[01:17] fregl: hmm, recompiling the 11.10 qt-at-spi package doesn't make any crashes go away forme [01:50] do you all have some UDS highlights I can include in the quick wrapup summary? [01:50] I'm running through the etherpad docs [01:58] wendar: hmm, focusing on quality for the LTS [01:58] but also new flavour Kubuntu Active for tablets and mobiles [01:59] Riddell: makes sense. I've got that quality at the top as the theme for the whole week [01:59] possibly switching to LightDM, possibly to telepathy-kde [01:59] fixing accessibility and CJK [02:01] awesome, thanks! === skreech_ is now known as Daskreech [02:17] oh, are you planning to apply as an LTS release? [02:22] (I'm assuming so, just thought to check when I saw Edubuntu's plans) [02:38] Supper_slash: Amarok would like your help [02:38] we need some icons [02:40] http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/amarok/2011-November/032816.html [03:59] apachelogger: http://goo.gl/9jVSJ [04:00] from http://animalsdressedasotheranimals.tumblr.com/ which is all the sugar a person needs! [06:40] Cool. ill see what i can do. Sorry for the late delay. [07:05] valorie, i sent a e-mail. maby ill get the "Job" lol. [07:11] super! [07:14] Man it has been a life time since i last used irc. i remember useing a 133MHZ cpu system, that cost 2000+ dollars new! Woah! Thats a long time ago. [07:17] for leet hackers only! [07:17] * valorie has been on IRC since 2001, and I was still using windows [07:25] ha ha. yes. that 133 was the envy of the block! [09:42] morning kubuntu devs! [09:43] I am in the process of packaging massif-visualizer, I am following maco guide to do so ( http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2010/08/is-packaging-new-software-hard.html ) [09:43] is it appropriate for kde packages or is there something more kde-oriented available? [09:49] agateau: the official guide is here: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved/Development [09:49] valorie: thanks! [09:49] :-) [10:11] damn, this copyright file seems to be tricky to get right [10:11] do we have a tool to list all authors? [10:15] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#copyright [10:15] might help [10:17] agateau: licensecheck -r --copyright [10:17] that lists all files with the license and copyright holders [10:18] valorie: debfx: thanks [10:18] * agateau tries licensecheck [12:24] it seems some apps like to have a copy of libkdchart in their sources [12:25] is this a known problem? [12:25] it would probably be nicer to have a libkdchart package [12:57] Riddell: hey my fellow francophone friend, any opinion on this libkdchart thing? ^ === amichair_ is now known as amichair [13:27] hey kubuntu devs, I have a question about the message-indicator plasmoid in 11.10 [13:27] I see there's a telepathy plugin for that among my packages [13:27] how does that work with telepathy? [13:30] oh that reminds me [13:31] agateau: are there any upstream translations of plasma-widget-message-indicator that can be used by other distros? [13:32] and do you have an idea how to make the desktop file translatable without relying on pkg-kde-tools? [13:33] debfx: Right now all translations (.po and .desktop) come from Launchpad, not sure how other distros can use them [13:34] mck182: message-indicator plasmoid uses libindicate-qt, which is a qt binding for libindicate, [13:35] mck182: I assume telepathy-indicator uses libindicate to register itself and thus show up in the plasmoid [13:36] agateau: this doesn't work with kde-telepathy, so I assume there is some need to register ourselves there...right? [13:37] currently I have 3 accounts online, neither one shows in there...so that package is probably for empathy [13:38] well, on the other hand, I actually don't know how is this supposed to work :) [13:38] mck182: I wrote some slides about the subject, let me look for them [13:39] agateau: that'd be great, thanks [13:40] hm maybe I can export them from launchpad but it would be nice to have them integrate into the official tarball [13:42] mck182: http://people.canonical.com/~agateau/indicate/uds-dallas-presentation/index.html [13:42] mck182: but it seems the source code examples are quite mangled :/ [13:43] agateau: ok, so the server in this case is the plasmoid, right? [13:43] mck182: no [13:43] ok, went too fast over that :P [13:43] mck182: the app instantiate a "server" = the top-level item in the menu [13:44] ah [13:44] mck182: then one or more indicators = the 2nd level items in the menu [13:44] makes perfect sense [13:44] mck182: the plasmoid uses the Listener class, which you don't need on your side [13:44] right [13:44] I have to run for an errand, should be back in 30 mins [13:45] thanks for now :) [13:48] hi, is this the right channel to ask about kubuntu packaging? [13:50] rando_uu: certainly is :) [13:52] agateau: how does KStatusNotifier fits into this then? [13:57] allright, i have successfully built packages for some plasma-widgets, but with a certain widget I get a ctest error (http://pastebin.com/PDgep6SY) when I try to build the package (both local and on launchpad) [13:58] am I missing