
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi
PjotrHello all10:34
Pjotrmicahg: has the Ubuntu Security Team reached a decision about this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+bug/88425210:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 884252 in sun-java6 (Ubuntu) "Oracle (Sun) Java JRE urgently needs security update" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:34
astraljavaAnyone using the weather applet? For a few days, it's not showing any data anymore.12:47
ochosiastraljava: read the xfce-ml :)12:47
astraljavaHmm... I don't think I'm subscribing that. Thanks!12:47
ochosibut there's a lengthy ongoing discussion there that i don't want to duplicate in irc ;)12:48
astraljavaI read it. Interesting. It's been known for almost a month now, and no fix?12:56
mr_pouit(because many plugins are unmaintained)13:02
astraljavaRight, okay. I'll see if I have time to look into it.13:08
charlie-tcaGood morning from Las Vegas16:20
* micahg waves to charlie-tca16:21
micahgcharlie-tca: meeting at 22:00 UTC today16:22
GridCube:D good morning charlie-tca :)16:22
charlie-tcaThank you, micahg 16:22
charlie-tcaThat was the question I was going to ask, too.16:22
GridCubeim using a stylus to write :D16:23
charlie-tcaI am down here in Las Vegas for another two weeks, so will be erratically on and off IRC16:23
charlie-tcaGridCube: great!16:23
charlie-tcaHow's it working?16:23
GridCubepretty well and fast16:23
charlie-tcabig changes coming for testing...16:24
charlie-tcaThey are re-writing the QA ISO tracker to include daily testing, and will also include hardware, to be sent to Ubuntu Friendly16:24
GridCubebut if i rotate the  screen all touchScreen gets broken16:24
charlie-tcaa bit unstable then?16:25
GridCubewhat changes?16:25
charlie-tcaall broken images must be fixed within 3 hours if possible16:25
charlie-tcause ISO tracker for daily testing16:25
GridCubeits unstable if i rotate16:25
GridCube:o the testings have Started?16:26
charlie-tcacan't start yet, since the images are broken16:26
charlie-tcabut, yes, they built the images already for Precise16:27
GridCube:P yeah well16:27
charlie-tcaThey should shake things out this week, with real testing starting next week16:27
charlie-tcaQA tracker should be ready by December 116:28
GridCubecharlie-tca, me and madnick have been working on a new totally v16:28
GridCuberevamped daily iso testings site16:28
GridCubehave you seen the mails?16:28
charlie-tcaYeah, but we will be tracking them on the qa site this cycle, they want all tests in one place now16:29
GridCubeall the hard work16:29
GridCube:) well i learned stuff16:29
charlie-tcaThey took what we had, and what QA had, and combined them16:29
holsteinany arandr users?16:35
holsteinGridCube: you suggested it, and it seems to be doing the spanning well, or whatever you want to call it16:36
holstein*not* mirroring16:36
holsteinthe question is, can it do mirroring? and im just not seeing the setting?16:36
GridCubei do have mirroring :P16:37
GridCubetry grandr16:37
holsteinGridCube: thanks :)16:38
holsteinim looking for the one pacakge to include in ubuntustudio that would do both16:38
GridCubeim using it to invert the screen on this netbook, but doing inversions messes whit the pointers16:39
holsteinGridCube: hmmm, grandr doesnt seem to be doing anything16:44
holsteinany ideas?16:44
holsteinGridCube: i got mirroring16:44
GridCube:) with grandr?16:44
holsteini just had to set it to "auto"16:44
holsteintheres a couple checkboxes16:45
GridCube:P i see16:45
holsteinthe 'off' checkbox16:45
holsteini unchecked that, and expected it to come 'on' ;)16:45
GridCubebut when you do that your pointers work?16:45
holsteinmy mistake...16:45
holsteinGridCube: seems OK16:45
holsteinmy pointer16:45
holsteinim not rotating though16:45
holsteinalso, 'clone' and 'extend' are greyed out16:46
holsteinGridCube: i rotated, and the pointer seemed cool16:50
holsteinwhats your issue?16:50
holsteini'll see if i can reproduce it16:51
GridCubeif i rotate the screen my touchscreen gets inversed inputs16:53
holsteinOH... i dont have a touchscreen16:54
holsteini bet thats the deal16:54
GridCubeif i touch the top right corner the pointer clics on the letf lower corner16:54
holsteinyeah... something hasnt got passed on to the right place for that yet i bet16:54
GridCubealso the acelerometer doesnt work, so it doesnt autorotates the screen16:55
holsteinw0w... those are nearly deal-breaking issues16:55
holsteingrandr is a fail17:09
holsteinat least with my 7 minutes of testing ;)17:09
madnickholstein: have you created a virtual screen?17:10
holsteinnot that im aware of madnick 17:10
