
=== luciano_ is now known as virusuy
EvilResistancedo any of you know how i can download the source for a package that is in precise01:23
EvilResistancei'm aware that dget might work, but i'm unsure the link to use01:24
ajmitch'apt-get source packagename' if you have the source entries enabled01:24
EvilResistanceajmitch:  its in precise.  i'm on natty01:24
ajmitchit might be more useful to use pull-lp-source if you're not on precise01:24
EvilResistancethe plan is to repackage01:24
EvilResistanceajmitch:  would dget <path-to-lp-.dsc-file> work?01:25
ajmitchit would, afaik that's pretty much what pull-lp-source does without you having to find the .dsc file01:25
broderpull-lp-source is a bit more intelligent because it'll try to use a mirror for everything but the .dsc file to avoid hammering lp quite so much01:26
EvilResistancebroder:  considering its only 3 files, *shrugs*01:28
broderthere are also mirrors closer to you than lp01:28
EvilResistancei've got the source, but i have a feeling the "natty" build for the source will explodify once it hits the PPA01:28
EvilResistancebroder:  maybe so, but i'm on an excessively fast hard line01:28
broderbut it sounds like you should also take a look at backportpackage01:28
EvilResistancebroder:  there's a backportpackage command?01:29
broderEvilResistance: my experience is that lp is the limiting factor for downloads from lp, not your connection01:29
broderEvilResistance: it's only intended for simple, no-change backports, but it sounds like that's what you're trying to do01:29
EvilResistancebroder:  indeed.  how would I go about obtaining this program?01:29
EvilResistanceremember, i'm on Natty, not on Precise01:30
broderEvilResistance: it was added to ubuntu-dev-tools during the natty development cycle01:30
EvilResistancewhats the command syntax?01:30
brodertry the manpage? i'm happy to explain if it's not clear, but i tried to make it clear and would prefer to know if it's not01:31
EvilResistancethe manpage is clear01:32
EvilResistancebut you should consider having the actual program's on-fail help message include the synopsis a bit01:33
broderit does have a --help01:33
* EvilResistance begins using01:35
EvilResistancei assume, though...01:35
EvilResistanceit requires a PPA in order to upload the backport to?01:35
broderit can also do local builds01:35
EvilResistancethereby allowing LP to build the backported package?01:35
EvilResistanceassume for a minute i dont want to build it at this system01:35
broderthen yeah, you'd want to upload to a PPA01:35
EvilResistancesyntax then for that option = --upload=<launchpad PPA target> ?01:36
broderyeah. using the standard syntax, which is "ppa:your-lp-username/your-ppa-name"01:36
broderjust like you'd pass to dput01:36
EvilResistancecept dput has it all in the configs xD01:36
broderactually, iirc, backportpackage just shells out to dput, so whatever it would take as an upload target, backportpackage can also take01:37
EvilResistancewoah explosion!01:38
* EvilResistance ran into this issue BEFORE01:39
* EvilResistance slaps his computer01:39
EvilResistancebroder:  any way for me to pass to the program what PGP key it should use to sign?L01:40
broderEvilResistance: bah, yeah, i ran into this the other day. you can put it in ~/.devscripts, which debuild looks at01:40
EvilResistanceright now its trying user@systemhostmask01:40
EvilResistancebroder:  syntax?01:40
broderecho DEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS="-k1A2B3C4D" >> ~/.devscripts01:40
EvilResistanceif i have a key that has other uids on it, can i specify one of the non-first uids?01:42
EvilResistanceor do i just get to use the primary uid of said key?01:42
EvilResistanceactually nevermind01:43
EvilResistance'tis irrelevant :P01:43
brodersorry, my gpg-fu is pretty limited01:44
broderi know you can pass things like -kevan@ebroder.net though01:44
broderso i would assume subkeys are fine01:44
EvilResistancehow can i pass  that to the system?01:44
* EvilResistance must know!01:44
EvilResistancewell... its kinda irrelevant, but meh01:44
broderhuh? i mean you can set the -k argument in ~/.devscripts to be an e-mail address01:44
EvilResistanceoh really?01:45
EvilResistancedidnt know that :P01:45
broderthe way this works is that debuild looks at DEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS in ~/.devscripts, and always prepends those arguments to what you pass on the cmd line01:46
brodersince backportpackage uses debuild, you can take advantage of this01:46
EvilResistancewhat i really like about this01:46
EvilResistanceis it throws in the ~dist part01:46
EvilResistanceso i can backport  to numerous versions :)01:46
EvilResistance*ASSUMING* it builds correctly01:46
broderthat's the idea - it's modeled after how ubuntu's backports work (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports, not that those docs are great)01:47
* EvilResistance threw it up to a ppa:lpid/backports ppa01:47
EvilResistancewhere lpid is my id ;P01:47
EvilResistancei forget...\01:50
EvilResistancethe dput ACCEPT or REJECT messages....01:50
EvilResistanceare they emailed to the primary email for the LP account?01:50
broderyes, assuming that lp was able to verify your signature and cross-reference that to a user account01:50
EvilResistanceany idea on the estimated duration of that?01:51
EvilResistancei.e.  how long it takes for it to shoot off the email01:51
EvilResistanceor confirm the receipt of the dput?01:51