something in the control file or some other packaging magic or is the source broken? [14:12] back [14:13] mck182: it is a different concept from KStatusNotifierItem, [14:14] mck182: it does not really make sense to have both running at the same time [14:14] I see [14:15] rando_uu: those tests need an X server to run. There is no X server running on the lp builders, you have to either a) disable the tests, b) fix the tests to not require an X server or c) start xvfb before the tests (that one is tricky) [14:18] We should maybe participate here: http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/1089/community-promotion-ads-1h-2011 [14:20] agateau: thx i guessed there is no xserver running on lp but it did not build on my local system with x running either, guess I'd need xvfb on my local system too, I'll probably just disable the tests ;) [14:27] mck182: I just crudely fixed the slides, trading syntax highlighting for full text :) [14:29] agateau: hehe, I think it's worse now :P [14:30] mck182: you may need to reload [14:30] fregl: hey, we get quite a few reports from kde apps crashing if a11y is enabled in Oneiric: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt-at-spi/+bug/877358 [14:30] Launchpad bug 877358 in qt-at-spi (Ubuntu) "QtAccessibility causes crashes in several applications" [Undecided,Confirmed] [14:30] agateau: the text goes out of the screen for me and there's no way to make it smaller :( [14:30] anyone seen those? I tried to reproduce but haven't managed yet [14:31] mck182: ctrl+- does not work? [14:31] agateau: no, it automagically resizes back [14:31] mck182: damn, I was told S5 was not a good idea, I'll fix this [14:31] ;) [14:39] Good morning! [14:46] agateau: back [14:46] agateau: I had some crashes, I can probably reproduce [14:47] fregl: the backtraces look like the code is trying to use a NULL pointer [14:47] give me a sec, I need to finish one other thing first [14:52] good day. ive been trying to get holf of rbelem for help with installing plasma active on kubuntu. is anyone else perhaps able to help. [14:52] thanks very much if you can [14:53] agateau: I briefly looked at this with Riddell and didrocks - the problem is that the state of the qt-at-spi bridge in the package is not great. neither is the implementation of accessible things inside qt in 4.7. I fixed 4.8 mostly. [14:54] fregl: so the fix is to upgrade to 4.8, right? [14:54] in the case of people running kde apps in unity I wonder what the sensible solution is. 1) no accessibility needed: do not expose the env var - so maybe we should check more carefully when that is exposed 2) accessibility needed - you are screwed [14:55] and yes, 4.8 solves a lot of this and if there are bugs in 4.8 I would love to fix them. for 4.7 it is almost impossible without major backporting [14:55] so I was thinking maybe we check the wrong gconf setting at the moment - can someone check which setting is actually used for orca to enable speech? [14:56] because for me, no matter what I do after logging in to unity and enabling a11y once and then disabling it again, the plugin gets loaded and the var set [14:56] the var is set by at-spi2-core btw [14:56] that's the package [14:57] agateau: ^ [14:57] fregl: yes I found that [14:58] * agateau reads the script again [14:58] also I found that on my system for some strange reason it even crashes with no screen reader running. recompiling qt-at-spi from the package (apt-get sources) and installing my new package helped. I can reproduce - switching to qt-at-spi from the ubuntu repo I get crashes with no screenreader running. my self build package doesn't. [14:58] also I think gnome has several settings inside the a11y module [14:59] in universal access there is one checkbox/slider that is "screen reader". I think the value of that one is the right one. hm, it's set to on here again, I wonder why. [14:59] fregl: the script does not do anything desktop-specific: as long as "gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface toolkit-accessibility" prints "true", QT_ACCESSIBILITY is set [15:00] that explains why you get it on KDE as well [15:00] agateau: I know. we identified not running that in a kde session as a half assed fix. but now thinking about running kde apps in gnome sessions... it doesn't help [15:00] yes [15:01] agateau: where is the script installed again? [15:01] fregl: yes, we do want those unity users to get used to kde apps :) [15:01] fregl: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90qt-a11y [15:01] thx [15:01] yep [15:02] agateau: I think it checks the wrong setting [15:02] fregl: oh [15:02] didrocks: ^ [15:03] but I don't know which one the right one is [15:03] do I need to use dconf for that? [15:03] the setting it checks is true for my machine, no matter what I set for screen reader [15:03] fregl: gsettings is the higher level tool for dconf [15:04] sorry, didn't follow the discussion, quite busy with other things [15:04] didrocks: let me summarize, [15:04] thanks :) [15:04] didrocks: fregl and I were talking about the bug reports on kde apps crash when a11y is enabled [15:05] didrocks: and fregl