holsteinbut, whatever it is needs to be a GUI tool17:10
holsteinmadnick: i got mirroring working fine17:11
holsteinbut, the other options were greyed out17:11
madnickyup, it can likely not set the resolution17:11
GridCubeholstein, and lxrandr?17:13
holsteinGridCube: lemme try it..17:14
GridCubeits even symplier17:14
holsteinseems like it will *only* mirror17:15
holsteinits not bad just having 2 tools17:15
holsteinthey just need to be labeled17:15
GridCubetell me you have tryed xfce4-display-settings17:15
holsteini dont want to have 'monitor' and 'monitor settings' in the menu17:15
holsteinGridCube: im not finding it17:17
GridCubeit should be preinstalled17:17
GridCuberun it from a terminal :P17:17
holsteinyeah... im not finding it17:17
holsteinOH...i found it :)17:17
holsteinsee, maybe its something with this hardware17:18
holsteineverything is greyed out here too17:18
GridCubethats bad17:19
GridCubebut thats not the programs fault then17:19
holsteinwell, maybe17:19
holsteinwhats it do for you?17:19
holsteinok... i got the greyed out options going17:20
holsteinbut, it seems it only mirrors :/17:20
GridCubeunset the "auto"17:22
holsteinin xfce4-* ?17:23
GridCubeor in grandr17:23
holsteinyeah... still greyed out for me17:26
holsteinnot sure...17:26
GridCubewell i gotta go17:31
micahgcharlie-tca: so our images are uninstallable for the same reason as ubuntu, so nothing for me to fix :)18:12
charlie-tcaI couldn't even find the errors in the logs for what is uninstallable18:17
charlie-tcaI did figure we start testing about the time I get to Idaho, though. Give it time to shake out18:18
madnickcharlie-tca: could you confirm bug 88640118:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 886401 in gthumb (Ubuntu) "xubuntu gthumb does not set desktop background" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88640118:18
charlie-tcamicahg: I never even thought to look at that. Thanks :)18:20
charlie-tcamadnick: looking18:20
madnickIts not really a bug, its just an enabled extension that is gnome centric18:20
charlie-tcaThen it should not be valid for xubuntu?18:20
madnickBut nevertheless it does not work in Xubuntu to use it, and its enabled by default :P18:20
madnickWell, it gives xubuntu users the option, but then does not deliver, i can see how that would be frustrating for people using gthumb18:22
charlie-tcawill confirm then, and leave open for "metoo"s18:22
madnickthanks :)18:22
madnickbug 883249 is valid aswell, there ought to be a workaround, from what ive seen it overwrites the data in ~/.config/xfce418:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 883249 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu-session not possible after trying Xfce-session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88324918:28
charlie-tcaworkaround for that one is removing ~/.config/xfce4 and restarting18:32
madnickyeah :(18:34
charlie-tcaAt least there is a workaround, instead of having to reinstall18:36
madnicktrue :P18:38
charlie-tcaOkay, both done18:46
madnickcharlie-tca: have you seen what the greeter engine im working on is capable of? :P18:48
charlie-tcano, is it using lightdm?18:48
madnickim working on a rewrite the one used in this video:18:48
madnickBasically, it uses my generic engine, then it runs my theme, which in this case is a breakout game :)18:49
madnick"on a rewrite of the one"* :)18:49
madnickatm im sketching on some UML diagrams for the implementation in an object oriented language instead of C18:51
charlie-tcaStill seems to be a pain switching from lightdm-gtk-greeter to unity-greeter18:52
charlie-tcaand the other way, too.18:52
micahgwe should make it so dpkg-reconfigure works18:56
charlie-tcaI thought that was being worked for Precise already?18:57
* micahg has no idea, should've been done for oneiric18:59
charlie-tcawe ran outof time, we only had the greeter working derivatives for the final19:00
charlie-tcaI will be back for the meeting. Need to take a break19:26
ochosihm, when's the meeting again today?19:27
charlie-tca22:00 U"TC19:27
ochosiwasn't sure anymore19:27
Unit1932 hours, 30 minutes19:29
ochosiUnit193: are you doing a countdown for me?19:30
Unit193Might as well :D (But Charlie is far better)19:30
ochosiin fact it'd be nice if ubottu could do reminders for things like meetings or deadlines19:31
ochosiubottu: can you do that for us?19:31
ubottuochosi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:31
astraljavaYeah, that's a demanding task alright. No offense to whoever are doing it, of course.19:35
Unit193./ubottu is overloaded as it is19:36
Unit193^^ Would know, it's doing good as it is19:51
