
Kilosmorning superfly and others04:03
Kilosyou leaving the netbook on all the time04:03
KilosMaaz, coffee on04:03
* Maaz puts the kettle on04:03
superflyhi Kilos04:04
superflyKilos: I'm always logged in to IRC, netbook or no04:04
Kilosoh but normally you show grayed out when you sleeping04:07
Kiloslast night you werent04:07
Kilosyou guys  having a nice time there superfly 04:07
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!04:07
KilosMaaz, ty04:08
MaazEnjoy Kilos04:08
superflyKilos: ya, good times04:09
Kilosi wouldnty have believed it, die plek is dan vol yanks04:10
Kilosskuus man04:10
Kilosdont forget to rest as well hey?04:13
nuvolarimorning oom Kilos 04:17
nuvolario/ superfly 04:17
nuvolariyou're up early oom Kilos :P04:17
Kiloshello nuvolari 04:18
nuvolarimeh. got go get ready for wurk04:18
Kiloseina ne04:18
nuvolarisee you a bit later04:18
nuvolariit's not that bad lol04:19
nuvolariok, later04:19
Kilostara went for second round of the Voice yesterday now has 2 wait 2 weeks to here if she through to the next round04:23
superflyhi nuvolari04:40
* nlsthzn waves05:28
magespawngood morning all06:47
bazziebhi there, i am new to ubuntu-za, just want to know if there is a Joburg chapter?08:52
nuvolariwell, if bazziep stayed for more than 1 minute, somone could've answered :P11:44
milamber-2018|36Btw guys, should've probably done this sooner, for issues relating to mirror.ac.za, you can talk to me :)11:58
tumbleweedmilamber-2018|36: thanks, I'm sure I'll take you up on that :)12:12
tumbleweedmy priority right now is getting ftp.wa.co.za (a downstream of yours) to behave, but it helps when your rsync service is running...12:13
tumbleweedit my be a good idea to coordinate mirroring with them. They seem to have a knack of mirroring debian from you while you're mirroring from upstream, leading to an out of sync mirror12:14
milamber-2018|36I'm sure they have a synch schedule that runs once a day most likely and potentially co-incides with when we're updating at the same time12:26
milamber-2018|36Are you experiencing a problem with our rsync? 12:26
tumbleweedI don't mirror from you for a number of reasons. The rsyncd often crashes (and only gets restarted if I complain, no monitoring), and some mirrors stall (again, no monitoring)12:30
tumbleweed(I = ftp.leg.uct.ac.za, a pretty minor mirror)12:32
tumbleweedanother reason is that UCT's IT department are crazy, and made us chose between national and international bandwidth. Obviously we chose international...12:32
tumbleweedthey also don't want us to have users off-campus. Also crazy, given UCT's upstream link usage...12:33
milamber-2018|36Crontab just added to restart rsync at 06:00 every day12:38
milamber-2018|36You shouldn't be limited on national tumbleweed, unless you have internal proxies/bandwidth limiters that control your access. You should have your full link speed on local12:39
milamber-2018|36We're in the process of trying to get things more operationally organised, i.e. monitoring of the mirrors, etc. Hopefully by January when we hire some new staff, we'll be able to sort out these issues. In the meantime, you're welcome to contact me12:40
tumbleweedwe should probably move our big mirrors to be downstream of you (and work out a push scheme for them)12:41
cocooncrashmilamber-2018|36: Are you going to fix the RPM repo sync scripts ;-P13:12
cocooncrashmilamber-2018|36: http://fedora.mirror.ac.za/epel/6/x86_64/repodata/ currently has a bad sync13:13
tumbleweedheh, good time for that, fedora 16 just bitflipped, so most fedora mirrors are probably sweating13:14
milamber-2018|36Fedora is actually syncing as we speak13:25
milamber-2018|36Will look at it later tonight when I get back13:25
milamber-2018|36Off to IS now, chat later13:26
* andrewlsd waves at kilos14:29
Kiloshiya andrewlsd  you well?14:29
Kiloshi koiosify 14:29
andrewlsdYes thank you,14:29
Kiloshey magespawn wb14:30
koiosifyhi Kilos 14:31
magespawnhi kilos14:32
Kiloshehe magespawn you dont use tab nick complete is see14:33
Kilosone of the fast finger kids hey?14:34
magespawnnot all the time Kilos 14:34
magespawnsomething like that14:34
Kilosyou well down there in kza14:34
magespawnyup very warm today though14:34
Kiloswe  32°c14:35
* nlsthzn is enjoying very good weather at the moment...14:36
magespawnthis is beach weather, not work weather14:36
Kiloshiya nlsthzn 14:37
Kilosnearly said all weather is beach weather but then remembered being sand blasted a few times14:38
nlsthznHey uncle Kilos , all14:38
magespawnhi nlsthzn 14:39
Kiloskoiosify, you new here?14:39
nlsthznHi magespawn :)14:39
magespawnany weather that does not involve lots of wind is usually okay14:39
nuvolario/ 14:40
nuvolarien ons sakhi sakhi, en ons toi toi14:40
Kilosused to spen lotsa time fishing and diving for crays when i was young and sexy14:40
Kilosnow just sexy14:40
Kiloslo nuvolari 14:40
magespawnlol ha.14:41
koiosifyyes Kilo, but I know a few people here14:41
Kiloshas anyone welcomed you to ubuntu-za koiosify 14:42
Kilosif not welcome 14:42
Kilosthese younguns dont have good manners14:42
magespawnwe are at 33.9 now14:43
koiosifyThanks hehe I feel welcome :)14:43
Kilosthats nice and warm magespawn 14:44
Kilosmy kinda weather14:44
magespawnyup 14:46
* Kilos hates winter in the tvl.14:46
Kilosonly good for polar bears14:46
magespawnin the where? lol14:47
KilosMaaz, coffee on14:48
* Maaz washes some mugs14:48
KilosMaaz, coffee for all14:48
MaazCome on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already14:48
Kilosoh my14:48
Kiloshe had to think about that14:49
magespawnmaybe Maaz needs some coffee too.14:50
KilosMaaz, coffee for Maaz 14:50
MaazKilos: Huh?14:50
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!14:52
KilosMaaz, ty14:52
MaazEnjoy Kilos14:52
KilosMaaz, coffee for maaz14:53
MaazI'm a bot Kilos . We live on bits and bytes of data passing through our systems14:53
Kilossee yas tonight14:57
nuvolariwhat small car is the best?18:14
nuvolariok, that's relative. Not performance/sporty/attractive-wise18:14
Kilosevening all of ya18:38
nuvolario/ hallo oom Kilos 18:45
Kiloslo nuvolari 18:45
highvoltagegood evening Kilos 19:52
Kiloshiya highvoltage 19:58
Kilosyou well19:58
highvoltagedoing great thanks and you?19:58
Kilosgood thank you19:58
Kilosyou were gone from here for a while19:59
Kilosthought you joined the enemy19:59
Kiloslike walterl19:59
Kiloswe had up to 45 people on here last year. this is a bad ubuntu year on irc20:00
Kilosno one has probs anymore20:00
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:36

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