
wgrantThe new bug listings are mostly nice.02:17
=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: StevenK | Critical bugtasks: 275
wallyworld_StevenK: you working on 884217?02:28
StevenKwallyworld_: I have a branch for it02:30
wallyworld_StevenK: the reason for asking is that i am thinking about implementing a security adaptor such that if the logged in user can view the context undet which team name visibility is required, they can see the team name02:31
wallyworld_so if the team name needs to be displayed because the team is a bug subscriber, then the context would be the bug02:31
wallyworld_these rules would replace any current security adaptor for private team visibility02:32
StevenKI think we only have the TAL formatter02:32
wallyworld_StevenK: so i wanted to be sure that we weren't going to do the same thing etc02:32
StevenKWhich returns <hidden> and soft OOPSes a MixedVisibilityError02:33
wallyworld_i'll need to dig around and see what needs to be done02:33
wallyworld_to fix it02:33
wallyworld_but i think the above sounds ok?02:34
jtv1StevenK: [BS]PPH.{binary,source}packagename have been fully populated now?02:58
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
bachi, lifeless, sorry i had to run02:59
StevenKjtv: Not even close.02:59
jtvDamn Raphaël and his clever ideas.02:59
baclifeless: the tests that actually failed are those that use the helper, such as testBadUrlBzrSshCaught02:59
jtvStevenK: I guess you'll add not-null constraints when done.03:00
bacand they do pass on their own.  they only fail if run after the new test i introduced, which makes me think i've done something Bad(tm) in that test03:00
jtvhi bac :)03:00
bachi jtv03:00
StevenKjtv: It is being blocked by long running transactions from the publisher, and if that isn't running, then it's the backups.03:00
lifelessbac: thats very unusual then isn't it!03:00
baclifeless: yeppers03:01
lifelessbac: uhm, I'm not entirely here today; can you drop me a mail and I will look first thing tomorrow ?03:01
jtvStevenK: ironic, since I was also hoping to use the column to speed up the publisher.03:01
baclifeless: sure.  thanks.03:01
bacjtv: staying dry?03:01
jtvbac: moving around to do so, but yes.  In the house, last we know is it got up to just below the kitchen counter-top.03:02
jtvThe hip new word is revacuee.03:02
jtvStevenK: perhaps there's more we can do to break up those long-running publisher transactions?03:41
StevenKFixing the dominator would be one, I think.03:47
jtvCatch 22.03:50
jtvStevenK: the updater code looks like it's probably slower than necessary.03:51
StevenKjtv: You need my denorm work to make the dominator faster?03:52
jtvIt'd help, yes.  I've got about 5 branches waiting for rollout, and those will probably help, but it's getting close to the end of the low-hanging fruit.03:53
jtvSome things that I think would speed up the updater:03:54
jtv * Don't order by id.03:54
jtv * Bulk-load the [BS]PRs.03:54
jtv * Don't load the [BS]PNs at all—all you need is their ids.03:55
jtv * More radical: don't load anything, just let the DB do the work.03:55
poolieis this change to block reopening fixreleased bugs new?03:57
jtvpoolie: EWIN?03:58
wgrantpoolie: It's at least several months old.03:58
wgrantMaybe even a year now.03:58
poolieperhaps i just never hit it03:58
wgrantpoolie: The reporter and bug supervisor can reopen.03:59
wgrantBut not eg. the assignee.03:59
pooliei guess i'm not a supervisor for bzr-svn04:00
wgrantThat's ~bzr-svn, which has only three real members.04:01
pooliei see, i thought it changed recently because robert just answered a year-old question about it04:04
pooliewgrant, StevenK, lifeless, what are we going to do with https://code.launchpad.net/~vorlon/launchpad/sbuild-multiarch-syntax/+merge/81385 ?04:17
wgrantpoolie: Land it.04:18
wgrantpoolie: Don't add [no-qa] to the commit message.04:22
wgrantRather use bzr lp-land --no-qa04:22
wgrantOr ec2 land --no-qa04:22
wgrantThat adds it automatically.04:22
wgrantAnd hopefully avoids confusing things.04:22
pooliei wonder if there is a bug for it04:24
wgrantI don't think so. I've discussed it with various people in person, but I don't recall a bug.04:25
poolienot obviously04:25
poolieand it's out-of-band qa anyhow04:25
micahgpoolie: I think we have security builds going for the next 9 hours04:26
micahgeh, semi-wrong channel, meh04:27
wgrantThere's no UNIQUE bugsubscription(bug, person)04:39
StevenKThe UI forbids it, though?04:40
wgrantProbably mostly.04:41
wgrantpoolie: Not going to make that bug Critical+regression? :)04:41
pooliei guess i could04:41
nigelbjamesh: Hi, around?04:47
nigelbAh, its lunch time in Perth.04:54
jameshnigelb: hi05:02
