
InHisNameanyone here play with nagios yet ?00:34
PiciI have an instance that I setup at work.00:44
pleia2the learning curve on nagios is pretty brutal00:45
InHisNameI'm picking up bits and pieces here and there.02:11
jthanWhat a wonderful world02:38
InHisNameyes it is, jthan03:01
rmg51morning JonathanD11:01
JonathanDhey rmg5111:02
JonathanDI think I shall cook...11:11
rmg51yourself or something else?11:21
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!11:24
JonathanDrmg51: something else11:35
JonathanDI'm thinking some spicey chicken and rice.11:35
SamuraiAlbaComputer Forensics netx semester!  *SQUEEEEEeeeeeeee*11:35
rmg51sounds a bit much for breakfast11:36
JonathanDrmg51: this is for lunch.11:36
JonathanDI cook lunch at 6am so I can have better lunch.11:36
SamuraiAlbaPad Thai?11:36
JonathanDThe chicken is boiling.11:36
rmg51to much work for me this early11:37
JonathanDmeanwhile I'm re-installing this "new" desktop with ubuntu and windows.11:37
JonathanDTo possibly replace the family computer.11:37
SamuraiAlbaMy GF wants a laptop to replace the household desktop at her mothers11:38
rmg51breakfast time for me11:38
SamuraiAlbaI have an Ispiron 1440 here that would do11:38
SamuraiAlbaJust need a new LCD cable >.<11:38
JonathanDI don't like the sound of this disk.11:39
SamuraiAlbaTake the Justin Beiber CD out!11:41
JonathanDSamuraiAlba: the HDD :P11:45
SamuraiAlbaIt's too early... Must get java11:54
SamuraiAlbaIt is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion11:54
waltmanSamuraiAlba: http://www.flickr.com/photos/85201403@N00/6312699994/12:02
waltmanSamuraiAlba: be sure to mouseover "bacon" :)12:03
JonathanDcan't find an audio driver for this thing.12:54
InHisNamegood morning teddy-dbear, JonathanD, waltman, SamuraiAlba, rmg51   lotta morning folks today.13:21
InHisNamewaltman: did you try that banana & nutella panini ?  sounds fascinating.   The others too.13:25
InHisNamewait, no, I want the banh mi even more13:26
waltmanonly thing I've tried so far is the chicken banh mi, whch is in another picture there. it was great.13:43
InHisNamesounds lip smacking good13:55
JonathanDconsidering this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681312849614:10
waltmanJonathanD: 6 sata, no video?16:12
JonathanDwaltman: don't need video16:14
JonathanDwaltman: don't need 6 sata, either, but thats ok.16:15
JonathanDwaltman: I have a PSU, a processer, and a GTX 285. I need a place to put them :)16:18
waltmanthat seems to come with a processor16:21
JonathanDpower supply.16:21
JonathanDwaltman: that board has no processer16:21
waltmanah, missed that word "supported" :)16:22
waltmanseems like a fine motherboard to me16:22
JonathanDif I go with that one I'll need to buy ram.16:23
waltmanram's cheap16:24
waltmanIs this going to be a game machine?16:24
waltmanhttp://twitter.com/#!/DEVOPS_BORAT/status/133947804023394305 # re last night's nagios question :)16:44

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