astraljavaHow so? Does it not scale? Is it sitting on a 486SX?19:51
genii-aroundAn old server running 7.04 actually19:52
Unit193Tracking bans, factoids, packages, bugs... And it's all running on Python (Supybot)19:54
astraljavaSurely it's got some timers already, though. It's not like there are millions of meetings.19:55
astraljavaBut anyway, apologies for the lack of smileys. My initial line was actually a response to ubottus template answer, not towards anyone who maintains it.19:56
astraljavaI know sarcasm is lost on the internet.19:57
Unit193I've actually got a nice clone up, but it's not quite the same19:57
astraljavaWhy? Wouldn't it serve this purpose excellently?19:58
Unit193It's not actually running on a server, just a computer that I don't intend to turn off :P19:59
astraljavade-facto server, then20:00
Unit193Just about, yeah.  This best in offtopic?20:01
astraljavaSure, but I'm all done anyway. Joke carried on for too long, from my POV.20:01
olbihello, meeting is over?21:18
astraljavaHasn't started yet.21:19
olbiwow :D21:19
astraljavain 40 minutes we're a-go.21:19
olbioh, I have +1 hour :P21:20
olbiforgot that :]21:20
astraljavaYep, DST is over.21:20
astraljavaErr... that woulda affected the other way around. Whatever.21:26
* micahg hopes a production system that's internet facing isn't running 7.0421:37
astraljavaSomeone likes to live on the edge?21:42
charlie-tcaIf it is behind a good firefall, does it matter?21:42
astraljavaPacket-crafting can penetrate firewalls.21:42
micahgcharlie-tca: yes21:45
knomexubuntu community meeting in 15 minutes :)21:46
charlie-tcaknome: I only have about an hour I stay around.21:48
knomecharlie-tca, let's try to go through all the stuff in that time21:48
charlie-tcaYou are chairing, should be able to hold it to that.21:49
charlie-tcaYou can always email me if I miss something21:49
astraljavaYeah, after all, it's not a Studio meeting.21:49
Unit193It's got Apache/2.2.14 at any rate21:49
knomecharlie-tca, and we have the meeting minutes (trying to use meetingology as much as possible now)21:52
charlie-tcaum, I think we have always had minutes21:52
knomecharlie-tca, yeah, but the #info and stuff21:53
knomecharlie-tca, try to create better minutes, so you don't need to read the log at all to see what people talked about21:54
knomewe should give topic editing rights to meetingology later21:56
Unit193Op, /mode -t21:56
knomethat's not too good.21:56
knomeeverybody can change the topic then21:56
Unit193Would work for the meeting until you get it changed21:57
knomei suppose you can give topic editing rights for a nick in freenode21:57
knomenot so important21:57
knomei'll fix it after the meeting :)21:57
knomecharlie-tca, will you give me +votsriRfAF for #xubuntu* ?21:58
charlie-tcaYou should already have full op there? 21:59
charlie-tcawhat is all that?21:59
knomethat gives me "owner" rights21:59
knomewhich gives me access to modify the access21:59
knomeso i don't need to poke you anymore :)21:59
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu Community Meeting21:59
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Nov  7 21:59:57 2011 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.21:59
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired21:59
knomehey everybody!22:00
knomeour agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings22:00
knomeif you say anything during the meeting, you will be counted as participant22:01
knomeare we all ready, or does somebody need a minute or two?22:01
* madnick is ready22:01
* beardygnome is ready22:02
olbiwe are ready :D22:02
knomeokay, great22:02
knomelet's start with our agenda then22:02
knome#topic Old Business22:02
knome#subtopic Top 10 FAQ for the new website22:02
knomeGridCube seems to be offline, any updates about this?22:03
knomeokay, nothing...22:03
knome#subtopic madnick: Build a lightdm greeter22:03
madnick1 sec22:03
charlie-tcaIt was waiting for a review only22:03
ochosipfew, right on time22:03
knomecharlie-tca, okay, i'll announce that later22:04
knomemadnick, wasn't there an other document too? (go ahead)22:04
olbiso short this top 10 questions :P22:05
madnickoh sorry, yes there is other documents, but this was the one i cound find bookmarked, and for the greeter:22:05
madnickI am working on a redesign of the engine, doing UML design, and reading docs, trying to collect all features possbile to make it modular as possible22:05
olbiok, I think it should be translated to other langs22:06
knome#info madnick is working on a redesign of the engine, doing UML design, reading docs22:06
knomemadnick, you can use #info too22:06
madnickokay :)22:06
knomeolbi, let's get back to that later.22:06