broderusually <5 minutes01:51
EvilResistanceout of curiosity...01:52
EvilResistanceif the original source has the architecture listed for multiple architectures...01:52
EvilResistancewill the builders *build* for all architectures?01:52
broderPPAs only build for i386 and amd6401:53
EvilResistancei see01:53
EvilResistanceeven so01:53
broderthere aren't any ARM PPA builders01:53
EvilResistancei meant will they concurrently build01:53
EvilResistancei.e. both amd64 and i386 are listed01:53
broderyou get one builder for each arch01:53
EvilResistancebut only amd64 is building now01:53
EvilResistanceit has i386 as "NeedsBuilding"01:53
EvilResistanceahh.  "Start in 4 minutes"01:54
broderan i386 builder can't build amd64 binaries, and vice versa01:54
broderthere are separate pools of builders for each arch, and builds queue up separately01:54
EvilResistancelets assume for a minute i've **built** numerous packages for the system01:54
EvilResistancetypically my packages are architecture-independent01:54
EvilResistance(i.e. 'all')01:55
EvilResistanceTHIS is architecture dependent01:55
* EvilResistance sees why amd64 is building now and i386 is not01:55
broderright, arch: all packages are special01:55
EvilResistance"Dependency Wait..."01:55
broderthat means your package build-depends on something that's not available01:56
broderprobably a versioned dependency that was bumped after natty was released01:56
EvilResistancewtf's "swig2.0"01:56
* EvilResistance checks01:56
EvilResistanceit only exists in *oneiric*?01:57
EvilResistance"Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code"01:57
* EvilResistance has the oh wait01:57
* EvilResistance notices it was searching only in oneiric01:57
EvilResistancei see01:58
EvilResistanceit does exist in natty01:58
EvilResistancein universe01:58
broderyou're backporting a package from main?01:58
EvilResistancebroder:  is ZNC in main?01:58
EvilResistancethen you have your answer01:59
broderdid you look at the version of swig2.0 it build-deps on?01:59
EvilResistancei'd ask how to check that02:00
EvilResistancebut i didnt download the source ;P02:00
EvilResistancethe system did and didnt really store it anywhere02:00
EvilResistancenote i was backporting to Maverick first02:00
EvilResistanceand Maverick doesnt have swig2.002:01
* EvilResistance will try natty next02:01
EvilResistancei need it in at least natty ;P02:01
EvilResistanceas for my Debian servers, i'm assumign they're all screwed :P02:01
EvilResistanceunless PPAs allow for Debian builds to be done02:02
EvilResistancebut iirc, there isnt a sid chroot anywhere :P02:02
broderno, PPAs are for Ubuntu only02:02
EvilResistanceas i suspected02:02
EvilResistance... i'm about ready to explode ubuntu02:17
EvilResistanceconfigure: error: SWIG version >= 2.0.4 is required.  You have 1.3.40.  You should look at http://www.swig.org02:17
EvilResistanceand that's natty02:18
EvilResistancewait... what the fsck?02:18
EvilResistance2.0.1-2: amd64 i386   <--- that's whats in natty02:18
EvilResistanceWHY IS IT TRIGGERING AN ERROR?!?!?02:19
EvilResistancefor swig02:19
EvilResistanceoh wait02:19
ajmitchbecause it needs 2.0.4, but has a lower version, and is complaining about some other strange version number?02:19
EvilResistanceit wouldnt work anyways02:19
EvilResistance*grumbles about how fscking annoying ubuntu is being*02:20
* ajmitch fails to see why this is ubuntu's fault to grumble about02:21
EvilResistancei assume i'm free to attempt to backport any package that exists?02:25
EvilResistanceassuming i can get to the dsc02:25
micahgEvilResistance: you want swig2.0 in oneiric02:28
EvilResistancemicahg:  i want swig2.0 >= 2.0.4 backported into natty is what i want02:28
EvilResistancei'm not going to be upgrading my VPSes into Oneiric given all the stability issues i'm seeing people whine about02:29
micahgyeah, so both oneiric and natty have that version02:29
micahgI meant oneiric and precise :)02:29
EvilResistancemy patience with ubuntu has dwindled now.02:30
EvilResistanceand when i try to backport swig2.0 it fails too02:30
EvilResistancemake: dh_autoreconf_clean: Command not found02:31
EvilResistancebecause of that02:31
micahgrun 'sudo mk-build-deps -i -r' in the build directory02:31
EvilResistancewhat build directory?02:31
EvilResistancei'm using backportpackage02:31
EvilResistanceits not storing ithe stuff anywhere afaict02:31
micahgright, you still need some build deps installed, you can either find out which one (apt-file search dh_autoreconf_clean) or use the other command I gave you to install them all02:32
micahgdh-autoreconf will take care of that issue02:33
* EvilResistance hopes that swig2.0 2.0.4-3ubuntu1 will correctly build in natty02:35
EvilResistancemicahg:  that was what i needed, thanks02:35
EvilResistancemicahg:  assumign swig2.0 correctly builds on the natty systems...02:39
EvilResistancemicahg:  is there a way i can tell the builders to use the PPA that i'm building znc .202 on to use swig2.0 from that same PPA?02:40
EvilResistanceassuming of course it builds02:40
micahgEvilResistance: will happen automatically once its built02:40
micahgand published02:40
EvilResistancei see02:40
EvilResistanceso the builders will automagically check the ppa to see if it contains newer versions of build-deps?02:41
EvilResistanceif not, resort to standard ubuntu archives?02:41
micahgwell, sort of02:42
* EvilResistance needs a definite "This will work" solution >.>02:43
