
HrznDefeatedHello all.  I have an ubuntu application installer that complains it only supports 10.04 LTS when I run it.  I am currently running 11.10.  Is there any convenient way to trick the installer in to thinking my system is 10.04?00:00
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HrznDefeatedNevermind I found the answer-- editing /etc/lsb-release00:19
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zoraelCan anyone familiar with oxygen-gtk take a look at http://i.imgur.com/MrriG.png ?00:58
zoraelAffects all GTK programs (including oxygen-gtk-demo), on all users00:59
zoraelI've cleared out ~/.kde/{cache,tmp}-hostname and rebuilt ksycoca with --noincremental, but nothing helps01:00
zoraelI've tried oxygen-gtk from git and the issue persists01:01
NickmhHi all01:29
burfl_anyone here familiar with samba?01:52
burfl_i take that as a no?01:54
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OvermindDL1Is there any voice command app that works with kubuntu?  Just wanting to be able to create/train commands for various configurable commands and/or scripts?02:30
well_laid_lawn!info espeak02:31
ubottuespeak (source: espeak): Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.45.04-1ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 65 kB, installed size 280 kB02:31
OvermindDL1espeak synthesizes speech, it does not recognize speech02:31
OvermindDL1I use espeak quite often in many of my scripts02:31
OvermindDL1Obviously not what I am looking for02:31
jeiworthOvermindDL1: iirc there is a software called simon02:33
OvermindDL1Checking, thanks for the name02:34
OvermindDL1Hrmm, the ppa http://ppa.launchpad.net/grasch-simon-listens/simon/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources is not found...02:36
OvermindDL1Apparently not updated, does anyone know if it works well with 11.04/11.10 if compiled manually?02:36
jeiworthhmm did you check their website?02:38
OvermindDL1Yes, even their own distribution only goes up to 10.1002:38
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keithzgLooks like "julius" is in the repos, no idea if that'll do what you want though, but it's a speech recognition engine.02:45
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OvermindDL1Looks interesting, thanks02:48
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jeiworthkeithzg: thx for the tip, interesting project :)02:52
chronosthere is some plugin to yakuake / konsole to paste to some site (gist, pastebin, etc)?02:54
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well_laid_lawn!info pastebinit02:57
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-2 (oneiric), package size 30 kB, installed size 480 kB02:57
chronosbut how integrate it with konsole/yakuake/02:58
keithzgerr, it's console-based, isn't it already then?03:04
g0rsis any familiar with ksokoban ?  its a game on kubuntu or linux in general.03:12
kirtahHi all :) Some of my NTFS partitions are being mounted automatically to /mount, but I haven't configured them in /etc/fstab. They appear along the left in Dolphin. Any idea what program is doing this?03:27
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DarthFrogkirtah: They may have been configured to do so when you installed the OS.  You can edit fstab manually and comment out the mounts.03:29
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kirtahDarthFrog: Oh ok, thanks. I'm seeing a couple entries I don't recognize with UUID's, must be it. :)03:30
DarthFrogkirtah: Never mind the UUIDs, what filesytem are they?03:31
DarthFrogUUID = Unique Unix ID03:31
kirtahDarthFrog: Oh I'm sorry, they're my ext4 root and swap area. The NTFS drives aren't here.03:32
kirtahDarthFrog: I spoke incorrectly earlier, they're not mounted to /mount, they appear in /media03:32
DarthFrogkirtah:  :-)  That's why I told you to look at the file systems.  You'd not want to disable them!03:32
kirtahDarthFrog Indeed xD03:32
DarthFrogTho' disabling swap wouldn't necessarily be a problem.03:33
kirtahDarthFrog: Oh well, I guess it's not a problem if they're not actually mounted. :)03:35
DarthFrogkirtah: If they're in /media, they're mounted.03:36
kirtahDarthFrog: Well before I restarted both were mounted there. After restarting, they didn't appear for a little while, and only one has appeared since. So I was just curious if there's some program I'm not familiar that looks for removable media and mounts them there behind the scenes03:38
DarthFrogkirtah:  Use the Device Notifier icon in your systray to unmount them.03:42
DarthFrogkirtah: And inspect its settings as it does automounting.03:43
kirtahDarthFrog: Oh excellent! Thanks03:43
jmichaelxi have a desktop that was upgraded to oneiric which sometimes does not fully shut down, and seemingly no longer powers the monitor off, though it is set to... the shutdown problem is something that occurred a LONG time ago (like hardy?) but had never returned until now. the issue with the monitor not powering off is brand new03:52
jmichaelxthis is one of the  dell inspiron 530's that came with ubuntu pre-installed03:53
jmichaelxseveral years ago03:53
romeyrodoes anyone tried to install backtrack tools on kubuntu ?04:13
DarthFrogromeyro:  What do backtrack tools do?04:18
NlessKnightBacktrack tools as in aircrack and the like?04:21
romeyroNlessKnight: yes04:29
romeyroNlessKnight: aireplay aircrack, airodump...04:30
NlessKnightA lot, I've found, are in the repos. aircrack-ng, for example, is, as is dsniff.04:31
adarshajoisahow can i make my okular open chm documents?04:32
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tohuwJust installed Kubuntu 11.10. Is there some reason why none of my widgets can access the Internet?05:22
tohuwJust installed Kubuntu 11.10. Is there some reason why none of my widgets can access the Internet?05:34
k2stahow to set the time in grub menu from 10s to 5s?05:38
tohuwk2sta: Assuming GRUB2, edit /etc/default/grub and change GRUB_TIMEOUT or GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT, then grub-mkconfig, then grub-update05:40
k2stahow do i know whether i have grub 2 or grub 1?05:41
tohuwk2sta: quick and dirty way, check for the existance of /etc/default/grub05:41
tohuwk2sta: correct way: grub-install -v05:42
tohuwk2sta: (grub 1.99 is the default with Ubuntu 11.10. If you have that version, my instructions above work).05:43
k2statohuw: thanks it works.05:43
tohuwYou're welcome05:43
tohuw!hello | sk8trasher05:52
sk8trasherhi tohum05:53
