
HopelessThank you. :O00:01
Space-DuckDoes gedit not work well with xubuntu? Minie is incredible slow00:50
holsteinSpace-Duck: i just installed it, and it seems fine00:52
holsteinas expected00:52
Space-DuckI can type a entire line, then set back and watch it type it out.00:52
Space-Duckreal slow00:52
holsteinnot sure... thats not the case for me though00:53
holsteintry it on a nother machine... with another user account on the same machine00:53
Space-Duckahh.. crap. It's the file browser plugin00:53
go8765Help me restore dragging and selection by mouse please00:53
Space-Duckdisableing it and gedit works fine00:54
Space-DuckI kind of need that plugin :(00:54
holsteingo8765: you could also try another user account00:54
go8765holstein, I try to describe better - in openbox all work good, in gnome - bed00:56
go8765and I dont understand what is the problem :(00:56
holsteini havent learned much about gnome3 yet00:56
go8765holstein, gnome2 I use :)00:57
holsteingo8765: in 11.10?00:57
go8765no 11.0400:58
go8765holstein, natty00:59
holsteinwhat is the issue?00:59
holsteinhave you tried in another user account?00:59
go8765holstein, no I didnt.01:00
go8765when I type something - I cant select this be mouse - onle cntr-a01:01
holsteingo8765: how did you break it?01:01
go8765holstein, what do you mean?01:02
holsteingo8765: do you remember what settings you were messing with that broke that funcionality in gnome?01:03
go8765holstein, no01:03
go8765i dont use gnome last time01:03
go8765i use openbox the last time01:03
holsteingo8765: make a new user, and test01:03
go8765and now i try to run gnome session and find this01:04
holsteinthen, you can go in and get rid of the offending mis-configured settings in your /home01:04
Space-DuckHow can I create a bookmark in xubuntu? similar to in Gnome "Places" -> "Connect to Server..."01:10
holsteinive been trying gigolo01:12
holsteingigolo - frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs01:13
holstein!info gigolo01:14
ubottugigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-3 (oneiric), package size 140 kB, installed size 856 kB01:14
Space-DuckDo I need to start Gigolo every time I want to use the connection? or will it autorun after I add a connection?01:17
holsteinfrom what i have found, its like the one in gnome01:18
holsteinits there til you unmount it01:18
madnickhm is gigolo the same as01:18
holsteinmadnick: good question01:18
holstein!info gvfs-frontend01:19
ubottuPackage gvfs-frontend does not exist in oneiric01:19
madnicki see01:19
Space-Duckthe folder field is supposed to be the remote directory, correct?01:27
go8765holstein, in other user all good workind. but i dont understand how ta solve my user01:27
holsteingo8765: you can remove the .gnome directories... the ones to do with the config that are in your /home01:28
holsteinyou can just move them temprorarily, and test it01:28
vaevthink I pulled in gvfs-backends and xfce4-goodies and got network browsing under thunar01:30
vaevafter a restart01:30
Space-DuckI think I might just install nautilus01:31
holsteinim quite happy with gigolo01:31
Space-DuckHow can you make rissetto move forward/back? I have dir with jpgs and psds, I open a jpg with Rissetto and forward/back are disabled.05:23
Space-DuckAm I doing it wrong?05:24
well_laid_lawnSpace-Duck: you need to open a directory to browse the dir05:28
well_laid_lawnit has an open dir button05:28
Space-DuckSo I was doing it wrong05:30
Space-Duckstill wish it opened the current directory automatically... but I'll overlook that cause it lets me preview psds05:31
Sysiwell_laid_lawn: there's option on setings to open entire directory, but then you need to first use back/space to get GUI-buttons work06:57
well_laid_lawnoh cheers for that - sounds like it could be friendlier tho06:57
SysiI'm not exactly sure if it's still like that in 11.10.. psybsd has made quite a bunch of fixes recently06:59
Sysistill seems to be that way.. I use keyboard anyway but not nice if you prefer mouse07:03
SkyNetMasterhi, could you advice me pleas on how do I disable window roll up effect?10:04
