
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu: More Than The Default Install - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/11/08/ubuntu-more-than-the-default-install/03:09
popeyMorning all08:00
* AlanBell is in Northampton08:03
TheOpenSourcerermorning AlanBell I thought you would be driving a car right now...08:03
AlanBellor rhereabouts08:03
DJonesMorning all08:29
TheOpenSourcererIs it just me or is commonjs.org not available for anyone?08:31
DJonesTheOpenSourcerer: Its down for me08:45
TheOpenSourcererThanks DJones - I thought it wasn't just me - been down since last night :-(08:45
MooDoohello all08:54
DJonesMorning MooDoo08:59
* daubers fires up banshee09:22
daubersHad a thought last night. Is it me, or is UDS becoming a bit cathedral like (based on a lot of blog posts and things I've read recently)09:23
MooDoodefine cathedral like?   lots of bells and singing?09:23
DJonesProtesters camping outside?09:23
daubersIn the Eric S Raymond sense09:24
MooDoocathedral and the bazaar is a book i doubt most people have read :)09:24
daubersIt's on my list of things I really should read more closely09:24
MooDoodaubers: sounds like you should also be firing up a new media player ;)09:25
bigcalmdaubers: short sighted?09:25
daubersbigcalm: No, more that a small group of people seem to define big changes with/09:26
TheOpenSourcererDJones: I think you might know this... What's the cheapest way to pay an international invoice (Euro). We could use: Bank Transfer, Business Credit Card or PayPal?09:26
dauberswithout necessarily having the relevant people who are involved with the decision09:26
AlanBelldaubers: you are right09:27
AlanBellwhich works fine for a lot of the decisions made09:27
DJonesTheOpenSourcerer: We normally use bank transfer because we pay so many overseas invoices, but that costs about £10 per payment09:27
daubersAlanBell: Maybe, I just think that more of a fanfair should be made about UDS, and maybe combine it with some kind of big event to help pull in all the upstreams09:28
DJonesTheOpenSourcerer: Credit card I don't think costs any extra, but if its in foreign curency there may be a charge and the receiver normally has something deducted as charges09:28
TheOpenSourcererI guess it is a collection of transaction fees and exchange rate games...09:28
DJonesWe don't use paypal so I can't comment on that09:28
TheOpenSourcererOK - Thanks.09:28
daubersSo they can lay out their stall and supply more relevant information to the given decision makers09:28
AlanBelldaubers: err, there is a bit of a fanfair and upstreams are welcome, and often sponsored to attend09:29
AlanBelland it is combined with the linaro summit09:29
AlanBellhowever I don't think the default apps decision is very well made at UDS09:30
AlanBellit might even have been the right decision, but that is more by luck than judgement09:30
daubersAlanBell: I don't think I'm in the right position to comment on bansheegate, but UDS seems to lack some simple things, like a master published summary of what was discussed/decisions that where made. It's all relied on peoples blog posts more than anything else09:32
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:33
czajkowskidaubers: true usually there is a better wrap up on the friday09:35
AlanBelldaubers: it is on the blueprints, which get converted to burndown charts09:37
AlanBellmostly decisions are people deciding they are going to do things09:37
daubersczajkowski: I don't think it would be too hard to task one person in each session as note taker, and have a couple of people collate them at the end of the day09:40
czajkowskidaubers: as AlanBell says it's on the blueprints tbh09:40
czajkowskiUDS is fairly busy09:40
czajkowskiI did well to get a blog post out a day09:40
daubersHmmm... their not particularly accessible to the average bod09:42
AlanBellno, they are not09:44
AlanBellwhich is why people write accessible blog posts summarising the interesting bits to them!09:44
AlanBellwould be nice for the track leads to do a daily summary, which is why I wrote code in summit to support doing exactly that, but I am going to remove it because nobody has ever used it09:45
AlanBellthis server I am sat in front of has 3 CPU cores, which is odd09:45
czajkowskiI can see it would be nice09:45
czajkowskibut I don't think track leads could manage it tbh09:46
czajkowskigiven I know how busy UDS is09:46
AlanBelldaubers: yes09:46
dauberscode in summit?09:46
AlanBellquit simple really, on a meeting page like this http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/meeting/19768/community-p-designing-and-creating-ubuntu-experien/09:47
AlanBellbelow the pad there is a link to community summary for Monday09:47
daubersI see09:48
AlanBellthe theory was that at the end of each session folk could copy and paste  note or two about significant decisions arrising09:48
AlanBellthen the track leads could edit that as they wanted into their daily summary09:48
AlanBellbut hey, the idea didn't catch on09:48
daubersCould it not be automated (the first step anyway) by catching some form of markup from the main body of the text?09:49
AlanBellthat is a plausible feature, that bit is going to be rewritten using etherpad lite rather than etherpad for UDS Q09:51
AlanBellmight well have some way to do that, good suggestion09:51
jnick_taitjoin #goneonical09:59
daubersbah, having an unproductive morning10:04
daubersConsidering rearranging my desk10:04
daubersUmmm, should the /topic be updated?10:06
DJonesToo slow doing that :)10:09
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 10th November 21:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting | Cake \o/
daubers:) T10:10
AlanBelldaubers: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-p-summit-etherpad-lite added your suggestion10:13
JamesTaitGood morning all! :D10:18
daubersAlanBell: Ooh, ta10:19
directhexetherpad lite is a different bucket of fail to etherpad10:26
AlanBellwe think it is a more fixable bucket of fail10:33
AlanBelldirecthex: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda that is where to add an item about the default app selection process10:33
AlanBelldirecthex: do you have a non faily pad suggestion?10:34
directhexAlanBell, sadly not.10:34
* daubers is tempted to go postal and annihalate all the sales people next doo10:48
oimon1how does XFCE do compositing?10:54
oimon1experience a bug 753144 bug with unity, but not with xfce, however xfce seems to have 3D enabled (not compiz though)10:55
