
=== Mohan_chml is now known as M0hi
coalwaterhow do i make my vps allow people to download files in a resumable mode..02:00
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asterismohey people i need help with someone03:25
asterismoregarding xubuntu03:25
coalwaterhi asterismo03:31
coalwaterwhats up03:31
coalwateri dont really use xubuntu but i could try03:31
asterismohere is the thing03:32
asterismo1 sec03:33
asterismosee this screenshot03:38
coalwaterwhats wrong with it03:40
coalwaterselected icon ?03:40
asterismoi would to change the selected color of the window button03:40
asterismou see that the text is not easy to read03:41
coalwaterthe orange?03:41
asterismoand the mouse-on color is dark too, think the same color that selected03:41
coalwaterisn't there a gui tool for that?03:41
asterismoand i was searching in /usr/share/themes/Radiance03:42
asterismoi dont know03:42
asterismothere is gtk-2.0 and gtk-3.0 folders and plenty of .css files03:42
asterismobut dont know where color to change03:43
coalwaterhmm, well gnome has a theme editor, i guess xfce doesn't03:44
coalwatersadly im on a windows session now, so i cant help03:45
coalwaterhold on let me see if i can pull the themes folders03:45
asterismoi just made a mistake on something else regarding XFCE03:48
asterismoi accidentally dragged the desktop folder to some other folder or some like that03:49
asterismonow is like my home content is in the desktop03:49
coalwateru can't move it back ?03:50
asterismoi'll try03:50
asterismosomething is wrong03:52
coalwateri could send u my gtkrc file, from gtk 2, u try to do a diff03:52
asterismoif i drag the desktop folders and files in to my home, they copy again in the desktop as a "copy of documents"03:56
coalwaterdo u want to move ?04:00
coalwateru could play with the (ctrl,alt,shift) keys, one of them forces move, and one forces copy, the third probably does nothing04:01
asterismoin my desktop i used to see mi home folder, trash and volumes04:02
asterismobut in the file-manager04:02
asterismoi accidentally missdrag the desktop folder to the sidebar to make a shortcut and it moved it into some place else, now in my desktop i have the Pictures, Downloads folder... and so04:03
asterismoand the Desktop folder loose the desktop folder emblem, its like a regular folder04:03
asterismokinda hard to understand04:04
coalwaterhey buddy im sorry but i gotta leave04:06
coalwaterill be back in an hour04:06
Chacioushow u doing in ubuntuland?04:40
IAmNotThatGuyI am new to Ubuntu. So I am just learning =)04:41
Chaciouscool welcome :)04:41
Chaciousgood to see new people coming over to linux04:41
IAmNotThatGuyhow about you Chacious ?04:42
Chaciousim doing good, been using linux for years but getting more into the command line and programming aspects here recently04:43
IAmNotThatGuyAh! Thats great. Join #ubuntu-beginners-team so that we can discuss =]04:44
Chaciouswhats the diff between this channel and that, is that one more for general talk and this one mainly for help?04:44
IAmNotThatGuyThis channel is for help. That channel is for offtopic. Our discussion falls under offtopic =)04:45
Chaciousk gotacha04:45
Space-DuckWhy can I not find apache in the software center?05:39
Chacioustry searching for apache205:39
Chaciouslogging into my ubuntu desktop to see if i can find it05:40
holsteinsearching apache in the software center doesnt work, but apache2 does...05:42
Chaciousi found it by searching for apache2 but not apache05:42
holsteinChacious: yeah... odd right?05:42
holsteinthis is about the 3rd time ive opened the software center though05:43
Chaciousfigured it would show up with a search for apache since itso nly 1 character off what it is called when you do a sudo apt-get install05:43
Chaciousits only*05:43
holsteindoesnt seem like its properly drilling down05:44
holsteinwonder where you find/file that bug ;)05:44
bioterroronce again apt-cache search could have been a better tool ;)05:44
holsteincomes right up there :)05:45
coalwaterhow do i search using apt-(something)05:48
holsteinapt-cache search whateve05:48
holsteindont need sudo even05:48
Chaciousnever knew about that very handy05:48
coalwaterbut that searches my cache folder only?05:48
coalwateror all available packages even if not installed ?05:49
Chaciousall i assume05:49
coalwaterok, so assuming in this case we want to find apache, we do apt-cache what?05:49
bioterrorand you can use many words in apt-cache05:50
bioterrorlike hmmm05:50
coalwaterapt-cache hmm :D05:50
