
=== Guest24123 is now known as charles
pittiGood morning05:11
TheMusoMorning pitti.05:30
pittihey TheMuso, how are you?05:30
TheMusopitti: Feeling much better thanks. Caught up on sleep and feel I have beaten a slight bug I caught whilst being run down from my trip.05:31
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pittihey rodrigo_07:34
didrocksgood morning07:35
rodrigo_hi pitti, didrocks07:36
didrockshey rodrigo_07:36
* rodrigo_ goes (again) to the police station, bbiab09:08
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:33
pittihey chrisccoulson09:33
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, how are you?09:33
pittipretty well, thanks! how about you?09:33
pittistill jetlagged?09:33
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm pretty tired this morning still09:34
chrisccoulsoni was up quite late trying to figure out an addon upgrade issue which is blocking the firefox security update, with little success09:34
seb128hey chrisccoulson pitti09:36
pittibonjour seb12809:36
seb128hey pitti, how are you?09:37
pittiseb128: can't complain, pretty good09:37
pittiI'm waking up like clockwork, just had some trouble getting to sleep yesterday09:38
seb128bryceh, you made people unhappy on bug #868400 by setting it incomplete where it gets angry comment almost every day09:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 868400 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Synaptics touchpad stops working" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86840009:38
seb128bryceh, if that's a bot reply you might want to update the bot logic to not incomplete active bugs09:38
seb128pitti, I've no trouble getting to sleep but I've trouble getting up ;-)09:39
pittiI'm sure it is a bot reply09:40
chrisccoulsonhey seb12809:40
pittiI also got one for one of my bugs, I just set it back to triaged with a comment09:40
seb128hey chrisccoulson, stop spending your nights working!09:40
seb128pitti, yeah, probably a bot reply, just unfortunate which it landed on an annoying bug where users are actively commented (and being ignored by us so far)09:41
mhr3pitti, would i see in apport-filed bug that the user has two graphic cards? like there's the "GraphicsCard:" line, would multiple be listed?09:57
hrwfirst day of using unity for work - want me to report any issue?10:03
seb128hey hrw10:05
seb128if you have bugs you can check in launchpad if they have been filed and file them if not10:06
seb128hrw, if you want to discuss unity on IRC maybe better to use #ayatana that's where dx (those who write the code) hang out10:06
seb128you can also mention those here but you will reach mainly the packagers, not the upstreams10:07
chrisccoulsonand if you use the ayatana mailing list, you have to use the words "Fitt's Law" at least once in your messages :)10:10
chrisccoulsonhrw, that was an attempt at sarcasm ;)10:15
chrisccoulsonnot sure if you read that mailing list or not10:15
hrwchrisccoulson: no, I do not10:15
chrisccoulsonah :)10:15
hrwso far with gnome-control-center + gnome-tweak-tool + ubuntu-tweak I got something which reminds previous setup (as long as I do not try to use Super+[1-9] to switch destops and ignore panels)10:19
seb128seems like users try to copy their old way to work when switching10:20
seb128not sure that's the best thing to do, I would recommend trying to use a rather stock unity for a while and figure what works or not for you10:21
seb128you might be surprised and find that some things are nice and work better than the "old way"10:21
seb128then you know what to adapt or not10:21
hrwseb128: but how do I switch to destktop where I have terminal + 4 gvim windows? in other way then ctrl-alt-left multiple time10:25
seb128you can set keybidings for workspace switching in the GNOME control center10:26
seb128or in ccsm10:26
seb128(stay away from ccsm if you can, it cna be destructive)10:26
hrwccsm is nightmare indeed10:27
hrwseb128: bug 886812 looks to be duplicate of bug 86750210:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 886812 in gnome-control-center "window does not scale up and is not resizable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88681210:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 867502 in gnome-control-center "The system settings window is a bit too small with some themes" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86750210:30
