
ScottLnew blog post:  http://dullass.blogspot.com/2011/11/uds-p-day-4-and-5-or-efficacy-is-eight.html00:58
ScottLget's kinda weird, but oh well00:58
lenThe Oneiric Ocelot link leads to Precise Pangolin. Is there anything on there worthtesting yet?03:57
lenShould I download it? The mailing list seems to say there are some uninstallable things on it, but are there other things that need testing?03:58
holsteinlen: hey03:59
holsteinim looking at dual head03:59
holsteini was probably just going to install xubuntu for now03:59
lenSo I should download install and try dual head? Xubuntu has the same stuff?04:00
lenI can test dual head on my netbook easy, but the desktop would be much harder.04:01
holsteinlen: well, its not so much testing it04:02
holsteinbut seeing what works, and how04:02
holsteinim looking at arandr right now04:03
holsteinthe included tool does mirroring or cloning04:03
holsteinwhatever you call it04:03
holsteinto do spanning, i needed another tool04:03
holsteintried grandr04:03
lenSo hardware is not the issue so much as software right now.04:05
holsteinlen: you have anything USB 3?04:05
holsteinthat would be nice04:05
holsteini have firewire04:05
holsteinand some USB gear04:05
holsteinlen: we need to see how JACK is working with the -generic kernel for folks04:06
lenI have mostly old stuff and cheaper stuff. I have a family to feed04:06
holsteinand different hardware cases04:06
holsteinlen: thats fine04:06
holsteineven if its old internals04:06
holsteinthats still a test case04:06
holsteinlen: welcome, by the way :)04:06
lenI have a d6604:06
holsteinare you from the mailing list?04:07
holsteinlen: COOL04:08
holsteinlet me re-read your email04:08
holsteinive been meaning to reply to that04:08
holsteinlen: awesome04:09
holsteini was going to go for http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/current/04:09
holsteinas soon as i have a minute04:09
holsteinlen: not on anything mission critical of course04:09
lenHow is that the same/different from US?04:09
holsteinreally, just installing that and some studio stuff, and just trying things right now04:09
holsteinlen: we are using XFCE now04:10
holsteinyou can try our dailies... not sure04:10
lenSo US is some extra pkgs on top? or are there other things04:10
holsteinthere will be other things for sure04:11
lenI think I will try downloading it and see.04:11
holsteinbut, not too different from xubuntu really04:11
holsteinits all the same repos anyways04:11
holsteinits all just buntu :)04:11
lenNot unity though04:12
holsteinwell, unity is in the repos04:12
holsteinso, i you install ubuntustudio, and want it, you can have it04:12
holsteinsame for all the derivitives04:12
holsteinwe all use the same repositories04:12
lenNo thanks... it messes to much with other sessions.04:12
lenI had it and saved my directory and wiped my system to get rid of it04:13
holsteinim not a fan either04:13
lenMy netbook is now xubutu 11.1004:13
holsteinim enjoing XFCE04:13
holsteinive been in it for about a week now04:14
holsteinfull time04:14
holsteinon my netbook04:14
holsteinsame as you... 11.1004:14
holsteinotherwise, i have 10.04 on everything else04:14
lenI think I have US 11.04 on my desktop04:14
holsteinlen: you using the stock generic kernel?04:15
lenNo, I put in the lowlat.04:15
holsteindid you try it against the other one?04:15
holsteingen vs lowlat?04:16
lenNot any bench mark just seems less trouble04:16
holsteinxrun wise?04:16
holsteinor support for hardware somehow?04:16
lenI am more a stage player, don't do so much recording so not as much real testing as I would like04:17
holsteinlen: cool04:17
holsteinwhat do you play?04:17
lencrashed less.... may have been the version of ardour/jack I was trying ardour 304:17
lenI am playing bass right now, but I fill what is missing. I also play guitar or drums though drums has been a long time.04:18
len Did some Christmas songs (already) over at the hospital with my YF on guitar.04:19
* holstein plays bass04:20
holsteinupright bass04:20
lenCan't aford onr :-) Im using fretless right now... ripped out the frets and filled them in.. lowered the nut04:21
holsteini got a j bass recently and put a warmoth neck on it04:22
holsteindont like playing electric bass though04:22
holsteini played a gig on it while my bass was in the shop04:22
holsteinits nice.. but...04:22
lenThis was a (badly ) used squire from rentals... Its my test bass. I have an old pre 76 Rick I use too.04:23
lenI go from chord charts... don't read music fast enough04:25
holsteineh... im not the quickest sight-reader either04:26
lenOk downloading the latest US now. I'l play on both my cpmuters withit... don't type so well either.04:27
holsteinlen: hehe04:27
holsteini think you're doing great :)04:27
holsteinprogramming background too eh?04:27
holsteinthats awesome04:27
lenIts going to take a while... says about 2 hours... I'll be gone by then04:28
holsteinfrom here you mean?04:28
lenIt has been a while since I did much programing04:28
len gone to bed04:28
lenI used to run a BBS before Inet04:29
holsteini read about that04:29
holsteinthought about setting one up04:29
lenI was alone and worked evening. it was one way i had some social life04:30
lenPrograming stand alone stuff is ok.  Redid login to allow setting new users up... grab some info sort of thing. Have done some tcl/tk stuff at work... 04:45
holsteinwell, im glad you made it here04:45