sk8trasherexcuse me for my bad english05:53
tohuwsk8trasher: when using mose IRC clients, you can use the tab key to auto-complete a name. For instace, to type your name, I just type sk8 and press tab.05:54
tohuwsk8trasher: what is your native language? There are several language-specific channels as well.05:54
sk8trasherok same as a shell05:54
tohuwYes. :)05:55
tohuwIs there some reason why none of my KDE widgets can access the Internet? (KDE 4.7.3, Kubuntu 11.10, fresh install)05:56
sk8trasherI useQuasse IRC under gnome05:57
sk8trasherI must go working05:58
tohuw!language | sk8trasher06:02
ubottusk8trasher: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:02
sk8trasherok excuse06:02
sk8trasherwhere i am06:11
sk8trasherwhat's name of this chanel ?06:11
tohuwWhat an odd question...06:13
uberdubCan anyone help troubleshoot why everything freezes wihen my netbook suspends.?06:30
uberdubJust started doing it06:30
uberdubwas fine for a year06:30
uberdubSeemed to do it after update to 11.1006:31
noaXessgood morning06:31
uberdubmorning...or in my case evening06:31
noaXessdo anybody know a little app/widget to track the time of tasks/work/projects?.. i used ktimetracker.. but it's buggy..06:32
uberdubnever had a need for an app like that, sorry cant help06:32
uberdubIm trying to figure why my graphics driver, and vid card works sometimes, and sometimes not06:33
uberdubdamn nvidia06:34
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noaXessdoes a gnome applet work/run under kde?07:25
k2stamy laptop overheat after installing kubuntu 11.10 64bit. Temperature went up to 80 celcius. after installing graphic driver and useing i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 and pcie_aspm=force temperature went down to 55 to 65. but the fan keep spinning fast. please help to set my laptop fan speed?07:37
roel_I'm searching for a good SIP-client (phone) for Kubuntu 10.04?07:40
uberdubskype is good07:42
uberdubkphone, linphone07:43
roel_k thnx07:47
gabrielfilipgood morning07:51
k2stasorry to ask this stupid question. But where is the update manager in kubuntu. In ubuntu I had one update manager???07:54
k2stakubuntu has software centre and package manager. but where is update manager?07:58
uberdubk2sta: which version kubuntu? 11.10 is apper, used to be kpackagekit08:27
uberdubless bloat would be apt-get highly recommend08:28
Unit193Good job :P08:36
NlessKnightSooo. A question.  I've got Jupiter on my netbook to help with power consumption control - to its credit, it's working quite well.  However, everytime I login, the icon fails to appear, and it tells me the icon has been whitelisted for next time.  Any suggestions as to how to actually make the thing show up?08:42
k2stajust want to confirm how to update in terminal? is it sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade?08:42
NlessKnightK2: that's be it.08:43
k2staNlessKnight: how did you install jupiter?08:43
k2stadid you use the webupd8 PPA?08:44
k2stamine is working well. Did you install sudo apt-get install jupiter-support-eee libmono-i18n2.0-cil libmono-winforms2.0-cil libgamin008:45
NlessKnightOh, it seems to be working fine.  The applet just refuses to come up.08:46
k2staafter install sudo apt-get install jupiter08:46
NlessKnightMaybe I'll try purging/reinstalling it.08:46
k2stakubuntu just hang... and recovered. what did i miss?09:08
valoriekubuntu users - click a few times to get the KDE e.V. some money09:09
valorieover 250 nicks in here -- that could be 750 votes!09:09
valoriedo it!09:09
k2stahow to trust you09:10
valoriehow to trust kubuntu?09:11
valorieyou could look at top in the console09:11
valoriesee what is sucking all your memory09:11
k2stai'm not clicking it.09:12
well_laid_lawnk2sta: valorie has been a long time helper in here09:13
well_laid_lawnshe's a good egg ;)09:13
valorieoh, that's my blog09:14
valoriethere isn't even any ads on it09:15
valoriebut whatever09:15
valorielydia's blog - member of the e.V. Board09:15
valorieor ya know, planetkde.org09:15
k2stavalorie: its in german language. I can't read it.09:15
well_laid_lawnI didn't think anyone could find linuxgrandma.blogspot threatening at all09:16
k2staanyway I clicked it already. ;)09:16
valorieright, which is why in the blogs we called out the names of the buttons09:16
valoriecool -- remember that it's a multistep thing, and you can vote 3 times09:16
valoriewhich means doing the whole thing 3 times09:16
valoriea bit tedious, but $1000 can go a long ways towards funding a sprint09:17
soulthreadsvalorie, done.09:18
baxeicohi, someone can tell me how to upgrade to kde sc 4.7 in kubuntu natty?09:19
baxeico(I don't want to upgrade the whole distro)09:19
soulthreadsbambee, kubuntu-ppa/backports?09:20
k2stavalorie: done Rang 748 Stimmen 3.711 after I click.09:21
valorieyou can do it three times09:21
soulthreadsAs always, I chosen wrong nick. :)09:22
valoriewhich I urge you to do09:22
soulthreadsbaxeico, use kubuntu-ppa.09:22
baxeicosoulthreads: I already have this line09:23
baxeicodeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu natty main09:23
baxeicobut I cannot see any updates in aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade09:23
soulthreadsbaxeico, replace /ppa/ with /backports/09:24
baxeicosoulthreads: thanks, I will try09:24
baxeicosoulthreads: to your knowledge, this also update kmail to kmail2?09:25
baxeicothis is the main reason why I DON'T upgrade to onereic09:25
soulthreadsbaxeico, don't know, because I don't use kmail.09:26
valorieI believe it will09:26
valoriefor the precise information09:27
baxeicovalorie: so upgrading only kde to kde 4.7 sticking with Kubuntu Natty is not an option to have the latest kde with the good old kmail 1?09:28
baxeicoI already read that wiki, but AFAIK is related to onereic09:29
soulthreadsbaxeico, well, I can't see any kmail there: https://launchpad.net/%7Ekubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports/+index?batch=75&memo=150&start=15009:31
k2stakubuntu seriously need a GUI update manager.09:32
soulthreadsbaxeico, so maybe your kmail1 will work.09:33
hexacodehey wheres i the config.mc or is it ml   for sendmail?   im in the newest ubuntu...and yes ive read the documentation...and there is no config i can seem to find09:38
valorieusually they are in .kde09:41
k2stai did a clean install of kubuntu 11.10. do i need to add kubuntu ppa from this site http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-473??09:43