micahgwell, you've got the right idea, it'll work, that's just not exactly how :), I think the PPA is like another apt source on the buildds02:44
EvilResistancei see.02:46
EvilResistanceoh another question.02:46
EvilResistancewill backportpackage identify correctly whether or not there is already a backport attempt?02:47
EvilResistancei.e. the verison number i have here is ~natty1~ppa102:47
EvilResistanceor do i need to add additional options to have it recognize it should be natty2 or something02:47
micahgyeah, I think there's an option to specify the suffix02:48
EvilResistancenow i just need to hope that the thing wont implode on build02:49
EvilResistanceafaict, its building swig2.0 backported oneiric -> natty without incident02:49
micahgyou can use the defaults on the first upload02:49
EvilResistancei havent gotten a build fail alert02:49
EvilResistancewhooo it backported :P02:50
EvilResistancenow its being published :P02:50
EvilResistancemicahg:  know offhand the command i have to use to provide the correct next-version suffix?02:51
EvilResistancethe manpages are kinda buried under tabs right now02:51
micahgEvilResistance: pass -h for a list (-S is what you want in this case)02:53
EvilResistancemicahg:  i got a confirmation from wgrant that the launchpad builders will, if the build-dep exists in the PPA the package is being built for, it will detect it02:58
EvilResistancewe will now know if that is true or not :P02:58
EvilResistance... after ~ppa2 is detected ;P02:59
EvilResistances/it will//03:00
wgrantIt is true :)03:00
wgrantHas been for 4.5 years :)03:00
wgrantThey'd be pretty useless if it wasn't true.03:00
EvilResistancewgrant:  you NEVER KNOW :P03:01
EvilResistancei've seen some pretty screwy systems ;P03:01
EvilResistancewith launchpad03:01
micahgEvilResistance: oh, I know it's true, I didn't say otherwise, I was strictly speaking about the mechanics :)03:01
EvilResistancemicahg:  :P03:01
wgrantLaunchpad is one of those, but it's not *that* screwy.03:01
* EvilResistance is running at somehting similar to defcon 2, so... PP03:01
EvilResistanceconfirming my thoughts isnt a bad thing03:01
* micahg wonders when he'll get bored enough to dig into soyuz03:02
bbigras__If bug #887349 in papyon affect empathy and emesene since both arn't able to connect to MSN, should the bug marked as such?03:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 887349 in papyon (Ubuntu) "Can't login in Windows live acount using empathy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88734903:04
EvilResistance~ppa2 is accepted, and build status is...03:04
EvilResistancebbigras__:  i think those might be separate bugs... no?03:05
EvilResistancepapyon isnt necessarily related to those two?03:05
EvilResistanceunless i am wrong03:05
EvilResistanceWTH "Failed ot build"03:06
bbigras__EvilResistance: Empathy uses papyon for MSN, I saw the bug in empathy's debug window. Not sure about emesene.03:06
micahgbbigras__: no, the issue can probably be solved in papyon, so not worth marking the other two unless fixes need to be made there or you're getting a lot of dupes03:06
EvilResistanceThe following packages have unmet dependencies:03:07
EvilResistance swig2.0 : Conflicts: swig but 1.3.40-3ubuntu1 is to be installed03:07
EvilResistanceE: Broken packages03:07
EvilResistancemicahg:  wgrant:  any solutions?03:07
EvilResistanceit at least confirms there's a conflict03:07
bbigras__micahg: Ok I wasn't sure if the two projects needed to be aware of the bug or not. Yes the bug is in papyon. Thanks.03:08
EvilResistancemicahg:  wgrant:  if either of you need the buildlogs, let me know i can get you the links.03:08
wgrantEvilResistance: You apparently build-depend on both swig and swig2.0, which is not allowed.03:10
EvilResistancewgrant:  that's strange...03:10
wgrantIt may be strange, but it's also true.03:10
EvilResistancewgrant:  considering the package that needs the build-dep is a backport of a precise package, would i also need to backport swig from precise -> natty?03:11
EvilResistanceoneiric -> natty03:11
EvilResistanceor is the znc build-deps strange?03:11
wgrantYou're probably in the best position to answer that.03:11
EvilResistancecan someone help me debug this from debuild -S?  http://pastebin.com/YmFTFZNJ03:30
wgrantEvilResistance: You should use dch to edit changelogs.03:32
wgrantYour date formatting is incorrect.03:32
EvilResistancewgrant:  how can i just add to the changelog?03:33
EvilResistancedch modifies the last changelog entry03:34
wgrantdch -i03:34
EvilResistancewgrant:  thanks.  i wasnt aware that existed :P03:55
EvilResistanceon another note...03:55
EvilResistanceITS FINALLY BUILDING!!!03:55
EvilResistancewgrant:  i owe you a beer, sir.04:04
EvilResistancemicahg:  i also owe you a beer.04:04
EvilResistancebroder:  you too. :P04:04
* EvilResistance finally has this working after HOURS at it04:04
EvilResistanceis there a way for me to import/copy the swig2.0 package from oneiric into my PPA?04:08
micahgEvilResistance: glad you got it working04:29
EvilResistancemicahg:  yep, took enough tries04:29
EvilResistancemicahg:  i ended up having to dget the source04:29
EvilResistanceand then modify the control file04:29
micahgthe fun of backports ;)04:29
EvilResistanceat least backports from Precise04:30
EvilResistancewhich was just stuff from sid04:30
micahgEvilResistance: backportpackage is the closest thing to source copy from archive to PPA ATM AFAIK04:31
EvilResistanceyeah i basically just did that ;P04:31
