
slangasekleex: actually, it seems that this package only breaks things if you specifically choose to configure it00:00
slangasekChoices: configure now, configure later, skip and leave config as it is00:01
slangasekDefault: skip and leave config as it is00:01
slangasekby default, the package does not create /etc/decnet.conf00:01
slangasekand with no decnet.conf, /etc/init.d/decnet does not mangle the interface configuration.00:01
leexslangasek: as said I did not install it by hand, it must have been part of a dependency, therefore I did not configure anything on my own00:02
leexjust did aptitude update+upgrade, wouldn't have noticed it unless it happened on both my machines00:03
leexslangasek: but i am using the daily ppa for firefox and mplayer, that might have something to do with it00:04
slangasekleex: ah, I see, this is Debian bug #637179, which did exist in versions prior to the latest version in precise00:04
ubottuDebian bug 637179 in dnet-common "postinst script does always generate node database" [Critical,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/63717900:04
SpamapSslangasek: ok, the mysql 5.5.17 in the repo I pointed you to builds...00:05
SpamapSBuild needed 02:24:21, 1379708k disc space00:05
SpamapSslangasek: with current sid00:05
slangasekSpamapS: spiff00:05
SpamapSdid not build an experimental chroot :p00:05
slangasekshouldn't be necessary :)00:06
SpamapSslangasek: I also have a merged version for Ubuntu.. so as soon as its accepted we can upload a merge and start the rebuilding.00:06
SpamapSprobably worth loading up a PPA with those rebuilds now00:06
SpamapSno sense waiting00:06
slangasekhmm, not in sync?00:07
jasoxslangasek, I solve probelem, I used another mail :)00:09
SpamapSslangasek: no, there's an upstart job and a few other bits00:09
SpamapSslangasek: I'm sure we can get them in sync soon tho00:10
slangasekjasox: great :)00:10
leexslangasek: I will go to bed now, it's quite late here, but I will check for PMs tomorrow if you send me one ;)00:10
leexgood night and thanks00:10
slangasekleex: good night00:10
SpamapSslangasek: IIRC some of our changes were somewhat big so we could drop some binary bits to universe.00:10
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poolietjaalton, RAOF, can you give me any suggestions on what to do/test for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/74511200:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745112 in linux (Ubuntu) "[arrandale] desktop is messed up with external monitors (x86_64)" [Critical,Triaged]00:17
brycehpoolie, slangasek, are either of you able to set releasedate for oneiric in launchpad?  It's returning None presently00:22
broderslangasek: can you point me at an old version of something that is missing the .xz pre-depends so i can test the lintian check?00:22
pooliebryceh, just so you know you can ask 'losa' in #launchpad to do superuser type things00:23
slangasekbryceh: no; I've been asked this before, I've never seen any releasedate for distributions00:23
slangasekwe have release dates for milestones, the releasedate for the series is something new00:23
slangasekpoolie: I doubt it's in the UI at all00:23
micahgbroder: I did this one: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/lyx/2.0.1-1ubuntu100:24
brycehreleased:  oneiric None00:24
bryceh Supported  natty 2011-04-28 11:36:14+00:0000:24
bryceh Supported  maverick 2010-10-10 10:19:39.197066+00:0000:24
bryceh Supported  lucid 2010-04-29 17:33:27.289933+00:0000:24
bryceh Supported  hardy 2008-04-24 00:00:00+00:0000:24
pooliei doubt i can change it myself00:24
brodermicahg: perfect, thanks00:24
spmpoolie: as a general rule, with some known exceptions, we don't go near the ubuntu stuff. "can" as distinct from "should/shall"00:24
infinitybryceh: Are those actually accurate?00:24
* infinity grumbles at no longer having access to things like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+edit00:25
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brycehinfinity, they appear to be in the ballpark but I didn't check exact dates00:26
slangasekinfinity: hrm, *that* seems to be a regression00:26
infinityslangasek: I don't think it is.00:27
infinityslangasek: Unless you mean me not being a duckie is a regression, and I agree. ;)00:27
slangasekinfinity: I'm pretty sure I remember ubuntu-release giving access to that before00:27
infinityslangasek: I don't think release ever did, except as a subset of drivers, which they no longer are.00:28
slangasekthat's a regression ;)00:28
infinityslangasek: Ubuntu and ubuntu-drivers is still ickily special-cased all over, despite the lies the UI tells.00:28
tumbleweedbryceh: I filed a bug for that date to be changed, too. Hoping that someone would at least set oneiric's date before ignoring the longer term bug of setting it automatically, but no such luck00:29
tumbleweedbug 876345 fwiw00:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 876345 in Launchpad itself "distro series releasedate not automatically set" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87634500:31
brycehtumbleweed, thanks00:31
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NCommanderWho do I poke to get a new topic added to the status.u.c page?00:35
cjwatsonbjsnider: dh_make puts '8' in debian/compat, so the Build-Depends it sets is correct for that.  If you want to make it build in contexts where debhelper 8 is unavailable, then you also need to drop the compat level; but I do think the default in dh_make is reasonable, given that 8 is debhelper's current recommended lvel01:03
cjwatsonspm: FWIW we asked for the natty release date to be set by LOSAs (and it was done) on the basis that there was no way for us to do it otherwise and people were complaining to us01:03
cjwatson(for values of "we" that aren't me; I don't know if a bug was filed)01:04
cjwatsonoh, let's read more scrollback, how about that01:04
spmcjwatson: ahh! that's new to me. it's usually just been the freeze/unfreeze thing.01:04
cjwatsonspm: I'd kind of hoped it was a one-off01:04
cjwatsonit's clearly nonsense for it to have to be set manually after the fact01:05
infinity@pilot out01:07
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise open for uploads | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: SpamapS
slangasekSpamapS: still doing the build here; I think I started mine significantly after yours :)01:26
SpamapSslangasek: the tests are brutal on I/O01:28
SpamapS@pilot out01:29
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise open for uploads | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
slangasekmaybe I should've run 'eatmydata svn-buildpackage'01:29
SpamapSI have a feeling that might cause the test suite to freak out. ;)01:33
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dr3mrohello , I am new to linux programming and I want to create a package for ubuntu contains some files to extract on certain paths on my system .. i did create the deb file using dpkg-deb but I need to create a PPA for that can you hel me :)01:38
bregmadr3mro, you can create a PPA from the home page of your Launchpad account01:44
dr3mrobregma, i did the ppa and fail to build01:46
dr3mrobregma, it's not a source code but rather a bunch of scripts and files to extract01:46