seb128hrw, thanks, feel free to mark it as such10:30
hrwdone and commented10:31
hrwbtw - how to setup WM to alt-tab first inside of desktop?10:31
hrwdestkop1=terminal, gnome-control-center and alt-tab switches me to firefox on desktop2 when I am in terminal10:32
seb128you can unmap in unity alt-tab in ccsm and use the old switcher instead if you want10:32
hrwso it is by design?10:32
hrwbug 842475 exists already10:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 842475 in unity "No way to switch quickly between windows (or apps) on the same desktop" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84247510:37
hrwis it normal that when I switch to firefox (Start+2) I am not able to type in window and have to activate other app and then firefox again to have it working?10:41
hrwseb128: thx - old switcher is nicer10:46
seb128seems like you are determined to make unity behave like your old desktop rather than trying to figure if there is anything nice to get out of unity ;-)10:47
hrwseb128: unity switcher makes my life harder when 4 gvim windows are open10:50
hrwI need alt+tab then arrows10:50
seb128yeah, it has some issues10:50
seb128well good that you can tweak and use the old switcher ;-)10:50
hrwold one is not perfect but is better then new one for me10:50
seb128well, unity switcher, if you stop on an entry which has several instance it will spawn those10:51
seb128you can also use alt-key_over_tab to cycle between the instances of the same application10:51
hrwalt+tilde for most10:51
seb128there is a bug about the spawn delay not being short enough which leads some people to not nice it does that10:51
seb128well, 'key_over_tab", really, it's not the same key there on all the layouts ;-)10:52
seb128it might be tilde for you10:52
hrwwhich component is responsible for 'incomplete language support' window? as I want to fix translation10:52
hrwseb128: during uds I used keyboard which had esc over alt...10:53
hrwok, added suggestion to translations10:55
rodrigo_is mpt off this week?11:18
zygahrw, you are doing one thing wrong11:27
hrwzyga: only one?11:27
zygahrw, unity is not your previous setup and as long as you don't accept that you will find it annoying11:27
zygahrw, I work differently since natty11:28
zygahrw, not everything is perfect11:28
zygahrw, but11:28
zygahrw, after rethinking my workflow I'm much happier than I was before11:28
hrwzyga: will see after few days11:28
hrwmostly I miss colour schemes for UI and WM-decorations11:29
seb128well, that's what I was saying before, users trying to make unity the same as their old desktop rather than trying to understand how unity work and see if that's better11:30
zygaseb128, have you seen a bug where the orange outline that usually shows up when you move the window to the side or to the top edge stays around and just sits there until I resize some (any) windows for a while?11:30
seb128but I guess resistance to change is "normal" ;-)11:30
seb128zyga, yeah, I'm pretty sure it's reported, it's a bug in compiz grid11:30
zygaseb128, ok, thanks11:31
hrwseb128: I found launcher very limited in unity - no way to run several gvim windows from one icon for example11:37
seb128hrw, you can middle click on the icon11:37
seb128to run a new instance11:37
hrwI would never guess that ;)11:37
seb128didrocks, do you know if there a reference guide to unity somewhere describing that sort of things?11:40
hrwother question: in 'mail/im' indicator there is 'configure mail' entry which does not do anything. what is a use for it?11:40
zygaseb128, wow, I did not knew that either :)11:40
hrwzyga: and you use unity for ~year ;)11:40
* zyga checks if there is a rmb option :)11:40
didrocksseb128: not that I know of, there is askubuntu.com which contains a lot of those tricks11:40
didrocksbut nothing formally written11:40
zygahrw, I rarely use it for that though, usually CTRL+SHIFT+T -> spawn terminal -> work from there11:40
didrocksyou can as well shift + click11:40
seb128didrocks, ok, so low discoverability, you know to think about questions to find details ;-)11:40
didrocksor super shift num11:40
zygahrw, unity is when I don't focus on having 10s of identical windows11:40
didrockswell, the low discoverability is by design for that feature11:41
seb128didrocks, right, well still having a summary of features would be nice for some users I guess11:41
zygadidrocks, I miss right-click context menu with that option spelled out next to an accelerator shortcut so that I can learn11:41