EvilResistance-d oneiric -s oneiric :P04:31
micahgEvilResistance: why would you do that though?04:32
EvilResistancealthough i should have set the prefix to null04:32
EvilResistancemicahg:  because i'm weird :p04:32
micahgif you use backport package in that context, I think it'll just use the archive version for builds04:32
EvilResistanceit might04:33
* EvilResistance shrugs04:33
* EvilResistance was curious if it'd work04:33
micahgbackportpackage makes the version lower so that upgrades work properly04:33
EvilResistancethe only thing i've got left to contend with is compiling znc .202 for oneiric04:33
EvilResistancesince its still theoretically a backport ;P04:34
EvilResistanceoh god damn it04:40
* EvilResistance somehow uploaded the oneiric package into natty within the PPA04:40
* EvilResistance is now annoyed04:40
achiangwhat's the name of the tool that can re-wrap the Depends?05:10
achiangah, wrap-and-sort05:11
EvilResistanceis it feasible to backport a backported package to an even earlier version?06:12
EvilResistancei.e. i backported swig2.0 from oneiric to natty and maverick.06:13
micahgrun backport package on it?06:13
EvilResistancebut on the backported version06:13
micahgor on the original if it's a no change backport06:13
EvilResistancesince the backported package IS swig2.0 which successfully backported (one at a time) to maverick06:14
EvilResistancesince its the build dep for znc .20206:14
EvilResistanceif it backports correctly it *might* get the newest ZNC working all the way back to the last LTS :P06:15
EvilResistancein which case i will be happy06:15
EvilResistanceand so will the ZNC people :P06:16
EvilResistancesince they kept saying that Ubuntu needs to update more often06:16
EvilResistance... uhm...06:17
EvilResistancemicahg:  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/84683243/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.znc_0.202-1%7Emaverick1-ppa2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz  <--06:17
EvilResistanceseems it wont build after all06:18
EvilResistancehelp with debugging?06:18
EvilResistance(might be that lucid is just plain old,  but meh)06:18
micahgsorry, I've got some work I need to finish up tonight, maybe someone else can help06:19
EvilResistancewell its the same fail on i386 as amd6406:19
EvilResistanceso meh06:19
EvilResistancei've got to be up in 7 hours anyways06:19
* EvilResistance should be asleep06:19
hyperairlooks like a bug in dh_python306:20
hyperair['adsf'] should be a list containing 'adsf'06:20
EvilResistancebut only on lucid06:20
hyperairbut it tried to do a hash lookup on something..06:20
hyperairoh only on lucid?06:20
EvilResistancehyperair:  it built correctly on maverick and later06:20
hyperairmaybe it's supposed to run on python3..06:20
* hyperair shrugs06:20
hyperairthere's probably a bug in the buildd in lucid or something06:20
hyperaira bug in dh_python3 perhaps06:20
EvilResistancehyperair:  https://launchpad.net/~trekcaptainusa-tw/+archive/backports/+packages06:20
EvilResistancefor reference06:20
EvilResistancethere's packages for maverick and natty06:20
* hyperair shrugs. sorry, i can't really spend much time on this06:21
EvilResistance... and a znc package for oneiric06:21
hyperairi'm supposed to be studying06:21
EvilResistancei'll go stab the #launchpad peoples06:21
hyperairhave fun06:21
EvilResistanceperhaps they can fix the builders06:21
EvilResistanceexcept i'll stab them tomorrow06:21
micahg#ubuntu-packaging for PPA build failures not related to launchpad itself06:21
EvilResistancebecause i'm fscking tired06:21
EvilResistancemicahg:  could it not be a build problem in the builders?06:21
micahgnot likely06:21
hyperairmore likely a bug in python306:22
hyperairmaybe #debian-python can help06:22
hyperairon irc.oftc.net06:22
EvilResistancei'll start with #ubuntu-packaging06:22
EvilResistancefwiw i dont want to deal with debian people now06:22
* hyperair is a debian person though. =p06:23
hyperairgoing to be anyways06:23
EvilResistancewith the exception of motu people here ;P06:23
* micahg would like to be a Debian person one day06:27
freakabcdhi all06:44
freakabcdany idea if octave 3.4.3 will be packaged officially?06:45
freakabcdthe current version 3.2.4 is old06:45
freakabcdor perhaps someone can guide me on how i can make deb packages from existing "making a deb package for octave" files (if they exist)06:46
EvilResistancefreakabcd:  out of curiosity-06:56
EvilResistancedid you look at what was in debian sid06:56
EvilResistanceto see if the newest version is in there somewhere?06:56
freakabcdno. it is the same 3.206:56
freakabcdi suppose you guys are going to simply use the debian pkg06:57
freakabcdi mean use their setup and stuff. (with some tweaks) since it is similar enough06:57
EvilResistancethey usually start with whatever's in sid06:57
freakabcdwhere can i get the source(s) for the building?06:57
EvilResistanceand then downgrade/upgrade as needed06:57
freakabcdi suppose we could have a package before debian gets it :)06:57
EvilResistancefreakabcd:  just getting the source for 3.4.3 miight not be enough06:58
EvilResistancebecause you need to create a source package06:58
freakabcdi meant the sources for the extras06:58
EvilResistancenot sure06:58
EvilResistanceyou could try searching for the sources in the apt archives06:59
EvilResistancei think lp has a list of all ubuntu packages :/06:59