bregmaPPAs require a proper source package to build the debs from, perhaps you just want a local archive on your own machine?01:48
bjsniderdr3mro, where's the buildlog?01:54
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mwhudsonSpamapS: have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/offlineimap/+bug/877883 ?03:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 877883 in offlineimap (Ubuntu) "offlineimap occasionally deletes mail it has previously downloaded" [Medium,Incomplete]03:03
infinitydbus build-depending on dbus is brilliant.03:26
* infinity shakes his head.03:27
broderugh, there are too many of those03:27
infinitybroder: Some of them have valid excuses (like compilers).03:28
infinitybroder: dbus has no such clever excuse.03:28
StevenKPerhaps dbus only wishes to send messages to itself about how the compile is going.03:29
infinityStevenK: *laugh*03:30
infinityStevenK: It actually build-deps on python-dbus, libdbus-glib-1-dev, which is actually pretty bizarre, but I can't be bothered to hunt down why.  A few by-hand builds and some mangling, and it's easy enough to work around.03:30
infinityI'd like to get to a point some day where after hand-bootstrapping a toolchain, the rest of the distro can "just build", though.  That would be novel.03:31
StevenKinfinity: See also 'pipe-dream'03:31
infinityThat was a good game.03:31
broderinfinity: debian/control has:03:31
broder# libdbus-glib-1-dev and libglib2.0-dev can be omitted for bootstrapping,03:32
broder# but if you have them in Build-Depends, more tests can be run03:32
infinitybroder: And python-dbus?03:32
* infinity shrug.03:32
infinityThat's basically what I did anyway.03:32
broderuh, don't know - i only have an old package lying around at the moment03:32
infinityThough, with the usual interim "build, fail, and install anyway" step.03:32
infinityI'm already over it. ;)03:33
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pittiGood morning05:11
ajmitchhi pitti05:13
SpamapSmwhudson: no I hadn't, but that is *definitely* my issue06:24
broderhmm...pkgbinarymangler always strips out upstream changelogs, right? so i should probably suppress that tag on lintian.uw.o06:26
pittibroder: yes06:26
pittibroder: btw, thanks for setting this up!06:26
broderno problem!06:26
dholbachgood morning08:09
lapoCan someone please upgrade this patch to 11.10 http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2011/05/24/better-clickpad-support-for-ubuntu-11-04/08:35
pittilool: bonjour, ca va?09:29
pittilool: AFAIR you were able to reproduce the udev boot breakage which you resolved by reverting the SOCK_NONBLOCK option, right?09:30
pittilool: do you have some time to test https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-November/034386.html ?09:31
didrockshum, I guess there is a tool that parses debian/changelog to know what the last package revision of a source is10:39
didrocksthanks cjwatson, my tab completion skill was pretty poor ;)10:39
OdyXSpamapS: w.r.t. cmake and multiarch, take a look at the pyside stack (apiextractor, generatorrunner,shiboken,pyside). But it mostly works thanks to their CMakefiles...10:44
DavieyCould an archive admin please sync bug 882507, thanks.11:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 882507 in puppet (Ubuntu) "Sync puppet 2.7.6-1 (main) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88250711:28
StevenKcjwatson: I think I've tracked down why datereleased doesn't get set for Ubuntu.11:49
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cjwatsonoh good11:52
StevenKOr not. It should be set.11:54
StevenKcjwatson: Actually, that might it. It seems that +edit will only set .datereleased in some circumstances, but +admin will always set it. Which is making me go O.o11:56
StevenKcjwatson: Do you know if there is there a bug for the datereleased thing?12:09
cjwatson00:29 <tumbleweed> bryceh: I filed a bug for that date to be changed, too. Hoping that someone would at least set oneiric's date before ignoring the longer term bug of setting it automatically, but no such luck12:20
cjwatson00:31 <tumbleweed> bug 876345 fwiw12:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 876345 in Launchpad itself "distro series releasedate not automatically set" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87634512:21
cjwatsonStevenK: ^-12:21
StevenKExcellent, thank you.12:21
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StevenKcjwatson: Fixed. https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/distroseries-edit-datereleased/+merge/81730 has the gory details.13:03
cjwatsonStevenK: excellent, thanks13:05
StevenKcjwatson: I can also prod to get Oneiric fixed if you wish.13:05
StevenKcjwatson: Or you can, I don't mind.13:05
cjwatsonStevenK: please go ahead13:06
Laneybroder: should be easy to do: copy the existing lintian stuff in config-org.yaml, add some sql to sql/setup.sql and modify the lintian gatherer to insert into the ubuntu table based on 'source'13:22
Laneythe last part might not even be necessary13:23
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cjwatsonjelmer: any progress on the bzr/armel build failure?  and is anyone working on making bzrtools and bzr-git installable again in precise?  I'm happy to help given pointers13:51
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loolcjwatson: after submitting some patches to P-a-s, I discovered that Debian is now looking at dropping most entries there when "Auto-not-for-us" is enough; do we have plans to implement this in Launchpad too?14:27
cjwatsonlool: I don't know14:28
cjwatsonlool: but we shouldn't maintain a delta against P-a-s just for the sake of it14:28
loolcjwatson: I can drop an email to the lp stakeholders list14:28
cjwatsonwell, is it possible LP already DTRT?14:29
jelmercjwatson: one of the other bzr devs is looking at the bzr build problem. I'm about to upload bzrtools.14:29
loolit's entirely possible, I don't know14:29
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cjwatsonlool: for example, syslinux-themes-ubuntu isn't in P-a-s but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/syslinux-themes-ubuntu/2 only built on the architectures listed in the Architecture line14:30
cjwatsonlool: I think there's nothing to do in LP14:30
Laneyauto-nfu is using the Architecture: list in control?14:30
cjwatsonI believe so14:30
loolcjwatson: awesome, so we can just merge the removals then; thanks14:30
cjwatsonyou used to get a trivial build failure instead14:30
loolLaney: yes14:30
cjwatsonjelmer: thanks14:30
cjwatsonjelmer: and bzr-git too?14:30
loolcjwatson: do we have some process to update ubuntu's P-a-s?14:31
cjwatsonlool: JFDI14:31
cjwatsondo you mean merging from Debian?  I do a bzr merge occasionally14:31
loolcjwatson: that's what I meant14:32
cjwatsonjust 'bzr merge lp:packages-arch-specific', resolve, commit14:32
loolour branch is lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/packages-arch-specific/ubuntu right?14:32
loolseems that's the only other one14:32
jelmercjwatson: sorry, yes - that too. It just needs to be synced from Debian.14:33
cjwatsonit gets deployed every hour or so I think14:33
cjwatsonjelmer: OK, you should be able to do that with 'syncpackage -d unstable bzr-git'14:33