lenI have not done packaging though04:45
holsteini was going to follow up with you on the list and invite you here04:45
lenWish I had more time to spend on it, but testing will probably be most of what I can do04:47
holsteinlen: thats great04:47
holsteinsounds like you have a very appropriate batch of hardware04:47
lenGlad to help. 04:48
lenI should get going... bye now04:48
holsteinlen: o/04:48
scott-workTheMuso:  didn't you tell me that something funny was going on with the ia32-libs package?14:21
scott-workTheMuso: nevermind, i got an answer in -motu and have a link to stevel's email about it (but i'll have to digest it later)14:45
astraljavascott-work: When you mentioned the meetingology usage; last night in the xubuntu-devel meeting, knome really showed the proper way to utilize it's properties.14:46
astraljavascott-work: The #info command is real efficient in the minutes portion of the log. That way you get a quick glimpse of what the talk was about, without having to browse through the whole file.14:47
astraljavaThat bundled together with #action and #agree will give you everything you need, unless you really wanna see everything that was typed.14:48
scott-workastraljava:  is there a good place to learn the commands, the link i found (or you provided, don't remember) wasn't really thorough14:48
astraljavascott-work: Maybe there is, but I just copied them to a notes entry, the bot presents them at the start of each meeting.14:49
astraljavascott-work: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScribesTeam/MootBot14:50
astraljavaDon't know if that's up-to-date, though.14:50
scott-workastraljava: thanks!  i put in the last meeting ntoes that i would chair the next meeting14:51
scott-workbut perhaps if we switch to a euro friendly time then perhaps i may not be able to if i am unable to attend14:52
holsteini got a brunch gig :/14:52
holsteinputs me out of the current time14:52
holsteinnot every sunday though14:52
holsteinnot that we gotta rearrange the meetings for me14:53
holsteini can catch up14:53
astraljavaYeah, I have no problems chairing whenever I can attend, which should be almost everytime, though.14:53
astraljavaBut do take your turns whenever you feel like it.14:54
astraljavaSomeone's gotta have the experience too.14:54
holsteinwell, it can be a drag for the chair-person14:56
holsteini appreciate you covering it for us astraljava :)14:56
scott-workastraljava: i think we should defintely each get turns just so we don't fall apart when the normal chair isn't there14:57
astraljavaI don't mind. And since Scott's presenting most of the issues, it helps to ease his load a bit.14:57
scott-workmaybe not necessarily switch every time, but we should each get experience14:57
astraljavaYeah, agreed.14:57
scott-workastraljava: aye!  it really does14:57
scott-work^^^ help to distribute the load14:57
astraljavaYou get a bit of time to type what you have to say on the topic, while someone else is typing the mandatory commands etc.14:58
astraljavaI need to look into the voting, next.14:58
astraljavaI see it's quite an efficient way to handle a lot of things, witnessed in the council meetings and such, when they're voting on upload privileges etc.14:59
knomescott-work, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology17:32
knomescott-work, *anybody* can use #info, so you don't have to duplicate stuff17:33
knomescott-work, our minutes from yesterday are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2011-11-08, if you want to see how that looks (it's slightly modified from the raw output, but i've been talking with AlanBell to push some changes to the bot soon, so we can get a hassle-free copy+paste from the output. i've also filed a bug about the wiki producin margin for list items that have <a>, <em> or <strong>)17:34
scott-workoh cool17:35
scott-workworking with kate steward (the release manager) on the blueprints17:54
scott-workhere is what i call the ubuntu studio "header" blueprint:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-precise-flavor-ubuntu-studio17:54
scott-workthis allows her to track the progress of our blueprints17:54
scott-workif you look on the bottom of _that_ blueprint in the 'dependencies' area you will see our blueprints attached, and you can click them to go to their respetive blueprint pages17:55
knomescott-work, is this something the official flavors are required to do?17:55
knomescott-work, btw, the LTS cycle length problem is something ubuntu studio and xubuntu have in common17:55
knomescott-work, xfce can't really be supported for five years, until you have a large amount of people who are willing to push fixes to xfce after the xfce devs have dropped the support17:56
scott-workknome: not sure exactly, but i think the official derivatives are encouraged to do it17:56
scott-workknome: oh, and i see what you mean about LTS for this17:57
knomeyeah, we need to look at those requirements and stuff this week, and maybe decide about it on our next meeting17:57
scott-workhmmm, that is something to ponder i suppose17:57
scott-workis it possible to upgrade xfce during this time by backporting it?17:57
knomeyou should really have a chat with mr_pouit17:57
scott-workis he going to yell at me about backporting it ;)17:58
knomehe's going to tell what's possible and what not17:58
knomewe don't believe we can do the 5-year LTS cycle.17:58
knomethat's mostly because of xfce17:58