nigelbjamesh: Hey, are you the James listed as Uploader on PyPI for django-openid-auth? :)05:06
jameshnigelb: yeah05:06
nigelbjamesh: Excellent, 0.4 was uploaded as django-openid-auth_0.4.tar.gz as opposed to -0.4 which leads to pip not finding it :(05:06
nigelbIt was fun tracking that down, pip search django-openid-auth says 0.4 is latest, but installing doesn't work.05:08
jameshnigelb: ah. I didn't actually roll the 0.4 release (achuni handled it, iirc)05:08
nigelbjamesh: ah. I couldn't find achuni on IRC, so I thought best to let you know :)05:09
jameshnigelb: could you file a bug about it so we don't mess it up for 0.5?05:09
nigelbcool, will do.  Is there a way to fix 0.4?05:10
jameshnigelb: I don't really use pip.  Where is the error occurring?05:12
nigelbjamesh: let me get you a pastebin05:12
nigelbjamesh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/732749/05:14
nigelbHrm. I guess I could try installing _0.405:14
nigelbNope, didn't work.05:15
jameshnigelb: anything relevant in the log file that paste mentions?05:16
nigelbjamesh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/732755/05:18
jameshnigelb: that's weird: Could not fetch URL http://launchpad.net/django-openid-auth/trunk/0.4/+download/django-openid-auth_0.4.tar.gz (from http://pypi.python.org/simple/django-openid-auth/): HTTP Error 404: Not Found05:19
jameshchecking that here, I get "303 See Other" response pointing at the file in the librarian05:20
nigelbThat is weird.05:20
wgrantstub1: around?05:22
pooliei think i will build a package of the buildd stuff now just to test05:25
poolieand then do an update after vorlon's stuff lands05:25
wgrantpoolie: Sounds good.05:26
nigelbjamesh: I'm guessing the usual download is directly from PyPI which it can't find now.  Anyway, filed bug 88788205:27
_mup_Bug #887882: Can't install django-openid-auth 0.4 via pip <django-openid-auth:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/887882 >05:27
huwshimiwgrant: I saw you said something about the new bug columns earlier. Are they live somewhere or did you just see a mockup?05:30
jameshnigelb: thanks05:30
wgranthuwshimi: Join https://qastaging.launchpad.net/~custom-buglisting-demo (it's Open) and you'll see them on qas.05:31
pooliehi nigelb05:33
pooliewgrant, only qas for now?05:34
nigelbAfternoon poolie :)05:34
huwshimiwgrant: Ah, perfect, thanks05:34
stub1wgrant: yo05:35
=== stub1 is now known as stub
wgrantpoolie: Yes.05:35
nigelbzomg. Can't wait. custom bug listings is *amazing*05:35
wgrantstub: It was suggested that I try the new schema without the denormalisation (so, adding policy to AccessPolicyArtifact, meaning that AccessPolicyGrant has either policy or artifact set, not both).  I managed to get the equivalent Ubuntu query down to only 10% slower than the denormed version on DF (~650ms), but for products it's around ~100ms, which is slower than the original.05:38
wgrantThis seems to be because it always does a seq scan on accesspolicygrant.05:38
wgrantRather than indexing into it.05:38
wgrantCan't work out why.05:38
wgranthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/732768/ is the setup and some sample queries.05:38
wgrantThe third query (one CTE and some subselects) is the fastest for Ubuntu. The others sit at 1-1.5s.05:40
wgrantBut I can't get it to not seq scan apg.05:40
pooliethat is nice05:40
pooliei wish the colors were better chosen though05:40
wgrantpoolie: What in particular?05:40
wgrantI think Low should not be bold and black.05:41
pooliei agree05:41
pooliei would like the importance things to be on one spectrum, so their ordering is reflected in the colors05:41
poolieand i think i would like them not to overlap with the status colors05:42
wgrantThey're the same as they are now.05:42
pooliehuwshimi, what do you think?05:42
pooliei like incremental changes05:42
wgrantRed/Orange/Yellow... Black/Blue05:42
pooliebut for things like this it seems like it would be a shame not to make a better splash05:42
wgrantThey're the same as the current *text* colours.05:42
wgrantWhich is Red/Orange/Green/Black/Blue.05:43
huwshimiwgrant, poolie: We actually have a set of colours that the design team use for statuses05:43
pooliei wonder if that icon next to the product name is really earning its keep05:43
huwshimiwgrant, poolie: I haven't seen this black before05:43
wgrantRather than the icons, which are Red/Reddish/Orange/Yellow/Blue05:44
wgrantWhich probably makes more sense.05:44
wgrantExcept for Yellow being yellow.05:44
wgrantWhich is a bit ew.05:44
pooliehuwshimi, and are these colors on qas the official colors?05:45
huwshimipoolie: Nope05:45
pooliei guess specifically 'medium' has a very bold green which is more saturated (to my eye) than High05:45