jelmercjwatson: thanks14:35
rbasakDo I need to declare a versioned dependency if I know that a particular release will have the version I need?14:38
cjwatsonrbasak: not doing so can be a dangerous game14:40
rbasakcjwatson: OK I'll take that as a yes then, thanks :)14:41
cjwatsonrbasak: sometimes people drop them after an LTS cycle has passed, but personally I would always keep them.  What's the exact situation?14:41
jdstrand@pilot in14:42
cjwatsonversioned dependencies are cheap and they help with things you might not have thought of like LTS-to-LTS upgrades, bootstrapping new architectures, etc.14:42
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise open for uploads | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jdstrand
rbasakcjwatson: I'm backporting a fix for an SRU to Oneiric. The fix requires a particular version of python-django. The previous control file does not specify a required version, but I know that the fix does require a version which we have in Oneiric already, so I was wondering if I should amend the control file14:42
geserrbasak: think also about backports. when someone backports this package to a previous release then the depedency is fulfilled but not the version requirement14:42
cjwatsonrbasak: imagine somebody upgrading from natty to oneiric + updates in one shot14:43
cjwatsonSRUs shouldn't assume that they are being installed on a system that's already been upgraded14:43
cjwatsonso if it needs something in particular, then absolutely include the versioned dep14:44
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rbasakcjwatson: OK will do, thanks.14:49
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apwcan anyone tell me what extras.ubuntu.com is, and whether i would expect that to exist for precise yet15:12
tumbleweedapw: it should be empty for precise. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard15:13
tumbleweed(but yes, probably should exist)15:14
cjwatsonyes please because then I could install its signatures in apt-setup15:14
cjwatsonit's a problem if it doesn't exist pre-release15:14
apwit cirtainly doesn't exist as we stand15:14
apwshould i file a bug, or will someone handle it15:15
tjaaltonslangasek: looks like ia32-libs-multiarch mistakenly depends on gtk2-engines-murrine, which doesn't seem to be multiarched (and forces partial upgrade to precise)15:16
bigonsforshee: hi, do you know if the alps patch you have made will be merged?15:17
sforsheebigon, the upstream maintainer has accepted the patches, and we'll be using them in the precise kernel15:17
bigonthe 0.10 version of the patches?15:18
sforsheebasically, with a few minor (non-functional) updates15:18
bigonsforshee: thx :)15:20
apwsforshee, did those hit 3.2 ?15:21
sforsheeapw, no, they're in linux-next now15:21
apwsforshee, ok so are you going to send us a pile of those ?15:22
sforsheeapw, i sent the pull request yesterday, and ogasawara just applied them to master-next15:22
apwsforshee, oh then i'll shut up :)  cool, good work15:22
apwso do we expect to be able to update via update-manager this early in the cycle?  seems to let me use -d and tell me 12.04 is there, but then dies later with "WARNING: Failed to read mirror file"15:27
mvoapw: it should allow the upgrade at this point, the warning there is harmless15:28
apwmvo, ok so after the -d making me be unsupported on oniric i see the normal screen.  hit upgrade and it tries to scare me.  hit upgade again and it does its normal stuff preparing, then setting new channels, then it errors about the extras.ubuntu.com being missing.  (which i also thought was not a big issue) and then close causes it to backout15:32
apwso perhaps then its the extras.ubuntu.com not having anything for precise thats fubaring me15:32
mvoapw: right, its there now, it will take a bit (probably until tomorrow) to get synced, if you want to upgrade now you could simply comment it out in sources.list (/etc/apt/sources.list that is)15:33
apwmvo, ok confirmed that fixes it15:35
broderLaney: are those scripts public? i can't find any reference to them on the udd page15:36
m4n1shmvo: can you look at one more merge proposal for software-properties?15:36
mvom4n1sh: absolutely!15:37
m4n1shsorry, not able to provide the link as I am on EDGE network (tethered), so can't even open launchpad now.15:37
slangasektjaalton: it's not a mistake; see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-October/034279.html15:39
mvom4n1sh: no problem I will followup in the merge proposal :)15:43
tjaaltonslangasek: ah ok, seems I missed/forgot that one15:43
m4n1shmvo, can you make some minor tweaks if needed. I can't even branch or push on this slow connection15:43
mvom4n1sh: ok, when will you be back on a faster one? soon(ish) or will that be a matter of days? (just curious so that I can judge if I should tweak it myself or followup in the proposal)15:46
tumbleweedbroder: yes, http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/collab-qa/15:47
m4n1shmvo, I just shifted house  today15:47
m4n1shso I hurriedly finished the proposal yesterday15:47
m4n1shmvo, not sure about when I get a faster one. Need to call the iSP15:47
m4n1shmvo, well you are the maintainer, you can tweak it15:47
m4n1shnot a problem15:48
mvom4n1sh: great, thanks, will do :)15:48
m4n1shthanks :)15:48
lynxmanhey everyone, which would be the best way to check for the existance of a package? My package depends on either of two packages (activemq | rabbitmq-stomp) and on the postinst I need to check the existance of either to do the proper config, I was thinking about checking for the config dir to exist but not sure if that's the best method, recommendations?15:48
mvom4n1sh: the only small tweak is to move it into a function I think15:48
m4n1shmvo, I think that is fine. Not something really big or anything that changes the behaviour of the script15:49
SpamapSlynxman: the config dir would still be there if one had been removed and the other were installed15:50
Laneybroder: in svn.d.o/svn/collab-qa/udd15:50
lynxmanSpamapS: that's why :)15:50
mvom4n1sh: yeah15:51
SpamapSlynxman: do the two conflict?15:51
lynxmanSpamapS: not necessarily, but they could15:51
SpamapSlynxman: so it seems that you probably need to configure for them both separately based on the existence of their executables15:52
broderlynxman: could you split the setup into two subpackages - one for each - and then have the parent package depend on package-that-configs-activemq | package-that-configs-rabbitmq-stomp?15:52
lynxmanbroder: that could be an option, but it would break compatibility with the previous versions of the same package15:54
lynxmanbroder: that's why I'm trying to be just smart enough to solve it out :)15:54
lynxmanSpamapS: checking the binaries is a good idea indeed...15:54
SpamapSlike,    if -x rabbitmqctl ; then ... fi ; if -x activemq ; then ... fi15:55
lynxmanSpamapS: would you say relative or full paths are the best way for that?15:55
lynxmanSpamapS: I tend to do full paths but I know is a bit frowned upon15:56
broderlynxman: debian policy says use relative paths in maintainer scripts15:56
broderlynxman: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html#s6.115:57