olbiknome: ok22:06
knomemadnick, is there any draft?22:07
knomemadnick, or are we using the old style?22:07
madnickoh, for the acctual theme, i have not done anything22:07
madnickJust working to make the engine be able to handle all needs22:07
knomeyou know more about this next week?22:07
olbiI think, the style is good for xubunt website22:08
olbibut it should has some started guide22:08
knomeolbi, are you talking about the website?22:09
olbifor actually supported versions of Xubuntu22:09
olbiknome: yes22:09
knomeolbi, can we get back to other subjects later please22:09
knome#subtopic Ristretto as default image viewer22:09
olbimy fault :(22:09
knomecomments, anybody?22:09
charlie-tcastill buggy?22:09
ochosii've worked a bit with stephen on ristretto 0.3.022:09
knome#info Ristretto has got many updates lately (nearly a complete rewrite)22:10
ochosii mean mostly in an advisory and testing position22:10
knomeochosi, you too can use #info :)22:10
Unit193Last I knew you couldn't use arrow keys to browse22:10
ochosiit's working great and as far as i'm concerned a lot more as the user would expect22:10
olbiare there some packages for ristretto 0.3 for xubuntu?22:10
ochosithat was one of the changes22:10
ochosino, not yet22:10
knomeany blocking stuff?22:10
micahgwhen it hits testing it'll be syncs22:10
ochosi# Ristretto has become a lot more stable towards 0.3.0 and at the same time gained new features22:11
ochosi#info Ristretto has become a lot more stable towards 0.3.0 and at the same time gained new features22:11
ochosiwhat were the blockers again?22:11
knomeusing thumbnailbar crashed ristretto :P22:11
knomeand stuff..22:11
ochosiright, no, that's not happening at all now22:11
ochosiand a thumbnailbar-redesign is underway22:11
madnickCan ristretto handle svg files?22:11
ochosiso that might even happen in time for 12.04 (depending on stephen's bathroom renovation :) )22:12
knome#info Thumbnailbar problems have been fixed, redesign is in progress22:12
knomeochosi, do you know about ristretto and svg?22:12
ochosimadnick: not sure, will quickly check (i have git-version here), one sec22:13
olbiif not, what imageviewer we choose?22:13
knomegthumb is default now22:13
ochosigthumb is really something different imo, it's more a manager than a viewer22:14
madnickgthumb has some extensions that wont work with xubuntu enabled by default22:14
micahgwell, we shipped both22:14
knomeolbi, and anybody is free to create a app comparison spec22:14
knomemadnick, yes, but gthumb is default, am i right? :)22:14
knomemicahg, ^22:14
madnickknome: yes22:14
micahgidr, I thought it was default for some things22:14
ochosi#info Ristretto can display svg22:14
olbii use gpicview but it can't handle svg too :(22:14
knomeany other comments?22:15
olbican it go forward with arrows?22:15
olbito other images?22:15
ochosiolbi: ristretto?22:15
ochosiit can22:15
charlie-tcaLooks to me like we still have some critical bugs in it22:15
ochosithat was one of the improvements22:15
olbiat least :D22:15
mr_pouit+1 with ochosi, I don't think people should see gthumb as a quick viewer (that's ristretto). With gthumb I guess you can manage your photo collection22:15
ochosicharlie-tca: are those reports on a more recent version of ristretto?22:16
charlie-tcaI haven't looked at every one to verify the versions22:16
knomeat least the hangs22:16
micahgright, it was totally rewritten22:16
charlie-tcaeach one will need to be tested against the latest version22:16
ochosithose older bugreports most likely don't matter anymore22:16
ochosibut yeah, we can test them22:16
knomeochosi, would you be willing to test those bugs against the new version, and report the outcome?22:17
ochosii could, but not this week (i'm rather busy)22:17
madnicki could compile it and check it22:17
knome#action ochosi or madnick to test the bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ristretto with the latest version, and report back22:17
meetingologyACTION: ochosi or madnick to test the bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ristretto with the latest version, and report back22:17
ochosiit's not very difficult, you just have to clone, compile it and then run it from the src-dir with "./ristretto"22:17
knomeokay good22:18
knomelet's continue about this next week when we know more22:18
knome#subtopic "maybe-ubiquity" option22:18
knomewhat is this? who is the assignee?22:18
micahgknome: you might want to defer that testing until next week when we have 0.3.022:18
charlie-tcaThe project lead/release manager22:18
knome#info Will get back to the issue in the next meeting22:19
