
slick666hello IRC overlords03:24
slick666I was looking into the meetingology bot03:25
slick666is that managed in this channel?03:25
slick666or rather by folks in this channel?03:25
Unit193Well, that's AlanBell's baby. What do you need with it?03:30
slick666I'm working with the NY team and looking at using it for keeping meeting minutes03:42
slick666it looks like there isn't an automated way03:43
slick666to request it03:43
Unit193I would think #ubuntu-bots or #ubuntu-bots-team would be a better place, but here's here too03:46
slick666I found it on the wiki03:47
slick666it looks like #ubuntu-scribes is the place to be03:47
slick666thanks for the info03:47
pangolinyou could just send AlanBell a PM also03:47
jussiI dont think scribes does meetingology...06:39
AlanBellit does now07:14
AlanBellwonder if they want it in -us-ny or some other channel07:17
jussiAlanBell: ooh, cool, I didnt know that :)07:26
jussiAlanBell: I havent look, have you updated all the mootbot bits on the wiki?07:26
AlanBellpossibly not all07:31
AlanBellI will have a look round later07:31
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jmlI'd like generic permission to change the topic on #ubuntu-app-devel.13:39
* Pici pokes jussi, elky or topyli 13:50
topylijml: so in effect, you'd like ops13:55
jmltopyli: well, I guess that would be acceptable. I had thought that chanserv allowed finer-grained permissions than that. Allowing the topic to be changed by anyone would also be acceptable, I think.14:05
topyliit does allow that, yes14:05
topyliso if i just add you to the access list with +t, it would suffice?14:06
jmltopyli: yes, that would be great.14:06
topyliPici or someone who actually knows how this works, that would work?14:07
topylijml: alright, please try and see if it worked :)14:11
jmltopyli: I tried with /topic14:13
jmldidn't work14:13
* jml tries with chanserv14:13
topylisince topiclock is set, you might need ops14:14
jmlyay that worked14:14
topyliah great14:14
jmltopyli: thanks.14:14
Picitopyli: sorry, was afk14:47
topylinevermind, we took the plunge!14:48
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