holsteinyeah, it searches the repositories05:50
bioterrorapt-cache search game rpg05:51
nlsthznAnyone here able to confirm/deny the slowness of the Forums at the moment?!08:59
geirhaDoesn't feel slow to me09:00
nlsthzngeirha: cool thanks... might just be the net on my side, thanks for the assistance...09:01
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hobgoblinhi s-fox :)15:02
s-foxHello hobgoblin .15:21
bdfhjkhi s-fox15:42
FanshaweHello all. Is there an equivalent of Siri available in Ubuntu?17:00
bdfhjkhi Fanshawe17:01
bdfhjkwhat is it Siri?17:01
FanshaweSiri is a personal assistant program which recognises speech commands, and takes notes if you dictate to it17:02
FanshaweIn fact, just a program that I can speak to and have it take down what I say in text form would be superbly useful to me17:03
Fanshawebut I don't know whether one exists17:03
bdfhjkI don't know about program like this17:04
bdfhjkmaybe someone else will know17:04
FanshaweOkay. Thank you anyway.17:05
hobgoblinFanshawe: a look on the forum is sparse - there was something a year ago - but it doesn't appear to be very flexible17:07
FanshaweI'd be willing to test anything.17:08
hobgoblinnot sure if it's anygood for dictation though17:08
hobgoblinis the search I run and17:09
hobgoblinis one I looked at17:09
hobgoblinFanshawe: http://sourceforge.net/projects/speech2text/17:11
hobgoblinanother one17:11
Fanshaweexcellent, hobgoblin, I'll try that second one17:11
hobgoblinwell I hope it works for you :)17:12
bdfhjkmahamed90: what is your problem?17:24
mahamed90my pc never shuts downs even when i give the sudo halt cmd17:24
mahamed90screen goes blank and the cpu is whirling17:24
bdfhjkmahamed90: did You see any error?17:25
ashickur-noorhead_victim:  hi17:26
mahamed90and i do have an experience with linux, debian and fedora worked fine17:26
ashickur-noorHow r u everyone17:26
FanshaweI cannot get Simon to work.17:52
FanshaweDriving me crazy.17:52
Fanshawesomeone help me with this dependency issue17:55
FanshaweError: Cannot install 'libqt4-multimedia'17:56
FanshaweOh right, it's not installed17:57
Fanshaweokay, trying again17:57
Fanshawe  Depends: libqtcore4 (=4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5) but 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5.2 is to be installed17:58
Fanshawe  Depends: libqtgui4 (=4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5) but 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5.2 is to be installed17:58
Fanshawethey are installed17:58
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geirhaFanshawe: Hm. Is that package from a third-party repository/PPA? At any rate, make sure to run ''sudo apt-get update'' first, and check the output for any failures.18:20
Fanshawegot it, geirha, doing so now18:33
Fanshaweno errors18:34
Fanshaweroot@user-900:/home/user# sudo apt-get install libqt4-multimedia18:37
FanshaweReading package lists... Done18:37
FanshaweBuilding dependency tree18:37
FanshaweReading state information... Done18:37
FanshaweSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have18:37
Fanshawerequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable18:37
Fanshawedistribution that some required packages have not yet been created18:37
Fanshaweor been moved out of Incoming.18:37
FanshaweThe following information may help to resolve the situation:18:37
FanshaweThe following packages have unmet dependencies.18:37
Fanshawe  libqt4-multimedia: Depends: libqtcore4 (= 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5) but 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5.2 is to be installed18:37
Fanshawe                     Depends: libqtgui4 (= 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5) but 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5.2 is to be installed18:38
FanshaweE: Broken packages18:38
Fanshawerunning update manager18:39
hobgoblinif you've got broken packages it'll probably fail18:40
hobgoblinif necessary - either go to synaptic and fix broken packages or in terminal sudo apt-get install -f18:41
Fanshawewhat do you mean 'broken packages'?18:41
hobgoblinE: Broken packages18:41
Fanshaweyeah, but what does that mean?18:41
hobgoblinit's the dependencies afaik18:42
lalatenduMFanshaw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto#How_to_fix_broken_packages19:05
FanshaweThat's alright, I've got it. An update solved the problem, and I've installed the package.19:08
FanshaweI'm not configuring Simon as we speak.19:08

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