seb128hrw, the "configure" is supposed to run the email client corresponding to the entry, likely thunderbird on Oneiric11:42
hrwseb128: I have thunderbird installed, configured and running - selecting option does not do anything. where I can check/report bug?11:42
seb128hrw, the component is indicator-messages11:43
seb128hrw, do you have a second email entry in that menu or one for thunderbird?11:44
zygahrw, make a screenshot and attach that to your bug report11:45
hrwseb128: moment11:46
seb128do you have the thunderbird unity thing activated?11:47
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ do you know if that's required to make the indicator see tb?11:48
hrwseb128: this addon is disabled11:48
seb128try activating it11:48
seb128it should be activated by default in oneiric11:48
chrisccoulsonyeah, if it's not active, then it won't work :)11:49
hrwactivated, got option11:49
hrwis it normal that firefox from desktop2 sometimes appear partially on left side of desktop1?11:50
chrisccoulsonyay - http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/nov/09/adobe-flash-mobile-dead \o/11:51
chrisccoulsonnow, if only they would do the same with desktop flash....11:51
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
hrwok, time to relogin to get rid of appmenu indicator11:53
hrwyay! and world got easier11:54
hrwis bug 833615 duplicate of bug 706931?12:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 833615 in empathy ""connection is untrusted: Remember this choice for future connections" is not clear" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83361512:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 706931 in empathy "repeated asking to verify a certificate. enough already, I already approved it!!" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70693112:01
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, cool!12:01
zygahrw, what is wrong with your theme?12:10
zygahrw, the symbolic icons in your indicator area are impossible to see12:10
pittiseb128: do you happen to know an easy way of provoking a crash of something while your session gets shut down?12:12
* pitti wants to test a solution for bug 46093212:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 460932 in apport "Do not catch crashes which happen at logout" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46093212:13
hrwzyga: thats radiance theme12:14
zygahrw, hmm, it looks readable on my screen, are you sure you have not tweaked anything extra?12:14
zygahrw, I can show you how it looks like here12:15
pittiseb128: it seems that calling org.gnome.SessionManager.IsSessionRunning() pretty much DTRT12:15
hrwzyga: I changed theme from radiance to other now and now they are more visible12:15
zygaradiance _is_ readable12:15
pittiseb128: of course that only works for GNOME, but for now that'll help; other desktops can add something similar to apport if they want12:15
hrwnow... where I can change desktop layout from 2x2 to 1x6...12:16
seifrodrigo_, guy lunardi says hi12:17
zygahrw, http://ubuntuone.com/6a97ekIBjATMuIYY79rM0c12:17
hrwzyga: I have them now set too12:19
hrwbtw - thunderbird icon in launcher is expected to show proper amount of unread emails or just some random '1' number?12:20
rodrigo_seif, hey, tell him 'hi' also :D12:28
zygahrw, it should show the right amount12:30
zygahrw, I can show you how my messaging  indicator looks like12:30
zygahrw, did you tweak anything there?12:30
hrwzyga: nope, did not12:30
zygahrw, and obviously thunderbird needs to run for the icon to be accurate12:31
zygahrw, does restarting TB fixes the problem?12:31
seb128pitti, re (was at lunch), no easy way that I know about no12:31
hrwzyga: it is running, icons shows 'no new mail', TB says '6 mails'12:31
zygahrw, if no then I'd report it and follow up with the person that did the customization for ubuntu12:31
hrwI will12:31
zygaseb128, that brings me to semi-offtopic: who wrote the messaging indicator? I have a crazy idea I want to try12:32
seb128zyga, ted from dx12:32
zygaseb128, ted gould?12:32
* zyga is sorry if he mixed up the surname12:32
hrwzyga: bug 886907 and bug 848774 :D12:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 886907 in thunderbird "Messaging Menu and Unity launcher don't display unread messages count from Thunderbird" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88690712:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 848774 in thunderbird "Icon does not show right amount of new email" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84877412:36
