
bkerensaslangasek: Nice sixxs account.... I guess I was supposed to get one due to Ubuntu Membership but they declined my account request?02:27
bkerensasaid they couldnt verify my address and identity02:27
bkerensaand I asked what they need as proof and they never responded after that02:27
slangasekI don't know much about the workings of sixxs02:27
bkerensakinda lame02:27
slangasekI've had my account for years02:27
bkerensaslangasek: WOU needs some mentors for a FOSS project :)02:28
bkerensathey selected Ubuntu as the center of their project02:28
slangasekI don't think I have the spare cycles :/02:29
bkerensaslangasek: my cycles are limited these days too02:30
slangasekwhat exactly is the project?02:30
bkerensaslangasek: I dont think people realize how much some Ubuntu Contributors put in hour wise02:30
slangasek(perhaps we can find someone with a specific interest in whatever they're doing)02:30
bkerensaslangasek: Well a asst professor is trying to get her Phd and so she wants to do her dissertation on Ubuntu02:31
bkerensaand so she needs Ubuntu Contributors to help mentor her students02:31
bkerensashe has not given me the full scope of how the mentorship will work yet02:31
bkerensaBut I signed on and also pinged our mailing list... She thinks Ubuntu Oregon would be the must suitable group to provide mentoring02:31
slangasekcurious - the dissertation on Ubuntu02:32
* bkerensa needs to find spare cycles to read his python books so he can start writing some decent py02:32
slangasekwhat books are you using?02:38
bkerensaslangasek: Head into Python and then the Python book from O'Reilly02:43
slangasekHead into Python?  Is that like Dive into Python, but.. not? :)02:53
bkerensaslangasek: One of those titles =o idk its in my tech closet atm06:16
bkerensaGood Morning Everyone17:29
bkerensaBrian_H: Look what just arrived http://i.imgur.com/XcdXO.jpg20:08
Brian_Hoh snap20:27
Brian_Hdid you set it up yet?20:27
Brian_Hwe just setup our company google+ page :D20:27
bkerensaBrian_H: The phone?20:50
bkerensanah its for my fiancee but Microsoft sent it to me free20:50
bkerensaG+ for the win20:50
bkerensaBrian_H: :P20:50
bkerensathats why im not using it20:51
bkerensamy CPU fan is running so hot I put a soda next to my desk laptop on a OSU OSL coaster and within 3-4 mins its warm20:55
bkerensait was ice cold20:55
cosmicpizzahi there20:55
bkerensahi cosmicpizza20:55
cosmicpizzahow to supress the password in gadmin proftpd in order to every people access to my ftp server ???20:56
cosmicpizza and the username too ?20:56
bkerensacosmicpizza: I'm not sure I follow? You mean turn off Anonymous FTP access?20:58
hypodermiacosmicpizza: c'est a dire quoi?21:01
cosmicpizzai just want to every people can access to my ftp server without password or username21:03
bkerensacosmicpizza: Ahh yes you wish to enable anonymous ftp21:03
cosmicpizzayes that' s right21:04
bkerensacosmicpizza: http://www.proftpd.org/docs/howto/Authentication.html21:04
Oregonian<http://ln-s.net/9Hqs> (at www.proftpd.org)21:04
bkerensaYour proftpd.conf just add a anonymous ftp section21:05
hypodermiacosmicpizza: sorry if this question bothers you, but if english isn't your first language, what is?21:05
cosmicpizzait' s quite difficult to me to understand english but i can make efforts21:06
cosmicpizzathx hypodermia21:07
hypodermiacosmicpizza: just wondering if the language barrier is one where we can meet in the middle. that's all.21:07
bkerensacosmicpizza: I think hypodermia speaks french :D21:08
cosmicpizzatu parles francais hypodermia ?21:08
hypodermiacosmicpizza: bien sur. j'ai deja essayé d'en parler avec toi :x21:10
hypodermiacosmicpizza: c'est pas grave21:10
hypodermiacosmicpizza: si tu as plus besoin d'aide, laisse-moi savoir :321:11
cosmicpizzabon en gros je cherche à virer le système de mot de passe sous gadmin afin que n' importe qui puisse se connecter sur mon serveur ftp21:11
hypodermiaje n'ai jamais utilisé proftpd, mais je sais que il s'agirait de permettre les connexions anonymes21:13