lynxmanbroder: ah there you go :)15:57
broder(last paragraph)15:57
broderi know because i noticed there was a lintian tag for it :)15:57
SpamapSrelative to what?15:57
brendandare there instructions on building compiz somewhere?15:57
SpamapSHe's not calling15:57
SpamapSchecking for existence/executableness15:57
SpamapSmy -x was just an example15:58
SpamapSyou *must* do the path for -x15:58
lynxmanSpamapS: yeah, doing if -x /usr/bin/activemq or just if -x activemq15:58
broderif hash foo >/dev/null 2>&1; then ...15:58
broderis the standard incantation15:58
SpamapShash? I've never seen that.15:58
lynxmanbroder: oh interesting, any examples?15:58
SpamapSbut that makes sense15:58
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SpamapSlynxman: so    if hash rabbitmqctl > /dev/null 2>&a; then16:00
lynxmanSpamapS: cool :)16:00
lynxmanSpamapS: broder: thank you very much for your answer, I'll use hash then16:03
smoser$ sh -c 'hash foo'16:06
smosersh: 1: hash: foo: not found16:06
smoserthe *right* way to say "is this something i can run" is16:06
smosersh -c 'command -v foo >/dev/null'16:06
smosersh -c 'command -v foo >/dev/null' && echo yes || echo no16:07
smoserbroder, ^. hash is a bash builtin. not available in posix sh.16:07
broderhuh? it's totally available16:07
broderevan@caron:~$ sh -c 'type hash'16:07
broderhash is a shell builtin16:07
broderfoo on the other hand...16:08
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cjwatsonI tend to use 'type', or 'which' in contexts where /usr is available, or on occasion a tiny shell function equivalent to 'which'16:10
cjwatsonyou totally don't need to fork a new shell to use 'command -v', in any event16:10
smoserbroder, yes, you are correct. i am a dolt.16:11
SpamapSsmoser: hash is in dash16:11
cjwatson'type' (or 'command -v') tells you whether the command exists with varying levels of standards conformance; 'which' tells you whether it exists specifically on $PATH16:11
brodersmoser: no worries - it's still early for us US folks ;)16:11
broderLaney: i couldn't figure out how to checkout the svn repo, but http://paste.ubuntu.com/733216/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/733219/ should be sufficient if i understand this stuff correctly16:17
smoserit appears to me that type, command -v and hash all search PATH.16:17
smosercjwatson, were you stating otherwise ?16:17
Laneybroder: right, and you need an entry in config-org.yaml16:17
cjwatsonthey search PATH but they *also* search builtins16:18
cjwatson'which' only searches PATH16:18
broderLaney: first pastebin :)16:18
Laneyoh yeah16:18
cjwatson(by design, and because it's an external command)16:18
Laneysvn> svn co svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/collab-qa/udd/16:18
brodersvn+ssh://> still don't think i have that setup16:18
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Laneyshould work without +ssh16:19
broderah, so itdoes16:19
cjwatsonthere's a 'searchpath' function in base-passwd.postinst which I cut down from 'which', and there's osextras.find_in_path in ubiquity if you want a Python implementation, and I have a C one in man-db/lib/pathsearch.c - I've written this several times ;-)16:20
Laneybroder: will deploy it later16:30
brodercool, no rush from me16:30
broderi'll probably end up stealing the script and running it on my lintian lab anyway so i can make the report generation a bit more configurable (e.g. ubuntu-only package report)16:31
Laneywhich script?16:31
broderthe importer16:32
zulcjwatson:  can you review python-passlib please?16:32
Laneythought you were mirroring udd16:32
broderi am. but for things like the ubuntu-only report, i'm planning to slurp the lintian.log into a database, then filter it appropriately, spit it back out, then run it through the html report generator again16:33
cjwatsonzul: hm, I think I'm out of time for today (or rather all my remaining time is already committed), sorry, it would be better if somebody else could do it but otherwise I can look tomorrow morning16:35
zulcjwatson: ok ill bug someone else then16:35
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
SpamapSsilly question, when using sbuild, whats the appropriate way to set DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS ?16:46
broderSpamapS: looks like you might be able to set $build_environment = {'DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS' => 'stuff' }; in your ~/.sbuildrc?16:49
SpamapSahh, /usr/share/doc/sbuild/examples/example.sbuildrc is quite helpful :)16:50
loolpitti: Sorry for the delay, tried udev from your PPA now and it failed to boot16:51
pittilool: oh, what happens?16:51
pittilool: stuck in initramfs?16:52
chrisccoulsonslangasek, i still can't reproduce the addon problem you had yesterday. is it easily reproducible for you (ie, if you uninstall firefox-globalmenu, restart firefox, reinstall firefox-globalmenu and restart again, do you get the extra tab asking you to enable the addon?)16:54
slangasekcjwatson: mmk, Debian publisher has had time to catch up, I'm syncing all the X packages in the libxmu stack now16:55
slangasekchrisccoulson: nothing about having to restart firefox is easy, but I'll check :)16:55
chrisccoulsonslangasek, thanks16:55
cjwatsonslangasek: great16:55
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
SpamapSslangasek: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/84784123/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.mysql-5.5_5.5.17-1ubuntu1~ppa0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz .. segfault on the buildds :-/17:04
slangasekwell, it's i38617:05
slangasekwho uses that anyway :)17:05
SpamapSonly the weak17:05
loolpitti: Yes; uploading pictures of the crash17:05
loolsorry for the delay, had to solve another ubuntu install not starting weirdly -- unrelated17:06
SpamapSslangasek: no such failure on amd64 .. :-P17:06
* SpamapS builds an i386 precise chroot.. :-P17:07
loolpitti: http://ubuntuone.com/5UdVl0S9Nnf7qNqI6TfhH6 http://ubuntuone.com/01ckC0NMdYZb8Y423lMlmf17:07
mterryslangasek, your upload of popt that now depends on gettext:any seems to confuse the buildd: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/84756245/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.popt_1.16-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:07
mterryslangasek, do you know what the fix for that is?17:08
loolpitti: apparently, initramfs gives up waiting for root device before it appears, not sure what udev fails to do there, perhaps it thinks all events have been processed when they haven't; should I set some debug flags in the initramfs to check it out?17:08
slangasekmterry: the fix is that the new sbuild will be rolled out tomorrow morning UK time17:08
mterryslangasek, beautiful  :)17:08
=== ion_ is now known as ion
cjwatsonjelmer: bzr-git failed to build; I don't know if LP has fixed the bug where the syncer doesn't get mailed about such things17:32
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
Laneygiven that they went for recording synced packages separately, I think probably not17:33
jelmercjwatson: I didn't get any email so I guess not. Thanks for the ping.17:34
slangasekSpamapS: so how did mysql 5.5 wind up with cmake anyway?  It seems to have been pleasantly autoconfy in 5.117:35