zygahrw, sounds like dupe12:37
hrwzyga: anyway thing to ignore as it has to display 'new' not 'unread'12:37
zygahrw, do some de-dupe for the people that are going to chew through this12:38
seb128the counter thing tries to be smart12:39
seb128i.e it only display counts for boxes you didn't open since they got the new emails and it ignores things that you are not directly receiving12:40
seb128i.e mailing lists12:40
* rodrigo_ lunch12:42
hrwwhere I can change desktop layout from 2x2 to 1x6?12:44
zygahrw, seb128, in all honesty people expect some degree of personalization from unity so I think things like that will end up (should?) in the control center12:47
zygait's just about picking the things we allow for +112:47
zygaand adapting to feedback12:47
seb128what? number of workspaces?12:48
zygaseb128, that and a few other things12:48
seb128that like fits in ubuntu-tweaks yes12:48
zygaseb128, I'd just do 3 options initially12:48
seb128not sure about g-c-c12:48
zygaseb128, I disagree, it should be configurable by default12:48
seb128you assume that most users use workspaces there12:48
seb128which I'm not sure it's true12:48
zygaseb128, launcher hiding, workspaces and global menu12:49
seb128there were some talks about disabling workspaces by default12:49
seb128launcher hiding will get a g-c-c option this cycle12:49
seb128the menus are being discussed12:49
hrwand playing with ccsm == compiz hang == kill compiz from text console12:49
seb128they are a known issue12:49
seb128not sure about workspaces12:49
hrwzyga: and launcher size...12:49
seb128that will get a g-c-c option as well iirc12:49
zygaseb128, that is possible, the way mac (Leopard or Snow, cannot remember) disabled this by default, placed in the dock by default (so everyone clicked on it and could enable it easily) and allowed you to say how many you want12:50
hrwI had to kill compiz. now I have to relogin ;(12:50
seb128you can probably run "unity" from a vt12:50
zygaseb128, if that gets into default configuration options then virtually all annoyances I hear and read about all the time will be adressed12:50
seb128it will restart it on your active X12:50
seb128zyga, it will make quite some users happy, still some will complain about i.e the launcher position not being configurable though12:51
zygaseb128, is anyone working on that this cycle? I'm just curious but it sounds (to me) that they are rather simple and perhaps I could help12:51
zygaseb128, the launcher position is a different topic, AFAIR it is not likely to change for different reasons12:51
zygaseb128, I remember sabdfl commenting on that topic12:52
seb128zyga, options for the launcher autohide and some others are on the roadmap, check with dx (#ayatana), or maybe didrocks can help you giving details, I'm sure they would appreciate help if you want to work on those12:52
zygaseb128, plus I'm not sure how much work is needed to make the launcher movable, the items we discussed above are trivially togglable switches in various configuration systms12:52
seb128zyga, right12:52
zygaseb128, thanks, I'll look into that12:52
seb128well I was just pointing that it will not stop all complain, but that would be a good start for sure ;-)12:53
hrw~hail screen - need to relogin again12:54
hrw~curse compiz and ccsm12:57
seb128join the club12:57
seb128chrisccoulson wants to destroy ccsm, I start agreeing with him that's needed ;-)12:57
hrwso now I need to remove some config files, restart x11 session, run ccsm, curse, reconfigure12:58
seb128what happened?12:58
hrwccsm -> about == compiz freeze12:59
hrwafter relogin no unity12:59
seb128try to see if you have a .config  > .compiz-1 > compizconfig13:00
seb128config there13:00
seb128try deleting it, you maybe it the bug where the profile is changed for you13:00
hrwno change13:01
seb128did you try restarting compiz?13:01
hrwwhole x11 session13:01
seb128is unity enabled in ccsm?13:01
seb128you can probably re-enable it if it's not13:02
hrwanyway need to run other session then unity13:03
chrisccoulsondestroying ccsm +1000 :-)13:03
hrwhttp://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/~hrw/shots/Zrzut%20ekranu%202011-11-09%2014%3a03%3a41.png - who knows what this grey area is?13:04
zygahrw, stuck dead window?13:06