hypodermiacosmicpizza: peut-etre y a-t-il d'autre canals plus utiles pour poser cette question?21:14
cosmicpizzanon le canal français n' est pas terrible21:14
cosmicpizzaet puis j' aime travailler mon anglais21:15
hypodermiaje comprends :321:15
hypodermiaet moi c'est bien de parler français de temps en temps21:15
hypodermiaen tout cas21:15
hypodermiabkerensa: yeah you understood. proftpd anonymous access. which i don't know how to do offhand21:16
bkerensahypodermia: Simple cake... Nano proftpd.conf and add a Anonymous section21:16
bkerensamany examples online... much like editing Apache config21:17
hypodermiabkerensa: lol well there ya go. cosmicpizza vas-y fonce~21:17
cosmicpizzabe right back........trying some advices....21:19
cosmicpizzaok i' m back21:23
cosmicpizzasomeone can try my ftp at ftp://cosmicpizza.dyndns.org ?21:23
hypodermiacosmicpizza: i was unable to connect. sorry21:34
cosmicpizzadamn it !21:34
cosmicpizzaand at ?21:36
mr_mustashcosmicpizza: I can connect to it using the IP address21:39
mr_mustashUsing a no credentials21:39
cosmicpizzaall right21:40
cosmicpizzathat' s enough for me21:40
cosmicpizzanope :#21:48
cosmicpizzai want people connect to my dynamic dns name domain21:49
cosmicpizzaat ftp://cosmicpizza.dyndns.org21:49
cosmicpizzaor http://cosmicpizza.dyndns.org21:50
OregonianTitle: Page d’index (at cosmicpizza.dyndns.org)21:50
cosmicpizzawhat do you mean oregonian ?21:51
cosmicpizzasi tu veux parler en français avec moi hypodermia il n' y a pas de problème ;)21:53
hypodermiacosmicpizza: merci. en ce moment je bosse, malheureusement21:54
cosmicpizzaha ok21:54
cosmicpizzawhat time is it in oregon ? (near 2 pm ?)21:55
cosmicpizzail est 23 heures à paris21:55
hypodermiafaut se coucher bientot21:56
cosmicpizzasmoggy weather21:56
cosmicpizzadans 2 h21:56
hypodermiacosmicpizza: lol k21:57
hypodermiaexcuse, mdr21:57
cosmicpizzasorry: foggy weather21:57
cosmicpizzapas de mal hypodermia21:57
hypodermiaje blague21:57
hypodermiales français comprendraient quand-meme21:58
cosmicpizzatu parles bien français c' est sûr21:58
hypodermiamerci :321:58
hypodermiaça fait longtemps que je ne l'utilise pas21:58
cosmicpizzac' est dommage21:59
hypodermiameh. ça arrive quand on vive a Portland21:59
cosmicpizzatu ne dois pas avoir souvent l' occase de parler français aux states21:59
cosmicpizzahé oui !21:59
hypodermiaen effet21:59
cosmicpizzaje regarde souvent CNN pour parfaire mon anglais22:00
hypodermiaécoutes-tu jamais NPR?22:00
cosmicpizzac' est pas la meilleure chaine d' infos mais c' est déjà ça22:00
cosmicpizzaje connais pas npr22:00
cosmicpizzac' est quoi ?22:00
cosmicpizzaune radio ?22:00
hypodermiaradio publique aux states22:00
cosmicpizzahaaaaa tu as un lien stp ?22:01
hypodermiawww.npr.org je crois22:01
cosmicpizzac' est bon j' ai trouvé22:01
hypodermiaj'écoute ça tous les matins et tous les soirs22:04
cosmicpizzaj' écoute là...22:05
hypodermiabeaucoup préfère ça au CNN22:05
cosmicpizzatrès bien merci beaucoup22:06
cosmicpizzasi tu veux écouter une radio française correcte écoute FRANCE INTER : http://www.franceinter.fr/22:08
hypodermiamerci. peut-etre lorsque je quitte22:08
cosmicpizzales infos sont très chaudes en ce moment en france !!!22:09
hypodermiapourquoi ça? à cause du crise economique?22:10
cosmicpizzaoui oui22:10
cosmicpizza*de la crise économique22:10
hypodermiaoh oh oh je viens d'entendre parler que berlesconi vien de quitter sa position22:11
cosmicpizzaoui berlusconi va partir22:11
hypodermiaoh man22:11
hypodermiathat's intense22:11
cosmicpizzasarkosy aussi j' espère22:11
cosmicpizzavery intense22:12
hypodermiaah bon?22:12
hypodermiatu n'aimes pas sarkozy?22:12
cosmicpizzaaux prochaines élections du moins22:12
cosmicpizzanon personne ne l' aime en france22:12
hypodermiaje ne suis pas au courant22:13
cosmicpizzail n' est plus populaire depuis quelques temps22:13
hypodermiaje vois22:17
MarkDudeEl bueno.22:24
MarkDudeOregon francais22:24

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