SpamapSslangasek: upstream wanted to use the same build tool on windows and *nix17:39
SpamapSslangasek: basically all the smart people in the build team left when Sun bought MySQL AB .. ;)17:39
SpamapSs/smart/autoconfy people/17:40
* SpamapS should really be nicer, they've been quite pleasant when we've reported bugs in the new cmake build. ;)17:40
SpamapS[100%] Building CXX object sql/CMakeFiles/sql.dir/sys_vars.cc.o17:40
SpamapSand cmake at least has a % done counter.. :)17:40
slangasekcjwatson: do you remember which packages were mangling the console from underneath X most recently?  some Russian support package?17:42
cjwatsonconsole-cyrillic is the one you're thinking of I think17:43
slangasekright, thanks17:43
cjwatsonI hit it with a hammer.  bug 59767317:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 597673 in console-cyrillic (Ubuntu Oneiric) "console-cyrillic changes settings on consoles it doesn't own, causing crashes with plymouth + X" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59767317:43
slangasekbug #887445 has a user reporting the same behavior... no console-cyrillic installed. looking through his package list now17:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 887445 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "I can not login" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88744517:44
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highvoltageRiddell: hi, have Kubuntu decided yet about its 12.04 LTS status? and whether it will be supported for 3 or 5 years?17:57
YokoZarWhat do I do after a kernel panic in a stable release if I'm a good citizen?17:58
* YokoZar hasn't had one till now in 7 years of Ubuntu...17:58
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SpamapS[1:1:157311113007:ERROR:nacl_fork_delegate_linux.cc(78)] Bad NaCl helper startup ack (0 bytes)18:12
SpamapSI keep seeing these...18:12
LaserJocklol, I automatically read that as "Bad salt helper".18:14
SpamapS"Your table salt has failed to fork" does conjure up an interesting image18:15
LaserJockI'm teaching general chemistry this semester, I guess it's starting to soak in :-)18:16
micahgwell, chromium has NaCL...18:22
micahgSpamapS: ^^which version are you running?18:22
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
SpamapSii  google-chrome-stable    15.0.874.106-r107270    The web browser from Google18:23
SpamapSso just chrome whining about something18:23
micahgSpamapS: I can't help you if you're running chrome18:23
micahgwe didn't build chromium with NaCL for M15, toolchain issue18:23
SpamapSwill ignore it for now18:23
Laneywho maintains the ubuntu pastebin?18:23
Laneyhaving to log in for plaintext is really annoying18:24
micahglaney: I thought it's ubuntu-website, but I could be wrong18:24
infinityLaney: Canonical IS.18:27
Laneydo they have anything other than RT?18:28
infinityLaney: And they have the login-for-plaintext thing set up that way intentionally, so you might have to present an argument.18:28
infinityLaney: (It's to prevent people using pastebin as a file trading service, as I recall)18:28
LaneyI'm sure; it must have taken some effort.18:29
LaneyIt could perhaps generate private links which bypass the logging in requirement18:30
infinityLaney: How would that help?  Then people storing files there would just pass people said private links?18:30
Laneywhereas now they just have to log in?18:31
tumbleweedinfinity: and it also means you can't curl $url | patch -p118:31
tumbleweedwhich is something one wants to do rathe roften18:32
infinityLaney: Sure, but requiring a launchpad account is a high enough barrier, I suspect.  Either way, wasn't my call.  Bug the IS folks. ;)18:32
infinity(I'd like plain-text-without-login to work too, I'm just pointing out the arguments I've seen against it)18:32
infinityReally?  We still have packages that build-dep on dbs?18:33
infinityAnd not, like, crazy leaf packages.18:34
infinityPretty core.18:34
infinityI'm shocked.18:34
LaserJockhuh, interesting18:34
* infinity wonders if that's a sign that newt needs to be hijacked in Debian.18:35
micahgslangasek: I reproduced your firefox upgrade issue, so you're not alone, but chrisccoulson still can't...he's still investigating though18:35
* infinity promptly forgets about the previous statement.18:35
chrisccoulsonmicahg, how reproducible is it for you?18:36
slangasekmicahg: ok18:36
micahgchrisccoulson: new profile works, let me try the other one that existed18:37
LaserJockinfinity: is there any mechanism in Debian that would tell a maintainer "look, it'd be swell if you could update your build system"?18:37
micahgchrisccoulson: I got it in the other profile that existed before upgrade as well18:37
infinityLaserJock: A bug report? :P18:37
LaserJockI would think unless it became like a security issue it's pretty much up to the maintainer18:38
broderLaserJock: formal deprecation as a release goal :)18:38
ubottuDebian bug 576054 in src:newt "newt: Please stop build-depending on dbs" [Wishlist,Open]18:38
cjwatson^- like that one18:38
infinityUsertags: drop-dbs18:38
cjwatsonUsertags: drop-kick-dbs18:39
infinityThe dbs maintainer just needs to do a no-code-change upload that renames it back to Doogie Build System.18:39
infinityThat should prompt some action.18:40
lynxmanjhunt: ping18:46
jhuntlynxman: hi18:48
lynxmanjhunt: my man :)18:48
lynxmanjhunt: I see that "pid file" is no longer supported in upstart, what should I try to manually specify the pid file for a process?18:48
lynxmanjhunt: since it's getting it wrong (logging pid from parent that dies after fork)18:48
jhuntlynxman: funny you should say that - I'm currently working on a cookbook update that will cover all that in truly painful detail.18:49
lynxmanjhunt: can you give me a painless preview? :)18:49
SpamapSlynxman: if the pid it thinks is the right one is dying too early, then you actually *do* have 2 forks, and you need expect daemon.18:50
lynxmanjhunt: I can go the never daemon route and just respawn on demand as well, just trying to avoid that one18:50
Laneybroder: it iz dun18:50
SpamapSlynxman: and if the process ever re-forks (like sshd does on SIGHUP) then you can't use expect fork / daemon and have to use foreground mode.18:50
lynxmanSpamapS: coolio :)18:50
broderLaney: cool. i'll check it out next time i pick up a dump18:51
jhuntlynxman: SpamapS types faster than me :)18:51
lynxmanjhunt: heh :) he's on his morning coffee I reckon18:51
jhuntlynxman: coffee levels dangerously low over here, in fact... pop.18:52
rando_uubeginners question: I want to build package_b on launchpad but it requires package_a, which is in my ppa, to be installed in the chroot environment, can I just add package_a to build dependes?19:06
cjwatsonthat's exactly what build-depends is for19:07
rando_uuthx I'll give it a shot ;)19:09
binarymutantis Ubuntu still using revu?19:10
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
macoThere's talk of getting rid of it19:11
macoIt's frequently ignored and getting packages into debian first is preferable19:12
binarymutantah, thanks for the info19:13
Randolphhi all19:21
RandolphI wanted to know if it is normal that when there are some updates for Ubuntu 11.10, the user does not need to supply the root password ?19:21
