
=== jtrucks_ is now known as jtrucks
bandit5432i have a question about questionst asked in #ubuntu05:19
bandit5432can i ask for help about things that i can install on ubuntu or linux in general or can i only ask about ubuntu software?05:20
bandit5432i did not feel that the responses i recieved from some of the ops after asking about installing kernel 3.1 where appreciated05:22
pangolinyou can ask questions about anything that is available in the Ubuntu repositories but keep in mind you may be redirected to a different channel if the helpers feel it would be better for you.05:25
pangolinthat said the 3.1 kernel is not in the ubuntu repos.05:25
bandit5432yes but it was not a very nice conversation and i have helped people for the last 2 nights05:25
pangolinhow was it not nice?05:26
bandit5432tonyyarusso, responses where rude05:26
pangolinI saw his responses and did not see any rudeness on his part05:27
pangolinwhat exactly did you think was rude?05:27
bandit5432[04:08] <tonyyarusso> bandit5432: Well, currently 3.1 does not exist in any supported version of Ubuntu, so it's pretty reasonable that nobody here can support it, frankly.05:27
tonyyarussoI was explaining that you're unlikely to get help, particularly since you mentioned that this was your second day trying with no results.05:27
pangolinI suppose you could read that as rude if you really wanted to but knowing tonyyarusso I can say he was not being rude.05:28
bandit5432ok i take your work for it05:29
pangolinbandit5432: We do appreciate you bringing your concerns to our attention though :)05:29
tonyyarussoYou certainly *can* ask about such things (we're not telling you it was "offtopic" for the channel) - it's just unlikely to be particularly efficient at getting you the answers you need.05:29
bandit5432but the response of [04:11] <tonyyarusso> bandit5432: Not really.  It's generally understood that if you want to run bleeding-edge unsupported software you have to be able to support yourself.05:29
pangolinagain nothing rude there05:30
bandit5432no but not helpful or supportive either05:30
pangolinbandit5432: I am sorry that you feel he was being rude but if it isn't in the repos it is not supported in #ubuntu.05:30
bandit5432is that in the guidlines ?05:31
pangolinbut the guidelines are just that, a guide.05:31
pangolinnot a comprehensive list of everything allowed.05:31
bandit5432maybe that needs to be added to the channel announce05:32
pangolinthere is also a bit in the guidelines about common sense. I think the not in the repos thing is common sense.05:32
tonyyarussoAgain, you weren't being scolded for any kind of guidelines violation.  You were being told why you hadn't gotten any help yet.05:32
bandit5432thanks for listening, thats what a lot of us want when we join and have issues or problems05:33
pangolinWe try and thank you.05:33
bandit5432and you might want to think about adding the repo thing to the user quidelines so there is less confusion05:34
pangolintonyyarusso: Stop being so rude :P05:39
* pangolin runs off05:39
ubottuphlak_user called the ops in #ubuntu ()11:11
icerootmaybe this can be placed in the topic of #ubuntu? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/88738013:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 887349 in papyon (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #887380 Can't login in Windows live acount using empathy" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:00
iceroothttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/papyon/+bug/887349  this of course instead of the duplicate13:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 887349 in papyon (Ubuntu) "Can't login in Windows live acount using empathy" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:02
ikoniaiceroot: I don't really think a link to a bug is useful in the topic and it's not really a show stopper, certainly a factoid may be more useful13:14
icerootikonia: sounds good13:15
Myrttias I suggested to topyli earlier, perhaps we should make a factlet out of the old #gaim topic13:16
ikoniasounds a good option13:16
ubottuIn ubottu, jussi said: !unforget currentissues13:16
Myrtti[11:10] < topyli> to quote the old #gaim topic: "If you're having trouble connecting to MSN, assume  the problem is with MSN not Gaim"13:16
jussiwhat the heck?13:16
jussioh yes. my changed clock13:17
