
locodir-userhi I am new how can I move about?06:52
YoBoYhi locodir-user 06:56
YoBoYyou want to start a loco-team or your question is about something else ?06:56
locodir-userI want to know how to writer chinese characters with penpoer junior I have been using under mswindows06:58
locodir-userI got the driver for the application on a CD but could not have it installed in ubuntu06:59
YoBoYlocodir-user: ok, you are not on a support channel (and I can't answer that). You need to join the #ubuntu channel, do you know how to join a channel on IRC ?07:01
locodir-userno can u help me?07:02
YoBoYyes sure, just type "/join #ubuntu" without the quotes07:02
locodir-userjoin #ubuntu07:03
YoBoYYou should try also to search the ubuntu forums, the documentation and askubuntu.com07:03
YoBoYyou missed the / ;)07:03
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dholbachgood morning08:04
bkerensaGood Morning dholbach :P08:20
* Tm_T says "woooo"08:22
dholbachhey bkerensa08:38
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saimanojplease let me know if anyone is here....17:31
YoBoYi'm here17:37
YoBoYsaimanoj: it's better to ask directly if you have any question, if it's just to talk you are welcome too ;)17:38
saimanojhello, in Google+ the g+ page creation is made available17:40
saimanojwhy not we create an Ubuntu Indian Loco team page in g+. Shall I create it, if others agree.17:40
saimanojYoBoy: any objection for anyone.17:42
YoBoYsaimanoj: you should ask that question on the ubuntu indian channel or mailing list, or directly to the loco contact or team leader of this loco team :)17:43
YoBoYsaimanoj: http://loco.ubuntu.com/ << to find your team and all the informations to contact them if you don't already have that17:44
saimanojthanks a lot.17:46
YoBoYBut to respond correctly, yes your locoteam can create a G+ it's a good idea (my team and other teams already have create these pages ^^")17:46
saimanojYoBoy: another doubt, Will all the loco teams have an irc channel. My loco team is unapproved.17:47
YoBoYthere is no need to be approved to have a channel17:48
saimanojthank you once again. You helped me a lot.17:48
YoBoYsaimanoj: it should be #ubuntu-in I think17:49
saimanojClarified of all the doubt in my mind just the remaining task is to contact my loco team members.17:49
YoBoYyes :)17:49
saimanojyes i found it. thanks for help.17:49
YoBoYyou need help with that ?17:49
saimanojI am on the IRC channel already, asked my question. If now one responds then what should I do? Is if okay to create the page to represent the team even without the acceptance of them?17:51
YoBoYtry to contact the leaders or loco contacts of the team by email, it's always better in my opinion :)17:53
saimanojOkay. Thanks.17:53

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