
=== eu is now known as Guest47958
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JamesTaitMorning all! May your Monday be magnificent! :)09:36
mandelmorning all!09:48
facundobatistaHola mandel09:48
mandelfacundobatista, uh! what are you doing sooo early?09:55
facundobatistamandel, I'm a bot09:55
facundobatistamandel, have to do some errands in the afternoon09:55
mandelfacundobatista, oh, well, I'm usually alone at this time hehe09:58
mandelgatox, morning!11:00
mandelnessita, good morning!11:23
gatoxnessita, hu11:24
nessitagatox, mandel: hi! after email catch up, your reviews are my priority (FYI(11:24
Chipacanessita: hi there!11:24
Chipacanessita: can I sequester you for a minute or ten?11:25
mandelnessita, ok, no worries, by the way I walways forget, mon and tue is bug fixxing or new features?11:26
nessitamandel: new features, wed and thru is reviews and bug fixing11:26
nessitaChipaca: sure!11:26
mandelnessita, cool :)11:29
mandelnessita, nevertheless there are a couple of need fixing that I'll be working until alecu arrives :)11:29
nessitamandel: sounds good11:30
mandeloh, and keep playing with my proxy set up + active directory (god I feel like a crapy sys admin :( )11:30
gatoxnessita, did you read my last e-mail about unicode?11:31
nessitayes sir!11:31
nessitagatox: I have some ideas, we'll need to talk about them11:31
gatoxnessita, ok!11:31
nessitagatox: perhaps we invite Chipacaa and guillo11:31
gatoxnessita, ok, let me know :D11:32
gatoxbrb....... need to restart11:51
nessitagatox: can we mumble at 9:15 approx?11:57
nessitagatox: so we can unblock you asap11:57
gatoxnessita, yes, no problem11:57
gatoxwhenever you want11:57
nessitagatox: yeah, I just want to finish breakfast and unread emails11:58
gatoxnessita, ah, ok, no problem11:58
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nessitamandel, alecu, gatox: shall we?13:19
gatoxoh.... now?13:19
gatoxnessita, alecu probably will be conected at 10:3013:20
gatoxand mandel maybe is eating right now13:20
nessitagatox: ah, ok13:20
nessitagatox: so at what time is the standup?13:20
nessitaI may be confused13:20
nessitaI ran for nothing!13:20
gatoxi told you in mumble13:21
nessitagatox: sorry, I misunderstood :-)13:24
gatoxnessita, i found a conflict in one of my branches, i just fixed.... all the others are ok13:25
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gatoxnessita, mandel?13:31
nessitagatox: go!13:33
gatoxTest some possibilities to fix the unicode issues, Freaky Friday.13:34
gatoxKeep fixing unicode bugs (apply modifications according the mumble with nessita)13:34
gatoxnessita, go13:34
nessitaDONE: design sprint, UDS13:34
nessitaTODO: catchup! help gatox with unicode branch issues13:34
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes13:34
nessitaNEXT: mandel13:34
nessitamandel: ?13:37
nessitano alecu?13:37
nessitaoh well, eom then13:37
cjohnstonnessita: ping14:21
nessitacjohnston: hi there!14:21
cjohnstonhey! I'm still having some issues.. My desktop is reporting that I have 10.8gb in my ubuntu one folder, however, the dashboard indicates 10.2gb14:21
cjohnston(im not at home to do any testing from the desktop)14:21
cjohnstonive run the rescan from the desktop and nothing changes14:21
nessitacjohnston: what do you mean with "My desktop is reporting that I have 10.8gb"?14:21
nessitacjohnston: the control panel, you mean?14:21
cjohnstoni have also run the script that compares files between local and the cloud, and it only reports that i have 1 file missing, which is a lock file, which isnt important14:21
cjohnstonno.. folder properties14:21
nessitacjohnston: yes, we ignore some special files, such as openoffice lock files14:21
mandelnessita, I though we have now the stand up?14:21
nessitamandel: no, an hour ago14:21
nessitamandel: did the time in .es changed?14:21
mandelnessita, mierda! yes it did.. I hate DST :(14:21
nessitamandel: the standup will keep being at 13:30 UTC14:21
mandelnessita, ok, no problem, I set my alarm clock to utc..14:21
nessitacjohnston: regarding the space used, the size may vary depending on the file system you use. For example, for files smaller than the filesystem minimal block the reported used space will be the whole block size14:21
mandelnessita, god I hate this things..14:21
nessitamandel: if that collides with your lunch, we can have it earlier, 1300 UTC14:21
cjohnstonright.. the lock file isnt important.. but between folder properties and the dashboard im still showing a .6gb difference.. which i doubt is lock files14:22