knome#subtopic Ubuntu moving to 5-year release schedule for LTS22:19
charlie-tcaknome: all those lts items were assigned to project lead22:19
micahgknome: I was talking about ristretto not ubiquity22:19
knomemicahg, ah...22:20
knomecharlie-tca, sure, but i don't know what maybe-ubiquity is from the top of my head so somebody who does should explain it to me first.22:20
micahgshould be syncd on the 15/1622:20
knomeso, let's move that to next week too22:20
knomeso somebody will have more time to explain it to me :P22:20
knomecharlie-tca, what did you gather about the 5-year schedule in UDS?22:20
charlie-tcaXubuntu can choose to have 18 month, three-year, or five-year cycle for Precise.22:21
mr_pouitit's the nice frontendof ubiquity that moves the language and boot selection screen later afaik22:21
knome#info Xubuntu can choose to have 18 month, three-year, or five-year cycle for Precise.22:21
charlie-tcaThere are now procedures to have Xubuntu designated as an official LTS release. This has the advantage of allowing the cd images to be rebuilt at each point upgrade.22:21
knome#info There are now procedures to have Xubuntu designated as an official LTS release. This has the advantage of allowing the cd images to be rebuilt at each point upgrade.22:21
charlie-tcahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/ tells us what we must do to maintain official derivative status.22:21
knome#info https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/ tells us what we must do to maintain official derivative status.22:21
charlie-tcaNormally, the project lead is also the release manager for Xubuntu.22:22
olbishould we go to DVDs?22:22
charlie-tcaIf so, I will notify the appropriate people to keep you informed.22:22
charlie-tcaI started a release checklist at22:22
charlie-tcaXubuntu Release Manager - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Development/ReleaseProcess22:22
charlie-tcaLTS 22:22
knomecharlie-tca, can we have some time about this together later this week?22:23
charlie-tcaand, lastly, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecognizedDerivatives tells how to become an official derivative, as well as how to gain the LTS designator (last section).22:23
charlie-tcaI will be on and off until about November 2422:23
knome#info https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecognizedDerivatives tells how to become an official derivative, as well as how to gain the LTS designator (last section).22:23
knome#action Developers to read documents in the URLs linked22:24
meetingologyACTION: Developers to read documents in the URLs linked22:24
knome#action knome and charlie-tca to get around together about this22:24
meetingologyACTION: knome and charlie-tca to get around together about this22:24
knome#info Discussion will continue next week22:24
knome#topic Team updates22:24
knome#subtopic Packaging, Development22:24
knomeplease use '#info blahblah'22:25
knomeso we'll get the stuff directly to minutes, and they are easier to pick to the official team reports too22:25
knomemicahg, mr_pouit ?22:25
mr_pouit#info Nothing big this week: xfce4-indicator-plugin fixed in oneiric-updates for some open issues, and micahg did some syncs from debian testing22:26
knomethat's it? :)22:27
ochosimr_pouit: ooh, scrollwheel-stuff and togglebutton is fixed?22:27
mr_pouityeah, let me find the bug numbers ;>22:27
mr_pouitBug #852017 and Bug #87992822:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 852017 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu Oneiric) "xfce4-indicator-plugin does not update output" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85201722:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 879928 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Scrolling the mousewheel over the sound-indicator doesn't adjust the volume" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87992822:28
ochosihm, i have all oneiric updates activated, but it seems i haven't received that update yet... :/22:28
knomeooh, nice!22:28
* ochosi is soo keen to get it22:28
knomegood work :)22:28
knomemr_pouit, you ready? :)22:28
mr_pouit(0.3.1-1ubuntu3.1 is the fixed version. It was accepted 16h ago, so maybe some mirrors haven't updated yet)22:29
* ochosi switches to ubuntu.com servers22:29
mr_pouitknome: that's all, unless micahg has something to add ;-)22:29
knome#subtopic Bug Triage, Testing22:29
knomecharlie-tca? :)22:30
knomestill pretty quiet for pangolin is it22:30
charlie-tca#info all testing will now be coordinated through the QA ISO tracker, including daily testing22:30
Unit193Starting tests Nov 24th, correct?22:30