poolieand Low even more so05:45
poolieand Wishlist too05:45
wgrantYeah, Medium and Low are really obvious.05:45
huwshimipoolie: I believe these are the same colours we used to have, with the exception of the black05:46
pooliei think that's true05:46
wgrantParticularly since High/Critical are the same colour as Triaged, which is the usual status for bugs with an importance.05:46
wgrantSo there's no contrast.05:46
huwshimiwgrant: I had thought the status colours were going to be removed05:46
wgrantHmm, interesting.05:46
pooliealso the small caps importance next to the regular status is a little jarring05:47
huwshimiIt's been a long time since I've seen this work and clearly I need to do a proper review05:47
poolieand they are oddly aligned05:47
wgrantThere was a bug filed overnight about Fix Committed looking like an ajax link.05:47
poolie'ajax link' :)05:47
wgrantBug #88757605:47
_mup_Bug #887576: new bug listing importance is difficult to read <bug-columns> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/887576 >05:47
wgrantBug #88757505:47
_mup_Bug #887575: fix released and fix committed status color in new bug listing look like ajax action links <bug-columns> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/887575 >05:47
wgrantInterestingly, the first bug's title mentions importance, but description says status.05:48
wgrantGitHub's status styleing on the issue page itself is suspiciously similar to our new listings' importance styling.05:52
pooliewgrant, yeah, and unfortunately there is a bit more logic to them styling them that way05:53
pooliewhich is that they are tag-type things that can be dragged around05:53
wgrantWell, labels are separate, but all the category-related things seem to be styled like that.05:57
wgrantLabels, statuses, filters.05:57
wgrantAnd Google Code's issue tracker is just hilarious.05:58
wgranthuwshimi: Are the desired colours shown somewhere?05:59
huwshimiwgrant: Not that I know of05:59
huwshimiwgrant: I have some hex codes06:00
wgrantDo their values map reasonably well onto ours?06:00
huwshimiwgrant: Yeah, let me grab a screenshot06:01
wgrantpoolie: What do you think of the general prominence of the importance?06:02
wgrantpoolie: It seems like it's massively emphasised over the status.06:02
wgrantWhen the status is possibly more important.06:02
pooliei find the stacked layout kind of hard to scan06:03
poolieespecially because the colors overlap06:03
wgrantYeah, that's a worry.06:03
huwshimiwgrant: http://people.canonical.com/~huwshimi/status_colours.png06:03
wgrantBut maybe that's less important once we have good sorting and filtering.06:03
wgranthuwshimi: Hmmmmmmmmm.06:03
pooliei think we ought to ask: why are we showing this at all06:03
pooliewhat kind of thing do people do with this information06:03
poolie"oh, that's new/untriaged, i'll go and do it now"06:04
wgrantEntirely desaturating the status was not the solution I had in mind.06:04
wgrantSort of the opposite :)06:04
wgrantThe importance is really more like a tag, IME.06:04
poolie"of the bugs with this tag, 2 are in progress, 3 fixed, 3 triaged"06:04
wgrantAn unimportant tag.06:04
pooliei think also whether projects accept it or not, there's "critical, high, other"06:05
poolieoh, and null06:05
pooliei do wonder if the scale should reflect that by having nonlinear differences in color - http://people.canonical.com/~huwshimi/status_colours.png is a bit better in that respect but not quite there06:05
wgrant"Other" is split.06:06
wgrantBut it's clearly separate from Critical and High.06:06
wgrantBy being cooler.06:06
poolieso i would have eg "red, orange, yellow, faded yellow, dull yellow"06:06
wgrantThe colours in that are much more subtle, too.06:06
wgrantMuch better.06:06
wgrantThe blocks of colour also look pretty odd next to our detailed icons, I think.06:07
pooliei do generally like the colors06:08
pooliei think06:08
wgrantIt's all pretty simple and not busy, but then you get to these variously-coloured outlined detailed icons :(06:08
pooliethe statuses are less jarring because they are not colored at all06:08
* wgrant campaigns for monochrome icons.06:08
pooliebut it seems based on an assumption that the importance is much more salient than the status06:09
pooliewhich i don't think is true06:09
poolie... and again that should probably come out of a theory about what people use this information for06:09
wgrantIt really depends.06:09
wgrantDepending on the filter.06:09
pooliei don't think it's universally true06:09
wgranteg. we by default filter to open bugs.06:09
poolieyou know i'd really like the filters to start having an overridable opinion about what you're using that filter for06:10
