
madnickochosi: should i make an assignee list and list myself? 00:13
ochosimadnick: yup00:44
madnickgah i cant seem to do it right :P00:52
madnickthere we go! :P00:53
knomei must say, the ubuntu wiki is VERY confusing when you try to organize things cleanly :(((00:55
knomesee you00:56
ochosiunfortunately true...01:03
ochosinight everyone01:27
madnicknight :)01:30
GridCubeochosi: can i get a link to the ristretto git?14:53
mr_pouitGridCube: git clone git://git.xfce.org/apps/ristretto, or you can download http://archive.xfce.org/src/apps/ristretto/0.3/ristretto-0.3.0.tar.bz2 (this is almost what's in git)15:40
GridCube:) thanks15:43
nikolamI experience radeon driver bug on 10.04 LTS amd64, console spitting errors. How to report it?20:26
nikolamHardware amd690g x125020:27
nikolamOr maybe there is no point reporting it since its old kernel and I have no idea quite how to reproduce?20:28
scott-worki don't remember which package it is, but is there a way to make the screensaver that xubuntu uses prettier?22:23
micahgwe use xscreensaver22:23
scott-workthat is what i thought, but wasn't sure22:24
ochosiscott-work: you can only edit the source. in fact i was discussing that with madnick 22:27
micahgthere are many choices for what's available22:28
ochosimicahg: what do you mean exactly?22:29
micahgwe ship many screensavers in the xscreensaver package22:29
ochosioh, did you really mean screensaver? sry, i read "lockscreen"...22:29
ochosidunno why, guess it's getting late for me...22:30
scott-workaye, i meant "lockscreen"22:30
ochosiok, so what i said was fine then ;)22:30
ochosiscott-work: we could cooperate on that if you're interested. i would advocate a rather generic improvement anyway (nothing xubuntu-specific with logo etc)22:31
scott-worki did find a patch that allowed themeing, don't know that it was lockscreen specific or not22:32
scott-workochosi: i would love too, but i worry about the work load already for me this cycle22:32
scott-worki imagine that our (ubuntu studio) transition to using xubuntus' theme, UI, icons, et al will fall on me as well22:33
scott-workand i have enough other tasks already22:33
ochosii see22:33
ochosiif you need help with theme icons etc let me know22:33
ochosii'm usually taking care of that in xubuntu22:33
scott-workochosi:  hehe, i expect to bug you about it ;)22:33
ochosifine :)22:34
scott-worki want to get several other work items done across a few blueprints first, which may take a couple of weeks unfortunately22:34
ochosibtw, i was in fact working with cory kontros during the last cycle on a recoloring of greybird to ubuntu-studio colors22:34
scott-workochosi: ooooh, interesting22:34
scott-workdo you have a screen shot?22:34
ochosiwell, in fact i was doing the work ;) but he got seemingly less and less interested, so the project fell asleep22:34
scott-workochosi: would you also consider doing a grey scale of the ubuntu studio cof?22:34
ochosi(and i had a lot of other stuff to do)22:35
scott-workyes, yes...cory did do that unfortunately and i it is not unexpected to hear that22:35
ochosihm, i don't have a screenshot, the theme is in the shimmerproject-github repo though22:35
ochosi(very unfinished though)22:35
ochosii could do a greyscale, but where do you use the cof?22:36
scott-workochosi: i have some rough ideas for changing some of the artwork for ubuntu studio, i don't have an overwhelmingly strong vision of it however22:37
scott-workone of the things i wanted to explore is a very minimalistic dekstop wallpaper with the cof very sublty placed in the bottom right corner22:37
ochosiok, well we can easily cooperate on those things since we're in the same boat (xfce) now ;)22:37
scott-workunobstrusive, but would be missed if not present22:38
ochosirighty, we could talk about wallpapers with knome, he's good with inkscape22:38
ochosiscott-work: btw, what panel layout are you planning on using?22:40
scott-workochosi: i was going to talk with you about that later after i looked at it more, but i was thinking something very similar to what is being used currently22:42
ochosiok, sure, feel free to ping me anytime22:42
scott-worki think the changes i would like are very minor, like changing perhaps postions of certain elements or the format of the clock22:43
scott-worki think these are pretty easy at this point22:43
ochosii was mainly wondering whether you're planning to keep AWN22:43
scott-workwe aren't actually using AWN currently, it was a plan to move to it and remove practically all panels22:43
ochosioh, then i misremembered that22:43
scott-workcory was certainly working towards that, but everythign fell apart last cycle22:44
ochosisorry to hear that22:44
scott-workbut given the size and scope of the team currently, we are moderating our goals and methods22:44
ochosiyeah, just wanted to ask about the status quo of your team22:44
scott-workwe certainly want to update and fix things, but we realize we will be more effective by "stealing" stuff from xubuntu to make things happen22:45
ochosiit's a good thing to borrow from each other22:45
scott-workochosi: the ones that are most active are me, astraljava, holstein22:45
scott-workastraljava and i are pretty knowledgeable, him probably more than i22:46
scott-workholstein doesn't do packaging or bug fixes at this point, but does a hell of a lot of testing and user support22:46
scott-workwe have two or three others that can be persuaded at times to help out and some have pretty amazing skills22:46
knomelike knome?22:47
* knome hides22:47
astraljavaNah, those garden knomes are worth jacksh*t.22:47
scott-workfalktx falls into the last cateogry, i wish i could get him to 1) particpate more often and 2) do it in such a way that it will be accepted into the repository without problems22:47
