
=== negronjl_ is now known as negronjl
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hazmatniemeyer, g'morning09:59
niemeyerhazmat: Hey!09:59
* hazmat is up early to take out the afternoon for a dentist09:59
hazmatfwereade, rog greetings10:00
ejatmorning hazmat10:03
fwereademornings :)10:05
roghazmat, fwereade, niemeyer: hey!10:11
rogi saw previous exchange but unity had crashed so i couldn't type anything10:12
rogguess what, i've installed oneiric10:12
rog(probably my fault though for trying to tweak things with ccsm)10:13
hazmatfwereade, thanks for having a  look11:54
hazmatat the txzk stuff11:54
_mup_txzookeeper/session-and-conn-fail r62 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com12:03
_mup_save the chaos monkey via s/loose/lose ;-)12:03
_mup_txzookeeper/session-and-conn-fail r63 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com12:15
_mup_simplify pass through property, reenable retry function test, use min() instead of condition, per review comments12:15
_mup_txzookeeper/session-and-conn-fail r64 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com12:24
_mup_verify session event sequence per review comment12:24
_mup_juju/session-expiration r408 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com12:40
_mup_incorporate session expiration in process handling and retry client12:40
_mup_juju/local-repo-log-broken-charm r413 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com14:30
_mup_metadata parse enriches yamlerror with path info14:30
* hazmat wishes lp bug search would handle comments14:46
andylockranhey guys - I'm looking to work out how best to organise a system for managing my ubuntu installations.15:02
andylockranWhat resource should I look at to find more about running a management system on my own private infrastructure?15:03
hazmatandylockran, that sounds like a question better suited to #ubuntu-server .. it depends on what your looking for re 'management', if you mean deployment automation orchestra is nice, if you mean automated machine management, there are a number of closed and opensource tools that might fit the bill from landscape to puppet.. juju itself is focused at a higher level of service management and orchestration15:09
jcastroSpamapS: hey don't forget to ask scale-buddy of yours about Charm School16:10
jcastroyes, charm school.16:11
_mup_Bug #887644 was filed: juju/go: fixes for new error interface <juju:In Progress by rogpeppe> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/887644 >16:29
noodles775oooh, golang now in juju - I'd not realised it had started already :)16:34
rognoodles775: early stages yet!16:35
robbiewnoodles775: ...and not targeted for production release in 12.04 ;-)...but should be a sweet tech preview for sure16:39
robbiewm_3: ping16:41
* hazmat yawns17:00
hazmatfwereade, reply sent17:00
* hazmat heads off to discover the tender mercy of a dentist17:01
bloodearnesthey folks17:16
bloodearnestusing lxc provider, juju ssh is giving me an error: "PTY allocation request failed on channel 0"17:17
bloodearnestit worked fine while at UDS last week17:18
jimbakerbloodearnest, this seems to be a common problem out there, in terms of googling on that error. i haven17:20
jimbaker't seen it myself however17:20
jimbakereg, http://blog.asteriosk.gr/2009/02/20/pty-allocation-request-failed-on-channel-0/ discusses this issue17:20
bloodearnestjimbaker, hey, yeah googling suggests somthing incorrect with /dev/tty setup17:21
bloodearnestjimbaker: strange thing is it worked all last week fine :(17:21
jimbakerbloodearnest, precisely. i don't think it has anything to do with our lxc stuff, other than it seems like a possible resource exhaustion issue17:21
bloodearnestjimbaker: k, I'll try a reboot and see if that clears it up. Been a while anyway... :)17:22
jimbakerbloodearnest, ok, well that can fix some issues like this, but not ideal of course17:23
jimbakerbut it will tell something17:23
bloodearnestjimbaker: any other route you'd suggest? I double check running processes, but nothing seemed awry17:25
jimbakerbloodearnest, from what i read on the problem, that would not be an issue17:25
bloodearnestjimbaker: lsof | grep lxc tells me that a single lxc-start has /dev/pts/[2-6] open17:31
jimbakerbloodearnest, but that's a very minimal number of ptys to have open17:34
bloodearnestjimbaker: yep17:34
_mup_juju/support-num-units r412 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:43
_mup_Support in juju add-units17:43
bloodearnestjimbaker: fwiw, reboot didn't help. Fresh environment, trivial charm, still no ssh :(17:52
bloodearnestjimbaker: gotta EOD, but thanks for your help!17:52
rogniemeyer: here's a first skeleton of the juju provider-independent tests interface.17:57
jimbakerbloodearnest, just pointing out some possibilities. easier if i had the problem myself :(17:57
rogcomments welcome17:57
niemeyerrog: I don't understand what the interface is doing there17:58
bloodearnestjimbaker: sure - thanks anyway :)17:58
rogniemeyer: it's to enable a given environ provider to run a set of standard juju tests against itself17:58
rogniemeyer: as we discussed AFAIR17:59
niemeyerrog: what about testProvider(provider)?17:59
rogniemeyer: i wanted to do that, but gocheck makes it hard.17:59