szalif you can live with KDE 4.7.2 for the next 5 months or more, you don't _need_ to09:44
valorieyes, if you want 4.7.309:44
valoriethat reminds me that I haven't done that09:44
NlessKnightHm.  tried the purge/reinstall plan a few times.   No dice.09:45
kochHi guys ,09:45
kochcompilator of C++ on linux09:46
szalkoch: whole sentences09:46
NlessKnightI never cease to be amused - package to download - 147mb.  Extra space used afterward: 1.2 mb.09:47
valoriewoah, this is a big upgrade09:47
well_laid_lawnkoch: do you have build-essential installed?09:47
soulthreadsszal, 4.7.3 will be in the main repository after 5 months?..09:47
szalsoulthreads: no09:47
szalsoulthreads: in 5 months 12.04 is supposed to be out09:48
soulthreadsszal, ah, ok.09:48
NlessKnightHa.  About 1/3 the size of this upgrade appears to be the wallpaper package.09:49
kochthnks bye09:50
k2staok guys. I'm going to go for 4.7.3. i need to cut off this connection bye.09:51
soulthreadsNlessKnight, wallpaper is the most important part of my life! It doesn't matter that I see it only once in month.09:51
NlessKnightBut you know it's there, and that's the important part. :P09:52
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.09:52
szalwell_laid_lawn: are you allergic to 'lol' or something?09:52
well_laid_lawnmost stupid sentence ever09:53
well_laid_lawnand I'm not alone on that09:53
szalmust be a reason if you go on a 'lol-hunt' after one single occurrence09:53
well_laid_lawnthere's a bot link for a reason09:54
szalyes, and that reason just didn't apply hiere09:54
soulthreads> regular basis09:54
well_laid_lawnyou didn't read it then09:54
szalwell_laid_lawn: which of 'on a regular basis' didn't you get then?09:54
szalit says at no point that you may not use it at all09:55
well_laid_lawn This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required09:55
* szal sets mode +pedant well_laid_lawn09:56
well_laid_lawnheh at least that's a sentence09:56
szalbottom line: also read !botabuse, and use your brain instead of blindly following guidelines10:00
well_laid_lawn!guidelines | szal10:00
ubottuszal: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines10:00
szal!botabuse | well_laid_lawn10:01
ubottuwell_laid_lawn: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".10:01
soulthreadswell_laid_lawn, you maybe know that "lol" was wide-spread even in Usenet. And in IRC, yes.10:01
well_laid_lawnI'll refer you to the bots previous response about this being irc not im10:02
valorieI think maybe even before IM10:02
* valorie was online at 300 baud10:02
* szal has been in IRC long enough to know that 'lol' is by no means exotic in IRC10:03
jussiwell_laid_lawn: let it be, being so strict isnt useful.10:03
szaljussi: word10:03
valorieI could outtype the buffer back then10:03
valorieBBSs ftw!10:03
soulthreadsvalorie, well, updating the kubuntu at 300 baud is a terrible nightmare. :)10:06
valorieI never even heard of an "upgrade" back then10:06
valorieprogress was a bit slower then10:06
szalback in those days there was no KDE anyway ;)10:07
valoriefor sure10:11
valoriemy first computer was a Coleco ADAM10:11
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gribouille2I've migrated from kde 4.6.2 to kde 4.7.3 and now, all my contacts are lost10:18
szaldid you follow the migration guidelines?10:19
szal(see topic)10:19
moonfluxgnah. kmail doesn't send any mails anymore. just drops them in the outbox and nil. might be since I upgraded to 4.7.310:20
valoriehttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Final/Kubuntu/Kmail2 | moonflux10:24
moonfluxvalorie: my bug isn't there. and kmail2 from 4.7.2 worked fine10:25
moonflux(I was on kmail2 on natty already)10:25
valorieah, ok10:26
valoriesorry for the noise then10:26
valoriebtw, the issue of kmail not sending mail is why I had to drop 110:26
valorieI had hoped it was cleared up now10:27
gribouille2why "Email filters are not transferred" ?10:27
valorieI miss kmail a lot10:27
moonfluxit works finish for me. breaks here and there but I'm used to that10:28
valorieit worked beautifully until it didn't10:29
valoriecrossing fingers for kmail in 4.7.310:30
valoriegetting rather sick of thunderbird10:30
* soulthreads uses uses claws-mail and doesn't have any problem. Well, it is offtopic, yes.10:38
szalhmmmmmmmmmmm..  is there a PPA for more current Qt than what's in the distro (here: Oneiric) by default?11:51
oxymoronHow do I install Quanta for latest Kubuntu?12:09
BluesKajHiyas all13:03
szalmoin BluesKaj13:17
BluesKajhi szal13:17
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NJLanybody else having issues with msn not connecting with kopete?13:39
jussi!brokenmsn | NJL13:49
ubottuNJL: MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. Workaround for pidgin 2.5.2 users is « sudo apt-get install msn-pecan » Restart pidgin, create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials13:49
NJLthanks heh13:53
NJLwhat about kopete?13:53
NJLnm :)13:54
NJLthanks again13:54
fnewbieIs there anyway we can recover or reset the root password if its been forgotten?14:13
soulthreadsfnewbie, passwd root14:13
soulthreadswith superuser privelegies, of course.14:14
fnewbiesoulthreads : :( What if i don't have super previlages , in the sense the user is not in the Sudoers list. Then is there any way ?14:15
soulthreadsfnewbie, well... boot from livecd, chroot to installed system and then "passwd root". :)14:16
fnewbiesoulthreads : Oh cool . Thanks :)14:18
soulthreadsYes, it's a big security hole in Linux. If you can call it so.14:20
fnewbiesoulthreads : That leads to another question . Can you do something with the root or password so that it can't be fixed even with a LIVECD . Only option would be reinstall?14:21
soulthreadsfnewbie, afaik, no.14:22
soulthreadsBut, well, you can use cryptography!14:22
soulthreadsTo get access to crypted partition you need a password. That's it.14:23
fnewbiesoulthreads : okay. thanks :) It doesn't matter from which live cd i boot right . I mean if i have 10.04 installed in the system and i boot from 11.10 Live cd i can still change the root password right?14:23
soulthreadsfnewbie, almost only limitation is that you can't chroot from i686 to amd64. :)14:24
fnewbiesoulthreads : So it doesn't matter from which Distro i am booting if the architecture is same ? I mean can i boot from a Fedora Live Cd and change the root password of Kubuntu in the System? Sorry i am a newbie , doubts may appear a bit silly14:26
soulthreadsfnewbie, yes, you can.14:26