knomeastraljava, "watch your language" ;)22:48
ochosiscott-work: right, then you're in a similar situation as xubuntu in a way22:48
scott-workfalktx is amazing and accomplishes quite impressive things with his kxstudio and now his arch project as well22:48
scott-workochosi: hopefully we can scaffold off of each other to make something better :)22:48
ochosiyup, i'm all for that22:49
ochosiknome: that post goes to the planet i hope?22:49
knomeochosi, yes22:49
ochosiknome: then i think: awesome! is the correct commentary ;)22:49
scott-workknome: ochosi: is there something in particular with which you would like help or collaboration?22:50
scott-workseveral things have been mentioned but i'm not sure how much we can contribute22:50
knomescott-work, the installation stuff is something for what we don't have an assignee yet22:50
scott-workbut it would be nice to identify something that we can do22:50
ochosiyeah, maybe we could set up a wiki-page and add items over the next week/s..?22:51
knomescott-work, so if you're going to pursue that, we could "pick some of the fruits"22:51
ochosiwould that work for you?22:51
knomeochosi, good idea!22:51
astraljavaWell, I was interested about Xubuntu even before we started leeching off of you, but now I'm more than eager to have an efficient collaboration between our projects. Just a word from myself on the matter.22:51
astraljavainterested in*22:51
knomeyes. collaboration seems so natural since we are sharing so much of the same stuff, and probably ideas about how things should look too22:52
ochosipersonally i think there are a few areas in which we can collaborate: obviously appearance, fixing bugs caused by canonical, and then (maybe the most interesting part) there's helping upstream and collaborating with upstream (=xfce devs)22:52
scott-workastraljava reminded me of something, most of our feedback for going to xfce has included a lot of concern about regression or loss of functionality, at some point i want to email/blog about this point and challenge people22:52
ochosigood idea22:53
scott-workof course, once we get closer to the end of this cycle and ubuntu studio improves quite a bit22:53
scott-worki think most of that is lack of education, they seemd to view xfce as something ugly from the 1980's or similar22:53
knomehah, yeah...22:53
scott-workknome, ochosi: i think a wiki page would be very easy to interface with and quite acceptable22:54
knomei think we've broken the myth with xubuntu with the last five releases22:54
ochosiknome: mind to set up a wiki-page for that? i'm rather tired-ish tonight and gotta go rest very soon...22:54
scott-workknome: that may be for those who have used it lately, but it still has a stigma from people who used it years ago :(22:54
knomescott-work, probably true22:55
ochosiscott-work: btw, do you have anyone working on gtk-themes or something like that?22:55
scott-workknome:  what is the "installation stuff" that you mentioned?22:55
scott-workochosi: not really22:55
knomescott-work, you were talking about different sets of applications for audio, gfx and stuff22:55
knomescott-work, am i correct?22:55
ochosiscott-work: ok, well if anyone approaches you feel free to forward them and we can try to work together. atm i have a *lot* of work :) (gtk3-ports of existing themes, new themes, icons etc.)22:56
scott-workknome: yes!  absolutely22:56
knomescott-work, yeah. we thought of the possibility of adding sets like "core xfce only", "maximum accessibility" ...22:57
scott-workochosi: perhaps later in the cycle you and i can have some extensive conversations as i have wanted to learn more about themes, icons, et al and how they operate22:57
ochosiscott-work: sure22:57
ochosioh, yes, that installer-option-stuff would be very cool22:57
scott-workknome: this is our current information about the ubiquity patch (and livedvd): https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+spec/other-p-ubuntustudio-livedvd22:58
scott-workstephane from edubuntu is the one who wrote it22:58
knomeah, i know him22:58
scott-worki was hoping to document how i changed it for ubuntu studio for others to use22:58
ochosistephane = stgraber?22:58
knomeochosi, yes22:58
scott-workknome: he's amazing and involved in so many things22:58
scott-workincluding the iso tracker website22:59
knomei met him in london when canonical showed us a preview of the new visual style22:59
ochosiyeah, true, he seems like a really nice guy from how i know him (even though only very little)22:59
knomeochosi, yes, he is a little guy :P22:59
scott-workvery, very nice guy, although i struggled sometimes to understand him completely due to his heavy accent22:59
knomeheh, yeah, he speaks ver french-engligh23:00
ochosihehe, nice23:00
scott-workokay, time to go home23:00
ochosiyeah, same here23:00
knomeduring the first minutes after you've met him, you wonder if he is speaking french or english23:00
knomethen you start spotting words23:00
knomeand then, "OH!"23:00
knomecody-somerville, got my email?23:01
knomesomebody feel like testing the ristretto-git?23:24
micahgwhy bother testing the git repo?  why not test the Debian package?23:25
knomeis that as current?23:26
knomewhatever the method, somebody should test >0.0.93 against the bugs in LP23:26
micahgI'll throw 0.3.0 in my backports PPA if that'll speed things up, but it'll be next week before it's in precise23:28
knomewe probably need to test it in oneiric23:28
micahgright, I'd backport to oneiric23:28
micahgah, can't do a simple backport, not high enough debhelper23:30
knomeor maybe somebody will just test from git23:30
knomewe just want to check if the bugs reported in LP still exist23:31
knomewe know they don't, but let's make sure :P23:31
madnicki downloaded it, i will compile it23:33

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