poolieeg inprogress should show you to whom they're assigned06:10
wgrantBut it's still useful to distinguish between those that are untriaged (although they would have NULL importance), those that can be worked on, and those that are being worked, and those that are fixed but not released.06:10
wgrantReally the status is just noise normally.06:10
pooliei think it at least some uses it'd be good to highlight "in play" statuses06:10
wgrantEverything can be distinguished from importance and assignee.06:10
pooliewell, really just inprogress, and maybe fixcomitted06:11
wgrantNew: unset importance06:11
wgrantTriaged: set importance06:11
pooliewell, that too06:11
wgrantIn progress: set assignee06:11
poolieget rid of a few statuses06:11
wgrantIncomplete... not sure06:11
wgrantFix Committed: pointless06:11
pooliei think incomplete is an orthogonal bit06:11
poolie"needs more input", ie developers can't work on it (and it will eventually expire) if an affected user doesn't provide more info06:12
wgrantI've thought about abolishing status for issuetracker.06:12
pooliei think this works pretty well  in answers06:12
wgrantinvalid/wontfix/opinion are all one status06:12
wgrantfixcommitted is largely pointless06:13
wgrantincomplete can apply to most states, so should be separate06:13
wgrantnew is implied by there being no importance06:13
wgrantinprogress is implied by there being an assignee06:13
poolie... anyhow, one step at a time06:13
pooliei think one good thing huw's retheme can hopefully do is provide a consistency about where color is used and how much06:13
wgranthuwshimi: Do you have plans for our iconset?06:14
pooliei would hope it says it's used for important things06:14
pooliekill the goddamn pencil06:14
huwshimiwgrant: Yeah, I have plans to redesign it.06:14
wgrantThe pencil was scheduled for demolition 2.5 years ago :)06:14
wgranthuwshimi: Excellent.06:14
huwshimiwgrant: I haven't done much work on it yet, but it's probably going to be monochrome06:15
huwshimiwgrant: At least in the current mockups it has been06:15
pooliegrey plus purple anyhow06:15
micahgok, so I see the new delete task feature, but I'm not sure, if I delete a default task, does that remove the targetted tasks as well or do I have to target the devel release to delete the default task or is there still no way to delete the default task?06:16
wgrantmicahg: You can delete any task individually, as long as at least one task is left on the bug.06:17
wgrantmicahg: This does mean that you can have eg. a linux (Ubuntu Lucid) task without a linux (Ubuntu) task.06:17
micahgright, but like in bug 887339, I don't need the default tasks, but I need the targetted ones06:17
_mup_Bug #887339: Tracking bug for Firefox 8 transition <firefox (Ubuntu):Invalid> <mozvoikko (Ubuntu):Invalid> <ubufox (Ubuntu):Invalid> <firefox (Ubuntu Natty):Fix Committed by micahg> <mozvoikko (Ubuntu Natty):Fix Committed by micahg> <ubufox (Ubuntu Natty):Fix Committed by micahg> <firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric):Fix Committed by micahg> <mozvoikko (Ubuntu Oneiric):Fix Committed by micahg> <ubufox (Ubuntu Oneiric):Fix Committed by micahg> < https://la06:17
wgrantI would discourage deleting them.06:17
wgrantThe parent target will still appear, see eg. bug #123406:18
_mup_Bug #1234: Gina is an unmaintainable mess of command line options, environment variables and shell scripts <lp-foundations> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by debonzi> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234 >06:18
wgrantNot that.06:18
wgrantBug #4315006:18
_mup_Bug #43150: [SRU] maxima frontends fail to connect <wxmaxima (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <gcl (Ubuntu Dapper):Fix Released by wgrant> <maxima (Ubuntu Dapper):Fix Released> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/43150 >06:18
wgrantThe parent targets without tasks are still shown in the table.06:18
wgrantTask deletion exists mostly to remove projects that shouldn't be on bugs.06:19
wgrantIt's not intended for what you suggest, though it will mostly work.06:19
micahgright, that's what I'm thinking, to look something like that bug06:20
micahgbut if it's not advised, I'll leave it06:20
wgrant(that bug was never intended to be like that, but it ended up being somewhat broken when series tasks were reworked in 2007)06:20
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: qas/staging down | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: StevenK | Critical bugtasks: 275
=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: qas/staging down | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugtasks: 275
