
BlindWolf8Hello all. I am not experiencing this bug, but some clients are and I can't pinpoint it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/82080503:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 820805 in Bazaar "access denied on Pageant .pag file" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:13
AuroraBorealisif thats a bug in pageant03:14
AuroraBorealisgl haha. its been like 6 years and only one new release since then?03:14
BlindWolf8it can't be pagent, because I don't get the bug and I'm using 0.6103:15
BlindWolf8other clients are using 0.61 and they get the bug03:15
AuroraBorealiswhere is their pageant.exe file03:15
BlindWolf8I tried it in a virtual machine and cannot reproduce the bug03:15
AuroraBorealiscause i use pageant too03:15
AuroraBorealisand i don't get said bug03:15
BlindWolf8I told them to use the installer, which I use too03:15
AuroraBorealiswhat is the .pag file anyway03:16
BlindWolf8I have no idea03:16
AuroraBorealisgoogle is no help cause its keep going for page file03:18
AuroraBorealisand pageant itself03:18
BlindWolf8you can do -page in google to exclude page from search results03:46
vilahi all !07:58
mgzmorning all.08:20
vilamgz: _o/08:25
mgzfeeling a bit better vila?08:27
vilamgz: yup, not fully resumed but good enough to be here :)08:27
vilamgz: how about you ?08:27
mgzI'm mostly alive08:29
vilagood, let's join efforts to provide at least one decent bzr dev ;)08:29
* fullermd gets a giant steam press warmed up.08:30
vilabunch of updates here (including reboots !) and weird stuff (gwibber consuming 12GB, wtf ???)08:33
vilathat was 12GB of VM (4GB resident) for that matter... I suspect some weird interaction caused by an update while gwibber was still running so I may never be able to reproduce :-/08:37
fullermdWell, it could be worse.  Could have been firefox; it wouldn't have bothered limiting itself to so little memory.08:40
* vila feels weird: 8 vans, full of CRS (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compagnie_r%C3%A9publicaine_de_s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9) below my windows...08:44
vilas/below/under/ ?08:44
vilathe thing is, there is this library which is being renovated one block from there and our president will visit it today...08:45
vilabut 8 vans ??? What sort of democracy is that ? :-/08:46
fullermdI know, right?  It has to be an odd number to avoid deadlocks!08:46
vilahaaa, makes sense, one for each of my desktop  core !08:47
vila. o O (But how on earth do they know I have 4 cores (8 threads) ??)08:47
* vila watches for the black helicopters...08:48
fullermdOh, I told some guy.08:48
fullermdHe said he needed to know it to transfer the $15,000,000 (15 MILLION DOLLARS) out of the Ivory Coast into my account.08:48
fullermdNow that I think back, it was a LITTLE weird...08:49
vilabut 15 is an even number...08:49
fullermdIt's certainly a rather odd even number.08:50
mgzany idea why your natty chroot seems to be more of a race magnet than the other ones?08:56
mgzor is it just happy chance?08:56
vilahappy chance !!08:57
vilarace bugs... the more you reproduce them, the better08:57
mgzwe having standup this morning?09:00
mgzshould perhaps have been an hour ago...09:01
jelmerI'm on mumble now..09:02
vilamaxb: ppas updated: \o/ Thanks !10:11
jelmervila: https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr-builddeb/has-version-multiple-tarballs/+merge/8154510:15
jelmervila: testing10:15
maxbvila: No problem :-).10:25
maxbNow, I suppose I should go care for the Mercurial PPAs :-/10:25
maxbThere is some superb irony in me ending up doing both of those10:26
jelmervila: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/731886/10:40
mgzthe vila bell is so cute.10:41
lifelessmaxb: how about cygwin mirrors of both repos's ?10:41
vilajelmer, mgz: https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/udd/use-local-bzr/+merge/8155511:02
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mgzI'm off for an appointment, will be back a little later11:59
jelmervila: hmm, udd doesn't call bzrlib.initialize() ? :P12:02
vilaha crap :)12:02
jelmervila: argh, hit a bzrlib bug12:25
jelmervila: https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr/workingtree-pull-null/+merge/8157212:50
jelmervila: python-distro-info12:51
jelmervila: debianlp:distro-info12:53
jelmervila: lp:debian/distr-info12:54
jelmervila: lp:debian/distro-info12:54
mgzam around again.13:42
vilanot sure I will for too long ;)13:44
vilafever seems to be striking again13:44
* mgz hands vila a pillow13:50
Riddellwhat's the URL to add blog entries to http://blog.bazaar.canonical.com again?13:51
* jelmer lunches, back in a bit14:03
Riddellgot it, my closing Bazaar blog http://blog.bazaar.canonical.com/?p=38314:05
vilaRiddell: damn, I couldn't find it myself either, where is it ?14:09
vilaRiddell: nice blog post, you really did a ton of stuff during this rotation...14:13
Riddellvila: "log in" under meta menu in right hand side14:14
vilaha, here it is 8-)14:16
vilaweird, I went to an another url which triggered an OpenID login and from there the menu appeared, yeah for discoverability14:17
mgzRiddell: nice post, I just edited it a little for formatting and some spellings14:57
mgzand some random extra linkification14:58
mgzRiddell: I'm a little sad it's not in french...14:58
