
SpamapSHeh.. seems like we should write a Gobot00:03
SpamapStho we might get into some hairy trademark area ;)00:03
_mup_Bug #887919 was filed: Juju environment option to specify SSH key? <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/887919 >08:39
rogfwereade: mornin'11:56
fwereadeheya rog, niemeyer, hazmat12:36
rogniemeyer, hazmat: mornin'12:42
rogniemeyer: somewhat simpler jujutest package interface: http://paste.ubuntu.com/733042/12:43
niemeyerrog: Why is that needed?12:44
rogniemeyer: where do the tests get defined?12:44
niemeyerrog: As far as I understand, we only need a type12:44
rogniemeyer: that's the type12:44
niemeyerrog: ProviderTests12:44
rogi though jujutests.Tests12:45
niemeyerrog: and what's Name and Value for?12:45
niemeyerrog: This should be within the tests as far as I understand12:45
rogniemeyer: it's so we can write tests that call Open twice to check persistance of a juju session12:45
niemeyerrog: am I missing something there?12:45
roganother possibility would be to pass ProviderFactory func() juju.Provider12:46
niemeyerrog: Hmm, no that sounds fine12:47
niemeyerrog: But I still don't get what's Value12:47
niemeyerrog: Is it Config?12:47
rogniemeyer: yeah, that would be a better name12:47
niemeyerrog: Aha, I see the picture now, thanks12:47
niemeyerrog: +112:47
rogniemeyer: i think i'll stick with Tests as a name until we want more than one suite.12:48
niemeyerrog: Sounds good12:48
marcoceppiIs there any way, during config-changed, to extract the value prior to change?12:49
marcoceppiGood morning, btw12:49
niemeyermarcoceppi: Morning12:50
niemeyermarcoceppi: Not with a standard variable, but you can do that trivially by storing the values you got in the last hook call12:50
marcoceppiOkay, so I would have to implement it myself then, thanks! Didn't want to duplicate efforts12:51
niemeyermarcoceppi: Yeah, we thought for a while about how we might do this, but in the end it feels like the simplicity of the current approach is worth the extra trouble in the cases something like this is interesting12:52
niemeyermarcoceppi: There is also the possibility that the configuration will change _twice_ before config-changed is called12:52
marcoceppiI don't think it's really important for the majority of cases12:53
niemeyermarcoceppi: So it would not be honest if we promised to give you _the last value_12:53
niemeyerrog: "error" <312:55
rogniemeyer: great innit?12:55
niemeyerrog: Totally12:55
rogniemeyer: reviewing those gocheck changes by any chance?12:56
niemeyerrog: If that's not bothering you right now, I'd like to keep focused on this stuff12:56
rogniemeyer: that's fine12:56
niemeyerrog: Actually, the gocheck ones might see a review sooner12:56
niemeyerrog: Since I'll need them too12:57
rogniemeyer: that's the only significant one12:57
niemeyerrog: Super12:57
rogthe others are just gofix + a few minors12:57
niemeyerLet me do that now12:57
niemeyerActually, let me reboot to sync a kernel upgrade12:57
hazmatnew aws region this morning13:03
rogniemeyer: what's the best way to cope with the fact that actual ec2 tests need private keys that we don't want to give to everyone?13:04
niemeyerrog: As far as the provider test stuff we've been discussing goes, the first batch of tests is actually unity rather than integrational13:05
niemeyerrog: So you can put anything as a pair13:05
niemeyerrog: We just need to ensure the signature matches13:05
rogniemeyer: i'm not sure i know what you mean by "unity". do you mean that we won't actually talk to ec2 itself?13:06
niemeyerrog: Yes13:06
niemeyerrog: None of the unit tests in juju talk to the real services13:06
rogniemeyer: but i want to check that my code actually works with ec2 before writing the other tests!13:06
niemeyerrog: You can have a set of tests which is integrational as well.. that'd be nice13:07
niemeyerrog: But not enough by itself13:07