jtvStevenK: oh crap, completely forgot to OCR today.  I'll just join you.06:58
=== jtv changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: qas/staging down | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: jtv | Critical bugtasks: 275
StevenKOr not join me06:58
jtvWell, replace you.06:59
jtvOr something.06:59
StevenKI sit replaced.06:59
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: jtv | Critical bugtasks: 275
jtvmorning rvba07:25
rvba\o jtv!07:25
pooliehi rvba, jtv07:28
rvbaHello poolie.07:28
poolieso when launchpad runs its tests against the external buildd code08:10
poolieit will need a copy of that08:10
wgrantpoolie: Probably best to put it in sourcecode/ for now.08:12
poolieyeah it would be a bit weird to make it an egg08:13
jtvhi poolie — back from getting some stuff08:17
jtvwgrant: any objections to a dogfood update?08:18
wgrantjtv: Go ahead.08:18
pooliepackage name 'launchpad_buildd' or 'launchpadbuildd' or 'lpbuildd'?08:23
pooliemaybe the last08:23
huwshimiJust heading out, but a branch for someone who is generous enough: https://code.launchpad.net/~huwshimi/launchpad/tag-cloud-removal-709009/+merge/8168908:37
danhgMorning all09:03
adeuringgood morning09:07
jtvI think this is one of those rare cases where I need full tracebacks from test errors.  Anyone know how I get the full traceback instead of the normal abridged one?09:10
jmljtv: it's a bit tricky.09:16
jmljtv: try decorating the test with @run_test_with(FullStackRunTest)09:17
jtvThat doesn't sound too tricky!09:17
jmljtv: from testtools import run_test_with; from testtools.tests.helpers import FullStackRunTest09:17
jmljtv: it won't give you the full stack though, it'll just reveal the testtools-specific stuff09:17
jtvWe'll see how far it gets me.09:18
jmljtv: bug 881778 and bug 881780 have been filed already on testtools and are my next thing to do for it.09:18
_mup_Bug #881778: frame hiding cannot be disabled, interferes with debugging <regression> <traceback> <testtools:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/881778 >09:18
_mup_Bug #881780: no way to transiently disable frame hiding <traceback> <testtools:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/881780 >09:18
jtvAlas, it didn't do the trick.09:19
jmljtv: did it not work at all?09:19
jtvActually, the "traceback" consists of _only_ the exception description.  I've been assuming that that was just because the abridgment eliminated the whole thing, but perhaps there's some other way that could happen?09:19
jtvTraceback (most recent call last):09:20
jtvDNSLookupError: DNS lookup failed: <etc.>09:20
jtvJust those two lines.09:20
pooliecan someone have a squiz at https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad-buildd/rename-package/+merge/8169209:35
jtvpoolie: after my standup, sure09:36
allenapjtv: Little review? https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/bug-export-schema/+merge/8169910:29
jtvallenap: otp; would half an hour be OK?10:31
allenapjtv: Absolutely, it's not urgent.10:31
jmlhey, diffs seem to be taking a long time to generate.10:56
jmlsince posting my MP, I've gone downstairs & filled up a bottle of water, greeted the postman (not a euphemism), and then put a bunch of cardboard boxes in the loft. Still no diff.10:57
lifelessjml: single threaded, possibly behind something big.10:58
bigjoolsthat would be a great euphemism though10:59
lifelessjml: your bug about reviews10:59
lifelessjml: isn't https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/+activereviews roughly the view you ask for ?10:59
nigelbooh, it was jml  that asked for this at the launchpad session?11:02
nigelblifeless: NICE!11:02
nigelblifeless: I maybe seeing a regression. On the project page now it doesn't show the different categories "Reviews I'm waiting", "Reviews I can do", etc11:04
lifelessdoes for me11:05
nigelbwhat the....11:05
nigelbit didn't work 2 minutes ago.11:05
nigelbIt picks every review I'm associated with. Like.11:07
lifelesscheck the url11:07
lifelessbet you there is a difference11:07
nigelbProbably my mistake11:07
nigelbAnyway, this is nice :)11:07
lifelesse.g. +reviews vs +activereviews11:07
lifelessor something11:07
jmllifeless: no.11:08
jmllifeless: or rather, it's close, but I want reviews that aren't assigned to me to appear on it. If you submit an MP to, say, it won't show up on my page.11:09
nigelb"Reviews I *can* do"11:10
jmlyes. although there's a lot of those :)11:10
jmlrestricting it to projects I'm interested in would be nice.11:10
jtvallenap: you're done.11:12
allenapjtv: Thanks.11:12
lifelessjml: so, I think it just needs a way to say 'I may be a reviewer for X, but I don't care about it'.11:16