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 753144 in compiz (Ubuntu) "focused, or maximized windows blank" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75314410:55
Myrttioimon1: yes it does do compositing11:13
oimon1Myrtti: yes, seems so , cos docky works OK with it. not suffering the same bug though11:14
oimon1i've had such bad experience with 11.04 and 11.10 :(11:14
DJonesINteresting read http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/11/08/ubuntu_on_trial/11:19
oimon1DJones: didn't they write this article a few weeks ago too?11:24
DJonesoimon1: Probably, pretty much every time a new release comes out they write something about users not being happy with changes11:25
oimon1el reg have a "unique" style of journalism11:25
oimon1which makes their articles very incoherent11:26
DJonesunique is one way of describing it11:28
DJonesAt times it has some well written & researched reports, and yet other reports are sensasionalised more than the news of the world would11:30
popeyhaha Liam is a bit bitter11:37
oimon1there's never any flow to the articles, just a bunch of links and disjointed text11:39
BigRedSIt *is* a tabloid11:40
TheOpenSourcererI didn't read anything "bitter" in that article. In fact he said he rather liked Unity. He seemed to me to be quite comprehensively discussing the history, why we are here and what choices one has.11:41
TheOpenSourcerer"Some people, your humble scribe included, rather like Unity's new look."11:42
oimon1i like the look, i just try and fail at using it11:43
* TheOpenSourcerer is still on 10.1011:43
oimon1i'm having one of those weeks - new computer on the desk, and tried 11.10 but not sure whether to roll back to 10.0411:43
lornajaneI made it to 11.10 ths weekend, finally, but moved to XFCE when I did that (from KDE)11:44
TheOpenSourcererIt's all GNOME's fault for developing something new ;-)11:44
BigRedSI still don't understand the problem that Gnome3 solves11:44
MooDoolornajane: turning out all tight for you?11:44
MooDoos/right :)11:45
BigRedSIt seems that they waited almost exactly until Gnome2 was decently configurable, and then replaced it with something that isn't :/11:45
TheOpenSourcererHey BigRedS That sounds a bit like Windows XP to Vista.11:45
lornajaneMooDoo: so far it's pretty good, nothing getting in my way11:46
MooDoolornajane: awesome :)11:46
lornajaneI don't use a pointing device so the "new features" in window managers are mostly useless and just waste system resources11:46
lornajaneright now I'm running four sets of tabbed konsole, opera and skype.  I really don't need much in the graphical space11:46
oimon1on xfce right now11:47
oimon1i'll probbly get used to it, but been using gnome2 quite a while now and i like it11:47
lornajaneI'm trying to bond with having the bar at the top.  We'll see how that works out.  So far, everything else just works as I expect and the window manager is not in the way11:49
oimon1why did you move away from kde?11:49
BigRedSbecause it doesn't remember configuration between sessions?11:50
* daubers starts looking at jobs11:51
lornajaneI had zero problems with KDE, used it for 10 years and liked it - but I just don't want or need anything so fully featured11:51
oimon1lxde is slightly closer to KDE than xfce IMO11:51
lornajaneI run fluxbox on the netbook (which is wildly underpowered) and like it, so I looked around and thought I'd try XFCE as an alternative somewhere between the two11:52
lornajaneoimon1: someone else recommended lxde to me on twitter, I might take a look at that too sometime11:52
oimon1knoppix uses it now11:52
BigRedSI tried to see the point in lxde. It felt exactly like openbox but with a whole new way of configuring it which didn't seem particularly easier or more reliable than hand-editing XML11:53
DJonesI keep meaning to try lubuntu to see how well that works on some older hardware I've got sat round11:53
oimon1lxde has a start menu, openbox didn't last time i looked11:54
BigRedSyeah, it's openbox + panel11:54
BigRedSand the11:54
BigRedSusual collection of bits and pieces11:55
oimon1realised that my sound card is futzing out when i do other stuff on the PC11:55
BigRedSI mean, i can see the point as an openbox distro or something, but it's no less disjointed than doing it yourself and not a lot less effort11:55
oimon1BigRedS: i used it on my eee pc for a while, seemed quite effortless11:56
oimon1although i didn't try to change anything11:56
BigRedSmaybe I've just forgotten how much effort I put into OB...11:56
oimon1should update manager install updates without asking for password?11:59
oimon1it seems to11:59
BigRedSif you're a sudoer IIRC12:00
DJonesoimon1: Yeah, does that for me12:02
=== dipl0 is now known as diplo
DJonesA bit of a shock to the system when you're used to being asked for a password, first couple of times it did it, I was thinking I'd gone senile & forgotten I'd entered the password12:03
MooDooIt's almost lunch time :D12:08
* TheOpenSourcerer just had TWO digestive biscuits.12:08
* brobostigon has salt a vinegar crisps, and chicken sandwiches.12:08
* MooDoo isn't sure what to have, maybe ubuntu with a side order of "huzzah"12:10
* MooDoo has flipped today12:10
TheOpenSourcererI will probably have a cheesy sandwich with a good dollop of extra-hot home-made chilli chutney :D12:10
* popey had marmite on toast12:10
* MooDoo moves away from stinky popey 12:12
MooDoolornajane: did you use lubuntu or just regular ubuntu and installed lxde?12:17
* tonytiger notes an e-mail from popey getting cited in an El Reg article: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/11/08/ubuntu_on_trial/page2.html12:18
BigRedShaha, the sounder list :)12:18
popeyhappy days12:19
lornajaneMooDoo: I didn't try LXDE yet.  This was just an upgrade to existing kubuntu and I installed xfce as well12:19
MooDoolornajane: sorry that was me reading your posts wrong i meant xfce lol12:20
lornajaneMooDoo: on this laptop, I didn't try xubuntu but I am building a VM to distribute for some courses I'm teaching, and that will be straight xubuntu12:21
lornajaneI'm kinda here in case I need technical support :)12:21
tonytigerlornajane: o/12:23
MooDoolornajane: php dev right?12:24
lornajanehello tonytiger :)12:25
lornajaneMooDoo: right!12:25
MooDoolornajane: ignore that, of course we know who you are :)12:25
lornajanedon't tell me that, I'll get exaggerated ideas of my own importance12:27
* popey waves at lornajane 12:28