micahgRandolph: yes, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Update_Manager_doesn.27t_prompt_for_security_updates19:22
micahgRandolph: and it would be the user's password not root in any event19:22
RandolphYou mean it is normal ?19:23
RandolphI think it is not a good idea in term of security19:24
jdstrandRandolph: sure it is. we make it easier for people to install security updates. you can't install new software without a password19:24
RandolphIt could be a break into security, maybe with possibility of privilege escalation19:25
micahgRandolph: have you read the link I provided?19:26
jdstrandRandolph: I suggest reading the FAQ if you haven't already. the behavior is configurable via PolicyKit if you prefer to be prompted19:26
RandolphI read it quickly I must admit19:26
macoThat's pretty cool19:26
Randolphthat sound right19:27
macoI remember using a local root escalation exploit to gwu root so I could install security updates on one of the machines at my school since the admins weren't really doing their jobs19:27
Randolphs/gwu/get/ what is this ?19:28
micahgubottu isn't as talented as kubotu in explaining such things19:29
ubottumicahg: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:29
broderRandolph: s/gwu/get/ refers to a syntax in scripting languages for substitution19:31
broderso maco was indicating that she typo'd, and we should mentally replace "gwu" with "get" when we read her message19:31
Randolphbroder, oki s for substitute19:31
Randolphbroder, I do not link with it19:32
Randolphlike in VI or sed19:32
micahgor perl regexps19:32
macoVi is where I got the regex habit19:33
broderhmm.../etc/console-setup/cached.kmap.gz on my machine has keycode 58 = CtrlL_Lock (keycode 58 is caps lock). is this one of those weird bits of keymap arcana, or is that actually wrong?19:56
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mwhudsonSpamapS: ubuntu support via the company quotes page!!20:16
broderslangasek, ogra: have you guys thought at all about dealing with fscking the root partition in the no-initrd world? just came to mind as something i don't think we talked about20:18
SpamapSmwhudson: indeed, really, thanks.. I've already uploaded it to oneiric-proposed.. that was a REALLY annoying problem.20:18
mwhudsonSpamapS: no kidding20:18
slangasekbroder: we always do that from the root fs anyway20:18
slangasekwe mount ro, and let mountall fire off the fsck20:18
broderoh right, because we haven't remounted rw yet20:18
broderso yes, you've thought about it more than me :)20:19
mwhudsonSpamapS: would a comment from me somewhere that the version from precise fixed the problem help the SRU process along?20:19
mwhudsoni guess i've already said that on the report20:19
SpamapSmwhudson: its in the bug already, yeah.20:19
SpamapSmwhudson: would help if you downgraded to the oneiric version when it hits oneiric-proposed, since that would count as verification. :)20:19
mwhudsonSpamapS: ah ok20:20
mwhudsonSpamapS: what is the version you uploaded?20:20
SpamapSmwhudson: 6.3.3-somethingubuntusomething ;)20:22
mwhudsonSpamapS: haha ok20:22
SpamapShas not been SRU reviewed quite yet20:22
SpamapSslangasek: looks like the build problem is not unique to 5.5 http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=62720820:38
ubottuDebian bug 627208 in src:mysql-5.1 "mysql-5.1: FTBFS with segmentation fault (signal 11) on i386" [Grave,Fixed]20:38
SpamapSYeah, apparently its a gcc 4.6 issue20:39
SpamapSso the fix was to force 4.520:39
SpamapSI didn't merge that bit in from the 5.1 packaging...20:40
SpamapStrying now.20:40
slangasekchrisccoulson: so after doing that restart dance, I get *no* tab asking about re-enabling; this time it gets reenabled automatically20:58
chrisccoulsonslangasek, yeah, i think we understand the bug now20:58
chrisccoulsoni need to fix it quickly because it blocks the security update for oneiric :)20:58
slangasekright :)20:59
slangasekSpamapS: so I played around and got myself a multiarching patch for mysql-5.1; how soon will that be obsolete? :)20:59
SpamapSslangasek: hopefully by Monday21:00
slangasekI'll upload anyway then :)21:00
slangasekbecause I want cross-buildable qt4-x11 *now* :)21:00
SpamapSslangasek: yeah inevitably there will be barriers to this transition.. I haven't even started the rebuild tests of all reverse deps.. :-P21:01
* SpamapS ponders starting up a c1.medium to at least do all the amd64 rebuilds while he fixes i38621:01
SpamapSso many rebuidls, so few cores... ;)21:02
slangasekooh, I bet the gcc 4.5 handling in mysql-5.1 isn't cross-build-safe21:03
slangasekpitti: libncurses5-dev has inconsistent symlinking of changelog.Debian.gz across architectures... on armel it's a symlink, on amd64 it's a file.  Should pkgbinarymangler's behavior be consistent here?21:07
slangasekcjwatson: what do you recommend for keeping track of generic autoconf checks that should be added to dpkg-cross?  File a bug on dpkg-cross for each?21:10
slangasektjaalton: has libx11 102_double_arrows_Compose.patch been submitted to Debian? seems to be the only delta...21:23
slangasektjaalton: also, the patch doesn't seem to be in effect in my own compose map :)21:24
slangasek(and furthermore, <= collides with the compose map for ≤)21:24
slangasektremolux, barry: what other information would be useful to provide in bug #888297 (before I bypass aptdaemon and finish the upgrade with apt-get)?21:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 888297 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu Precise) "aptdaemon gets confused and refuses to upgrade multiarch packages in precise" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88829721:28
tremoluxslangasek: hmm, so does sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true show anything interesting?21:32
slangasektremolux: nope - a brief discussion of the packages I have held back (mythtv stuff), otherwise nothing21:33
slangasektremolux: note that every single one of the complaining lines from aptdaemon is something that shouldn't be an issue, either21:33
tremoluxslangasek: yeah, sounds like apt itself is happy21:33
tremoluxslangasek: I don't know of anything else offhand you might add, seems to me like the info there is good21:34
tjaaltonslangasek: right, it's a bogus patch that should be dropped if it's still there21:34
slangasektremolux: ok, moving along with dist-upgrade then21:35
slangasektremolux: thanks21:35
tremoluxslangasek: you bet21:35
slangasektjaalton: right, will drop it and sync21:35
tjaaltonslangasek: yeah, thanks21:35
barryslangasek: i always just `apt-get install -f` before i follow up with `apt-get upgrade`.  /me commmented on the bug21:39
slangasekbarry: yeah... apt-get itself works just fine here, it's an aptdaemon problem21:39
barryslangasek: smart is similarly busted, hence the continual landscape failures21:40
cjwatsonbroder: CtrlL_Lock> there's a comment in the console-setup source about that - it's a choice between two bugs, one major and one minor22:07
cjwatsonslangasek: dpkg-cross> yeah22:07
jdstrand@pilot off22:08
udevbot_(pilot (in|out)) -- Set yourself an in or out of patch pilot.22:08
jdstrand@pilot out22:08