lifelessjml: one way is to not be in the reviewer team for X.11:16
jmluhh... no?11:16
jmlwell, depends on what "it" is there11:16
lifelessso, +activereviews shows reviews that aren't assigned to you. The heuristics is that they are on a branch you are in the review team for.11:17
lifelesswhat you said above was '00:09 < jml> lifeless: or rather, it's close, but I want reviews that aren't assigned to me to appear on it. If you submit an MP to, say, it won't show up on my page.11:17
jmllifeless: no, it doesn't.11:17
lifelessand then '00:10 < jml> restricting it to projects I'm interested in would be nice.11:17
lifelessjml: are you saying you want proposals that you're not an authoritative reviewer for to show up as well?11:18
jmllifeless: "as well" is wrong. Person/+activereviews does not show reviews that aren't assigned to me. e.g. kampka's review on https://code.launchpad.net/testtools/+activereviews isn't shown on https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/+activereviews11:19
lifelessjml: ah, or are you saying that 'reviews I can do' doesn't show up on your ~ +activereviews?11:19
lifelessjml: This may be shallow. Thanks for helping me understand.11:20
jmllifeless: yes, that's what I'm saying. That was the intended behaviour of the page when thumper made it.11:20
jmltbh, if suddenly there was a "Reviews I can do" section, I'd want it grouped by project.11:20
jmllifeless: np11:20
jmlanother slow diff generation :\11:23
lifelessjml: naturally11:23
lifelessjml: would you care to note this in the bug ?11:23
jmllifeless: done11:30
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
StevenKjtv: Are you still OCR, or are you EOD?12:09
jtvStevenK: sort of eod tbh12:15
jtvIf your branch isn't too big I can trade you a speedup for the [BS]PPH.{source,binary}packagename populators.12:16
=== jtv changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugtasks: 275
StevenKIn the garbo job?12:16
StevenKjtv: Problem is, my branch isn't done yet.12:16
jtvWell that'd put a bit of a crimp on it.12:16
StevenKA bit, yes12:21
jtvbigjools: about a minute and a half — still seems to do the usual stuff though12:36
StevenKjtv: Are you still up for that MP swap?13:04
deryckHi, all.14:02
flacostehi deryck!14:12
deryckadeuring, ping for standup14:30
adeuringderyck: oops, starting mumble now. sorry14:31
sinzuiI believe there are 3 private new bugs in Launchpad that no-one can see. This has been the case for a few months14:45
* sinzui wonders if staging can show them14:46
deryckadeuring, are you working from this mockup for the beta banner?  http://people.canonical.com/~deryck/beta_banner.png14:49
adeuringderyck: yes14:50
deryckadeuring, ok.  And it's that blue on black that's hard to read?14:50
adeuringderyck: right14:50
deryckadeuring, do you have the transparency, too?14:50
adeuringderyck: yes14:50
deryckadeuring, ok, cool.  I'd say just keep that match and point huw at the issues you see then.14:51
adeuringderyck: ok. BTW, I suspect that the blue colour in the mockup is simply  not identical with the colour we use elsewhere for links14:52
nigelbCustom bug lists feature looks amazing btw14:52
derycknigelb, thanks!14:52
deryckadeuring, that's what I was wondering.  let me open in gimp and get the exact color.14:53
* deryck thinks the Oranga Mafia are becoming design gurus14:53
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: abentley | Critical bugtasks: 275
deryckadeuring, like the gray, it's hard to pin down from mockup, but I think it's #4884EF.15:01
adeuringderyck: ok, I'll try it15:01
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
abentleyderyck:  could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/enable-anonymous-jsoncache/+merge/81741 ? (I'm the OCR)15:25
deryckabentley, I can.  Give me 15-20 minutes to wrap up some emails for the day, and then I'll start.15:26
abentleyderyck: thanks.15:26
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
deryckabentley, your MP looks great.  No comments really.  r=me.16:17
abentleyderyck: thanks.16:18
deryckabentley, adeuring, hey look there's rick_h :)16:31
adeuringrick_h: welcome!16:31
rick_hsorry, should have thought to look for -dev a while ago16:32
abentleyrick_h: Hi!16:32
rick_hhowdy all16:32
deryckrick_h will be new Orange Mafia next week, for those who don't know.16:34
jelmerrick_h: welcome :)16:35
rick_hthanks, looking forward to it16:36
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
rvbawelcome rick_h!16:36
nigelboooh! Hello rick_h!16:37
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
timrcdanhg, welcome aboard and thanks for doing the usability sessions at UDS/P17:24
danhghey, thanks tim17:24
danhgwas great to hang out17:25