believes we do not check the correct setting in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90qt-a11y [15:06] didrocks: I am not qualified to say if that is right :) [15:07] I'm not sure either - but maybe you can check - in gnome-control-center/universal access is a screen reader button [15:07] oh, that's more that possible [15:07] toggling that does not affect the setting for me [15:07] gsettings is maybe not from the right user [15:07] I already pinged TheMuso when he wrote that script [15:07] (twice actually) [15:07] didrocks: I think the user is right but the setting not [15:07] didn't get any feedback [15:07] hum, like? [15:08] it returns false to me [15:08] which means, there is a setting and schema [15:08] (otherwise gsettings will abort if no schema was installed) [15:08] didrocks: yes, but it always returns true after you switch on screen reader and switch it off again I think [15:09] so I think this setting is too general [15:09] ah, more than possible [15:10] the most knowlewdgeable about it right now is TheMuso I guess [15:11] the thing is, fixing this would avoid crashes for users with no a11y need, but won't help those who do need a11y, right? [15:12] agateau: didrocks gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-reader-enabled [15:12] this is much much better afaict [15:12] this will make crashes disappear as long as orca is not running [15:13] fregl: sounds good to me [15:13] while I would love to force the plugin on everyone, the currently packaged version is not good enough [15:13] agateau: for me this setting works. I forgot this idea after having it before... [15:13] didrocks: want me to check with TheMuso and prepare an SRU for this? [15:13] :) [15:14] thanks for poking me about it again :) [15:14] fregl: you're welcome :) [15:14] agateau: that would be delightful! [15:14] * agateau is a delightful person [15:14] thanks fregl and agateau to look at this! :) [15:15] it will also make those kde peeps happy. they didn't like my beautiful qt-at-spi polluting bugs.kde.org :s [15:15] and for people needing accessibility... :( next release will rock :) [15:17] I still do think that the qt-at-spi package is buggy for me... though it works on unity which I can't explain... [15:20] mck182: just found out a neat S5 trick: press T on the indicate slides to disable stylesheet. Should be much more readable. [15:20] fregl: don't try to explain, that could break it! [15:21] agateau: ah, cool, thanks [15:33] Hello! I'm looking at some NBS issues and I discovered that koffice Build-Depends on libjpeg62-dev. I'd like to make that libjpeg-dev to pick up libjpeg8 (doing a test build now with that change). Does anyone know any reason that would be a mistake? [16:51] Quintasan_: [16:51] question [16:51] should i port libmygpo-qt 1.0.5 for amarok new release in oneiric? [16:52] or go without? === Guest40143 is now known as BarkingFish [16:57] since only amarok uses it, i think its kinda safe to provide it [17:20] Riddell: ping [18:00] mterry: using libjpeg-dev sounds good, but I think koffice doesn't build currently [18:00] until we manage to upload some more kde 4.7.3 packages [18:00] debfx, it built for me with the jpeg change [18:00] debfx, was about to upload the change [18:01] ah right, it doesn't build-depend on kde-sc-dev-latest === yofel_ is now known as yofel [18:08] yofel: what's blocking the prison package in Debian? haven't found a sponsor? [18:08] pretty much [18:09] guess they didn't need it yet... [18:09] as 4.7 isn't in unstable yet === jjesse__ is now known as jjesse [18:13] evening [18:15] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdepimlibs] Philip Muškovac * 151 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.3-0ubuntu1 [18:18] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-baseapps] Philip Muškovac * 197 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.3-0ubuntu1 === skreech_ is now known as Daskreech [19:14] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/smokegen] Philip Muškovac * 15 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.3-0ubuntu1 [19:53] yofel: if you don't mind I'll add myself as uploader and try to find someone who uploads it [19:53] go ahead [19:55] first let's see if we can multiarch'ify it === amichairo is now known as amichair === amichair is now known as amichair_ [22:08] good evening folks! [22:20] http://itechreport.com.au/2011/10/30/review-kubuntu-10-11/ [22:47] fabo: I've managed to build qtcreator 2.4 beta on armel (in case you are interested in pushing that to Debian) [23:11] devs, I need your help. I've been looking for a plugin for dolphin, and #kde suggest it's something my distro may not have enabled by default (if it's still integrated). There was a local plugin for video thumbnailing (rather than adding ffmpegthumbs or the mplayer equivalent). [23:11] It was provided in dolphins settings when I was on mandriva, back at kde 4.4.5 - whether it's still available, and something you may not have enabled, I don't know. [23:11] Either way, I need to find it if it's still in existence :) [23:37] someone tell barkingfish that there never was such a thing