MooDoolornajane: sorry, i just happen to read your blog on your site :)12:28
lornajanehey popey, how's it going?12:29
popeygreat thanks :D12:29
lornajaneMooDoo: don't apologise :)  I love my blog, it brings new and interesting people into my life12:30
gordback when i had a blog, i just met lots of new and interesting people that wanted to sell me pills or diploma's :(12:32
MooDoogord: i need to just update mine :D lol12:33
lornajanegord: mine is interesting. I knew that the new ubuntu upgrade would cause issues with gearman before I did it, because I had blog comments on my post about ubuntu and gearman telling me that12:35
lornajaneso I stopped my sysadmin from upgrading the production system before I did my dev system (which we should do anyway but ubuntu pretty much works so we don't always)12:36
lornajaneand sure enough, I have issues12:36
MooDoooh i like that "my sysadmin" :) lol12:36
lornajaneMooDoo: that would be the sysadmin and seriously long term partner in my life, who taught me to code in the first place12:40
MooDoolornajane: groovy, coding rocks....now what's php again :)12:42
oimon1monster munch is BOGOF...i feel i can justify eating 2 packs at lunch12:50
BigRedSWe've had 14-pack bags of those disappear in a number of hours ehre12:51
scoundrel50aHi, I have lost my desktop, it wont load when you start the laptop up. Its a lanovo 550 pentium 11.10 preinstalled.....I just had a freeze, restarted and the desktop went, I went into Ctrl+Alt+F2, and ran the command unity  ---resetand got the message 'Warning: no DISPLAY variable set, setting it to :0 unity-panel-service: no process found.......anybody know how I can get around that12:52
MooDoooimon1: they are not the same as when i was a kid, a lot smaller now boooo12:52
kirrusoimon1: which shop from? :)12:52
kirrusLooks like I'll to sainsbury's on the way home... and hide some packs in the office to stop them vanishing too fast ;)12:53
kirruss/to/go to/12:53
oimon1ribena's half price atm too i think12:53
oimon1frazzles ribena and monster munch made me the man i am today12:54
hippychickdell or thinkpad laptop any ideas?12:54
lornajanehippychick: thinkpad!  I love mine and am looking at getting another one - my boyfriend has one too now12:55
Azelphurhippychick: in my experience the dells usually have a bit more power, where as the thinkpads are much more robust12:55
AzelphurI had a thinkpad when I was a kid dropped it like 4 times and it still worked after :D12:55
MooDooi keep trying to get my daughter to hold my laptop but she won't for some reason, no new laptop for me.....[she's 7 weeks]12:56
MooDoohee hee12:56
lornajanethis thinkpad is 3 years old, it's a hand-me-down, and I run a business off it.  They are quite literally indestructible12:56
Azelphur^ that's typical of thinkpads :D12:56
oimon1they are both good choices IMO.12:56
oimon1depends on budget too12:56
scoundrel50adoes anybody have any ideas?12:56
Azelphuryea, depends on what you want really :)12:56
hippychickhmm, sounds good, my dell has lasted just over a year :/ i had an asus before that which lastest a year and a half so i want somthing abit more longer lasting12:57
oimon1which dell model hippychick?12:57
Azelphurthen yea go for the thinkpad, they are built like tanks12:57
hippychickstudio 174912:57
DJonesMy Dell lasted 10 years :)12:57
oimon1my dell latitude d630 hinge broke 1 day before the 3yr support ran out , and i had a streak of dead pixels, but generally i find12:58
oimon1..that they should last a few years at least!12:58
* oimon1 wonders if hippychick works on a building site 12:59
hippychickwell it wouldnt detect the power supply anymore and the screen was warped, i tried some diy laptop repair and fried the motherboard12:59
Azelphuroimon1: I've had problems with multiple d6xx and screen hinges \o/12:59
Azelphuralthough it's largely because my brother likes to carry them around dangling by the screen12:59
hippychickwell im presuming i fried the motherboard, Oly said i didnt do anythign which would have caused it though.....13:00
oimon1i don't allow my users to purchase laptops with company money without buying 3yr support13:01
TwinkletoesAge old question... Ubuntu LTS or Debian for a virtual server?  Any opinions?13:02
AzelphurI use the latest Ubuntu for my dedi server and have no problem13:03
dauberspopey: The missus just stumbled on you through google when she was looking for some SAP stuff13:03
AzelphurLTS is to do with large hardware deployments where it'd be difficult to upgrade, on a single server it's not that difficult to press the upgrade button.13:03
oimon1i used to use debian until LTS came along. now my servers are a mixture of centos and ubuntu LTS13:03
oimon1Azelphur: s/difficult/unecesary/13:04
TwinkletoesI've always used LTS in the past myself, and was wondering if I would get more stability/security from Debian if I'm only going to run bind and postfix13:05
Azelphurfrom a technical standpoint debian is probably more stable as it's more minimal than ubuntu13:05
Azelphurin practice, probably no difference as neither will crash for years13:05
Twinkletoesheh! - Yeah - I'll be long gone than ;)13:06
Azelphur08:01:44 up 132 days, 17:16,  0 users,  load average: 0.59, 0.61, 0.8413:06
AzelphurMy server, which is currently on 11.04, need to upgrade it :)13:06
TwinkletoesI suppose that one might be better then the other, but the difference in this case is infinitessimal?13:06
AzelphurIt's been upgraded from 10.1013:06
Azelphurin terms of stability, yes.13:06
Twinkletoessecurity?  As it's a DNS server?13:07
oimon1btw tsco tell me i have £91 of vouchers..can i get them to resend them?13:08
AzelphurI don't know shit about DNS servers, but it's highly likely that there's little to no difference again13:08
Azelphurno doubt they probably use the same software, perhaps even the same packages13:08
TwinkletoesOk, thanks for the comments ;)13:08
oimon1new gmail is hard to read :(13:10
DJonesoimon1: I've not looked at that, I always use thunderbird13:11
DJonesJust logged in, I have a button "Switch to new look"13:12
oimon1any nvidia users in here? i can't suspend/resume with nvidia drivers :(13:17
AzelphurI'm nvidia but I never use suspend/resume13:17
popeydaubers: unlucky13:25
hippychicktoni 1 laptop 0 :D fixed the laptop :D13:36
Azelphurwoo \o/13:37
hippychickand it looks like my charging problem has been fixed....13:38
hippychickright, time to back everything up13:40
Laneyis tmux any good?13:40
dauberspopey: It was something saying how pleased you where about leaving SAP behind13:42