go8765can anybody help me with LO?  I make for my text effect - mowing on straight line, but when text start mowing - I see little deviation on left/right12:56
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=== help_me_with_lib is now known as help_me_with_LO
=== help_me_with_LO is now known as go8765
blutgensanyone else ever notice how "public" samba usershares _NEVER_ work15:05
blutgensguest_ok is set, permissions are all fine15:05
blutgensyet samba says "eff you i can't find that file"15:05
blutgenssuch bullshit15:05
blutgensonce upon a time making a simple "public" guest share was easy15:06
holsteini just use ssh15:06
blutgenswhich is fine until you want so share something with a neophyte windows person15:07
holsteini got samba working more just to say i could15:07
blutgens"oh here go and install and learn how to use this"15:07
holsteinthe windows persona can install http://www.swish-sftp.org/15:07
blutgensyes, i'm aware of it and how it works15:07
holsteinits pretty simple15:07
blutgensthanks, pro-tip: not everyone in here is a noob15:07
holsteinyou could be a programmer, and not aware of swish-ftp15:08
holsteini wasnt trying to imply you were a noob15:08
holsteinjust that i chose to stop trying to make linux speak windows, and its been great :)15:08
blutgenspoint is, i want to just hand out the occasional \\laptop-hostname\public to lesser beings that run trash operating systems15:09
blutgensit used to be easy with samba15:09
blutgensadd an entry to smb.conf, make sure perms were cool and done15:10
holsteini was trying to set samba up like that again recently ... a share for a bunch of windows users to write to15:10
blutgensnow it wants to act like a douche win2k server 100% of the time15:10
blutgensi'd like to shake tridge and allison about by their damn ears and says "dudes Y U BREAK MY BELOVED SAMBA!"15:11
holsteinmight be a 'feature' ;)15:11
blutgensi want the old "easy mode" back =(15:12
blutgensthis usershare nonsense is bollocks15:12
blutgensi don't care about damn domain sid15:12
blutgensor any of the other such nonsense15:12
holsteinblutgens: have you tried swat? i heard about it and havent gotten around to trying it15:14
holsteindoesnt seem trivial to setup15:14
blutgensswat is just a little web based app, takes nothing at all to setup, never has15:14
holsteinso, you have tried it then?15:14
blutgensi'm trying to sort out all the various "security models"15:14
holsteinright... i was wondering if you had tried it, if you felt it helps with that15:15
blutgenslooks like "security = server" is what I'm after15:15
blutgensnah it's just a clicky interface to the config file is all15:15
ablomenblutgens, set security to share, and then force a user on the shares15:16
blutgensyeah that's what I did15:17
ablomenhttps://gist.github.com/1348003 << i use something like this for shares15:17
blutgensseems to break a buncha shit15:17
blutgensfucking samba people15:17
blutgenseff it15:18
blutgensi'll use apache instead15:18
blutgenssamba can go suck a fatty along with windows15:19
ablomenand make sure to use `smbpasswd username` to set an password15:19
holsteintheres the spirit!15:19
blutgensit used to be so easy15:19
holsteinablomen: i would need to do that for every windows user though correct?15:19
ablomen(they won't have to enter it, it just has to be there in the smaba password file)15:19
ablomenbecause you force the user on the share15:19
blutgensthey have broken "guest" access entirely15:19
ablomenso they don't even have to enter a username and/or password15:20
blutgensutterly ridiculous15:20
blutgensit makes me a little sad that it's easier on windows to have a "public" share15:20
holsteinim not sure i follow... so i can smbpasswrd bollox, and all the windows machines can use the share?15:20
blutgensnet usershare add <all the other shit> is supposed to just "work"15:20
ablomenholstein, see the gist, you can force a user on the share15:21
ablomenholstein, if you don't, they _will_ get a login screen15:21
holsteinright, but i need to force each user? thats the question15:21