charlie-tca#info New process for images... if you break it, you fix it, and you get 3 hours22:30
knomemadnick, want to add a few words about the testing system?22:30
charlie-tca#info we will start our daily testing between 24 and 28 November22:31
olbicool :)22:31
madnickknome: well, this overrides it, i think? i will still continue developing it, because it may be useful, not sure if gridcube will however22:31
knomedon't know QA ISO tracker, but i suppose it does.22:31
knomeanything else from bugs or testing?22:32
charlie-tcaI want to thank both GridCube and madnick for their work on the testing setup, but with qa iso tracker, we will not be using it22:32
madnickcharlie-tca: "you break it you fix it in 3 hours"?22:32
knomegood to have a tool, even if it was not ours22:32
charlie-tcaThe developer that uploads a broken package will have to fix it, including weekends and off days,.22:32
charlie-tcaThey initial fix time goal is 3 hours22:32
ochosisounds pretty ambitious22:33
knomei hope this applies to canonical developers too22:33
* madnick thought it was about if you broke it while testing :P22:33
knomedoes it apply to a package breaking some other package too?22:33
charlie-tcaapplies to everyone, 22:33
charlie-tcaThey will revert the package if needed to fix the others22:33
knomelet's hope this works as planned22:34
charlie-tcawe all do22:34
knomeanything else, or shall we continue?22:34
charlie-tcaThe goal is to have working images, as much as possible22:34
charlie-tcaI'm done22:34
knome#subtopic Website, Documentation22:34
knome#info Finishing touches are made for the website22:35
olbiwe should add starting guide on website for newers :]22:35
knome#info Discussion about website content at the developer mailing list, will give people at least a week to share their ideas and drafts22:35
knomeolbi, yes, and we should be getting the Top 10 FAQ online too on our staging site22:36
ochosimr_pouit: confirmed, scrollbar works again over sound-indicator! yay!22:36
knome#action knome will schedule a sprint for the website content review and update next week22:37
meetingologyACTION: knome will schedule a sprint for the website content review and update next week22:37
knome#subtopic Marketing, Artwork22:37
ochosii've mostly done minor tweaks of greybird lately22:38
knome#info madnick works on Plymouth and lightdm to create a nice booting experience; we follow the artistic specification created for Oneiric22:38
ochosisome of you know already22:39
ochosi#info ochosi has created a dark style for xfce4-datetime-plugin http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-11072011-113830pm.php22:39
olbiwe need better artworks for apps, in Xubuntu 11.10 when I used FF 7.0 and for examples wordpress plugin "Add images" it doesnt look good :/22:39
ochosi#info A patched version is available for testing in the shimmer PPA (thanks to mr_pouit). You'll need Greybird from git though.22:39
Unit193A few combo GTK2/3 themes would be good, IMO22:40
knome#info New website needs dynamic content, see the message on developer mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2011-October/008004.html22:40
olbionly greybird is supported now?22:40
ochosibut who will do them ;)22:40
ochosiolbi: yes, atm it's only greybird...22:40
knomeolbi, application specific stuff should mostly go upstream, we don't want to use time fixing other peoples bugs22:41
knomeyes, greybird is the only feasible gtk2+3 theme right now22:41
Unit193ochosi: xfce-look doesn't even have a subpage with them yet, while gnome-look does :/22:41
ochosiUnit193: well, in fact that makes sense because xfce is still all-gtk222:41
olbii dont like greybird, better is bluebird22:41
olbibut support under 11.10 is poor so use now greybird :]22:42
ochosidoing bluebird's gtk3 won't be too difficult, albatross will a lot more challenging22:42
knome#info Ideas for the new website content, including drafts, should be sent to the developer mailing list, and you can use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Website/Drafts too22:42
knomeolbi, ^ about xubuntu/ubuntu/kubuntu diffs etc.22:42
ochosiif any of you feel like supporting me here, that'd be nice22:42
knomei'll help you as much as i can22:42
charlie-tcatesting will help, when we can. I can't upgrade to precise until I get to Idaho, though22:43
daz1I would like to offer my help in any way with themes22:43
olbiehh, site is working like it is on huge load :/22:43
ochosidaz1: nice, thanks. let's talk about it after the meeting?22:43
knomeolbi, the wiki is always slow, that's why ML is okay too22:44
knome#action Those interested in helping with themes (testing or anything else), contact ochosi22:44
