
luis__buenas noches04:51
holsteinluis__: hey!04:51
luis__gracias por responder04:52
luis__tengo algunas preguntas sobre jack, me podrĂ­as ayudar04:52
holsteinmaybe i thought you were someone else04:53
holsteinyou might try #ubuntu-es04:53
luis__thanks, you can help me about jack04:53
luis__ok ;-), thanks04:54
luis__look, I'm trying to run rosegarden+jack+qsynth on a dell 9400 machine, but it isn't satisfactory04:55
luis__they crashed frequently04:55
luis__the sound card is the integrated to the mother board04:56
holsteinluis__: what are your JACK settings?04:56
luis__one second ...04:57
luis__real time: yes04:57
luis__priority 8904:57
holsteinluis__: OK04:57
luis__frames /period 51204:57
holsteinthe only ones you really need to worry about are that one ^^04:58
holsteinand 512 is good04:58
holsteinand do 2 for the periods/buffer04:58
holsteinfor priority, i use 'default'04:58
holsteinluis__: what kernel are you using?04:58
holsteinthe stock one?04:58
luis__I using a real time kernel04:59
holsteinwhich one?04:59
holsteinhttps://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/ppa ?04:59
holsteinis this 11.10?04:59
luis__it's 10.0404:59
holsteinstill, that might be a bit much to expect of that hardware05:00
holsteinyou should also try 1024/205:00
holsteinluis__: 44100005:00
luis__but it crashed if the musical piece have many tracks :(05:01
holsteinjust keep relaxing the settings05:02
holstein2048 ;)05:02
holsteinyou cant expect stellar performance from an internal card05:02
holsteincould be worse05:03
holsteinyou could have no settings to tweak :)05:03
holsteinjust keep relaxing the JACK settings05:03
holsteinyou might be OK05:03
luis__I'm trying two days and ...05:04
luis__I don't have something aceptable :(05:04
holsteini have several internal cards that are like that05:04
holsteinluis__: you can try different kernels05:04
holsteinmainline 3.x kernels05:04
holsteinor others from https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/ppa05:05
holsteinnewer ones for 10.10 and above05:05
luis__thanks,  I look that and prove with thems05:05
luis__(excuse me my poor english )05:06
holsteinluis__: no worries :)05:08
luis__you can say me:  what I choose "meta" or not "meta"05:08
luis__... or I try whit thems?05:08
luis__with :D05:08
holsteini would just download the .deb files for the newest kernel from abogani05:09
holsteinim using a 3.x kernel in 10.04 on a machine and its running fine05:09
holsteinas long as you know how to recover, it wont hurt to try05:09
holsteinthe kernel, and maybe ALSA too05:09
luis__ok, I go to try this, and I will download the last alsa then?05:11
holsteinluis__: its up to you05:11
holsteini would try the kernel first personally05:11
holsteini think its easier to undo05:11
holsteinthe alsa update could break some other stuff05:11
holsteinim not sure05:12
luis__I undersand...05:12
luis__I understand...05:12
luis__holstein:  thank for your orientation, I try with the kernel and, next time you stay here like holstein?05:13
luis__or you change your nick?05:14
holsteinluis__: yup05:14
holsteini'll be here :)05:14
holsteinlet us know how it goes, and good luck05:14
luis__thanks, good night for you05:15
luis__then bye05:16

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