freakabcdi know how to build octave 3.4.3 and infact i have it already built. just thought i could make a pkg if its easy enough to tweak the setup for 3.2 pkg06:59
dholbachgood morning08:04
ajmitchmorning dholbach08:08
dholbachhey ajmitch08:08
ajmitchhow are you today?08:09
dholbachgood good - how about yourself?08:09
ajmitchI'm alright, just been out at a developers meetup :)08:13
dholbachand? was it any good?08:16
ajmitchyeah, it's a monthly event, head to the pub afterwards & chat :)08:16
dholbachnice :)08:17
ajmitchwhich reminds me, I need to take a screenshot of this unity bug :)08:18
Laneydholbach: could you set -t please?10:41
Laneyalso, safe journey home?10:41
* Laney got stopped by security at MCO10:41
Laneyin this channel10:42
Laneyyou haz op powers10:42
dholbachI might be too stupid to do it10:43
Laney/mode #ubuntu-motu -t10:43
dholbachyeah, safe trip home, but I'm still quite tired10:43
Laneyshould do it10:43
Laneyslept until 1.30pm yesterday10:43
nigelbLaney: stoped by security?10:47
=== Guest12703 is now known as Zic
Laneythey thought my laptop's power cable was suspicious10:47
nigelbLaney: When I was young, your family had a hilarious time.  The security person thought a particular dish/crockery looked sucipious and made us open the bag.  They didn't tel us what they wewre looking for and they couldn't find it either. Mom guessed and showed it to the security lady leading to much laughter :)10:50
Laneyoh, I asked for -t for a reason11:22
=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Precise: open for business | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://bit.ly/fz6AyQ | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/
tumbleweedah, thanks I'd been meaning to do that too11:25
scott-workis MOTU responisble for the ia32-libs package?  if not, can anyone suggest a channel i can purse an answer in?14:20
tumbleweedwhat's the question+14:25
scott-worktumbleweed: i get keep a notification that it fails to build and this is causing other packages in the ubuntu studio package set to fail to build14:26
scott-worki seem to remember that someone mentioned something funny about that package as well14:26
scott-workunfortunately i cannot remember the specifics about that converstaion14:26
scott-workerrr. conversation14:26
scott-worktumbleweed: correction, ia32-libs fails to produce installabile binaries14:27
tumbleweedaha, that I can understand. ia32-libs only depends on multi-arched libraries, these days. And not everything that it depends on has been converted to multiarch yet14:28
=== 13WAARLRD is now known as SWAT
tumbleweedscott-work: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-October/034279.html14:29
scott-workoustanding tumbleweed!  thank you for that information14:30
scott-worksince i am at work i will most likely need to digest all of it later14:30
tumbleweedheh, np14:31
freeflyingdpm: ping14:35
dpmhi freeflying14:49
freeflyingdpm: can you please join #ubuntu-cn-translators14:50
dpmfreeflying, yup14:51
freeflyingdpm: thanks14:51
l3on_Hi all... someone could help me with:15:54
l3on_rmdir: failed to remove `debian/dtn/usr/local/lib/perl/5.12.4/auto/dtnapi': Directory not empty15:54
l3on_dh_usrlocal: rmdir debian/dtn/usr/local/lib/perl/5.12.4/auto/dtnapi returned exit code 115:54
=== l3on_ is now known as l3on
broderl3on: don't have a lot of time to stick around at the moment, but from a quick glance it looks like the library is getting installed into /usr/local instead of /usr16:17
l3onbroder, I know.. and dh_usrlocal is going to fix it... but I've some problems with him16:18
l3onmy rules:16:19
broderl3on: no, dh_usrlocal doesn't fix up things that install in /usr/local16:19
l3onah :/16:19
broderyou should read its manpage16:19
l3onI read it..16:19
l3on It finds subdirectories of usr/local in the package build directory, and removes them, replacing them16:20
l3on       with maintainer script snippets16:20
broderright. placeholder directories, not files16:20
l3onah, so ... what could be a solution  ?16:20
broderand it doesn't move them out of /usr/local16:20
broderi don't know. you need to figure out how to make your build system install into /usr instead of /usr/local16:21
l3onok, thank you :)16:21
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=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
EvilResistanceif i want to submit a backport for consideration, so its backported to natty and oneiric, but the package i'm backporting is from debian sid/Precise, do i have to wait until  Precise is released?17:48
EvilResistanceor can i submit the backport for consideration?17:50
micahgEvilResistance: no, you don't have to wait until release, but ideally it should be a stable version17:57
EvilResistancemicahg:  what if i can provide evidence of stability?17:59
EvilResistanceyou're aware of what i've been backporting17:59
EvilResistanceits basically an upstream code release17:59
EvilResistance... just backported :P17:59
EvilResistancewith a single change to the debian/control file to remove a conflict in ubuntu17:59
micahgEvilResistance: no, that was just a suggesting, not necessarily a requirement17:59
EvilResistancemicahg:  who/where should i start the process?18:00
micahgEvilResistance: requirements are build, install, run,18:00
EvilResistancei'll have to file two backport requests?18:01
EvilResistanceone for natty one for oneiric?18:01
EvilResistancemicahg:  will anything in universe be considered for backporting?18:04
EvilResistanceor no?18:04