meetingologyACTION: Those interested in helping with themes (testing or anything else), contact ochosi22:44
knomeochosi, anything else you want to add?22:44
ochosihm, not for now, i guess even greybird needs a few gtk3-fixes22:45
knome#topic Announcements22:45
knome#info No (other) announcements.22:46
knome#topic Other Business22:46
knome#subtopic Xubuntu brainstorming day/weekend22:46
knomeochosi, go ahead22:46
knomeochosi, (and please use #info where applicable)22:46
ochosi(and sry for the delay)22:48
ochosimy idea was develop a – maybe even longish – todo list for precise22:49
ochosisomething like a real roadmap22:49
ochosibut basically say: we have until next week to add stuff to that list, and then it's "done"22:49
ochosi"done" obviously excludes bugfixes22:49
ochosibut settle on features we would like to see and then concentrate on those22:50
knomei think this is a good idea22:50
ochosithe way i experienced the last cycles there were always a lot of things coming up late in the cycle22:50
charlie-tcaI defer to mr_pouit for that. I think the developers should play an active role22:50
ochosiand this is something that is very strainful – especially for people who are also fixing bugs...22:50
knomei think the whole community should take part22:50
ochosiin xfce they have something like that22:51
ochosithey develop a roadmpa22:51
ochosiand then they try to find assignees22:51
ochosiobviously without an assignee a feature isn't going to be implemented22:51
olbiit is very good :)22:51
ochosibut that way we could also "track" what's going on22:51
ochosifinding assignees could happen after the "feature freeze" for the roadmap22:51
ochosiand also items could be dropped, but not added22:51
ochosi(not sure how strict this policy would have to be though, just thinking out loud)22:52
charlie-tcaso, basically, you really want blueprints that we did not do for UDS?22:52
knomethe reality is most of us can't attend UDS22:52
ochosiyes, but in a more accessible way, e.g. in the wiki22:52
knomeand that the things planned in UDS very rarely happen22:52
charlie-tcaWhy isn't launchpad blueprints fully accessible by everyone?22:53
knomeunless you have people that are committed, and it's too easy to promise something in UDS22:53
knomeyes, it's a shame we didn't have blueprints for UDS.22:53
charlie-tcaactually, the entire Ubuntu distro is built from blueprints that happen at UDS. Xubuntu has only tried to use them one time.22:53
knomethe problem is that we had a really weak representation at UDS22:53
knomeand those who are there, don't really have time to hang out at IRC22:54
ochosicharlie-tca: maybe it's me being used to editing wikis, but i tend to think they're quick and more intuitive to use than launchpad. also: many people don't even know what a "blueprint" is. i have read discussions on irc about that again and again22:54
knomethis should be done BEFORE UDS in the next cycle, but it's not possible anymore for pangolin22:54
* micahg has to go will check backscroll later22:54
ochosibut really, i'm not opposing using blueprints as a means to accomplish this22:54
ochosithe main thing is the idea of getting more users involved and collecting more ideas22:55
knome#idea Schedule a daay or two for Xubuntu brainstorming, and create the blueprints for the release during those days22:55
charlie-tcaYes, they should be done before UDS, but they can still be built at this time22:55
knome#info This should be done before UDS in the next cycles, but since we are already late, we will have to stick with this timeframe22:55
ochosisuggestion: we could create a wikipage for starters22:56
charlie-tcaIt also requires more than just one or two people applying to go to UDS.22:56
ochosiand those ideas that find assignees "become" blueprints22:56
knome#action knome to create a Doodle poll for best days for the majority of contributors so we can see which dates would be the best22:56
meetingologyACTION: knome to create a Doodle poll for best days for the majority of contributors so we can see which dates would be the best22:56
ochosiknome: maybe make it more than one day in a row22:57
knomecharlie-tca, that's a problem that does beyond the blueprints only22:57
knomeochosi, yes22:57
knomeerr -only22:57
ochosiany more thoughts on this?22:57
knome#action ochosi to build a wikipage around the idea22:57
meetingologyACTION: ochosi to build a wikipage around the idea22:57
olbiI can help :)22:58
knome#info Discussion will continue on the mailing list and the following community meetings after the wikipage and the Doodle poll is set22:58
knome#subtopic Contributor check22:59