mandelnessita, you guys do not change time this time of year, do you?14:22
nessitamandel: never14:22
cjohnstonnessita: so a .6gb difference is possible? im on ext414:22
nessitacjohnston: right, that is because you may have several small files, or files that use 2.1 blocks, for example, but the reported size will be 3 blocks14:23
mandelnessita, if you don't mind that would be appreciated..14:23
nessitamandel: so, we basically should accommodate our standup to your mommy's lunch time? :-D14:23
nessitamandel: at what time you head off for lunch?14:23
mandelnessita, hahaha well is not my mother lunch time, but mine :P14:24
nessitamandel: at what time you head off for lunch? (UTC please)14:24
mandelnessita, I just had it, so I started like 30 mins ago14:24
mandelnessita, but if it is a problem I can have lunh at a diff time14:25
nessitaso, at 14 UTC you have lunch?14:25
nessitamandel: right now is 14:25 UTC14:28
mandelnessita, yes, that is it14:28
nessitagatox, mandel: I remembered that alecu has the day off, today14:28
nessitamandel: so, 13:30 UTC (as currently is) will work for you?14:28
mandelnessita, oh, true he told me, I forgot to!14:28
mandelnessita, yes, it would I just did not think about the tdst change, it was my fault rather than anything else14:28
gatoxnessita, ack14:28
nessitamandel: ok, so let s not change the standup time, ok?14:28
mandelnessita, ok, and sorry for the misunderstanding14:28
nessitamandel: no problem! glad we worked it out14:28
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jdobriengood morning u1 hackers14:55
nessitahello jdobrien!14:56
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jdobrienmandel: did you find a way to use twisted with restful-u1?15:32
mandeljdobrien, yes, got it working, but I had to stop because that is a friday only project :)15:33
jdobrienmandel: cool15:33
jdobrienmandel: if you share it, i'll see how i can work it in.. i want that to be windows compatible... unless you would like to propose a branch :)15:34
jdobrienmandel: I'll file a bug against it :)15:34
mandeljdobrien, I'll be working on it on friday and hopefully will send the results to ubunet :)15:34
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nessitamandel: ping15:52
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mandelnessita, pong16:26
gatoxlunch! brb!16:26
nessitamandel: did you address  alecu's needs fixing on https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-control-panel/auto-update-looping-call/+merge/81015?16:27
mandelnessita, on it, I'll me pushing by the end of the day16:27
nessitamandel: also, windows tests are failing for https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-control-panel/auto-update-functions/+merge/8023716:27
mandelnessita, hm.. that is new, I'll take a look16:27
mandelnessita, can you add in the MP the errors you are getting?16:28
nessitamandel: already did! :-)16:29
mandelnessita, uh, you are fast!16:29
mandellaunchapd is not :(16:30
mandellaunchapd is not :(16:30
mandelnessita, gatox I might appear and disappear several times, I'm setting a dns server for the proxy stuff and when I reboot it everything goes from my network :P16:43
DoughyI'm having an issue with U1. It says all my files are up-to-date, but I just changed a file and it will not upload.16:57
nessitaDoughy: what ubuntu one are you running? windows/linux? what version?16:57
DoughyI'm not sure the version, but I believe it's the latest.16:58
DoughyIt's weird because it only uploads if I change another file16:59
Doughywell wait, nevermind16:59
DoughyI just added a new file and it uploaded immediately16:59
DoughySo it's like the file I want to upload is stuck17:00
mandelDoughy, is that file opened by an app, we make sure that we do not upload opened files (nessita if the event nany does work)17:02
DoughyI do not have the file open currently. Maybe a var file is not getting removed correctly by the OS?17:03
nessitaDoughy: we're currently having an issue on the released client (which is not fixed in trunk but not released yet) where if an upload needs retrying, that process will fail17:04
nessitaDoughy: can you please try restarting your syncdaemon? (I can give you directions how to do so)17:04
DoughyI know how17:05
DoughyI'm restarting now17:05
Doughydoing local rescan....17:05
nessitaDoughy: thanks, let me know how that goes17:05
mandelnessita, the windows os that we support are XP x86, XP x64, Vista x86, Vista x64, 7 x86 and 7 x64, Natty and Oneric, right?17:07