micahgEvilResistance: well, as long as it doesn't have a lot of reverse dependencies and the ones it has are tested18:04
EvilResistancemicahg:  if the only thing that needed backported alongside this package was a single build-dep, and the rest of the dependencies for building exist already in Natty, with that single exception, would i need to file a dual backport request?  or can i request both of those packages backported?18:07
EvilResistancevia separate requests18:08
micahgEvilResistance: I think separate requests with a cross-reference in the description would be good IMHO18:12
EvilResistancemicahg:  could i post them in the same?  for example, this is what i'm writing in thusfar: http://pastebin.com/sH7pTDBx18:17
EvilResistancebrb, low power18:18
EvilResistancemicahg:  back, only had to move 20 feet :P18:19
EvilResistancemicahg:  i'd rather not use more bw than i already have :P18:21
* EvilResistance is on bw-limited networking at a university18:21
EvilResistanceso if i can get it all in one request, that'd make my life easier18:22
micahgsorry, I'm going to have to let one of the backporters field this, I'm very busy right now18:23
* EvilResistance isnt sure who the backporters are unfortunately :P18:23
l3onHi... does someone know how can I pass "-l" parameter to dh_shlibdeps using ovveride_dh_auto_install19:01
l3onI've tried this:19:01
l3onbut it does not work19:01
l3onah ok :19:01
l3oncan you show me ? :)19:01
l3on  dh_shlibdeps "-l/blbalbal/blballba"19:02
l3onis it ok ?19:02
l3onok, trying :)19:02
EvilResistancecan someone point me to someone on IRC who is a member of the Ubuntu backports team?19:02
Zhenechyou can override evey dh_command19:02
jtaylormanpge: With recent versions of dpkg-shlibdeps, this option is generally not needed.19:02
jtaylordo you really need it?19:02
l3onjtaylor, the question is for me?19:05
l3onYep, if I don't use it then build fails19:06
jtayloryou are building multiple flavors of the same library?19:07
l3onI think it's because $(CURDIR) is not "standard"19:07
jtaylorwhats the error message you get?19:07
l3onthis is the problem:19:07
l3on<l3on> dpkg-shlibdeps: error: Cannot continue due to the error above.19:08
l3on<l3on> Note: libraries are not searched in other binary packages that do not have any shlibs or symbols file.19:08
l3on<l3on> To help dpkg-shlibdeps find private libraries, you might need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH.19:08
l3on<l3on> dh_shlibdeps: dpkg-shlibdeps -Tdebian/python-dtn.substvars debian/python-dtn/usr/lib/pyshared/python2.7/_dtnapi.so returned19:08
jtaylorwhats the "error above"?19:09
l3onehm... I've no more the log19:09
l3onbtw, now it works ! → http://debomatic.debian.net/unstable/pool/dtn_2.8.0+hg3523-1/dtn_2.8.0+hg3523-1.contents19:10
jtaylorpysupport is deprecated19:11
jtaylorpublic library but not lib packagename?19:11
l3onDo you think I need it ?19:12
l3onwell I don't understand this:19:14
jtaylorprobably depends on your sponsor :)19:14
l3onit means I have to put my perl module in /usr/local/ ?19:14
l3onbut debian policy forbids me to provide a packages with file in /usr/local :/19:15
jtaylorlocal installed usually means not installed by a package19:15
l3onah ok19:15
jtaylornothing in usr/local should be overriden by package upgrades19:15
roaksoax/win/win 819:22
l3oninstead of python-support I should use python-shared ?19:28
l3onjtaylor, do you have a sample to show me ?19:42
jtaylorthere is not really much to show, add --with python2 to the dh $@ line and remove XS- XB-PythonVersion from control and see what happens19:44
l3onok :)19:44
jtaylorbtw are you building in precise? in your contents there is only a 2.7 library19:45
jtaylorif you b-d on python-all-dev it will build for all versions19:45
l3onah ok, I'll try :)19:49
l3onpython-all-dev (>= 2.6.6-3~) is it fine ?19:50
jtaylornote that dh_python2 is not available in lucid, so if you want to support that you may want to stick with pysupport19:52
l3onah damn :/19:53
l3onI need this package for debian stable and ubuntu natty (last LTS)19:53
sorenNatty wasn't LTS.19:54
EvilResistanceyou realize the last LTS was lucid right?19:54
jtaylorstable has it so far I know19:54
EvilResistancel3on:  ^19:54
ScottKIt does.19:54
l3onehm... lucid :/19:54
ScottKSomeone's working on a backport.  Ask barry.19:54
jtaylorno complaint, but "someone is working on it" since month :)19:55
l3onok, I return on pysupport :)19:55
broderactually, someone has been nominally working on it for a year19:55
broderbut who's counting19:55
EvilResistancebroder:  are you the one who wrote the manpage for backportpackage?19:56
broderEvilResistance: yes19:56
tumbleweedjtaylor: longer than a month. at least 6 months19:56
EvilResistanceoh cool :P19:56
tumbleweedoh broder got there :)19:56
EvilResistancebroder:  you wouldnt happen to be part of the backports team would you?19:56
broderi am19:56
EvilResistancebroder:  could i get you to review a backport request i threw up for natty?19:56
brodertumbleweed: it was definitely discussed at uds-n19:56
EvilResistanceor will you eventually see it?19:56
broderEvilResistance: i can look. what's the bug #?19:57
EvilResistance887707 under natty backports19:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 887707 in natty-backports "backports: `znc` 0.202 (debian sid / precise -> natty) and build-dep `swig2.0` (oneiric -> natty)" [Undecided,New]19:58
broderEvilResistance: can you please split that out into 2 bugs? some of our tools require that19:58
