
jasonmchristosis the realtime or low latency kernel in any official repos ?04:31
jasonmchristosWhat is the dev channel I have some valuable input.04:33
jasonmchristosWhat is a general protection error?05:45
jasonmchristos[ 7108.315375] audacity[6161] general protection ip:b6406575 sp:bfa8b7f0 error:0 in libavcodec.so.52.72.2[b5fdc000+54f000]05:45
holsteinjasonmchristos: that channel is #ubuntustudio-devel06:00
holsteintheres no -RT or -lowlatency kernel in the repos right now06:00
holsteintheres an -RT in the 10.04 repos06:01
holsteinand we are working on getting the -lowlatency (assuming its still relevant) in 12.0406:01
holsteinit might be totally unnecessary by now06:01
holsteinor, by then, rather06:02
jasonmchristosholstein: darn i got 10.1006:05
jasonmchristosthinking it had an RT06:05
holsteintheres a PPA06:06
holsteinyou really dont need it anymore though06:06
jasonmchristoswhy is that?06:06
jasonmchristoswhats the dev channel i have some feedback for the devs06:06
holsteinthe preemt stuff that the rt kernel uses is working its way into the generic one06:06
holsteinjasonmchristos: the ubuntustudio devs?06:07
holsteinwell, its #ubuntustudio-devel06:07
holsteinyou must only be able to see a few lines at a time06:07
jasonmchristoswasnt it ubuntustudio-dev a day ago ?06:07
holsteinits been *-devel06:08
jasonmchristosholstein: why do you say that I can only see a few lines?06:08
holsteinbecause the first thing i typed to you here was that channel name06:08
holstein01:00 < holstein> jasonmchristos: that channel is #ubuntustudio-devel06:08
jasonmchristosholstein: just trying out znc06:09
jasonmchristosit musnt have replayed it06:09
holsteinits about XFCE?06:10
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi

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