mandelnessita, I'm trying to set up all the os for the tests for proxy..17:07
nessitamandel: officially we support windows 7 only, as far as I understand. And in linux, everything from Lucid to Precise17:08
mandelnessita, really, just 7? hm.. well I get everything ready just to make sure everything is tested..17:09
nessitamandel: yes, of course17:09
nessitamandel: please note that linux is Lucid, Maverick, Natty, Oneiric and Precise17:09
elopionessita, do you mean we support only windows 7 for the proxy?17:10
mandelnessita, ok, L -> P oh my.. this is going to be painful to test in everything17:10
nessitaelopio: nopes, we'll try to support xo and vista as well. But the official windows  version we support, is 717:11
elopionessita, got it.17:11
elopiomandel, if you help me to set up the proxy, I can give you a hand with the testing.17:11
mandelelopio, I'm writting a wiki page (which alecu will review) with all the steps to set the network up.. but I'm also going to try if you guys in america can use my setup from spain.. is worth a try17:12
mandelelopio, if it works you should be able to use any of the machines I've set up with a single account using active directory, and that includes all the above17:13
elopiomandel, great.17:13
nessitamandel: this has conflicts with trunk https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/put-migration-together/+merge/7899517:18
nessitamandel: I will give all those 3 another pass tomorrow morning, so you have time to fix them17:19
Doughynessita, even after the restart of the syncdaemon, the file won't upload. It did give me a desktop notification saying that the files were uploading, but they never did.17:19
mandelnessita, ok, I\ll make sure they are by the time you are up17:19
nessitaDoughy: do you know where the logs file are? could you please open a bug report, make it private, and attaching those logs?17:20
nessitaDoughy: I can help with whatever part of what I said is cryptic for you :-)17:20
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jdobriennessita: I am getting the following error in control panel: Value could not be retrieved. (ServerError: (400, ('invalid_consumer_token_pair', 'Invalid consumer and token pair.')))17:43
jdobriennessita: however, my client syncs files fine17:43
nessitajdobrien: how "old" are your credentials, approx?17:43
jdobriennessita: I do not know17:43
jdobriennessita: is it hard to reset them and create new ones?17:44
nessitajdobrien: not all all, from the controlpanel, go to devices -> remove local token. The login screen will automatically appear17:44
jdobriennessita: same thing17:48
nessitajdobrien: let's ask rye...17:48
nessitarye: you around?17:48
jdobriennessita: you should see the error I get from deja-dup17:49
nessitajdobrien: a 500?17:49
jdobriennessita: I wonder if I have a borked install17:50
nessitajdobrien: hum, no your install may be fine. That code does not work with our current nigthlies since we removed a deprecated SSO dbus service17:51
nessitajdobrien: and that code is using it. Which in O is fine, since we have not removed in O, but in P17:51
jdobrienI'll switch from nightlies then if you're going to break my system :)17:51
nessitajdobrien: is duplicity the same as deja du?17:51
nessitajdobrien: naha!17:51
nessitajdobrien: I see the problem now: ubuntuone-couch is fixed in trunk, but apparently we're not building nightlies for it17:52
nessitathe error is exactly here:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ubuntuone-couch/ubuntuone/couch/auth.py", line 75, in get_oauth_credentials     proxy.find_credentials(APP_NAME).iteritems())17:53
nessitabut is fixed on u1-couch trunk17:53
nessitathisfred: ping17:53
jdobriennessita: it seems silly that it's using that method for credentials17:54
thisfrednessita: pong17:57
nessitathisfred: hello! are you working today? (to know if I can bother you :-))17:57
nessitathisfred: so, is there any chance we SRU the fixes I landed in u1-couch for credentials management? or even better, can we have u1-couch build in nightlies?17:58
thisfredI'm sure we can, the question is who has time to add it17:59
thisfredadding it to the ppa is not hard with a recipe, or is it?17:59
nessitathisfred: is not, afaik18:00
thisfrednessita: I so wish we'd not called it u1couch though. Since all we'll be using it for is u1 auth18:05
thisfrednessita: hmm, it is packaged daily already18:06
nessitathisfred: it is? sorry I did not checked18:07
nessitabut... then...18:07