fnewbiesoulthreads : Awesome :) thanks a lot.14:26
Supper_slashGood morning14:40
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daavishello! how to look up kcenter?15:52
daavisalt+f2 doesn't help15:52
soulthreadsdaavis, you mean systemsettings?15:52
daavisi mean this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KControl15:53
soulthreadsdaavis, well, it's called systemsettings in KDE4.15:53
daaviswhere is this kcontrol15:54
soulthreadsYou can make something like that by enabling Tree View.15:55
daaviswell ok.. then.. how to turn off bouncing icon?15:55
soulthreadsIt is in notification settings.15:56
daavisi found it15:57
daavisthank you15:57
daavissoulthreads, if you're still there.. How to set up kwin un startup?15:59
BluesKajdaavis, kmenu> computer>systemsettings>notifactions/launch feedback , for your bouncing icon options16:00
soulthreadsdaavis, sorry, I don't understand you.16:00
daavisBluesKaj, i allready did it. thank you, anyway :)16:01
daaviswell, i have some problems.. to have nice kwin desktop, i have to do it wih konsole - "kwin --replace"16:01
daavisi want to run this command on startup16:01
soulthreadsdaavis, so as you start kde all your applications runs without borders?16:03
jbwiv_anyone having trouble setting time on 11.10? My daylight savings time didn't shift over for some reason, and now when I adjust time by right clicking on the clock, the time is never really applied (nor am I prompted for a superuser login) when I click apply. No error either :-/16:09
daavisnow it's fine. i hope it's gona be that way16:12
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denysI have a problem with Desktop effects - KWin reports  with notification "The following desktop effects could not be activated: " and lists the effects. Amoung the effects some I actually want to use: DesktopGrid, FlipSwitch etc16:24
denyshow do I get more info on what is actually failing?16:24
BluesKajdenys, which graphics card ?16:24
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soulthreadsI have the same message on intel.16:25
soulthreadsBut suddenly it works. :)16:25
denyshmm not sure - this is work PC, how do I check that?16:26
BluesKajdenys, open a terminal and do. lspci | grep VGA16:27
denys01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Cedar PRO [Radeon HD 5450]16:27
daaviswhy mozilla doesn't change it's outlook when theme is changed? fonts in menu looks terrible.. scroll bar as well. i want the same looking scroll bar as for folders16:29
denysBluesKaj: hmm, maybe i need ATI drivers?16:30
soulthreadsdenys, right.16:31
soulthreadsafaik, there is no 3d support in opensource driver for hd5xxx yet.16:31
denysI see - will try that16:32
soulthreadsdaavis, firefox uses gtk through some nonobvius way.16:33
daavisis it possible to change it somehow?16:34
BluesKajdenys, yes , I'm not real familiar with ati onboards , it probly the xserver-xorg-video-radeon driver16:34
daavisas i see.. lot of non-included softs has it's own outlook ignoring theme style16:35
soulthreadssystemsettings -> Application Appearance -> GTK+ Appearance.16:35
denysone more - Logout does not work at all =) however Lock Session works, last time I had to switch to text terminal and reboot in order to switch back to Unity interface16:35
BluesKajrunning kde and unity DEs , denys ?16:36
daaviscan't see gtk+ appearance16:37
soulthreadsdaavis, what kubuntu version do you use?16:37
denyswell, Unity was default for Ubuntu 11.10 - then I intalled Kubuntu packages and loaded KDE interface - but Logout doesn't work under it16:38
daavis4.6.5 soulthreads16:38
soulthreadsdenys, maybe it is because of using lightdm instead of kdm?16:39
denyshow do i check which one i am using exactly?16:39
soulthreadsdaavis, hmm "cat /etc/issue"16:39
daavisubuntu 11.0416:40
daavisi'm now upgrading16:40
denysoh, i see = sorry for stupid questions =)16:41
denysi should be able to switch to KDM still on Ubuntu 11.10, shouldn't I?16:41
daavisi want to fully remove gnome after upgrade. is it possible?16:41
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »16:42
BluesKajdenys, yes , but I think you have to drop to a tty first and sstop lightdm then sudo kdm start16:42
soulthreadsdenys, use above link or try "dpkg-reconfigure kdm"16:43
denyscool, thnx, will try16:43
soulthreadsoops, I mixed nicks, sorry.16:44
BluesKajdenys , ctrl+alt + F1 or F2, then after starting kdm , ctrl+alt+F7 or 816:44
soulthreadsBluesKaj, you need to say that it will drop current session.16:45
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semitonesArgh... spend an hour making a playlist for someone in amarok, hit save, and it quits amarok >:(18:01
Peace-semitones: :)18:02
Peace-semitones: try to do a playlist and try to reproduce the bug18:03
semitoneswhy do things like this happen?18:03
Peace-semitones: maybe running amarok from konsole18:03
Peace-semitones: amarok has been upgraded to some weird alpha ? rc ?18:03
Peace-or something like that ?18:03
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Peace-hae you some ppa?18:03
semitonesI don't think so... just opened up amarok again. The playlist it brings up is what I was listening to yesterday, not just now...18:04
semitonesbut at least the playlist DID save to the database18:04
semitonesversion 2.3.218:04
Peace-semitones: kde version ?=18:05
Peace-semitones: have you added ppa?18:05
Peace-for kde i mean18:06
semitonesnot for kde18:06
semitonesis there any log I can look at to see what happened18:07
Peace-BluesKaj: are you there?18:11
Peace-semitones: i guess the best it's start amarok from konsole18:11
Peace-and try to get the crash18:11
semitonesshould I save the playlist exactly18:12
semitoneslike i did before, the same playlist18:12
Peace-bah i don't think so ... but ...18:12
semitonesand try to be listening to the same song while I save it18:12
jmichaelxmore amarok crashes, eh?18:12
jmichaelxhow does one stop these 'mail dispatch agent' warnings upon logging in? they are becoming annoying18:13
Peace-i need some testers for vlc append xD18:13
Peace-jmichaelx: have you googled? i had that problem too18:13
jmichaelxPeace-: generally i google before asking about more involved issues, but i did not this time18:14
Peace-jmichaelx: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3118705.018:14
Peace-jmichaelx: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3118754.018:15
jmichaelxPeace-: does a person need to read through a couple of forum threads to fix this?18:16