Riddellthanks mgz15:01
Riddellmaybe I should do my UDS summary blog in French :)15:02
vilaRiddell, mgz: hehe15:25
vilaRiddell: where are you at this minute ? Still in our TZ or already enjoying tropics ?15:26
Riddellin the land of Liberte, Equalite et noix de cocos15:30
jelmermgz: I'm back on mumble, fwiw15:31
Riddellc'est la france mais avec en plus des vaches http://www.flickr.com/photos/jriddell/15:31
mgzwait, with more cows?15:32
vilaz'ont des vaches en Guadeloupe ???15:32
* mgz distrusts his vocab15:32
fullermdHarumph.  Dunno why people go off and invent all these other languages when we already have English...15:32
vilaRiddell: did you mean: s/avec en plus des vaches/sans les vaches/ ?15:33
vilaperfect French otherwise, congrats ;)15:34
vilajelmer: did you file the bug about the revision not present ?15:35
Riddellils sont des vaches partout15:35
vilasont ou ont ? Very different joke ...15:35
vilajelmer: you had an overview (overhear ?) of my Darth Vader voice ;)15:36
jelmervila: not yet, still trying to get this multi-tarball thing going..15:36
jelmervila: but thanks for the reminder :)15:36
jelmervila: yeah, I was about to say. How much whiskey have you had today?15:37
vilame ???15:37
vilaI swear ! Not a single drop !15:37
fullermdOnly multiple drops?15:37
vilaIf I were to cure my Ubuflu, I'll use ti punch anyway :)15:38
jelmervila: what about some warm milk?15:40
vilaerrr, I mean honey in a grog for inhaler  !15:40
jelmerapparently there are wild cows roaming the french streets...15:40
vilaI had 8 vans in the street this morning but that's rather unusual15:40
vila(full of cows I mean)15:40
vilahmm, that was rather obscure for foreigners may be... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mort_Aux_Vaches should clarify that ;)15:41
fullermdMan, you're just milking that story for all it's worth...15:41
vilahmm, not sure wp really clarifies... Dutch radio station... using french slang about german cops...15:42
vilaRiddell: back to your photos, nice, matches my memory of Martinique... nice souvenirs :)15:46
jelmervila: that sounds like something that the VPRO would do15:48
vilamgz: https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr/trivial_fork_error_block/+merge/81479 reviewed16:17
vilamgz: finishing the discussion *here* will probably be more effective16:17
mgz...sorry vila, I'm causing needless work for you16:17
mgzlooking at it again the problem lies in the parent side, not the child side of the pipe16:18
viladid you break something I'm aware about yet ? ;)16:18
mgzokay, so your review says basically what I've come back round to.16:19
vilagreat !16:19
mgzactually fixing the problem would probably mean changes in both subunit and testtools, and isn't actually worth while16:20
* vila nods16:20
mgzas an aside, the EINTR/short write handling is just because... otherwise I'd feel bad using os.write completely incorrectly16:20
vilamgz: what I would be more interested in, in this area, is the ability to capture the subunit streams16:21
vilahuh ?16:21
vilaYou mean EINTR can occur randomly ?16:21
vilaor that ignoring it will just cause a short write ?16:21
vilas/just// that's already expressing *my* opinion ;(16:22
vilaargh ;)16:22
mgzdepending on when a signal arrives, you can get either16:23
vilaright, but what can cause this signal ?16:23
mgzbut the code wasn't on evidence of a problem, just that I don't like leaving holes16:24
vilaspecifically, my concern was more about having a helper or not16:25
vilato keep *this* code short16:25
mgzyeah, that's a question. the problem in general is you're exchanging more reliable c library code for less reliable python16:46
mgzposted new mp which weakens the test instead.16:46
lamalexhey, i have a pipes question16:47
lamalexshould add-pipe -i ask me about uncomitted changes interactively?16:48
maxbjelmer: Hi, are you aware of severe compatibility issues between bzr 2.4.2 and bzr-git 0.6.4 ?17:41
maxbAs in 'bzr branch git:.....' crashes with an AttributeError17:43
jelmermaxb: that's fixed in trunk17:44
jelmermaxb: ah, rats.. didn't realize that 0.6.4 is in sid17:44
maxbRight, do you plan a debian upload shortly?17:44
jelmermaxb: thanks for the reminder17:44
jelmermaxb: yeah, I will17:44
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mgzokay, just the funny url ones left to review of jelmer's mps19:04
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LeoNerdHmmm... bzr has made me want  p4 shelve19:22
LeoNerdAnnoyingly awkward to produce in practice19:22
fullermdYou don't need 'p4 shelve'.  You just need bzr-p4   8-}19:24
LeoNerdHehe oooooh19:24
sorenWhat's "p4"?19:32
fullermdThe one between p3 and p5  ;)19:32
sorenOh, that thing.19:33
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jelmerthanks for the reviews mgz!19:36
wgzyou were getting quite a backlog :)19:37
jelmerg'day poolie22:59
pooliehi all22:59
pooliejelmer, gdd was interesting23:00
pooliei think today i'm going to have a look at making a txfixtures package and a buildd and then chase some mps23:00
jelmerpoolie: gdd?23:01
jelmerpoolie: we tested the newer bzr on a builder today, lamont is rolling it out at the moment23:01
pooliegoogle developer day23:28
poolieoh, did you23:28
pooliethat's good23:28
jelmerpoolie: ah, cool. any interesting discoveries?23:33

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