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
abentleyderyck: back, forward and reload buttons now work.18:04
deryckabentley, nice!18:05
deryckabentley, well done.18:05
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
lifelesscr3: hi18:53
cr3lifeless: hola senor, what's up?19:03
lifelesssorry otp now ;)19:06
cr3lifeless: no worries, reping me when done19:07
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
lifelesscr3: hi19:26
lifelesscr3: wanted to touch base on the person access api we discussed19:26
mrevellnight all19:28
lifelesscr3: however I have to run in a minute now - monthly allergy vaccine injection19:35
lifelesscr3: will try around this time tomorrow19:36
cr3lifeless: sure, looking forward to your ping tomorrow19:37
lifelesswallyworld_: add member should't need changing19:46
lifelesswallyworld_: non-open/delegated teams already prevent addition of open-delegated teams to the team.19:46
thumperlifeless: the reason behind avoiding having reviews I can do on the person review page was the potential amount of them19:57
abentleyderyck: chat?20:27
deryckabentley, sure.20:27
abentleyderyck: on mumble, I mean.20:28
mwhudson+                    report.get('value', 'No execption value'))20:31
* mwhudson twitches20:31
bachi mwhudson20:36
bacmwhudson: you afflicted by more than the typo?20:42
mwhudsonbac: no, just the typo20:42
mwhudsonbac: i guess i could just fix it myself, sorry20:43
bacmwhudson: ok -- i'll fix it.20:43
bacmwhudson: turns out 'execption' occurs in our code base three times!20:45
mwhudsonbac: hahaha20:45
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
LifelrssStatik: hi21:01
mwhudsonjelmer: so if the recipe memory problems are fixed, has anyone tried a kernel build yet? :-)21:34
jelmermwhudson: hmm, that'd be an interesting thing to try21:35
mwhudsonjelmer: john rigby from linaro actually wanted to do it, too21:36
mwhudsonah, kernel imports don't scan correctly21:36
mwhudsonis that going to be a problem?21:36
jelmermwhudson: yeah, that might be a problem21:37
jelmerit seems like 2.6 imports fine though21:37
mwhudsonah, that's probably been around for long enough21:37
jelmerand I have some in-progress work to improve the scanner performance21:37
jelmerBranch.revision_history() is deprecated in bzr 2.5, which breaks lots of things in Launchpad, so that code will have to change anyway21:38
mwhudsoni think it's some new-ish time restriction on how long scanner jobs run for that prevents new imports from scanning21:38
jelmermight as well use the new, fancy, APIs21:38
mwhudsonjelmer: does it involve deleting BranchRevision?21:38
jelmermwhudson: no21:38
mwhudsonsad fave21:38
jelmerbranchrevision scares me21:39
mwhudsonthe things it does that aren't trivial to replace with bzr ops are ... i forget now21:39
mwhudsonper project revision feeds?21:39
mwhudsonrevisioncache updates in general i guess21:39
mwhudsonreally we should have a microservice for things like "which revisions are unmerged in this mp" blah blah blah21:40
mwhudsonjelmer: i remember that revision_history started to be bad news around when i started with canonical21:43
mwhudsonjelmer: some things move slowly :-)21:43
jelmermwhudson: the format moved away from it a long time ago21:46
jelmermwhudson: but the API was still there21:46
mwhudsonthere was a version of knits with it and another without it?21:46
wgrantjelmer, mwhudson: I've had some luck with manually doing progressive scans of large new imports.21:55
pooliehuwshimi, hi, there were a couple of things at the google event that i wanted to briefly mention with you22:20
pooliealso thanks for fixing the tag cloud22:20
huwshimipoolie: :)]22:20
StevenKabentley: Hai, are you still up for reviewing a branch?22:22
sinzuiwallyworld_, from canonical.launchpad.webapp.authorization import (22:24
sinzui    precache_permission_for_objects,22:24
sinzui    )22:24
poolielifeless, re putting launchpad-buildd in an egg, that seemed a bit strange for something that's mostly not python, and has no python packaging at the moment22:30
poolieit feels more like it should be a dpkg dependency22:31
jelmerwgrant: that's by pushing the branch 10k or so revisions at a time?22:33
wgrantjelmer: Yep.22:34
wgrantjelmer: Sometimes much less :/22:34
abentleyStevenK: sorry.22:35
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugtasks: 275
lifelesspoolie: I want to reduce the number of dependency systems we are using22:39
lifelesspoolie: for the forseeable future, eggs are needed, and so are dpkg packages.22:39
lifelesspoolie: so either is fine IMO22:39
pooliei just need to make sure installing the package does not convert your machine into a buildd22:42