hrwzyga: right after login?13:07
zygahrw, ps aux?13:07
zygahrw, perhaps something started and died?13:07
hrwxkill better13:07
hrwnope - xkill did not helped13:08
zygahrw, no idea, check for X resources with X hacker13:08
hrwit was psi+13:10
hrwappeared exactly there when opened from systray icon13:11
hrwunity/2d does not restore background after switch from VT ;(13:12
zygahrw, sounds like another bug to report for you ;-)13:15
hrwthats what I am doing now13:15
hrwbug 88805013:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 888050 in unity-2d "Desktop background not restored after switch from text console" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88805013:22
hrwapport updated13:23
bigonpitti: hi are you planning to update pygobject to the latest version in debian, to fix the breakage due to gi?13:25
pittibigon: how do you mean? 3.0.2 is the latest, and we have that13:26
pittiit's not meant to be broken, it's working quite fine here; what's wrong with it?13:27
ubot2Debian bug 640467 in python-gobject "Insufficient requirement on gobject-introspection" [Grave,Open]13:27
bigonsomebody on #debian-gnome just talked about that13:28
pittihm, it already b-deps on libgirepository1.0-dev (>= 1.31.0), that shoudl be enough13:29
pittiwhich comes out as a binary dep of libgirepository-1.0-1 (>= 1.29.0)13:29
pittioh, perhaps the libglib version dep isn't high enough13:29
pittibigon: so it's fixed now, I'll followup13:33
hrwlovely. lightdm hang ;(13:35
pittibigon: done13:35
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
hrwok, looks like need to start from scratch ;(13:42
hrwbut thats tomorrow - today I have a work to do13:49
bigonpitti: thx13:50
AlanBellhi all, where is the best place to discuss compiz interactions with NUX? specifically relating to bug 76269913:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 762699 in unity "Unity launcher and panel are not zoomable with Enhanced Zoom Desktop" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76269913:58
kenvandineAlanBell, #ayatana13:58
AlanBellthanks kenvandine13:58
kenvandineAlanBell, np13:58
dupondjedidrocks: thanks foor looking @ the nautilus bug :)14:55
didrocksdupondje: no worry, just annoying noise on the bug report :)14:55
dupondjehappy it will be fixed, cause its like the most annoying bug in Oneiric atm :D14:56
seb128users are annoying15:00
seb128well the ones ranting on bugs at least15:00
XanathHello, i tried referring to the general #ubuntu channel but i did not get an answer so i'll try here...15:05
Xanathwhen starting applications from the launcher(using the shortcut super+number) they open in workspace/desktop 1 i want to change that so they open in workspace/desktop  5...15:05
pittiseb128: I have a relatively cautious implementation for bug 460932 now15:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 460932 in apport "Do not catch crashes which happen at logout" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46093215:13
pittiseb128: it might not suppress all the bad ones, but let's see how far this get us15:13
pittiseb128: the next bug we get for a shutdown crasher will then make a good case study :)15:14
seb128pitti, nice!15:15
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seb128rodrigo_, there?16:16
rodrigo_seb128, yes16:17
seb128rodrigo_, do you plan to sru g-s-d and g-c-c 3.2.2?16:17
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, wasn't planning to do it, but yes, can do it16:18
mterryJust FYI y'all, I'm doing my +1 maintenance rotation this month, so I won't be very available for normal desktop stuff16:19
seb128rodrigo_, not sure we need those but the "fix for gtk 3.2.1" make me thing we do, we might update gtk later on16:19
seb128mterry, hey, how are you? got over the ubuflu?16:19
mterryseb128, no.  :(16:19
seb128I got it as well16:19
mterryShould be chugging orange juice all UDS next time16:20
rodrigo_it was too cold in some rooms indeed16:20
seb128mterry, so the rotation, what will that team fix exactly?16:20
seb128just curious16:21
mterryseb128, everything.  zarro boogs16:21
mterryseb128, things like ftbfs, nbs, transitions,16:21
seb128good, so you will still fix desktop bugs? ;-)16:21
mterryseb128, installability issues, making sure the daily cd builds16:21
seb128ok, I still fail to see that being enough to keep dynamic people like you guys busy full time :p16:22
mterryseb128, well, historically we've had a hard time keeping up on it, right?16:22