holsteini dont want to add 40 users, and maintain it15:21
holsteini just want a public guest share with read/write access15:21
ablomenholstein, that's basicly what this is15:22
ablomenholstein, so you can make a share, called guest, which points to /home/guest/samba/ and force the user guest, then everybody connects as guest on that share automagicly15:22
holsteini'll see if i can revisit this then, and give it a shot15:23
GregounoursHi all, quick question. What's a litgh webradio player for Xubuntu (oneiric).16:30
Gregounourssomething that won't install 3000 gnome depencies16:30
AzelphurUsing XUbuntu 11.10, if I use file-roller to open an archive and try to drag / drop into thunar, it locks my mouse pointer and I have to drop to a tty to kill file-roller to get my mouse back. Any way to get drag/drop archive support?16:46
SysiGregounours: exaile, maybe audacious17:10
kapuzedoes anybody know where the padevchooser has gone in oneiric?18:48
hobgoblinkapuze: hi - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/padevchooser/0.9.3-2ubuntu419:14
hobgoblinapaprently it's gone and replaced with pavucontrol19:14
kapuzeseems link, u know an alternative?19:16
hobgoblinpavucontrol maybe - I never need to muck about with pa so I rarely need to look for anything else - sorry19:17
kapuzei want to connect various applications with different sinks/sources, this is not possible with pavucontrol19:19
hobgoblinno idea I'm afraid - from the lp page it looks like it was unmaintained upstream - really I have no idea19:23
badapplehi guys19:54
badapplei have a question19:54
badappleso , i have mobile phone and i want to connect it with my computer , but when i plug it in does not appear anything :S19:54
yrgI have installed xubuntu-desktop in addition to ubuntu-desktop, so now I have both Gnome and xfce. Each time I start nautilus, all desktop icons disappear, and the background gets reset. How do I prevent that from happening?21:41
yrg(This happens in xfce only)21:42
well_laid_lawnyou need the --no-desktop option when starting nautilus in xfce21:42
yrgThank you.21:48
yrgHow do I add current input locale indicator to xfce?22:12
xubuntu919hi guys, trying to install awn synaptic says that it has to install 206mb of packages22:16
well_laid_lawnyrg: there's a keyboard layout switch panel plugin iirc22:16
xubuntu919is it normal?22:16
well_laid_lawnxubuntu919: why would you think the package manager is wrong? seems a lot for a panel tho22:18
xubuntu919to me seems bad that a dock need all that styff and space22:19
xubuntu699i have problem with xubuntu on ssd - when i plug in and plug out my ssd, my os is broken down...22:20
xubuntu919almost unbelieavable22:20
xubuntu699Of coure i unmount before22:20
yrgHow do I change font size in the applications menu? It's ok elsewhere, but this menu has a rather small size.22:28
ochosiyrg: unfortunately you can't really change it independently of the rest of the desktop (at least not easily, but i'm not sure if at all)22:57
yrgI have both gnome and xfce installed, and I think I ran some appearance manager which let me set another window border style earlier. In the xfce settings manager, the appearance section doesn't let me choose a window borders style (eg. 'metabox', 'simple', etc) - do you know what appearance program could this have been?23:02
knomeyrg, "window manager" from settings manager23:02
falken_hi all you sexy xubuntu types!23:49
falken_is anyone at home to help a noob with some open gl issues?23:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:50
falken_OK, straight to the point:23:50
falken_Since upgrading to the newest xubuntu release opengl is not working for me at all. Is there any control panel for it I can twaek? I'm using  an RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M] on a toshiba satellite with the latest xubuntu rewlease23:53
falken_Open GL xscreensavers not working, or any other software that requires openGL. (e.g. GNUbik does not open at all when launched)23:55

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