knomethe current cycle is okayish17:58
scott-workknome: jono asked me directly about supporting ubuntu studio for five years, i said i thought we could do it18:02
scott-workperhaps i was in error18:02
knomethat was his IIIVÖL plan18:02
scott-workperhaps we should also talk to kate or steve l about this18:02
knomeyou probably can, but xfce is not supported...18:02
scott-workwhat is IIIVOL?18:02
knomeIIVÖL == EVIL18:02
scott-workahhhhhh...other's probably agree with you on that18:03
scott-workgonig to lunch18:03
knomebon appeitt18:03
scott-workoh, knome you might want to talk to kate steward (skaet in irc) about the blueprint stuff18:03
scott-worki imagine charlie knows about it but i have a vivid imagination :P18:04
knomehe probably does, we need to sit down for some time together18:04
knomei'm hoping i can push the work of release manager to somebody else :PP18:04
astraljavaScott! You did WHAT?!18:04
knomeastraljava, those americans.18:04
astraljavaBloody h*ll.18:05
knomei'm sure you can revert that comment18:05
knomeif you promise to blog how awesome jono is everyday for the next 5 years18:05
TheMusoscott-work: Ah yes, multi-arch.20:42
scott-workTheMuso: another question if you don't mind, how could we implement sane defaults for jack settings?20:43
scott-workwhich package do you think we would need to touch for this?20:43
scott-workthe jackd package?20:43
scott-workwould this be a delta against the debian package?20:44
astraljavaNo, let's not touch that, so we can just sync straight from unstable.20:44
scott-worki would prefer not to create a delta uneccessarily, astraljava , but i would like to solicit input from others to make sure we are doing it the 'right' way20:50
scott-worknot to disrepect you, astraljava 20:50
astraljavaNo worries. That's just my opinion.20:51
scott-workalthough another approach might be to talk to quadrispro and see if they would consider a change as well ;)20:51
astraljavaThat sounds good, sure.20:52
scott-worki met quadrispro at uds, i was surprised to do so20:53
astraljavaHmm... right. He's active, so I'm not sure whether I was expecting that, but it sure didn't surprise me one bit.20:54
scott-worki had no idea he would be there, but then i was very ignorant about many topics pertaining to uds as well20:55
astraljavaIt's a potpourri for sure.20:56
scott-workhe very passionately told me that we should remove pulse audio because it was adversely impacting jack's latency20:56
scott-worki explained that it would exceedingly difficult to manage such a feat20:56
scott-workperhaps requiring shifting to a different desktop environment20:57
astraljavaYeah, I'm on a fence about that.20:57
astraljavaI mean,  I don't particularly like it, but I would want a better UX for audio, and it's got potential, so I have no beef with it either.21:00
scott-worki think pulse is improving and the integration is improving greatly21:04
astraljavaYeah, agreed.21:05
scott-worki haven't noticed any particular latency problems myself, i can get quite low latencies still21:05
scott-workand i would suggest that perhaps he was not using the latest versions of certain packages21:05
scott-workhis main complaint was with using ladish21:06
scott-worki spoke to falktx about this and falktx seemed quite sure that it isn't such a problem as quadrispro described21:06
scott-workhowever, i'm still unsure what the best practice to get jack settings implemented21:07
astraljavaRight. It'd be good to get them both in for a chat some time.21:07
scott-worki was hoping TheMuso might offer a suggestion21:07
scott-workthe only other vector i can think of at the moment woudl be to add it to the -default-settings package in the copy file21:07
scott-workbut i am not a packaging czar ;)21:08
astraljavaThat's what I'm thinking.21:08
scott-workastraljava: i would presume that actual setting end up in the /home directory under .jackd or similar22:04
scott-workand aren't we to avoid doing funny stuff in the /home directory22:04
scott-workor what that be the .qjackctl directory actually22:04
scott-workand doesn't qjackctl actually create that directory when first used22:05
scott-workwouldn't qjackctl have some standard settings somewhere before it's used?22:05
astraljavaDoesn't jackd store something in /etc?22:05
scott-worki might check this when i get home then22:07
scott-worki did a quick search in google and it looks like .jackdrc is creating in the home directory when qjackctl is started22:18
scott-worki'll verify this tonight on a separate machine22:19
scott-workmaybe i should ask in #ardour as i know las hangs our there 22:19
falktx_hey there23:12
falktx_nice work on the website23:13
knomethanks :)23:14
falktx_I'l glad to see US going along for a rock 12.04 release23:14
falktx_let's hope things keep moving forwards23:14
knomesame with xubuntu23:14
* falktx_ is preparing the Cadence docs for it's first alpha release23:14
knomeeven we are not expecting many "new" things23:14
falktx_so XFCE is the deal, right?23:14
knomeyeah, that's why it's "X"ubuntu ;)23:15
falktx_I mean US23:15
falktx_we're going for XFCE full way23:15
knomethat's a big change for US23:15
falktx_do we have a list of things needed for *-controls?23:17
knomei've no idea23:17
* falktx_ is uploading files, so internet is slow23:17
astraljavaDamn, that's a lot of files.23:20
knomeyeah. you're slowing down my internet too.23:21

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