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise open for uploads | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
slangasekcjwatson: right-o22:08
cjwatsonbroder: it's a choice between the caps lock key not working, or caps lock not actually doing anything for non-ASCII letters (as I remember)22:08
cjwatsoner, the caps lock *light* not working I mean22:08
cjwatsonI consider the light bit minor22:08
cjwatson(annoying, granted)22:08
angelo-cHi guys, I was here yesterday for LP: #88169522:09
angelo-cCa anyone help me?22:09
angelo-cpatch pilots out there?22:12
FusioniteHey all22:13
macoAngelo-c say bug instead of lp and the bit will provide a handy link and summary22:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 881695 in xoscope (Ubuntu) "Xoscope doesn't work on soundcard (No valid data sources found... exiting)" [Undecided,Fix released]22:15
angelo-cI'm proposing a patch to be SRU:ed22:19
macoUse nominate for series button to add a task for the ubuntu version you want to sru (so your patch has something to close)22:22
micahgmaco: only bug control can nominate22:22
brodercjwatson: yes, you're absolutely correct. it was fairly well documented once i figured out where to look, but oh god are my eyes bleeding :)22:23
macoSince when?22:23
micahgalmost a year I think22:23
macoI thought anyone could but only bug control could approve22:23
micahgno, only uploaders, release team, drivers can approve22:23
angelo-cthis page https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/140509 says that only bug supervisor can make something22:24
micahgangelo-c: right, that's what I was saying22:24
angelo-cthis page is nominated by this official one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure22:25
macoSecurity through pain-in-the-butt-ery22:25
angelo-cany bug supervisor here?22:25
micahgmaco: not security, lack of utility, people were clicking for their pet fixes, so the nominations became useless22:25
slangasekmaco: it's not security, it's "can we please have a queue that's not completely useless as a source of data kthx"22:26
slangasekwhen everyone could nominate, everyone did22:26
cjwatsonbroder: it's not an entirely fun problem22:26
macoAny of the three people talking now are able to22:26
macoI have no idea what that software is though22:27
slangasekso the nominations were useless and just wasted the time of those clicking the button22:27
angelo-cwow, fantastic! This is my first bug, so be clement whit me!22:27
brodercjwatson: i'm currently looking at https://lkml.org/lkml/2010/3/10/188 to see whether it can be revived, which i think might largely reduce the outstanding issues to a that-makes-me-want-to-cry-but-it-will-at-least-work level22:27
slangasekangelo-c: which releases did you care about seeing this fixed in?22:28
slangasek(i.e., which ones will you actually test the fix for? :)22:28
cjwatsonbroder: *nod*22:28
cjwatsonSamuel has contributed to the userspace side of things too so knows what he's doing22:28
slangasekangelo-c: IIRC from yesterday, your main concern was for oneiric... so I've opened an oneiric task there22:29
angelo-ctha branch was accepted yestarday for precise, i think should go also on oneiric-proposed22:29
angelo-cslangasek: yep, you are right!22:30
angelo-cI complied the bug description to include necessary sections, am I right?22:31
slangasekangelo-c: ok.  The bug state is as it should be for this.  Can you take care of the next steps from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure ? (test case, debdiff prepared with appropriate version number and target in the changelog)22:31
slangasekyes, please :)22:31
infinityangelo-c: Have you tested the precise binaries from yesterday's upload to make sure they do what they should?22:31
slangasekcjwatson: ok, libx11 is the last blocker for libxmu; it's stuck in Debian new though, and I'm afraid of trying to get syncpackage to actually DTRT for a fakesync :)22:32
angelo-cslangasek: I think i wrote everything on bug description22:33
macoI suspect it's the debdiff he's asking about22:34
cjwatsonslangasek: fakesyncs are the only thing syncpackage used to be good for, before the recent API enhancements :-)22:34
infinityangelo-c: And please, base the debdiff off the source I uploaded to precise, rather than your branch. ;)22:34
infinityangelo-c: (I converted your changes to a patch in debian/patch)22:34
angelo-cinfinity: glad to see you! nop, but I think that the sources are identical because they had the same version number before the patch22:34
infinityWell, yes.  Just taking my sources, and changing the version number in the changelog (and the target) would work fine. ;)22:35
slangasekangelo-c: ah, I see the information in the comments, ok.  Normally we put this information in the bug description (using the pencil icon to edit), because comments don't stay where you can find them as a bug grows22:35
cjwatsonslangasek: it looks it will need to be a merge though?22:35
slangasekcjwatson: according to tjaalton we can drop that last patch22:35
cjwatsonso why would it need to be a fakesync?22:36
macoInfinity: I'm going to have to actually install precise and oneiric if I want to start doing srus for o, huh? *lazy semi-dev*22:36
cjwatsondo you just mean to accelerate past Debian NEW?22:36
slangasekcjwatson: perhaps I'm meaning something different by the word.  "sync from NEW"22:36
angelo-cslangasek: oh, my fault22:36
cjwatsonah.  I'm sure you know enough bribable ftpmasters. :-)22:36
infinitymaco: Not sure about installing precise to do oneiric SRUs.. :P22:37
cjwatsonthough it's so fast these days I don't usually bother22:37
* slangasek impatient22:37
macoInfinity: there was an and in there. I'm on maverick and natty22:37
cjwatsonSRUs> chroots work for a lot of things ...22:38
cjwatson(spot the non-desktop developer)22:38
* slangasek grins22:38
angelo-cslangasek: ok, I removing the comment and editing the bug description22:38
slangasekangelo-c: thanks :)22:38
infinitycjwatson: *grin*22:38
macoI did all of my oneiric stuff in a vm since ubiquity was pretty much all I did22:38
* cjwatson ponders purging his hardy chroot22:39
macoStart the install, swear, poke python, start the installer again...22:39
infinitycjwatson: We still support it.22:39
cjwatsonyeah, but like I ever actually touch it22:39
infinitycjwatson: I did a hardy SRU of apt only a month ago!22:39
angelo-cslangasek: ok, done22:39
DktrKranzslangasek: do you need libx11 out of NEW?22:39
infinitycjwatson: Pot, kettle?22:40
cjwatsoninfinity: shh22:40
macoI'm going to go with hoping colin doesn't screw around too much with a grub that seems to work!22:40
cjwatsonwell, since you ask, there've been a lot of nice fixes upstream lately ;-)22:41
macoHardy boots, now lets never touch it's grub again!22:41
cjwatsonI suspect this will be a cherry-pick cycle though22:41
infinitymaco: The upshot is that if he screws it up, it's even MORE his job to fix it than ever before.22:41
angelo-cinfinity: I have to test the patch mandatory?22:41
angelo-cinfinity: I tested the patch extensively for oneiric!22:42
infinityangelo-c: In the case where it's literally the same source package, and I based it on your original patch, I think we can let the pre-upload testing slide.22:42
infinityangelo-c: Obviously, post-upload, it'll need to be tested from -proposed.22:42