daubersalso, has anybody read Head First Java? Is it any good?13:42
dauberspopey: Yup13:43
popeyprobably a log of this irc channel :D13:43
shaunothis is interesting.  how do you tell a customer their contract expired 46 minutes ago =x13:46
MooDooshauno: hi x your contract expired 46 mins ago13:46
daubers"If you want this information you need to pay us x a month as your contract expired while I was having a coffee"13:46
MooDooshauno: are you the owner of the business?13:47
MooDooshauno: do it nicely then ;)13:47
shaunoI'm pretty much pretending it's still yesterday, service-wise.  but trying to find a way to drop it into convo that doesn't make me sound like a salesman13:48
daubersRight, I've got three servers going into a datacenter to do a couple of jobs. Should I build them as a cloudy thing, or just taask each one with a task. Is three machines enough for a cloudy type thing13:48
shaunoI figure I can claim innocence because the customer is in AU.  so I'm in their yesterday13:48
MooDoodaubers: well first of all stop saying cloudy type thing :)13:48
daubersshauno: "If you found this helpful you might want to renew your support"13:48
BigRedSdaubers: how important is it that they work?13:48
daubersBigRedS: Quite important, one is being tasked as a hot failover13:49
BigRedSthen it's probably best to stick with whichever you know best :)13:49
ubuntuuk-planet[Jonathan Riddell] What I Did on my Rotation - http://blogs.kde.org/node/450014:09
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daubersWhose turn is it to make the coffee?15:32
TheOpenSourcererthumb twiddliing15:34
TheOpenSourcererwhistling to himself15:34
MooDoothat bored eh?15:34
TheOpenSourcererNo - I was ignoring daubers15:35
gordi'm pretty sure whoever asks who's turn it is, is the turn-e15:39
bigcalmI had a pizza for lunch that made me sweat. I like a bit of spice, but that was uncomfortable. Still ate it though15:40
bigcalmgord: unless it's asked loudly enough at one person in a group, hinting that they haven't made a cuppa for others for ages15:40
bigcalmDon't like the new g+ favicon.ico for some reason15:43
daubersI would, but I've been fixing boxes in Denmark all day after stupid salespeople said things to customers they shouldn't have15:49
daubers</very annoyed>15:50
diploheh, I just had a cuppa turn up on my desk if that helps daubers15:54
* daubers mumbles incoherently15:54
* DJones makes a cup of spiced apple tea15:55
* Oli mumbles off to make himself an espresso15:55
* daubers checks the data disclaimer and wipes 32TB of data15:56
MooDoodaubers: not take you long ;)15:58
daubersMooDoo: mkfs is a wonderful thing in the wrong hands16:04
DJonesFor anybody thinking about getting a rasberry pi http://www.raspberrypi.org/archives/31216:06
Azelphurone of the fans on one of my bitcoin nodes 5870's failed :(16:10
Azelphur"fixed" it :D http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/Photos/November%202011/IMG_20111108_160010.jpg16:10
OliDJones: they've launched sales?16:10
DJonesLooks like pre-orders on the official site16:11
OliI'm guessing that because their database has crumbled.16:11
DJonesBut seems like there's fake sites appearing16:11
OliOh okay - so they haven't started taking order yet (that I can see)16:12
DJonesAzelphur: That doesn't look very safe16:13
Azelphurpfft, safety16:13
BigRedSlooks fine to me16:38
daubersif (lobster->condimentAdded=='ketchup'){ head.explode();}16:51
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MooDooping Laney16:53
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MooDoodaubers: are you going mad?17:11
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Azelphurcan you get cheapo pci(e?) sata cards, purely for the purposes of adding more hdds to a machine that only has 2 sata ports?17:47
Azelphurany recommendations? :)17:48
MartijnVdSAny SATA-600 PCI(e) card will do I guess:)17:48
MartijnVdSPCIe is potentially faster17:49
Azelphurhttp://www.scan.co.uk/products/lycom-pe-103-x2-port-sataii-3gbps-pci-e-controller-card-with-ncq-pc-mac-linux guess I'll grab this :)17:51
Azelphuroh wait, I don't even have a PCI-E slot free haha17:51
MartijnVdSthat's SATA-30017:51
Azelphurperhaps a new motherboard is in order \o/17:52
MartijnVdSAzelphur: you don't want fast disks, just disks?17:52
Azelphuryea, it's literally just for movie storage17:52
* ball wants disks too.17:59
ball...and pie.18:00
MartijnVdSball: filelight can make pie-charts of disk usage... ;)18:04
safiyyahHi all18:06
MartijnVdS\o safiyyah18:06
safiyyahnot here with a problem18:06
safiyyahjust came to sit :)18:06
popeysafiyyah: podcast is live in just over 2 hours18:10
popeyover in #ubuntu-uk-podcast18:10
safiyyahokay will pop in18:10
safiyyahsecond time I came into the room just to sit..... my life is going to pot for sure18:11
m4r35n357anyone getting loads of bad certificate dialogues for oracle in thunderbird?18:25
buzz_linux mint is above ubuntu on distrowatch last 6 months of stats, and consider ubuntu just had a release and linuxmint didn't, perhaps it suggests ubuntu does not deliver in the desktop what many users want. enough to make canonical sit up and listen? i would think not18:34
buzz_also what linux mint are doing with next release, sounds far more towards "listening to users" than ubuntu - http://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=185118:34
jacobwpidgin still isn't creating a new window when first launched on my oneiric instance19:43
* jacobw will investigate and file bug if necessary19:43
BigRedSbuzz_: or people just don't use distrowatch to download Ubuntu all that much?19:56
BigRedSI forget it exists until someone makes a big thing about Ubuntu not being on top every few months, and then I remember for half an hour and get back to using search engines to find things19:56
ali1234firstly, distrowatch doesn't count number of downloads19:57
ali1234secondly, ubuntu has been at the top of the list for the paste 3 years19:57
BigRedSWhat is distrowatch's ranking? I thought it counted click-throughs to the mirrors?19:58
jacobwdistrowatch is irrelevant19:58
BigRedSwell, yeah19:58
ali1234sure, keep acting like there isn't a problem19:58
ali1234keep repeating it long enough and it will become true19:58
czajkowskicould someone please do the euro sign20:00
czajkowskicannot get it to work on laptop20:00
czajkowskijacobw: thanks20:00
BigRedSwikipedia's invaluable for those things. That's where all my sarcastic TMs come from20:01
czajkowskiit was 320:01