jmichaelxwhy 4.7.x was ever released as anything but a beta, i do not understand18:18
BluesKajPeace-, yeah , turning off akonadi is one method18:19
Peace-BluesKaj: could you make me a favor ?18:20
Peace-BluesKaj: i just upgraded vlc append18:20
Peace-could you test it ?18:20
BluesKajvlc append ?18:21
Peace-BluesKaj: if you have a folder with music and other stuff you can add only music to vlc18:23
Peace-without multiple istance of vlc18:23
Peace-BluesKaj: btw svn checkout http://vlc-append.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ vlc-append-read-only18:23
jmichaelx"some features such as the digital clock use akonadi"....18:23
jmichaelxagain, wtf18:23
jmichaelxdoes this include the default ddigital clock in the panel?18:24
BluesKajPeace-, playlists?18:24
Peace-BluesKaj: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcEgobqtEyY18:25
Peace-BluesKaj: i did just now even for folders18:25
jmichaelxok, i moved akonaditray.desktop out of /usr/share/autostart, but i still got that blasted warning when i rebooted...18:31
DarthFrogGeez, I go to backup the Akonadi database. It fails because mysqldump isn't installed.  OK, I install mysql-cluster-client, which has mysqldump.  So apt-get also installs akonadi-backend-sqlite and *removes* all installed mysql programs, including the akonadi-backend-mysql!!   What donkey thought of this??18:32
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jmichaelxwhat donkey thought of akonadi to begin with, and who decided to release KDE SC 4.7.x in such a buggy condition?18:33
levi501di think everyone in here is too zen to get pulled into that conversation dude18:35
DarthFrogjmichaelx:  I'm not as down on akonadi as you.  I think that akonadi/nepomuk/strigi are good ideas that are not quite ripe yet. :-)18:35
levi501dorrr they are not paying attention, either way, your burn was iggy'd18:35
BluesKajjmichaelx, I just turned off the notifications in system settings18:35
jmichaelxBluesKaj: ty, that is probably the very best solution18:36
levi501dor not18:37
jmichaelxDarthFrog: that is more or less what i am saying...  although my issues is that akonadi/nopemuk are forced on everyone, and many do not want them...18:37
levi501dyou can disable nepomuk18:37
DarthFrogjmichaelx:  Not forced.  You can turn them off.  I wouldn't call them being enabled by default as forcing.18:38
jmichaelxDarthFrog: try disabling nepomuk, and let us know how that goes18:38
jmichaelxi suppose, again, notifications could just be disabled18:38
DarthFrogjmichaelx:  Works fine.  Right-click on the icon, click on "Suspend file indexing".18:38
jmichaelxDarthFrog: file indexing is not synonymous with nepomuk, but yes you can do that18:39
DarthFrogjmichaelx:  OK, click on "Configure File Indexing" instead and disable Nepomuk alltogether.18:39
jmichaelxDarthFrog: like i said, do that, then describe your feelings about what you see18:40
DarthFrogOr "sudo rm -f /usr/bin/virtuoso-t"  if you want to hit it with a sledgehammer. :-)18:40
jmichaelxDarthFrog: you're not following me18:41
jmichaelxDarthFrog: it is not at all intended that you strip out virtuoso, at least not anymore... you will get a multitude of warnings if you do that18:42
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jmichaelxpreviously this was not so, but it is now18:42
DarthFrogOk, I've clicked on "Enable Nepomuk Sematic Desktop" which disabled it.  A bunch of notify windows were thrown up.  Now what?18:42
jmichaelxDarthFrog: like i said, i guess you could just disable those notifications and you're done18:42
DarthFrogjmichaelx:  They went away by themselves.18:43
jmichaelxDarthFrog: otherwise, you will see those 5 or 6 warnings popping up routinely18:43
jmichaelxthey'll be back.... over and over18:43
jmichaelxand not just upon rebooting18:43
BluesKajDarthFrog, I think akonadi and nepomuk should be optional installs , not default sinc e alot of home users don't need indexing and don't use the kdepim apps18:44
DarthFrogAh, I gotcha.  The system doesn't like not having Nepomuk enabled. :=)18:44
jmichaelxDarthFrog: exactly18:44
DarthFrogBluesKaj:  I don't use the kdepim apps.   I use Thunderbird. :-)18:44
jmichaelxwell, it does not like having nepomuk DISabled...18:44
BluesKajyeah DarthFrog exactly :)18:45
jmichaelxsame here, i use thunderbird.... but may well swicth to native KDE apps, once some of these bumps are ironed out18:45
DarthFrogI don't like the way KMail handles HTML mail.18:45
BluesKajI use gmail18:45
DarthFrogI use GMail with IMAP.  TBird is my IMAP client.18:46
jmichaelxDarthFrog: same here18:46
BluesKajwebmail works for me18:46
jmichaelxwhat does kmail do wrongly with html emails?18:46
DarthFrogOh, webmail is fine.  I just have gotten used to TBird.18:46
jmichaelxfrom what i see, a lot fewer people are using email clients than did a few years ago18:47
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DarthFrogjmichaelx: I don't know if this is still true but there was no way in KMail to edit a forwarded HTML email and remove the original sender's email address.  i.e. to protect their privacy.  I forward a lot of jokes and rude humour and many of my friends do not want their email address passed along.18:48
BluesKajour ISP has contracted a webserver to handle our orirginal email service , so t-bird/pop mail etc aren't necessary anyway18:48
DarthFrogIf I were only a consumer of email and not a forwarder, KMail would be fine.  My wife loves KMail.18:49
jmichaelxDarthFrog: yea, i would consider that to be a significant flaw18:49
DarthFrogjmichaelx:  I would like KMail to have an easy way to strip the original headers, so only the content is forwarded.  If I edit HTML mail manually, it loses the HMTL formatting (at least it used to, I don't know if KMail is still doing so).18:51
DarthFrogThe other thing is, is that it is a lot of work to switch email clients so there would have to be significant benefits for me to switch away from TBird.18:52
DarthFrogUnless KMail can import TBird's address book.18:52
DarthFrogAnd mailing lists.18:52
jmichaelxthere is that, although i would like the idea of moving more toward apps with better KDE integration18:52
DarthFrogjmichaelx: That would be the major reason why I would want to go back to KMail.18:53
jmichaelxDarthFrog: i would imagine it could... you could also probably just export as text, then modify your contacts with a text editor to get things to where kmail to take them (worst case scenario)18:54