niemeyerrog: It's a function..?17:59
rogbecause gocheck registration is global18:00
rogmaybe we could fix that, but i thought i'd try to work within existing constraints first18:00
niemeyerrog: It's even easier than that..18:00
niemeyerrog: Create a suite, and simply register it for each provider18:00
niemeyerrog: Suite(&ProviderSuite{theProvider})18:01
rognot so easy. but i've no time to do explain now, gotta go.18:01
niemeyerrog: and all the tests will be run independently with the provider set18:01
niemeyerrog: Duh18:01
rogtwo places need to call TestingT18:01
niemeyerrog: Nope18:01
rogbecause we've got two totally independant sets of tests18:02
niemeyerrog: They're simply two suites18:02
rogyes, that's what i want18:02
niemeyerrog: Suite(&ProviderSuite{provider1})18:02
rogbut who calls TestingT18:02
niemeyerrog: Suite(&ProviderSuite{provider2})18:02
niemeyerrog: A single independent function, like all uses of gocheck18:02
rogshould jujutest call TestingT?18:03
rogi didn't think it should, but perhaps that's the way to go18:03
niemeyerrog: Not sure about who's jujutest18:03
rogjujutest is called by a provider18:03
niemeyerrog: The provider package should do it18:03
niemeyerrog: I'd have to know more about the structure to help in that case18:04
rogok, then how does jujutest register its test suite?18:04
niemeyerrog: It's feeling more complex than it ought to be..18:04
niemeyerrog: I don't know who's jujutest18:04
rogniemeyer: jujutest is the platform-independent testing part of juju18:05
niemeyerrog: All the tests of juju are platform independent18:05
rogniemeyer: i don't want it to be part of juju itself because it's only about testing18:05
niemeyerrog: Let's talk about that when you have more time18:05
rogyeah, speak tomorrow18:05
niemeyerrog: Have a good one18:06
rogniemeyer: will do. and you!18:30
pindongahey again, I have an lxc specific question, but maybe you can help me out anyway? I have created an lxc container, which I was able to log in successfully, however after applying updates (it was a fresh lucid install) it now no longer completes booting, and I have no idea how to find out why18:44
pindongaI managed to get some log output from it, but not very enlightening18:45
pindongait looks like if init never spawns the getty processes18:45
pindongaand I see this:18:46
pindongainit: ureadahead-other main process (31) terminated with status 418:46
pindongainit: console-setup main process (32) terminated with status 118:46
pindongainit: ureadahead-other main process (37) terminated with status 418:46
SpamapSpindonga: I'm not sure lucid is going to work... LXC was pretty new then.19:19
pindongaSpamapS, I just found out something interesting19:19
pindongaI configured network manually with a static address19:20
pindongassh comes up ok19:20
pindongabut the console does not19:20
pindongawhich even if it's broken works for me19:20
pindongaI use the lxc container as a glorified chroot :)19:20
SpamapSpin/whois pindonga19:20
SpamapShahahaha doh19:20
* pindonga waves19:20
SpamapSwondered if we met last week ;)19:21
SpamapSpindonga: so are you running juju inside an LXC container, spawning more LXC containers?19:24
pindongano, no *that* crazy :)19:25
pindongain the short term I just tried to use juju to manage my lxc instances19:25
pindongaso I can do development in an isolated environment19:25
pindongahowever, juju+lxc doesn't survive reboots yet19:26
pindongaso I moved onto just using plain lxc19:26
pindongain the long term I want to move all of our infrastructure to juju (lxc locally and openstack for deployments)19:26
* hazmat catches up20:01
hazmatbloodearnest, so completly allegorical, i had some issues with pty allocation for ssh on lxc, reboots would help.. but once it failed it would never work,  they did effectively disappear though i yanked my virtualbox install and kernel modules.. i'd be curious to look at your lsmod output20:04
hazmatjimbaker, ping20:10
hazmatpindonga, this isn't really juju related, but you can start the container with a debug log and pass cli options to /sbin/init (ie. upstart) to verbose log as well, that might help... imo, its probably just better to focus on 11.10 with eye to deploying 12.04 lts ... but if you really want it ;-)20:12
pindongahazmat, yes , I was looking at that... thx20:13
jimbakerhazmat, hi20:27
jimbakercoffee time, biab20:33
hazmatjimbaker, priv msg20:46
_mup_juju/support-num-units r413 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com21:31
_mup_Support in juju deploy21:31
hazmatjimbaker, nice22:15
SpamapScan we make the bot also tell us when trunk is committed to?22:43
_mup_juju/support-num-units r415 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com23:23
_mup_PEP8, PyFlakes23:23
_mup_juju/support-num-units r416 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com23:48
_mup_Better help output for CLI changes23:48
hazmatSpamapS, its client side, the code is avail23:53
hazmatalthough its erlang as i recall, not sure where its deployed23:53
andylockranhazmat: thanks for your tip.  Ok - I'll look into that - thanks.23:53
hazmatSpamapS, https://launchpad.net/mup23:54
hazmatandylockran, np23:56

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