czajkowskiBigRedS: brat20:01
mattti think she called you a brat20:03
* BigRedS grumbles20:03
czajkowskiyou laughed20:03
BigRedSI'm generally laughing, though20:04
BigRedSI can't help it if you happen to have some misfortune nearby20:04
lubotu3`The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports20:11
jacobwo/ SuprEngr20:11
SuprEngro/ jacobw20:11
SuprEngrjust got in - panic mode - podcast ;)20:12
jacobw14 minutes to go :p20:15
buzz_ali1234, yes but thats my point it isnt top for the last 6months, the trend seems to show it losing ground to other distros (even ubuntu based ones)20:16
BigRedSBut it's only losing ground on whatever metric it is that distrowatch measures20:16
czajkowskiBigRedS: charming :)20:17
SuprEngr[[enjoying the gentlepodcast  music after a day full of scheiss till then]20:17
BigRedSDistrowatch hasn't known about any distro that I've downloaded or installed in the past 8 years or so20:18
buzz_well. i think it has some significance20:18
buzz_BigRedS, so what ? :)20:19
buzz_not sure i follow your point whatever that may be..20:19
ali1234like i said, distrowatch doesn't count downloads or installs20:20
BigRedSbuzz_: I suspect I'm not in the minority, and so distrowatch represents distrowatch users better than it does linux users20:20
buzz_if they havnt covered any distro you have used, i suspect you are in the minority20:20
ali1234distrowatch represents linux users rather well20:20
ali1234it doesn't doesn't really represent ubuntu users however20:20
BigRedSwhat does it measure?20:20
ali1234it measures page hits afaik20:21
buzz_ali1234, i can agree with that, but im not sure that nullifies the trend though20:21
buzz_not completely20:21
ali1234see distrowatch is not just a list of ISOs you can download20:22
ali1234they maintain a database of which database uses which package20:22
ali1234so what we can infer from this trend20:23
buzz_you could argue that linux mint users are using ubuntu anyway but ;-) and that ubuntu users are using debian too heh20:23
ali1234is that people who know other distros exist, and take an interest in comparing them, are leaving ubuntu20:23
buzz_for example20:23
ali1234but they are going to mint, which is just ubuntu but with a sensible desktop20:24
buzz_it seems to.. at least more so than others20:24
ali1234so that tells us those people like everything about ubuntu except for unity20:24
ali1234actually it doesn't tell us that20:24
ali1234it tells us that people are most interested about mint20:25
ali1234not that they are actually switching20:25
buzz_im certainly interested to see what linux mint can do with gnome3 and if they can keep gnome2 as an option.. i think that's what users want. the choice.20:25
ali1234there is no more choice than there ever was20:26
buzz_there is less choice20:27
BigRedSali1234: I think the suggestion is that there's now less :)20:27
buzz_there used to be the choice to use or not to use unity on ubuntu.. ok there is if you ditch gnome but20:27
* buzz_ runs xfce currently20:27
=== gerry_ is now known as easytiger
buzz_having just put together an oneiric image for the o2 joggler, i can tell you that the classic gnome interface was much more usable, on the touchscreen20:28
ubuntubhoybuzz_, gnome shell works well with touchscreens20:28
BigRedSdoes it? It seems to love keyboards20:29
buzz_ubuntubhoy, ive not tried it yet, but i will give it a spin, should it work on the gpu / drivers20:29
* jacobw loves keyboards20:29
BigRedSI've never used it on a touchscreen, but I really like the sensible keyboard shortcuts20:29
buzz_ive not tried it on  a touchscreen device that should say20:29
ubuntubhoythere are a couple of extensions that make a dif, but they are all official ones20:29
ali1234i would say the level of choice is about the same as it ever was20:30
BigRedSyeah, you can still install your pick of about 9 DEs/WMs20:30
ali1234just the choices have changed20:30
buzz_well if you include the fact that some choices have been removed and replaced with others20:30
buzz_its no good if your choice has been removed20:30
BigRedSwell, version numbers have gone up as they keep doing :)20:30
buzz_now oneiric is out, at least my bug on launchpad that was easy to fix but wasnt fixed for 6 months can be just marked invalid like most other launchpad bugs ;-)20:31
ali1234not yet it can't20:32
ali1234anyway just open it again against oneiric20:32
buzz_it's fixed on oneiric20:32
buzz_just as a side effect..20:32
ali1234upgrade then20:32
BigRedShaha, fixed is fixed20:33
buzz_i don't need it now anyway. but still. it should have been fixed before natty was released..20:33
BigRedSyou must be new here :)20:34
buzz_how's that ?20:34
buzz_because i expected it to be fixed? :)20:34
BigRedSall the launchpad bugs I've had fixed are non-ubuntu20:35
=== MichealH is now known as MH0
ali1234yeah same here20:35
buzz_it was a real easy fix... i would have fixed it if i could. i mean i fixed it locally20:35
ali1234it kind of sucks when you are reporting bugs in unity though20:35
diploEvening all20:36
BigRedSwell, I just can't be arsed to file ubuntu bugs any more, really20:37
buzz_it was the right mouse emulation stuff  (mousetweaks) had the gnome3 version with natty that needed gnome2 version. anyway. i used it for right mouse emulation, but now i use evdev20:37
BigRedSespecially if I can fix it locally20:37
BigRedSwhich is completely backwards20:37
ali1234wait are you exobuzz?20:37
buzz_which i backported to the version of xserver running20:37
diploAnyone use a Blackberry in here ?20:37
AlanBellbuzz_: tried the latest onboard in oneiric-proposed?20:37
buzz_AlanBell, yep. and its prettier than before, but not even close to as usable as say florence20:37
buzz_which was removed from oneiric , even though it can be build without gnome2 panel support20:38
AlanBellit now has right mouse click stuff build in20:38
AlanBellwhy was florence useable?20:38
buzz_more responsive20:38
ali1234how do you do a right click with a on screen keyboard?20:38
buzz_you can actually type quicker than 1cps on it20:38
AlanBellali1234: it has a button, and the next click you do is a right click, the button just happens to be on the same UI20:39
buzz_AlanBell, how should i use the onboard right click emulation with say xbmc then20:39
ali1234that's awful20:39
buzz_which is why evdev based right click emulation works better (imho)20:39
AlanBellI don't know what xbmc is20:39
ali1234all you need to know is it runs fullscreen20:39
buzz_it's a media center app. fullscreen20:39