knome#action knome to send an email about this to the mailing list in the following week22:59
meetingologyACTION: knome to send an email about this to the mailing list in the following week22:59
knome#subtopic Meeting times22:59
knome#info Will be discussed at the next meeting. The next meeting is at Sunday, November 13 at 22UTC.23:00
knome#subtopic Any other business23:00
olbiI dont have now23:01
Unit193GridCube had this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GridCube/ProposedChanges , but he isn't here so....23:01
knomeokay, any discussion should be continued on the mailing list, or IRC23:01
knomeUnit193, let's discuss those when he's online23:01
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Nov  7 23:02:02 2011 UTC.  23:02
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2011/xubuntu-devel.2011-11-07-21.59.moin.txt23:02
charlie-tcaThank you, knome 23:02
knometight fit, but we made it in about an hour! :)23:02
charlie-tcawill see you later this week here.23:02
madnickknome: ochosi and i talked about making the xscreensaver loginbox prettier23:03
knomei'll be back really soon23:03
beardygnomemadnick: that's a great idea23:03
beardygnomei use gnome-screensaver atm because xscreensaver looks so bad23:04
ochosibeardygnome: yeah, problem is: you have to edit the source because it doesn't support theming23:04
ochosibut if we do it might turn out to be nice, who knows23:04
ochosipersonally i'd try not to make it too xubuntu-specific (in terms of looks) so that other people/distros/DEs can use it as well23:05
beardygnomeochosi: sounds good23:07
knomemadnick, yeah, ++23:08
ochosimadnick: i'm about to revamp the Roadmap page, would you mind adding your stuff there?23:08
knomei will be updating the meeting minutes, will read stuff after that again23:08
madnickochosi: not sure what that means :P23:09
ochosimadnick: hehe, i'll ping you again when the page is ready ;)23:09
madnicksounds good23:09
ochosimadnick: ok, i think i'll save the page now, you can add a few things yourself then23:17
ochosimadnick: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap23:18
madnickochosi: i should add what im working on?23:22
ochosimadnick: yes, you could add what you plan for precise23:22
madnickoh okay :)23:23
olbiif it is need I could some times checked Xubuntu on laptops 23:27
madnickochosi: i probably failed at updating that page properly23:28
ochosimadnick: hmm, try again? :)23:29
madnickochosi: no, it updated, but im not sure it supposed to look like i made it :P23:29
madnickI created a new big headline23:29
madnickand added to themes23:30
olbiis it possible to translate that page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu to another language?23:30
knomeochosi, the website at xubuntu.org will be translatable later23:30
olbimidori sux, it shouldn't be23:30
ochosimadnick: it looks ok, but i'd make the "software development" header === instead of ==23:30
madnickokay thanks23:31
olbii prefer staying with thunderbird, claws mail on early development23:31
olbibut in office, we should add LibreOffice, so much ppl are known this23:32
ochosiolbi: this is not issues i'd like to discuss *here* and *now*, but things that need careful assessment (=application comparison)23:32
olbiok, ok :)23:32
ochosiwithout that, i couldn't care less about peoples arguments. there are almost as many arguments for and against a specific app as there are people (and usecases ;) )23:32
olbiok, so could you add LibreOffice to this page?23:32
knomei doubt libreoffice will be installed by default, but yes, you can add that.23:33
ochosiolbi: you can even do that yourself ;)23:33
knomesomebody needs to be the assignee in driving the change though23:33
olbiI can edit :D23:33
ochosiexactly, maybe i should add a disclaimer: "Without an assignee, the proposed changes are not worth the piece of virtual paper they are written on."23:34
ochosiok, one quick note on the roadmap page: please create sublists for every *type* of application23:45
ochosii can't see why empathy and filezilla should be compared to each other23:45
ochosi(i.e. make a sublist "instant messaging")23:46
olbioh, ok :)23:46
ochositheoretically we can also structure it like the application menu, that would mean "web-browsers" would become a sublist of "Internet"23:47
ochosipersonally i don't mind, as long as it's clear and consistent23:47
knomealso, please don't add just everything in the page... the page comes meaningless if you list every possible application23:47
knomeonly add those you really would like to see, and possibly also be the assignee in writing a blueprint, and working for it23:47

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