DarthFrogjmichaelx: As I said, it's work to switch away.18:54
jmichaelxyes it is18:54
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georgeAll right, so, I'm having trouble with jitsi since the 11.10 upgrade. It's like there is sound being detected but I don't say a word. So, I just wanted to know if my alsamixer is correctly configured. Can anyone help me?19:05
kamilnadeemI am facing a problem with Kubuntu 11.10 , no sound from the system all of a sudden19:15
kamilnadeemalso video file are not playing just hanging on single frame19:16
kamilnadeemjust before it happend i got an error on mozilla that adobe flash has crashed and after that files on youtuve are also playing wierdly19:18
kamilnadeemany help19:18
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BluesKajBBL, stuff to do19:29
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abhishekAny experience with ipod touch? I'm thinking about buying one..19:46
sea4everI have friends who own iPods. They [the ipod] doesn't seem any more useful than a cellphone19:47
abhisheksea4ever: Yeah you have point there..19:48
sea4everabhishek: It has a proprietary OS though.19:48
abhishekBut I have an old nokia 3110 that doesn't have all the features I need19:49
abhisheksea4ever: Yeah but is quite good..19:49
sea4everyou could upgrade your nokia. :) There's a nokia N900 phone that runs /almost/ fully free software19:49
saintsatanciao a tutti19:49
abhisheksea4ever: No this time I'm thinking about buying an iOS device to see first hand what all the fuss is about..;)19:50
abhishekAnd ipod is the cheapest..19:51
sea4evermaybe you would be better off borrowing an ipod from someone for a while?19:52
abhishekI had friend when I was at hostel who owned one.. Tried for a few minutes and really liked the build quality..19:53
abhishekSo thats why I'm think of buying one as don't want to upgrade to another nokia phone again like I've been doing till noww ;)19:54
* sea4ever sighs, the network here is soo flaky.19:54
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abhisheksea4ever: Just checked out the price for n900 its almost double that of ipod touchg :)19:58
abhishekhere in india.. that is..19:58
sea4everIndia? Interesting place to be.19:58
DarthFrogI hear you can get good Indian food there.19:59
sea4everoh lol! I would hope so19:59
abhishekFood over here is best :)20:00
abhishekWhere are you guys from?20:01
sea4everI like indian food. My grandmother is of indian descent..kinda.20:01
sea4everI'm out in Barbados right now. I'm from Guyana though. Lokono descent20:01
abhishekI hear there quite a many people of Indian origin in west indies.. Am I right?20:02
abhishekAnd where is guyana?20:03
sea4everIt's in northeastern South America.20:03
abhishekSorry geography is going from bad to worse over here..:)20:03
BluesKaj!ot | abhishek sea4ever20:03
szalabhishek: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guyana20:03
ubottuabhishek sea4ever: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!20:03
sea4everto the offtopic channel.20:04
abhishekHow to get there? I'm unfimiliar with irc commands..20:04
DarthFrog Type "/join #kubuntu-offtopic"20:05
BluesKajclick on the #kubuntu-offtopic20:05
abhishekBluesKaj: DarthFrogjust clicked the link in ubottu's post to get there :)20:05
abhishekstill thanks..20:06
BluesKajubottu, is a bot , abhishek20:06
ubottuBluesKaj: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:06
abhishekhaa ha.. yeah bye..20:08
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grafthey anyone know a good ppa that has 4.7.3 in it?20:25
graftand would you recommend using it?20:25
yofelgraft: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa has 4.7.320:29
graftwoah! the first user!20:32
kaddiis there any fix for the msn-issue yet? (besides using pdigin that is)20:34
grafthmm, some of my gtk widgets (e.g. update manager) still look ugly - how do i fix 'em?20:35
danielohello everyone20:50
danieloI would like to ask You about message indicator20:50
danielois there anyone that uses it??20:51
BluesKajdanielo, message indicator ?  which application?20:51
danielothis is an aplet in kde systray20:52
kaddithe icon that shows you when you get mails or IM/IRC messages20:52
danieloDo You use it with kmail2????20:55
BluesKajhmm, never seen it before, but I do use konversation ..I guess It needs to be enabled20:55
BluesKajI have notifications turned off as well20:56
kaddino, i don't use kmail20:56
danieloI got problem that it dosent see kmail is running20:56
danieloany one got the same error??21:09
Thinkerer68When creating a new_user, how do I mask out the executable bit for all regular files in /home/new_user?21:10
Thinkerer68I want to prevent new_user from executing any kind of file in their home directory tree.21:10
GammmaHi everyone,21:13
GammmaDon't forget to vote for kde in dibadu!21:13
viranchhey people, i have an annoying problem in 11.10 release. when i logout and login to my account (without restarting), the login fails and brings me back to kdm login, then i login again and my desktop effects turn off saying: "opengl compositing has crashed kwin in the past....". any help?21:20
danielofor me works fine :P21:21
danielomaybe your grafic driver?21:21
danielotry update hole system :p21:22
viranchwell, after i re-enable the desktop effects, they run just fine, but stop again if i relogin (this doesnt happen if i restart though)21:22
danieloit usually repair issues21:22
viranchi just did, system up-to-date ;)21:22
danielowhat driver?21:23
danielowhat graphic card?21:23
viranchstandard intel i9xx21:23
danieloso I cant help You21:24
viranchwell, ok..21:24
viranchthis is what happens, btw: http://www.imgur.com/Li4sP21:25
NickmhHey all21:25
danielobut from my expiriens: the integrated graphic card make the most problems of all21:25
viranchand what is the general observed solution?21:26
Nickmhwhat do you all recomend for viewing Nokia MP4 videos on Ubuntu KDE?21:26
viranchNickmh: install vlc21:26
NickmhI'll have to try both :) thanks people! :)21:27
Nickmhvlc has had a new release recently, yeh?21:27
danielohttp://imgur.com/Li4sP   i see it for a first time :P21:27
danielotry to search in repo other driver for your video card21:27
viranchok, thanks21:27
danielovlc sucks with kde energy managment21:28
danieloin my system while I am watching video in vlc my screen goes black21:28
viranchyeah, that's a problem, but mplayer doesn't let you seek less than 10sec forward/backward.. so i prefer vlc21:29