rogniemeyer: necessary, i think, but not sufficient. i could just use env vars for the keys13:07
niemeyerrog: If you want to have integration tests in _addition_ to the unit tests, check out goamz13:07
rogniemeyer: i definitely want both.13:08
niemeyerrog: The basic trick is that there's a suite of tests that disables itself unless "-i" is passed to the runner13:08
* hazmat is excited about unified provider testing13:08
* rog is glad about that13:08
niemeyerrog: That's done by calling c.Skip("<the reason>") in SetUpSuite13:08
rogniemeyer: ah, i have seen that, but forgotten about it. what does ec2 do about the private keys?13:09
rogi mean the ec2 package13:09
niemeyerrog: Check goamz.. it has an authenticator that uses the standard EC2 env keys13:09
rogniemeyer: cool, so as i thought. makes sense.13:10
niemeyerrog: Any other changes outside of the checkers that are not related to os.Error?13:28
* rog thinks13:28
rogi don't think so13:28
rogniemeyer: ^13:28
niemeyerrog: Cool, posting the review13:29
niemeyerrog: Great stuff13:29
rogniemeyer: cool13:29
niemeyerrog: Sent13:29
rog"POP3 checked too recently". dammit, i clicked refresh too early!13:31
niemeyerrog: WTF? gmail?13:33
rogniemeyer: yeah13:33
rogniemeyer: it's ok now - i think it enforces a minute or so's delay13:33
niemeyerrog: Yeah, I can see that being a good option.. if people check POP3 the same way they press lift buttons, it'd crash gmail quickly13:34
rogniemeyer: :-)13:35
* rog wonders if panic(nil) is the same as runtime.Goexit()13:41
niemeyerrog: They have pretty different semantics13:51
niemeyerrog: panic(nil) is just that13:51
rogniemeyer: yeah they do. but it's not possible to tell which is which in a recover...13:51
rogniemeyer: i guess we just have to hope that noone calls Goexit inside a PanicMatches checker13:53
niemeyerrog: What would happen in that case?13:55
rogniemeyer: i'll just check13:55
niemeyerrog: It should simply say that the error is nil13:55
niemeyerrog: Or rather, the recovered value13:55
rogniemeyer: yeah, but the caller won't get the value13:55
rogthat is returned13:56
niemeyerrog: Which will likely not match the defined expectation, and the test will fail nicely13:56
rogit just executes defers13:56
rogif you're doing it in the same thread, the test will finish13:56
niemeyerrog: Cool.. no worries13:56
niemeyerrog: We can think about that latter.. I'm happy to say "Don't do it" for now13:57
rogniemeyer: yeah, i don't think it's a problem in practice - it's just interesting13:57
niemeyerrog: Agreed13:57
rogniemeyer: BTW, what are "fixtures"?13:58
niemeyerrog: It's a fancy well known term for the setup/teardown in a test suite13:58
rogniemeyer: ah. not well known to me!13:59
niemeyerrog: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_fixture13:59
rogshould just've googled it!14:00
niemeyerrog: Sorry, it's certainly fine not to know it.. I just meant to say I wasn't inventing it14:00
rogniemeyer: sure. i just saw this name used all over the place with no mention in the docs, and it wasn't obvious to me what it referred to...14:01
rogniemeyer: is it deliberate that gocheck/printer_test.go isn't gofmted ?14:13
rog[i've never encountered a test before which fails if the test code isn't formatted right :-])14:14
niemeyerrog: It is14:14
niemeyerrog: Precisely because it's testing printing aspects14:14
rogniemeyer: darn, i just mucked it up by doing gofmt on it then14:14
niemeyerrog: Just revert it14:14
niemeyerrog: There may be a wiser way to test it, but let's not mix the issues14:15
rogsure. it just confused me for a bit...14:15
rogi'll put a comment in14:15
rogniemeyer: could we gofmt everything except printTestFunc ?14:18
rog(in another change, of course)14:19
niemeyerrog: Yeah, I suspect so.. run the tests and you'll be sure :)14:21
rogniemeyer: well, i've submitted the changes (not including that one)14:21
niemeyerrog: It's in14:51