thisfrednessita: maybe the build wasn't triggered somehow?18:07
nessitathisfred: perhaps, trying to check that18:08
nessitaapprarently, last build is 2011-09-1218:08
thisfredlooks like it18:08
nessitarequesting one now...18:08
thisfredand we should probably add P18:09
thisfredPrecise added18:09
jdobriennessita: so... I removed everything...then reinstalled without nightlies18:10
jdobriennessita: hopefully the metadata is backward compatable18:11
nessitajdobrien: we're about to fix it in nigthlies!18:11
jdobriennessita: unfortunately, I can no longer install couchdb18:11
nessitajdobrien: you can't as in you don't want to or you're having some other issue?18:11
jdobriennessita: when I click the button int he control panel, I get an error18:12
nessitajdobrien: what does it say?18:12
jdobriennessita: aha!18:13
jdobrien The following packages have unmet dependencies:18:13
jdobriendesktopcouch-ubuntuone: Depends: python (>= 2.7) but 2.7.2-7ubuntu2 is to be installed18:13
jdobrien                        Depends: desktopcouch (= 1.0.8-0ubuntu1) but 1.0.8+r283-15~oneiric1 is to be installed18:13
nessitajdobrien: that smeells like our ppa, no?18:13
jdobriennessita: I disabled nightlies18:14
nessitajdobrien: but this is certainly nightlies 1.0.8+r283-15~oneiric118:16
jdobriennessita: there were traces of couchdb left over...i removed them and it installed18:18
jdobriennessita: hmm...still getting that error from deja-dup though18:25
nessitajdobrien: I would guess there is a mismatch of version somewhere. I would recommend moving back to nightlies and waiting for us building the u1couch nightly package...18:27
jdobriennessita: I want to know what non-nightly users are getting so i can diagnose and error they are having18:27
nessitajdobrien: oh, ok18:28
nessitajdobrien: can you please paste the output of:18:28
nessitaapt-cache policy ubuntu-sso-client18:28
jdobriennessita: I just filed a bug against deja-dup ;)18:28
jdobriennessita: Installed: 1.5.0+r806-28~oneiric118:29
nessitajdobrien: that sso is from nightlies18:29
nessitajdobrien: you do know that if you do not remove the package and reinstall it will not be downgraded from nightlies to the O version, no?18:30
jdobrieni'll purge and resinstall that then too18:30
jdobrienand apparently everything else too18:31
jdobrienthat's better: Setting up ubuntu-sso-client (1.4.0-0ubuntu1)18:31
jdobrienI should have used the magic... remove sourcedep and all it's crap18:33
nessitagatox: ping19:42
gatoxnessita, pong19:43
nessitagatox: is this https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/connect-files/+merge/79611 ready for re-review?19:43
nessita(I'm getting lint issues)19:43
gatoxnessita, ahi le corro las tools19:44
nessitagatox: I added the errors in the MP, JIC19:44
* nessita -> late lunch19:53
nessitais hard to catch up after being away 2 weeks :-/19:53
gatoxEOD........ see you tomorrow20:20
nessitabye gatox20:30
gatoxnessita, i fix the lint issue...... tomorrow morning that i start earlier, i will check again all my branches, and check all the things that you told me today one by one..... so if everything is ok, i will ping you as soon as you are online, ok?20:31
nessitagatox: sounds perfect20:32
gatoxnessita, regarding unicode, i'm tracking some values that seems not to be using the functions that we define, but i'm not quiet sre where are they coming from.... but, i'll have it for tomorrow morning i'm sure20:33
nessitagatox: ping me and I'll help if needed20:34
gatoxnessita, ok, thanks20:34
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thisfredjoshuahoover: do we / should we have an Ubuntu One Google+ page? All the cool kids are doinit21:19
joshuahooverthisfred: yeah, we will21:20
thisfredkk :)21:20
joshuahooverthisfred: oh, and if you can, please invent a "social network" that is it's own silo and has it's own set of unique APIs...we're in desperate need of those! ;)21:21
* jdobrien "parks" an Ubuntu One Google + page21:21
joshuahooverjdobrien: thanks21:21
jdobrienjoshuahoover: I was kidding21:21
thisfredjoshuahoover: on it. Working title: 'thisnet'21:22
nessitathisfred: LOL21:23
joshuahooverthisfred: it's good, needs a missing vowel (or 2)21:24
jdobrienthisfred: make sure you pick "this content is appropriate for...'Alcohol Related'"21:24
nessitaok, I'm eod'd21:24
nessitabye all!21:24
thisfredlater nessita21:24
joshuahooverthisfred: excellent21:24
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=== gatox_trotando is now known as gatox
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