seb128but let's see how it goes in practice, feel free to fix desktop bugs once you nailed all the CD issues ;-)16:22
mterryseb128, :)16:22
seb128mterry, yeah, because we are usually sloppy, I would think that like 2-3 hours a day for a few people would be enough16:23
seb128we usually backlog and pay the price later16:23
mterryseb128, we'll see; it's an experiment16:23
seb128mterry, but let's see how it goes, if I'm right you will get some time for desktop bug fixing, if I'm not you will not, no issue ;-)16:23
seb128mterry, oh sure, not denying it's useful and wanted, I just somewhat think people will still have a bit of time for their normal team bugs though ;-)16:24
mterryseb128, this certainly involves a lot of local building, so I'll have some free time while waiting perhaps  :)16:24
seb128or maybe I just hope it's the case :p16:24
kenvandinesigh... updating tp-mission-control-5 seems to break gabble... good thing i am updating the whole stack :)16:24
seb128mterry, speaking I was pondering syncing libepc from experimental which has a soname change but I didn't want to deal with the rdepends, does it mean I can just sync it and requires your services to get it fixed then? ;-)16:26
* seb128 hides16:26
mterryseb128, :(16:26
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Laneythere is tool development too16:27
seb128mterry, ok ok, I will not do it (or at least not today)16:27
seb128mterry, joke aside enjoy the rotation ;-)16:28
mterryLaney, true.  a side goal is to improve the tools that let us fix this stuf16:28
seb128how many people do you get in the team at the same time? 2-3?K16:28
Laneyan index page for the transition tracker would be nice ;-)16:28
mterryseb128, 316:29
brycehseb128, yep good point16:34
seb128hey bryceh16:39
seb128bryceh, do you only check for comments from the bug submitter or is the script buggy in some way and didn't notice there was activity on the bug?16:40
seb128i.e design decision or bug? ;-)16:40
brycehI'd even commented "don't comment on bugs with recent comments", just forgot to implement the check16:41
brycehseb128, I only just wrote it yesterday ;-)16:41
brycehit is only going to get one time per release.  this time it touched only 112 bugs so its one of my "smaller" scripts.  but the less annoying it is the better16:42
brycehseb128, I should probably also include logic to not touch bugs with more than 25 comments or so... those tend to be "heated"16:45
seb128yeah, don't feed the trolls :p16:46
* didrocks hugs his testsuite16:49
didrockswas wondering why it suddenly failed16:49
didrocksbefore seeing that it was a commented instruction for debugging which was guilty16:49
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pittigood night everyone!17:01
hggdhpkcs11-kit (on precise) looks for gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so under /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkcs11/, but gnome-keyring installed it under /usr/lib/pkcs11. Is this a bug on g-k, or pkcs11-kit (so that I can open it on the correct package)?17:21
seb128it's report in launchpad17:23
seb128seems a multiarch issue, try pinging slangasek if you are lucky he might look at it17:23
hggdhseb128: thank you. I will try my luck, but lately it has been misbehaving ;-)17:24
slangasekopen bug17:25
slangasekI was waiting for the Debian maintainer's decision17:25
slangasekDebian bug #64595917:26
ubot2Debian bug 645959 in src:p11-kit "p11-kit looks in /usr/lib/$arch/pkcs11 for modules, nothing installs there?" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/64595917:26
slangaseksince the maintainer hasn't replied to my last comment, I guess the next step is for someone to patch p11-kit to look in /usr/lib/pkcs11 for backwards-compatibility17:27
kenvandineseb128, i was just looking at that in gnome-keyring17:33
seb128kenvandine, yeah, I just noticed your upload, I was wondering if that's in reaction of the discussion there17:34
waltershey, could we get a unity developer to come to #gnome-os on gimpnet?  We're looking at merging desrt's GMenuModel stuff in gtk+ and it'd be helpful to have someone who can actually look at how things would work for unity's global menu17:34
kenvandinewell, it fixes it for now, but ideally gnome-keyring should install in multiarch17:34
kenvandinei think17:34
seb128walters, do you have desrt there? I think he knows the details17:35