danieloin my vlc seeking works only for few seconds21:41
danieloI use it only for oxygen-transparent21:41
BluesKajdanielo, try dragonplayer for avi type files21:43
BluesKajlighter load and more stable21:44
EvilResistancedanielo:  translation: it uses less system resources, and crashes less often :P21:45
danieloI dont have problem with playback21:46
danieloI use oxygen-transparent theme21:46
BluesKajfewer dropouts in my experience , i like vlc for it's digital passthru option , but it drops the input stream much more than dragonplayer21:47
danieloit gives  nice look to desktop21:47
danielobut not work with video aplication21:47
danieloexepts amarok and vlc21:47
daaviswhere to edit "startup programs" ?21:47
BluesKajdanielo, what doesn't work with video?21:48
danielo<daavis> in systemsetting21:48
daaviswell said21:48
daavisi cant find21:48
daaviscan you be more direct?21:48
danielokubuntu??? put it to konsole:21:48
danieloin oxygen-transparent theme21:49
BluesKajdanielo, kmenu>computer>systemsettings> startup and shutdown21:49
BluesKajoopd sorry danielo21:49
BluesKajdaavis, ^21:50
BluesKajwe would have 2 nicks with da21:50
daavisdoes kwin works by default?21:50
daavisi have enabled kwin on startup.  should it be like that under Autostart?21:51
BluesKajdaavis, if you installed kubuntu from scratch yes\21:51
daavisi have kde in ubuntu21:51
danieloit should work for most of hardware21:51
danieloBluesKaj>> look at this21:52
bartman2589Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me, I'm having some major problems trying to install Kubuntu 11.10 on one of my computers21:53
danieloand  it work for all qt windows exept that wich contains video21:53
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bartman2589it's an old Intel D865GLC motherboard with an Intel Pentium 4 2.8Ghz w/hyperthreading and an nVidia 7600gs video card, I have tried all 3 Kubuntu 11.10 discs (1 DVD, Desktop, Alternate) and none of them will work, they all either hang during the loading process or go to a video mode that my monitor does not support21:56
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EvilResistancebartman2589:  your system  might not have the specs to work with kubuntu21:59
* EvilResistance looks up the nvidia card you mentioned21:59
bartman258910.10 installed just fine back when I installed it originally, and I tried it again and it installs just fine still, 11.04 installs fine too21:59
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BluesKajbartman2589, I'm running a 7600gt card , maybe the nomodeset fix will help you , it workd for me21:59
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:59
genii-aroundbartman2589: If 11.04 installs, you can run do-release-upgrade22:00
kaddiis it normal that i only find libX11.so in /user/lib32, but not in /usr/lib64? If so, where can I find the 64bit version of libX11?22:01
bartman2589I'll try the nomodeset thing first22:01
genii-aroundkaddi: Probably in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ , if you have package libx11-dev installed22:05
kaddii have it installed22:05
kaddity.. will look there22:05
kaddiwhy so many lib folders?22:05
genii-aroundkaddi: You can also specify in apt-get the architecture, like: sudo apt-get install libx11-dev:I386    for instance22:06
bartman2589the weird thing is that 11.10 installs just fine (even using graphical install) on my old Compaq D510SFF w/Pentium 4 2.2ghz and PCI nvldia MX-4000 (have to disable desktop effects for the windows to render properly though), but it installs and runs just fine on that computer22:06
kaddigenii i'm compiling something and it's not finding libx11 (and if the internet is something to go on it'll not find some more things :p(22:06
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genii-aroundkaddi: Your 32 bit version should be in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/   and 64bit in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ... the /usr/lib32 one is for the ia32-libs package22:08
kaddihmm, ok.. i guess the configure script just sucks then :P22:09
bartman2589well, using nomodeset and acpi=off again brings me to a video mode that my monitor doesn't support22:10
yofelkaddi: what does 'dpkg -S libX11.so' say?22:10
genii-aroundbartman2589: You could try option of: vga  which should try some sane resolution22:11
kaddilibx11-6: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6.3.0 libx11-dev: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libX11.so libx11-6: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libX11.so.622:11
kaddinot going wrong there :p22:11
yofelyeah, it should find it then - as long as it's looking in the right folders22:12
bartman2589I've already tried vga=normal and vga=ask (using vga=ask I chose 1024x768x32 which my monitor does support), but even using either of those I end up with a video mode my monitor doesn't support for some stupid reason22:12
kaddilinking the files in question to /usr/lib64 fixed the problem (for me)22:12
bartman2589I even tried fb=false along with both of those22:13
kaddii guess eventually someone will need to update the config script.. but that someone won't be me cause i can't make any sense out of this22:13
bartman2589I even tried 'Install in text mode' and it still switched to a mode my monitor can't display22:14
bartman2589I've tried taking my nvidia card out and using the onboard video (intel 865 series) but that doesn't work either22:14
bartman2589since the devs chopped out a bunch of the support for the intel graphics controllers22:15
kaddiroot is succesfully building atm :)22:17
genii-aroundbartman2589: So when kdm loads is when the video gets screwy?22:17
BluesKaj bartman2589 , perhaps genii-around's suggestion to instll 11.04 and then do-release-upgrade from that state might preserve your graphics settings into 11.1022:18
genii-around( the ctrl-alt-<keypad +> might work in kdm to cycle through available resolutions )22:19
bartman2589no, it never even gets to the kdm as far as I can tell, like I said it goes to a video mode my monitor won't display so I can't see what's going on at all22:20
bartman2589guess I'll try the 11.04 to 11.10 route22:20
BluesKajbartman2589, so what do you see on the monitor ?22:21
kaddiif i just make a  "make" it will install in the folder I'm currently in, no?22:21
genii-aroundProbably "out of range" message from the monitor...22:21