EvilResistancebroder:  yeah i can19:59
EvilResistancebroder:  sec.19:59
EvilResistancebroder:  actually, can you wait for about 5 minutes?19:59
EvilResistancetrying to debug a do-dist-upgrade20:00
broderEvilResistance: that's fine. there is likely some additional work that will need to be done, so i'll put that on the bug20:00
EvilResistancei marked that one as invalid anyways20:01
ajmitchfwiw, swig2.0 in precise has a swig binary package that doesn't conflict with swig2.0, so there wouldn't need to be source changes to znc20:01
broderis it actually necessary to depend on both? or should we be fixing the package in unstable/precise?20:02
ajmitchI think it should be only build-depending on one, but it was added back in as an unversioned build-dependency, it's mentioned in znc's changelog20:03
ajmitchit appears to be for debian backports, funnily enough :)20:04
broderbah. that sounds a lot like a broken build system20:04
EvilResistanceajmitch:  the conflict is with `swig`20:04
EvilResistancenot `swig2.0`20:04
EvilResistanceran into this on the builders20:04
broderEvilResistance: right. i don't understand why swig still needs to be in the b-d list20:05
EvilResistance`swig` and `swig2.0` conflict20:05
EvilResistancebroder:  it was in the build-deps on sid :/20:05
broderright. why?20:05
ajmitchthe oneiric versions of swig & swig2.0 conflict20:05
broderScottK: it's been a long time since i approved a non-leaf backport. what are the rules on r-build-dep testing again?20:05
EvilResistancebroder:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/natty-backports/+bug/887757  https://bugs.launchpad.net/natty-backports/+bug/88775820:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 887757 in natty-backports "`swig2.0` (oneiric -> natty)" [Undecided,New]20:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 887758 in natty-backports "`znc` 0.202 (debian sid / precise -> natty)" [Undecided,New]20:05
EvilResistancebroder:  split as requested, both refer to each other20:05
EvilResistance(i.e. links exist)20:06
ScottKbroder: Test all the rdepends unless there's a very good reason to believe testing a subset is OK.20:06
broderincluding b-d? ok20:06
ScottKFor something like swig that's kind of important.20:06
broderright, that's why i wanted to double-check20:06
filip_Hi. I have a problem creating a PPA package that contains files with diacritics and spaces in filename.20:14
broderEvilResistance: oh, good - you're only requesting a oneiric->natty backport of swig2.020:15
broderthat's actually much easier than i was afraid it would be20:15
brodersince nothing in the archive actually used swig2.0 in natty20:15
EvilResistancebroder:  :P20:15
l3onjtaylor, thank you so much :)20:15
EvilResistancebroder:  yeah, its an oneiric->natty nochange backport20:15
l3onI learn many things today :(20:15
EvilResistancebroder:  same as i had to do to get the damned buildds to build znc20:15
broderEvilResistance: i thought you were asking for precise->natty for swig2.0, which would have been harder because we have to backport to oneiric as well20:16
l3onI've to go now... see you and thanks again :)20:16
EvilResistancebroder:  swig2.0 existed in oneiric20:16
EvilResistanceand was sufficient to build znc 0.202 in oneiric20:16
EvilResistancecase in point: my ppa20:16
broderEvilResistance: got it. give me a moment to ACK the swig2.0 backport and i'll look at the znc one20:16
EvilResistancebroder:  before actually *filing* the backport requests... i did my homework :p20:16
EvilResistanceand tested within my backports pap20:17
broderEvilResistance: and we backporters appreciate that!20:17
EvilResistancebroder:  although be aware...20:17
EvilResistancei'm considering filing the znc backport for precise -> oneiric as well20:17
EvilResistancesame debian/control change20:17
EvilResistanceotherwise it builds as swig2.0 in oneiric is sufficient for building20:17
filip_Could anybody point me to any resource on how to put diacritics+spaces in the file name, please? The packaging process always fails, even when I tried to put the filenames in quotes in the debian/install file.20:18
filip_(maybe I will ask in #ubuntu-packaging...)20:19
broderEvilResistance: we will actually require that. in order for the natty->oneiric upgrade to work correctly for users that install znc from backports, we need the package in oneiric to have a higher version number than the one in natty, so we need a backport there as well20:19
broderbut we can evaluate that all within the one bug - i'll be there in a sec20:20
jtaylorfilip_: spaces in filenames does not work with dh_install debian bug 19850720:20
ubottuDebian bug 198507 in debhelper "dh_install: fails if filenames have an embedded space" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/19850720:20
filip_jtaylor: thanks20:21
jtayloryou will hve to install them manually in rules20:21
filip_jtaylor: do you think there is any better workaround than renaming them in the debian/postinstall script?20:22
jtaylorinstall them in debian/rules with standard shell tools20:22
EvilResistancebroder:  indeed, i wasnt sure the exact methodology, but according to my tests within the PPAs, the znc 0.202 (sid/precise -> oneiric) has built20:22
EvilResistancebroder:  as for testing, i dont have an oneiric server around20:22
filip_jtaylor: thank you, I will try that20:22
EvilResistancebut this should get the people from znc to stop yelling about ubuntu users having older versions20:22