buzz_anyway. compared to florence. onboard is just horrible. imho20:40
AlanBellnot sure what the question is20:40
buzz_install florence from my ppa and try it20:40
AlanBellwill do20:40
buzz_ppa:jools/joggler - built for oneiric20:40
ali1234buzz_: what do you think of mer?20:41
AlanBellwould florence make a better default onscreen keyboard in your opinion?20:41
buzz_ali1234, still not tried it20:41
ali1234they have plasma active and cordia builds20:41
buzz_AlanBell, with some changes so it worked on login screen etc. yeh20:41
buzz_but just for typing on a touchscreen. it works better20:42
AlanBellcaribou is another option under development, gnome are doing that one because onboard was not invented there20:42
ali1234and something called razor/QtDesktop20:42
ali1234onboard was *really* horrible last time i tried it20:42
buzz_AlanBell, florence on older ubuntu - http://joggler.exotica.org.uk/images/ubuntulinux3.png20:42
buzz_ali1234, it has a prettier look. but still feels sluggish to actually type on20:43
AlanBellI helped make onboard a bit less horrible (mostly cosmetically), it does have some decent features though20:44
buzz_the right/middle click is a useful improvement anyway, on top of the better looks. there is no doubt that onboard is more usable than before at least20:47
buzz_bbl food20:47
AlanBellso onboard has click helpers for touchscreens (right, middle and double click) and hover click20:49
AlanBellthe keyboard adapts to different international layouts correctly (might be some bugs, but in general if you have an AZERTY keyboard or whatever it uses the keyboard layout you requested20:50
AlanBellthere are full and compact keyboard options, plus a broken scanning mode keyboard (we discovered a week ago that space has always been mapped to 'e' so nobody has ever used that bit)20:50
AlanBelland there are different themes including one using ubuntu font and colours and logos on the super keys20:51
ali1234the main problem with it is it acts like a normal app so you have to shuffle it's window around all the time20:52
AlanBellyes, there is the minimise to a floating icon thing now20:52
AlanBellshow floating icon when onboard is hidden20:52
ali1234i bet the desktop designers love that20:53
AlanBellthen you can close it and prod the icon to open it and you can drag the big ugly icon about if it gets in the way20:53
AlanBellmost of my efforts in a11y are around getting the desktop designers to give a crap one way or the other, so if they hate it then great :)20:54
ubuntubhoythe only problem with onboard I can see, is it should have an option to be on all workspaces20:56
ubuntubhoyif I open it on workspace 1, it should be available on all other workspaces I have20:56
AlanBellerm, it is20:56
ubuntubhoynot with gnome shell20:56
ubuntubhoyI have to select it from the notification bar20:57
ubuntubhoyso if I have it set to on-top, with floating icon it should be on all desktops20:57
AlanBellit follows me about on unity2d, and I think is on all workspaces in unity3d20:58
ubuntubhoymust be a bug with the way gnome shell handles dynamically20:58
ubuntubhoyworkspaces ^^20:58
AlanBellyou are using onboard from -proposed?20:58
AlanBellmust get that updated and released, it is just waiting for the scanning mode space/e fix and that is done in trunk21:00
ubuntubhoythere was an update a day or two ago, never looked to see what had changed21:02
AlanBellthat might be it, I am just doing a big update on another machine to get it21:02
MyrttiAlanBell: I just realised something relating to the a11y thing21:04
MyrttiI'm very keen on audible bell, mine has been broken for years for some reason. If I set in Universal Access settings on the Hearing tab Visual alerts on, the screen flashes, if I'm in GnomeShell. Doesn't in Unity21:06
AlanBellMyrtti: yes, I know about that one :(21:07
AlanBellthere is an utterly pathetic effect if you tell it to flash the window title bar21:07
MyrttiI could even swear I heard a bleep21:07
AlanBellwe have a kind of plan to wire that up to a full screen compiz wobble or something21:08
MyrttiI miss the bleep21:08
AlanBellI did ask the onboard devs and all the other on screen keyboard devs I could find about multitouch but that was when utouch was first starting and nobody had any plans21:10
AlanBellwould be good to get a steno type chorded multi touch keyboard in21:10
ubuntubhoyI have no multi-touch anyway21:10
ubuntubhoyI kinda want some accelerometer functionality though21:11
Myrttiubuntubhoy: which device are you on?21:12
ubuntubhoyDell Duo21:12
AlanBellah, no scanning mode has return, not space wired up to 'e' and it is still broken21:13
MyrttiI'm on ExoPC/Wetab myself21:13
AlanBellif you check the box to force window to top then it appears on all workspaces in unity 3d21:13
Myrttiin theory I've got multitouch, dunno why it doesn't work, all the instructions I've seen are super unhelpful21:13
ubuntubhoyfor the Duo it broke when touch-helper went out of date21:14
AlanBellin terms of performance onboard seems fine on an Atom 330 with intel graphics21:15
MarquessDeBonBonAlanBell, my Welsh friend.21:16
AlanBellnope, not even a little bit Welsh :)21:16
Myrttiubuntubhoy: http://myrtti.fi/blog/?p=922 written after using the tablet for a week21:17
AlanBellMyrtti: how would you like onboard to automatically hide/show?21:18
AlanBelland have you tried the show floating icon option?21:18
ali1234it should show when the focus is on a field that accepts text21:19
AlanBelland is that unity2d or 3d?21:19
ali1234and it should hide when it isn't21:19
MyrttiAlanBell: the icon just blocks the view, and yes, I expect it to work like ali1234 said21:19
Myrttibasically like the Gnome keyboard does in GnomeShell21:19
Myrttior Maliit does in MeeGo21:19
AlanBellok, that makes sense, would require atspi to be turned on21:19
AlanBellwhat gnome keyboard? caribou?21:19
MyrttiI suppose it's caribou, it just ... was there21:20
MyrttiI can only assume it isn't Maliit, because I couldn't install all the packages for it21:20
AlanBellI spent ages trying to compile caribou and gave up in disgust21:20
AlanBellI am a bit surprised you have onboard under unity21:22
ali1234users using ubuntu in the way it is intended to be used...21:23
ali1234shocking :)21:23
AlanBellI meant in terms of z-order21:24
MyrttiAlanBell: I don't actually mind it being there, it just gets in the way there tbh21:24
AlanBellonboard should always be able to be on top of the dash and type into the dash now21:24
