
stgraberhighvoltage: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108898409379097967594/welcome18:10
highvoltagestgraber: https://plus.google.com/u/0/106512410045218522565/posts18:12
highvoltagestgraber: did you create the other one?18:13
stgraberhighvoltage: yes, I'll remove it. Weird that google didn't show me that one and very weird that they let me create a duplicate :)18:13
stgraberhighvoltage: ok, I "think" it's "gone" :)18:15
highvoltageyeah at least I get a 404 for it :)18:15
highvoltage♬ Google+ status updates yeah ♬18:16
alkisg♬ Nice tune! ♬18:32
alkisgBtw stgraber: http://packages.debian.org/experimental/epoptes18:32
stgraberalkisg: I know, it's in Ubuntu already18:37
stgraberalkisg: I synced it a few minutes after it got in Debian18:37
alkisgWow, cool! When will we see it in http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=epoptes ?18:37
stgraberstgraber@castiana:~$ rmadison epoptes epoptes |    0.3.1-1 | precise/universe | source, all18:38
stgraberstgraber@castiana:~$ rmadison epoptes epoptes |    0.3.1-1 | precise/universe | source, all18:38
stgraberstgraber@castiana:~$ rmadison epoptes epoptes |    0.3.1-1 | precise/universe | source, all18:38
stgraber... broken copy/paste :)18:38
stgraberI guess it'll show up on packages.ubuntu.com whenever that thing gets updated (can take a few days)18:38

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