bartman2589yeah basically genii-around, though with my monitor it says "input not supported" instead of 'out of range'22:22
bartman2589it's an early model Acer X193W so it's max resolution is 1440x900, the newer versions support higher resolutions than that22:23
bartman2589BluesKaj, after the initial boot menu (Install Kubuntu, Test Memory, ........) it goes to a mode I can't display, seems to do that no matter what I do, really really really really pissing me off22:26
bartman2589when I say 'can't display' I mean black screen, absolutely nothing but my monitors message of "Input not supported"22:26
BluesKajseems the new drivers in 11.10 aren't supporting older monitors ...not sure but you're the 3rd or 4th person I've seen with this problem, bartman2589. I wonder if an older graphics driver would work22:29
bartman2589you know, the funny thing is that this monitor works just fine in 11.10 on my other computer (I use a KVM switch to switch between the two), so it's not an issue with support for the monitor, possibly for the video card, but then I have to wonder why it works with an ancient nvidia MX-4000 but not a much newer nvidia 7600gs22:31
BluesKajobviously the nouveau driver isn't working22:31
BluesKajbartman2589, , wow , that's one for the head scratchers at canonical development :) Not to make light of your issue , but I couldn't resist.22:34
bartman2589I know, really really confusing22:34
kaddiand after 20min of compiling it fails >.< pos22:35
BluesKajbartman2589, , but 11.04 works fine on both sides of the KVM ?22:36
kaddiblah, it's a bug in gcc >.< even more fun :P22:36
bartman2589yeah, it did before I backed everything up and wiped the partition to try a clean install of 11.10,  I have to redownload the iso for 11.04 though, anybody have a link to the torrent for the 11.04 dvd, seems the Kubuntu site is only linking to 11.10 and doesn't give me any place to get 11.04 from22:41
bartman2589I need the link to the torrent for the 32 bit DVD version of 11.04, anyone got it?22:44
bartman2589the site is only providing links to LTS releases for some reason22:46
bartman2589another really really really annoying issue22:46
BluesKajbartman2589, http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/natty/22:48
bartman2589Thanks, don't see why they can't put a link on the website for 'Older releases'22:49
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BarkingFishguys, is the 4.7.3 release of kde coming up in apper, an official one or is it from project neon?22:51
bartman2589looks like they don't supply the DVD version of 11.04 on that page anymore though22:51
BluesKajbartman2589, for your home pc , if you decide to install 11.10 , i hope you don't have any audio issues like a lot of ppl22:52
bartman2589I usually uninstall Pulseaudio to take care of most of my audio issues and go back to Alsa22:53
bartman2589Pulseaudio still has a very very very long way to go before I'll consider using it22:53
jtr__bartman2589: how do you do that ?22:54
bartman2589or rather the 'mixer' for pulseaudio does, until it gives me a screen like the alsa mixer I won't use it, too much of a pain in the butt when you want to adjust volumes on other input channels22:54
jtr__bartman2589: and does it affect any other thing like phonon22:55
BluesKajbartman2589, yeah , that use to be my cure ae well, but now i need pulse for web audio content , since install a m-audio pci card ...great audio from cds and wav files ,even the few mp3s I have sound passable .22:55
bartman2589I've got a soundblaster audigy card, alsa supports it just fine and it works fine in phonon as long as I put the analog outputs at the top of the list in phonon (I don't have it piped into a home stereo system yet)22:56
bartman2589I just uninstall it using synaptic (can't stand muon yet, though it is getting better slooooooooooooooowwwllllyyyyyyy)22:57
BluesKajpcm/spdif output only , to my audio receiver22:57
bartman2589if I had a fancy audio receiver I'd do that too, but for now I'm just using an old home theater system that doesn't have digital inputs22:58
phunyguyoldschool analog ftw22:58
BluesKajyou can still get decent sound from those systems22:58
phunyguymy new(ish) receiver sucks.22:59
bartman2589yeah, I'm not too worried about sound quality as long as it doesn't buzz or crackle bad23:01
BluesKajI'm thinking of buying the breakout cables and running the analog 5,1 directly into the analog inputs on the receiver23:01
BluesKajthis pc is our media server , so that's whyI have this setup23:03
phunyguyyeah this PC is mine as well..23:04
phunyguy6TB HDD space23:05
phunyguyit goes quick with BluRay movies.23:05
BluesKajVLC is fine , but it's acting strangely with the digital stream from the sound card23:05
bartman2589I know there's some settings you can get to using one of the gnome/gtk  alsa mixers that usually aren't accessible through the main kde mixer applet23:07
BluesKajthe aslsa base.conf file is the secret here as well as the ~/.asoundrc file23:09
bartman2589true, if you can figure out how to add the right info23:09
BluesKajbartman2589, I was able to set the pci card as default in alsa.conf and make the digital streams work with some settings for it that i found online for the asoundrc file23:11
sgroverHow would I go about grabbing an MSSQL database (tables and data) and converting it to CSV files (one per table) in an automated way?  Anyone know a method or tool that can be scripted?23:12
sgroverUltimately the idea is to view the data in either Libre Office, or import into a PostgreSQL database.23:12
BluesKajit took me a long time to get things right , bartman2589 , but i also learnred a lot in the process23:12
bartman2589I don't doubt that, too much work for me though, especially since using alsa works just fine for me in it's default config23:14
BluesKajok , BBL ...23:16
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do23:16
=== amd is now known as kruckss
snikkerhi, i'm unable to ear sound from headphones, can oyu help me? i'm under oneiric23:46
szal!sound | snikker23:49
ubottusnikker: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:49
snikkerszal: ok i'll check the link23:50
prowerhello :> does anyone else find under 11.10 that amarok seems to use up a high amount of cpu when it's not actually doing anything? i've just noticed this problem recently (64-bit). this only happens if amarok starts when kde does though, so if you start it manually it's not an issue. :>23:53

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