ali1234unity draws over everything21:24
AlanBellali1234: not onboard it doesn't any more21:24
ali1234the only thing that can have higher z-order than it is a focussed fullscreen window21:24
AlanBellor onboard21:24
ubuntubhoyMyrtti, 100% on the scroll bars - no good for fat fingers21:26
ubuntubhoykeep meaaning to download a more traditional theme with proper scroll bars21:26
AlanBellscroll bars are a broken concept with touchscreens really21:26
AlanBellyou need to drag or flick the content21:27
ubuntubhoyI use plug-ins for chromium and FF21:27
ubuntubhoyMyrtti, there is also an on-screen kehyboard that is part on gnome shell21:28
ubuntubhoyit nice to look at, but also has some issues21:28
ubuntubhoylike its anchored to the bottom of the screen21:28
Myrttiubuntubhoy: yeah, I like how that one works much more than OnBoard21:29
Myrttithe thing that bugs me though is that I haven't figured out yet how to change it's layout21:29
ubuntubhoyit also covers the bottom of the screen21:29
ubuntubhoytransparent, but still covered21:29
ubuntubhoyrather than adjust the window size like the E keyboard does21:29
ubuntubhoyits the best I have tried so far21:30
MyrttiE keyboard?21:30
MyrttiI've just given up and hooked an USB keyboard back on the tablet when I'm doing anything else than watching videos21:30
AlanBellbug 44398621:31
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 443986 in smartphone "RFE: Add option to automatically show and hide onboard" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44398621:31
AlanBellwith the changes to at-spi it might be time to make that work21:32
ubuntubhoyMyrtti, the default keyboard for Enlightenment tablet mode21:32
ubuntubhoytry Bodhi Linux if you want a look21:32
AlanBellMyrtti or anyone else, can you take a screenshot of onboard below the unity dash?21:33
ubuntubhoyif you have no takers in 5 mins, I will log out and in to get you it21:34
ali1234do i have to use -proposed?21:34
AlanBellno, the one in oneiric main should be fine21:34
ubuntubhoywhy does USB creator update so often in every new version21:35
ali1234uploading now21:35
ali1234i don't know but you don't need it any more21:36
=== ball is now known as ba11
ali1234you can now just dd the images directly to the usb drive21:36
MyrttiAlanBell: oo, I seem to have fiddled some settings right, it's not underneath now21:36
AlanBellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/onboard.png that is what it should look like, trying to figure out how it managed to get below the dash21:45
ali1234well my onboard looks nothing like that for a start21:46
ubuntubhoythats the new version, without borders21:47
ubuntubhoybutt ugly default theme though21:47
AlanBellubuntubhoy: help make it pretty21:50
AlanBellwhat should it look like to be less ugly?21:50
AlanBellI made that theme21:50
ubuntubhoyI use the droid theme21:50
ubuntubhoynice dark and simple21:50
ubuntubhoybit like me21:50
ubuntubhoythough not so dark with the Scottish weather21:51
ubuntubhoythe prob with the default is it looks icky sicky candy-ish with the purple/pink  & orange21:51
AlanBellyeah, I know, I have no aesthetic talent21:52
AlanBellhttp://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/04/21/ubuntu-natty-in-virtualbox-with-unity/ before and after I got my hands on it21:53
MyrttiI'd want a proper IBM M beige one :-D21:54
AlanBellI was picking out colours from the branding toolkit to make it fit in with the overall Ubuntu branding21:54
AlanBellMyrtti: got a photo?21:54
ubuntubhoyyours is better AlanBell21:54
ali1234what are those big rectangles on the right for?21:55
ubuntubhoyhyou need to use some of the default Ubuntu plain dark transparent21:55
AlanBellthey are now the abc and fn buttons21:55
ubuntubhoylook at your screeny21:56
AlanBellali1234: nobody could see they were buttons because they look *nothing* like buttons and they do a confusing overlay21:56
ubuntubhoydash is all dark21:56
ali1234OMG i just clicked it so confusing21:56
MyrttiAlanBell: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_M_keyboard21:56
AlanBellali1234: yeah, nasty isn't it21:56
AlanBellMyrtti: want the sound effects in too?21:57
Myrttiwhat annoys me most about onboard after it not autohiding itself is that the Enter-key is wrong shape, and the '-key is in wrong place. But I suppose that is difficult to implement21:57
MyrttiAlanBell: "KLONK KLONK"21:58
AlanBellno it is trivial to implement21:58
AlanBellthe layout is an SVG file21:58
AlanBellwhat key is in the wrong place? -21:58
MyrttiI'll take some screenshots21:59
bigcalmMyrtti: I have a spare Unicomp kb if you want it. US layout sadly (which is why it's spare)21:59
bigcalmPS/2 connector21:59
AlanBell/usr/share/onboard/layouts/Full Keyboard-Alpha.svg22:00
AlanBellthe SVG is just used for key positions, not detailed shapes and colours22:01
ubuntubhoydoes the stock palette you work from include transparency ?22:02
AlanBellno, but there are some transparency options for the background(works) and whole window(doesn't work)22:04
AlanBellkeys can only be rectangles at the moment :(22:05
AlanBellactually there is opacity in the colours files22:11
mgdmI used those in school22:13
AlanBellso a layout like that in as an option in Precise then Myrtti?22:13
mgdmterrible things22:13
funkyHatclicky clack22:13
Myrttithe colours please :-)22:14
ubuntubhoyyour pic, but a little less sweet shop looking22:16
AlanBellyeah, we can do better than that22:16
AlanBellone thing to note, I wasn't aiming for pretty, I was aiming for the design team to notice that onboard is a part of their desktop22:17
ubuntubhoyas long as its easy to theme its not a big issue22:18
AlanBellalso wanted higher contrast, especially on the main keys22:21
AlanBellhence bolder colours on the keys that you don't need to read the keycaps to know what they are22:21
ubuntubhoyI dont think thats really a biggie, just as its not on a physical keyboard22:22
AlanBellit was22:23
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ubuntubhoyAlanBell, thats the Bodhi one, nice simple and works really well22:27
ali1234the letters are far too small22:27
ubuntubhoysimple changes22:27
ali1234and the vertical gaps are a different size to the horizontal gaps22:28
ubuntubhoyand I am sure it has another 100 faults22:28
ali1234and it is missing many important keys like how am i supposed to type numbers on that? i dn't even know22:28
ubuntubhoyit is in the simple mode22:28
ubuntubhoyfull keyboard is available22:28