pooliethough that might be kind of useful :)22:42
poolieespecially leading up to the release22:42
lifelessthere are some options22:42
lifelesswe could mandate having it run in a container22:42
lifelessfor instance22:43
lifelessor you could create a test fake like that sketched on the SOA pages22:43
pooliei think eventually separating the tests along the interface will be good22:44
pooliefor now i'm testing the whole thing because it's not very expensive and there is risk of integration breakage22:44
pooliedo you know how hard it would be to run up a realistic buildd vm locally and do manual integration testing?22:45
pooliemy impression is it's quite hard and unautomated22:45
wgrantpoolie: It's reasonably unautomated, but not exactly hard.22:45
wgrantIt's also well-documented.22:46
wgrantI think people other than me have done it.22:46
lifelessripe for improvement22:46
mwhudsoni've set up an arm buildd22:46
mwhudsonand used it with launchpad22:46
mwhudsonit's fiddly, but not hard22:46
wgrantThat page suggests installing it on your LP system, but that only really makes sense if your LP is running in a VM.22:47
wgrantBecause it really shouldn't be running on a real machine.22:47
pooliei'm surprised that will work because it seems to have a hardcoded "if not under xen, abort" check22:48
wgrantpoolie: Ah, for recipe builds, probably not.22:49
wgrantWe have some thoroughly stupid checks.22:49
wgrantThat I couldn't be bothered complaining about.22:49
wgrant(that one is new)22:49
flacosteiirc, it was a request from IS22:52
flacoste(the if not under xen, abort)22:53
wgrantYes, and it was not a very sensible request :/22:53
wgrantBecause recipe builds are the safe ones.22:53
wgrantWell, not safe.22:53
wgrantBut safer than binary builds.22:53
wgrantIf it's not running under Xen, we have far larger problem.s22:53
flacostei have to admin, i forgot the rationale behind them asking this22:53
pooliei can easily change it to be on by default but disableable22:54
poolieif that's a word22:54
wgrantHopefully lamont won't notice if we remove it.22:54
wgrantIt's only very very slightly beneficial to security.22:54
pooliethat actually seems like a nice place to use one of those TCB features22:55
poolieperhaps they're not in the stock kernel22:55
pooliebut, limiting the machine to exec'ing only particular binaries22:55
poolieor for that matter just having some noexec filesystems22:55
wgrantpoolie: Doesn't quite work for a buildd :)22:55
StevenKsinzui: I can't use celebrity_logged_in -- I need to pass the principal into the view.22:55
pooliewgrant, why?22:55
StevenKsinzui: I already thought of using it when I wrote the branch.22:55
wgrantpoolie: Because they construct unsigned binaries...22:56
pooliei guess you would need something that allowed execution inside the chroot but not outside22:56
poolieperhaps possible though22:56
wgrantAnd that's not useful.22:56
wgrantBecause chroots are not secure.22:56
poolieso the point is to make sure arbitrary code does not run outside of the vm22:59
poolieperhaps the host outside of the vm should be more locked22:59
wgrantIt's to make sure untrusted code doesn't run on the non-virt builders.23:00
wgrantBut it's a failed attempt to do that.23:01
wgrantBecause binary builds still work, and they're far easier to exploit.23:01
lifelessso I'm not endorsing the check23:01
lifelessbut failure to prevent attacks A *and* B doesn't make a solution to attack A valueless.23:01
wgrantBut in this case it's really not very useful.23:02
wgrantAnd it's actively harmful to development.23:02
wgrantNot useful + harmful == kill23:02
pooliei'll do something about it so i can test23:03
pooliei can understand how they would want some protection against things running in the wrong place through operator error, even if it is not 100%23:03
wgrantIt's not even 10%.23:03
wgrantlifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/732768/ is an attempt without the denormalisation (AccessPolicyArtifact.policy exists, and AccessPolicyGrant's policy and artifact columns are mutually exclusive).23:42
wgrantlifeless: It's about 10% slower for Ubuntu on DF.23:42
wgrantlifeless: But much slower for other projects.23:42
wgrant(the third form of the query seems to be the fastest)23:42
wgrantBecause it does a seq scan on APG.23:43
wgrantRefuses to use the indices.23:43
wgrantWas wondering if you could poke a bit.23:43
lifelesssure, I need to have an urgent poke at a few other things first, but after that I will23:54
lifeless(running out of disk space on carob would be bad)23:54
StevenKSure, not seeing 2,000 OOPSes would be so tragic.23:54
StevenKWon't someone think of the OOPSes23:54

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