knomeclock? :P13:17
jussicloak even13:17
Myrttiie. most likely it's not a bug that Ubuntu can help at all.13:17
Myrttior even upstream projects13:17
Myrtti"it's MSN, live and learn to use something else"13:17
topyliupstream can help eventually, once they crack the msn changes13:17
Myrttitopyli: in about 75% of the cases the problems exist only because MS has some glitch in their servers13:18
Myrttiabout 20% are because there's something wrong with the all over networking13:18
Myrttiand 5% is actually something that upstream can help13:19
Myrttias usual, these numbers are courtesy of the trustworthy Stetson-Harrison method, ie. facts, statistics and lies13:19
topyliyeah, and when msn has a problem of their own, patience is the only cure13:19
icerootheise.de is reporting about routing-errors in the uk and usa (dont have an english link)13:19
Myrttiiceroot: the juniper issue still?13:19
icerootMyrtti: yes13:19
Myrttiah, figured as much.13:20
MyrttiI can only assume it effected IRC networks as well yesterday13:20
icerootMyrtti: and the msn-fix is to use another server (see debdiff) so maybe its just because of the routing error13:20
Myrttiso, I stand by my opinion of "it's not you, it's MSN" and "learn to use something else"13:21
MyrttiI know it's not helpful, but filing bugreports probably isn't either13:21
icerootcan we do that on !iphone and !ipod too? :)13:21
topyliMyrtti: so, "assume the problem is with msn, not your chat client. also see !jabber" :)13:21
ubottujabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, unlike MSN and AIM.  Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Pidgin, Gajim, and Empathy (GNOME), bitlbee (cli/irc).  For more info see http://www.jabber.org/13:22
ubottuThe Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete and !pidgin13:22
knomehuh, that's a bad factoid :P13:23
Myrtti!unforget currentissues13:23
ubottuI suddenly remember currentissues again, Myrtti13:23
ubottuThe titlebar buttons have switched to the left during the development phase of Lucid. No need for alarm! The developers are testing this and listening to user feedback. The final decision about the position will be made after beta. Kindly be patient. For more insight, read : http://www.ivankamajic.com/?p=28113:24
Myrttithat made me laugh13:24
Myrttioh man.13:24
Myrttiaaaaaand over to our factoidmasters.13:25
Myrttigive a huge round of applause! *clap*                      *clap*13:25
* knome accidentally burps during the uneasy silence13:28
topylii can't think of a good trigger for the broken-msn factoid13:30
topylimight make sense :)13:31
jussiwhy not just use currentissues ?13:31
iceroot"at the moment there are login-issues with msn. you cant do nothing then wait. In your waiting time have a look at free alternatvies like !jabber"13:31
Piciikonia: sorry, been up for too many hours at this point15:12
ikoniano no, you're dead on to be factually correct15:13
pangolinmneptok: is on page 14 of 9999999999999999999999 of the internet :P16:32
mneptokbut us Ubuntu IRC ops could do well at this. we do it all day, anyway. -  http://failblog.org/2011/11/01/epic-fail-photos-family-fun-fail-3/16:36
Picipangolin: thanks17:11
pangolinsure thing17:11
pangolinbtw he is often, iffy.17:11
ubottuEvilResistance called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()19:52
bobweaverI have a important question if you are on irc and see people hacking websites what to do ?21:00
bobweavercracking websites *21:00
Myrttiis this happening on some Ubuntu channel now?21:03
bobweaveron a different network21:04
bobweaverpeople where using this http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18083/   with there bots21:05
bobweaverajax_create_folder.php   > to remote shell21:05
LjLi suppose you could contact the website involved21:05
bobweaverbecause I was there I dont want to be involed with anything like this.  it puts me as a accessory to crime I think not sure21:07
* bobweaver is noob 21:07
ikonia....this really isn't an ubuntu issue21:08
bobweaverikonia: where to get help please21:08
ikoniaLjL's advice is best21:08
bobweaverthank you ikonia21:09
ikoniabut beyond that, nothing we can do21:09
bobweaverI know I was just wondering about how to go about something like this. thanks for your time21:09

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