waltersscratch that #gtk+ is more topical17:35
waltersseb128, he's on vacation17:35
seb128ok, quite some unity people are on vacation as well after UDS17:36
seb128ted was around earlier, could be lunch time for him, if you can wait a bit he will probably be back17:36
waltersok, thanks17:37
seb128kenvandine, could you turn bug #848968 to verification done, I think you said you had the issue and the update fixed it for you?17:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 848968 in evolution "Google Calendar reminders display unnecessarily" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84896817:43
seb128pedro_, could you maybe help to get some green on the evo sru?17:44
kenvandineseb128, sure17:44
seb128it's in the queue for 21 days17:44
seb128kenvandine, thanks17:44
pedro_still there?17:44
pedro_seb128, ok i'll check it17:44
seb128pedro_, thanks17:44
pedro_no problem17:45
seb128pedro_, the indicators as well17:45
pedro_yeah will look at all the desktop related sru's17:45
didrocksok, time for some dance, see you tomorrow (on swap, but will connect)17:45
pedro_didrocks, have fun :-)17:46
chrisccoulsonseb128, i know what's causing your launcher count problem with thunderbird!17:47
seb128chrisccoulson, is it fixed yet!17:47
seb128tedg, hey, walters was looking for you17:47
seb128tedg, they want somebody from unity on #gtk+, they are looking at merging gmenumodel17:48
seb128want -> could use17:48
seb128desrt is not around this week17:48
seb128chrisccoulson, what is it?17:48
tedgAh, desrt would be a better candidate...17:48
seb128tedg, right, but he's not around...17:49
chrisccoulsonwe're looking at the wrong property changing on e-mails when clearing the count17:49
walterstedg, it's not critical to do right this instant17:49
walterstedg, but mclasen is pretty far along - e.g. we have tests17:49
tedgwalters, Ah, I mean, I can help out.  But, I'd defer to desrt any hard questions :-)17:49
jbichaseb128: are you interested in sponsoring my webkit 1.6 merge?17:51
seb128jbicha, did you follow the debian source rename?17:53
jbichaseb128: they renamed it back17:54
seb128oh, I didn't notice that17:54
seb128yeah, I'm happy to review17:55
seb128do we still have a diff?17:55
seb128we should be pretty close from a sync from what I saw last time I reviewed it17:55
jbichapretty small diff, maybe I should bug kov harder about getting rid of it17:56
seb128jbicha, I think the conflict was not required17:57
seb128i.e in practice they have no common file17:57
seb128that would need checking17:57
seb128not sure the regexp stuff is required17:57
seb128it workaround some other symbols issues and might be cleaner but not worth a diff I think17:58
jbichaor we could just sync and make changes afterwards if needed?17:58
seb128jbicha, could you check if the conflicts is required? if not we can just sync17:58
seb128jbicha, yeah, can do17:59
seb128jbicha, the -common has /usr/share/webkitgtk-3.017:59
seb128which I guess they did for the gtk2, gtk3 version to be installable at the same time17:59
seb128so no conflict there, we can sync18:00
jbichayes, it looks like the conflict isn't needed, thanks18:03
seb128chrisccoulson, is it fixed yet? ;-) let me know if I can help testing18:08
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micahgjbicha: the conflicts for webkit are needed for Lucid -> precise upgrades ATM20:17
micahgat least I would think they'd be needed to remove the old library20:19
micahgsqueeze -> wheeze will have the same issue though, I guess it's fine, assuming that apps will behave properly with both installed20:20
jbichamicahg: I don't know as I've not tested lucid>precise upgrades yet, but there isn't a file conflict at least20:26
micahgwell, Debian will have the same issue, so if you're chatting with them anyways, maybe just ask20:27
* micahg is planning to upgrade lucid to 1.6.x, but that's still a couple months off20:28
jbichaas a backport?20:28
micahgnope, security update20:28
jbichamicahg: I have a -ubuntu1 in the desktop branch if you'd rather keep the conflicts20:34
micahgjbicha: well, that would be the only use case for it, idk if it's needed, we can always add it back later, it's just something to keep in mind20:34
AlanBellRAOF: on the subject of colour profiles, have we investigated licensing pantone palettes and putting them in the software centre as a pay for item?21:17
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