Kilos18:31
Maazinetpro: No problem18:31
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:42
bakumanlo Kilos and others18:42
* bakuman pass uit18:42
superflyohi everyone19:14
nuvolariohi superfly 19:16
* nuvolari gooi water op bakuman19:16
nuvolariis jy okei?19:16
superflyhi nuvolari19:17
superflygreat thanks19:17
nuvolariossum! went for some sight-seeing already?19:18
superflya bit19:18
superflymostly going to do stuff that mrs_fly and her family likes to do19:18
nuvolari:> well, she didn't do it recently so I'm sure you guys enjoy it a lot!19:19
inetproheh wb superfly19:24
bakuman\o/ thanks nuvolari 19:24
superflyhi inetpro19:24
bakumanhet vandag tafelberg geklim, was fun maar uitputtend19:24
inetprosuperfly: when are you returning home again?19:25
superflywe fly out the 14th, arriving on the 16th19:25
inetprosuperfly: enjoy every moment of it. Little Zack doing ok?19:27
superflyyeah. he's doing great19:28
inetprosuperfly: you having lunch time now?19:31
inetprothese timezones are very confusing :-)19:32
* nuvolari learned about gmail shortcuts...19:34
nuvolariit's really awesome :P19:35
inetprosuperfly: you planning to go see the Grand Canyon?19:59
inetproGuest51746: you are back again?20:04
superflyinetpro: no, it's not going to work out20:04
superflybut i'm not too worried...20:04
inetprosuperfly: hmm... ok20:04
nuvolaribah :-/that sucks. The one lung of a family friend collapsed because of all the years' smoking20:23

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