rogniemeyer: cool14:51
niemeyerrog: Thanks again14:51
* niemeyer => lunch15:00
bloodearnestheya juju-ers15:26
bloodearnestI may be missing something obvious, but how do I configure a openstack provider (specifically canonistack)?15:27
bloodearnestas opposes to an ec2 provider?15:27
_mup_Bug #888118 was filed: fixes for new error interface <juju:In Progress by rogpeppe> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/888118 >15:41
_mup_Bug #888119 was filed: fixes for new error interface <juju:In Progress by rogpeppe> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/888119 >15:45
niemeyerbloodearnest: Hey Simon15:47
niemeyerbloodearnest: Let me paste you a link, hold on15:47
bloodearnestniemeyer: thx15:47
niemeyerbloodearnest: https://pastebin.canonical.com/55366/15:48
niemeyerbloodearnest: This is Kapil's email explaining how to setup the internal Canonical openstack provider15:49
niemeyer(sorry to everybody else, it's just the provider config for Canonical's OpenStack, so not really interesting)15:49
bloodearnestniemeyer: great, thanks15:50
hazmatbloodearnest, ostack needs diable, but effectively its just the same ec2 provider with additional config16:18
hazmater.. needs the diablo release16:18
hazmator newer16:18
bloodearnesthazmat, diablo is what is in the juju/pkgs ppa for oneiric?16:19
hazmatbloodearnest, its a question of what version of openstack your running juju against, not the juju version16:20
hazmatthe version in oneiric or the ppas both work fine against the latest openstack release16:20
bloodearnesthazmat: gotcha16:20
hazmatwhich is also in oneiric (latest ostack release)16:20
* hazmat lunches16:26
niemeyerrog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/733258/16:50
niemeyerrog: Otherwise we get stuff like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/733261/16:51
rogniemeyer: good point.16:51
rogniemeyer: shall i push a change?16:51
niemeyerrog: With the change we have this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/733264/16:52
niemeyerrog: Not necessary, if you're fine with it I'll commit16:52
rogniemeyer: LGTM. we're concerned about the string value, after all.16:53
niemeyerrog: Right, cool16:53
_mup_txzookeeper/session-and-conn-fail r65 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com17:33
_mup_additional assertion msg on value of test env variable for deb installation of zk17:33
hazmatniemeyer, btw the wtf ftests seemed to have stalled out a few revs ago18:06
hazmat404 vs trunk 41118:06
niemeyerhazmat: Will have a look at it18:08
niemeyerhazmat: I hadn't checked last time you mentioned, sorry18:08
hazmatniemeyer, no worries, we've all been busy and traveling18:09
_mup_txzookeeper/trunk r44 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com18:15
_mup_ - On session expiration, all extant watches recieve an errback.18:15
_mup_   The watches are dead, so there is no purpose in having the session18:15
_mup_   error handler diverting errors for them.18:15
_mup_ - A retry client facade, that transparently retries operations in the18:15
_mup_   face of transient connection errors.18:15
_mup_ - A retry function in the style maybedeferred that can perform this18:15
_mup_   retry functionality for an arbitrary function.18:15
_mup_ - A series of connection failure tests verifying watches are18:15
_mup_   delivered to clients that where disconnected at the time of the18:15
_mup_   watched modification on the server.18:15
_mup_ - version increment to 0.9.018:15
hazmatbcsaller, jimbaker could either of you have a look at lp:~fwereade/juju/clear-ks-meta  its been blocking a few other branches in the queue that are approved18:21
bcsallerhazmat: on it18:22
hazmatbcsaller, thanks18:22
jimbakerbcsaller, sounds good, we can have 3 reviews :)18:23
* hazmat wonders how much spam mail is for deceased folks18:38

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