broderEvilResistance: i'm also going to adjust the title of the bugs to what our tools expect20:23
broder(makes it easier for the archive admins when the handle the backport)20:23
EvilResistancebroder:  indeed.  there wasnt a specified title format in the "How to request" page20:25
broderthe docs certainly could use some love20:25
broderdid you test all of the packages generated by znc, or just the znc package itself?20:26
EvilResistancebroder:  they all actively installed by just installing `znc`20:27
EvilResistancebroder:  they built and executed, but extremely thorough testing wasnt completed.20:27
EvilResistancefrom what i can tell20:27
EvilResistancethe other packages provide additional modules into ZNC20:27
broderEvilResistance: we don't need extensive testing - our standard is "builds, installs, runs", and our standard for "run" is pretty low20:28
EvilResistancebroder:  it does execute and the modules they install load correctly20:28
EvilResistancebroder:  otherwise ZNC would freak and continually segv20:28
broderok. that sounds good. we will need you to come up with some way to verify oneiric as well before we can approve the backport20:28
broderbut everything looks good other than that20:28
EvilResistancebroder:  throw me an oneiric VPS and i'll make it run :P20:28
EvilResistance*downloads oneiric server*20:29
EvilResistancei have VMS!20:29
EvilResistancebroder:  would verifying using the PPA i have (which includes the oneiric backport for znc 0.202) work?20:31
EvilResistanceon the oneiric VM20:31
EvilResistance(which is a full oneiric server install on VBox)20:31
broderyeah, that would be fine20:32
EvilResistancenow if only this would download a bit faster20:33
EvilResistanceits at 55% download of the ISO20:34
EvilResistancebroder:  how long are  ya going to be here20:38
EvilResistancei dont wnat to inconvenience you if you have somehwere else to be20:38
EvilResistance*98% download completion*20:38
broderEvilResistance: i'm in the US, so it's the middle of my day or so. i'll be around, but am probably not going to take another look until end of my work day20:40
EvilResistancebroder:  OK.  i'm currently loading up the VM now20:40
EvilResistanceso this shouldnt take too long :P20:40
EvilResistancebroder:  should i jsut post a bug comment saying "Confirmed to run in Oneiric"?20:41
EvilResistanceif/when i confirm it20:41
broderEvilResistance: yes, that's fine20:41
=== Elbrus_ is now known as Elbrus
ResistNowbroder: this is the Oneiric ZNC instance, 0.20221:13
ResistNowbroder: if you're around this is the confirmation it works21:14
ResistNowits within an ubuntu server 11.10 VM inside VirtualBox21:14
ResistNowi'm going to write down to the bug now that i confirmed it works.21:14
broderResistNow: you don't need to prove it to me :)21:14
broderwe're happy to take your word that you've done the testing, as long as we think you understand what testing we're asking for21:14
EvilResistancebroder:  i like proving it ;P21:15
EvilResistancejust in case ;P21:15
EvilResistancebug updated21:15
EvilResistanceto include the testing21:15
broderEvilResistance: ok. that should be sufficient. i'll look at it again when i get home from work21:16
EvilResistancealso make sure that when its backported they fix the build-deps21:16
EvilResistancebecause of that small conflict21:16
EvilResistance(which i outlined in the bug description)21:16
broderyeah, understood21:17
EvilResistancebroder:  i would request this be backported all the way to lucid but the build deps for ZNC are either too old, or buggy... :P21:23
EvilResistance(in Lucid)21:23
blairDoes ubuntu ever sync from debian experimental packages?  i'm looking at hdf5 in particular, which is at 1.8.7 (which we need) while ubuntu has 1.8.423:30
micahgblair: yes, but that's unlikely to happen for an LTS w/out a *really* good reason23:31
EvilResistancebroder:  just checking up on ya, seeing if you're alive or if its your end-of-day yet.23:32
brodernot yet. i'm on pacific time and got in late, so probably still have about 3 hours to go23:32
EvilResistanceok.  wasnt sure.23:33
EvilResistanceholy god, i have two battery indicators o.o23:33
blairmicahg, so would the appropriate thing to do is to request a bump from 1.8.4 to 1.8.7 using the existing packages?  debian has changed the packages extensively?23:34
EvilResistanceblair:  you mean try and backport 1.8.7 to your system?23:34
EvilResistancethat's not exactly *easy*23:34
EvilResistancebecause lets say you're on lucid23:34
EvilResistanceif you were to try and backport something to lucid23:34
blairEvilResistance, no, i'm looking forward to the 12.04 release, i want to get us from Fedora 13 to 12.0423:35
EvilResistanceit has to backport and not conflict with maverick, natty, etc.23:35
EvilResistanceblair:  oic23:35
* EvilResistance goes quiet23:35
blairone of our open source projects depends upon hdf 1.8.7 while 12.04 currently has 1.8.423:35
micahgblair:  there's a soname bump, so unlikely to happen w/out a good reason or Debian doing it (we already have a lot of transitions to finish)23:35
micahgit's ~25 packages23:37
micahgumm, actually seems to be quite a bit more23:37
micahgblair: I'd suggest talking to the Debian maintainer about getting the transition started there23:39
micahgwe still have 3 months until feature freeze, so that should be enough time to finish if it's desired in Debian23:39

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