MyrttiAlanBell: http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/6326533727/22:28
ali1234full keyboard is no good either22:29
ali1234it needs a button to switch to entering numbers22:29
ali1234it doesn't have one22:29
ubuntubhoyyes it does22:29
ali1234or if it does, it has a terrible label22:29
ubuntubhoythe ABC on the top right22:29
ubuntubhoygives full keyboaard22:29
ali1234that says ABC?22:29
ali1234i thought it was just a random squiggle lol22:29
ubuntubhoyas I say, 100 other faults22:29
ali1234but like i said, full keyboard is no use22:30
ubuntubhoywhy ?22:30
ali1234because there are too many keys and not enough screen space to display them all at once22:30
ali1234have any of you ever even used a smartphone?22:30
ubuntubhoyhow small is your screen ?22:30
ali1234um... 4.2"?22:30
ubuntubhoyI would love Swiftkey22:30
ubuntubhoyon linux22:31
MyrttiAlanBell: comparing the Enter-key...22:31
ubuntubhoyali1234, your is a very specialist problem, I am talking about general use22:32
diploAnyone know anyone running IBM RS/6000 machines ?22:32
ali1234never heard of swiftkey. i would settle for something as good as the vkb in android22:32
AlanBellyeah, I see what you mean Myrtti, but it only does rectangular keys at the moment22:32
AlanBelland I have a hardware keyboard with a flat enter key22:32
ali1234lol. yes, smartphones are very specialist. they totally didn't sell 90 million of them last year22:33
ali1234(pulling numbers from my ass)22:33
MyrttiAlanBell: :-(22:33
ubuntubhoyUbuntu on a smartphone is22:33
AlanBellI have an android phone, I have 4 keyboards installed, they all suck22:33
ubuntubhoynot many came with Ubuntu installed22:33
ubuntubhoyTry Swiftkey22:33
ali1234the actual number is probably 10x that :)22:34
AlanBellI found one hackers keyboard that can actually type the keys I want22:34
AlanBellbut it totally fills the screen when landscape22:34
ali1234there's a reason why none of them came with ubuntu.... ubuntu is utterly useless on touchscreens :)22:34
MyrttiAlanBell: I have one extra installed. The one that I have to use even if I hate it - the one that has all the buttons on it. Sucks to be a Finn.22:34
AlanBelland swype is interesting, but useless22:34
ubuntubhoythe new version is not so bad for general use22:34
ali1234i don't like swype much but it is still better than anything ubuntu has22:34
Myrtti(with a stock android without an option of Finnish Swype or any other keyboard the manufacturer would have bundled)22:34
ubuntubhoyali1234, try Swiftkey, its a month free trial iirc22:35
ali1234what is it for?22:35
AlanBellswype doesn't have ctrl key22:35
Myrttiwhat do you need that for :-D22:35
AlanBellssh sessions22:35
ubuntubhoyali1234, replacement android keyboard22:36
Myrttiright - my Nexus One trackball sends ctrl to irssi connectbot22:36
ali1234so android22:36
MyrttiI don't know if it does to plain connectbot too22:36
ali1234ok. is it in the market?22:36
ali1234installing it22:37
ali1234wow what have they done to the market22:37
ali1234it's really confusing now22:38
ubuntubhoy3.3.11 I presume22:38
ali1234stupid google22:38
ali12343.3.11 what?22:38
ubuntubhoymarket version22:38
ali1234i dunno22:38
ubuntubhoyChromium/chrome web app store has went the same way22:39
ubuntubhoytiles seem to be the in thing22:39
Myrttigah, almost quarter to one, need to go to bed22:40
Myrttigood night22:40
ali1234bah, this is rubbish22:40
ali1234i can type faster than it accepts input22:40
ali1234that's the first fail of any vkb22:40
ali1234the theme lacks any kind of contrast, letters are too small... other than that it is identical to the android one22:41
ubuntubhoythe difference is in the word prediction22:41
ubuntubhoytheme can be changed22:41
ali1234the word prediction is rubbish22:41
ubuntubhoyturn off haptic for speed22:42
ali1234apparently "goox" is a word22:42
ubuntubhoyFFS give it time to learn your typing style22:42
ali1234i don't want to turn off haptic. haptic is necessary22:42
ubuntubhoyhve you let it learn from SMS, Twitter, Facebook22:42
ali1234no of course not22:43
ali1234i don't even use facebook or twitter22:43
ubuntubhoybut I guess you do use SMS22:43
ali1234and even if i did i would not give the password to johnny random vkb programmer22:43
popeyI use SMS, but type full sentences.22:43
ubuntubhoybut you still write in your own style22:43
ubuntubhoyyou combine words that I maybe would not22:44
ubuntubhoyso the keyboard learns your word patterns22:44
ubuntubhoyand ali1234 the world record speed typing for a phone was made using this keyboard22:45
ali1234i don't care, it runs very slow on my phone22:45
ubuntubhoywhat handset ?22:45
ali1234galaxy S22:46
ubuntubhoythen it should not run slow22:46
ali1234argh how do i uninstall things with the stupid new market?22:46
ubuntubhoythe same way you did with the old one22:47
ubuntubhoyselect it, then un-install22:47
ali1234in the old one i just went to "install apps" it was right there on the first page22:47
ubuntubhoyyou might want to press menu to get your 'my apps'22:47
ali1234now it has been replaced by an advert for steve jobs biography22:47
ali1234all the themes are extremely low contrast :(22:48
buzz_i cant wait to see that long lost interview with steve jobs that will be shown at the cinema. im going to queue a week before hand to make sure i get a seat22:49
ali1234yeah that is not fishy at all22:49
ali1234he totally didn't find it 6 years ago and decide to save it until after jobs died22:50
ali1234hey this rom has swype in it22:50
ubuntubhoyhas done since they first started selling them22:51
AlanBellMyrtti: http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/modelm.png22:54
AlanBellbit more to do on it22:55
ubuntubhoythats nice22:56
AlanBellI also want to do a colour layout for teaching touch typing22:58
popeyooo i like that22:58
AlanBellwhich is I know a bit daft for an on-screen keyboard22:58
ubuntubhoynot really22:58
AlanBellen.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Touch_typing.svg like that23:02
ubuntubhoyas a theme option it would be fine23:04
AlanBellthe model M layout should have the key lables in the top left corner of the key caps, that will need a patch to the code to selectively undo the code I wrote to put them in the middle23:04
MyrttiAlanBell: cool23:07
AlanBellI will tweak that a bit more and submit it upstream23:08
diplogn all23:10
andylockranguys, anyone know how to scrl up on irssi in screen?23:52
andylockranI sorted it23:54

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