angelo-cinfinity: I think that22:44
slangasekDktrKranz: "need" is overstating it slightly... "getting twitchy waiting for" :)22:45
angelo-cinfinity: testing from -proposed implies only to add the proper repository to sources.list, right?22:47
infinityangelo-c: Or, in the case of a single fixed package, just downloading the one deb and installing it manually. :P22:48
infinityangelo-c: But the point is testing the built binaries, that's all.22:48
slangasek-b$R{53<B2><87>Qv<B7><AF><CC>^? <B0>-^T<D6><8D><F9>M<94>Q9I<CD><87>.<FF>^KZl<8D><F6><80>5^@^@22:48
slangasek+b$R{53<B2><87>Qv<B7><AF><CC>^? <B0>-^T<D6><8D><F9>M<94>Q9I<CD><F7>P<FF>^WZl<8D><F6><80>5^@^@22:48
infinityslangasek: I agree.22:48
* slangasek calmly stabs gzip22:48
angelo-cinfinity: ok, it's really in my intrest!22:48
infinityslangasek: Oh, the manpage bug?22:48
slangasekinfinity: yep, finding more hits22:48
slangaseklibtasn1-3 NEWS.gz22:48
infinityslangasek: Outside of PAM finally?22:49
slangasekoh yes22:49
infinityslangasek: That's oddly comforting.22:49
slangasekit's not at all isolated to PAM22:49
slangasekthere's a Debian bug filed about it now as well22:49
slangasekjwilk ran an archive scan to find inconsistencies in packages marked M-A: same.. turned up a few22:49
slangasekDebian bug #64752222:49
ubottuDebian bug 647522 in gzip "gzip -9n is not deterministic" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/64752222:49
infinityslangasek: That's... Two characters different?22:49
macoGzip is fubar?22:49
slangasekinfinity: three22:49
DktrKranzslangasek: processed, it will be accepted in ~12 minutes22:49
slangasekDktrKranz: thanks :)22:50
infinityslangasek: How is that even the same stream when unzipped?  Still makes my head hurt.22:50
DktrKranzso, does anybody say I'm bribable? ;)22:50
infinityslangasek: I liked Colin's dictionary theory, but that would lead to drastically different streams.22:50
slangasekinfinity: dunno yet, haven't had a chance to dig22:50
infinity(Or, more than 3 chars, anyway)22:50
slangasek7msg DktrKranz when will you collect this beer?22:51
SpamapSslangasek: so, for multiarch, the -dev packages can have executables, right?22:51
broderoh noes! slangasek has accidentally revealed the secret to his success at manipulating ftpmasters! :-P22:51
SpamapSslangasek: just not the runtime libs?22:51
infinityslangasek: Are we supposed to believe you don't use a US keyboard?22:51
slangasekSpamapS: if you want co-installable -dev packages, they generally need to be free of executables; but this is a softer goal than the goal of coinstallable runtime libs22:52
angelo-cinfinity: how do you converted my changes to a patch in debian/patch?22:52
slangasekinfinity: I don't use the US keymap!22:52
SpamapSslangasek: libmysqlclient-dev has /usr/bin/mysql_config ..22:53
infinityslangasek: You use... A... German one?  I can't think of who else has the / there.22:53
SpamapSoh wait22:53
SpamapSthats a script22:53
slangasekSpamapS: scripts are sometimes fine... and sometimes they foolishly embed library paths, so *look* fine when you start out and become less fine after you've built for multiarch :)(22:53
infinityangelo-c: In the case of that package, it was just pruning 'bzr diff' into a sane patch, dumping it in debian/patches, and adding it to debian/patches/series.22:53
PasNoxI'm trying to create a package for my lib for oneiric, but the deb generation fails after a success build with error : http://paste.kde.org/14450622:53
PasNoxdo u have any hint on why ?22:54
slangasekinfinity: yeah, that's a German typo :)22:54
SpamapSbah.. that will be updated based on the LIB_PREFIX ..22:54
slangasekPasNox: looks like your packaging has failed to install libfresh.so.1.0 into the binary packages22:54
PasNoxthe file exists but not in the same path that the fresh.so python binding file22:55
slangasekSpamapS: yep :)  But I wouldn't worry about that for now22:55
infinityslangasek: I don't actually consider this a good thing that I know the German layout well enough to know that.  I wonder what useful thing I've forgotten as a result.22:55
SpamapSslangasek: indeed, libmysqlclient18 is the one we need fixed22:55
slangasekSpamapS: it's not like X libs, where your headers have circular dependencies on the foreign-arch versions :P22:55
sebnerslangasek: please put 500€ into an envelope and send it to DktrKranz drive 666, Italy22:55
PasNoxslangasek: the file exists : http://wstaw.org/m/2011/11/10/plasma-desktoppU1919.jpg22:55
PasNoxbut i want to create 4 package, 2 -dev package and 2 libs package22:56
angelo-cinfinity: really thanks, another army in my bag!22:56
slangasekPasNox: but what does 'find debian -name libfresh.so.1.0' return?22:56
PasNoxslangasek: here is my control file that i build with cowbuilder : http://paste.kde.org/14451222:57
PasNoxslangasek: the fresh lib is not installed system wide22:57
slangasekPasNox: if debhelper is told to install the library into one of the binary packages, dh_shlibdeps will automatically know how to find it.22:57
slangasekI understand that22:57
slangasekbut it needs to be installed into the target directory for one of the binary packages you're building22:58
slangasekthe error message indicates that it isn't22:58
PasNoxi'm not familiar with creating package, it's my first try :D22:58
angelo-cinifinity: so what happens now to the package in oneiric proposed?22:58
PasNoxslangasek: in the image i give the url some lines ago we can see fresh.so ( python lib binding ) and libfresh.so* exists but not in same folders )22:59
PasNoxi then use *.install files to copy files in correct package folder22:59
PasNoxcurrently i make install in the tmp folder, and move fiels using *.install rules22:59
slangasekPasNox: please show me the output of 'find debian -name libfresh.so.1.0' run from the package root22:59
PasNoxyes, sorry22:59
PasNoxslangasek: from which path i should execute this ?23:00
slangasekPasNox: from the top level of the directory where you built this and got the error message23:01
slangasekthe directory above the one named 'debian' that contains your packaging23:01
PasNoxi created a script for packaging the lib and then it's cowbuilder building the lib in a chrooted env so i have not the build folder23:01
slangasekbut the command needs to be run after a failed build23:01
slangasekso you need to tell cowbuilder to not throw away the build directory on failure23:01
PasNoxah ok, so let restart the build :)23:02
slangasek(there's a pbuilder option for this, but I don't use pbuilder so can't tell you what it is)23:02
PasNoxah, and how i can do that ?23:02
slangasekI guess there are others here who use pbuilder and can tell you23:02
PasNoxi will add the commande before executeing the dh_install23:02
PasNoxfind /tmp/buildd/fresh-1.1.0/debian -name libfresh.so.1.023:04
PasNoxas expected in the correct folder23:05
slangasekPasNox: that's not the correct folder :)23:05
SpamapSslangasek: first attemptted multiarch build starting...23:05
slangasekthe correct folder would be /tmp/buildd/fresh-1.1.0/debian/libfresh/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfresh.so.1.023:05
* SpamapS will not attempt proper spelling tho23:05
slangasekPasNox: if find only shows it in the debian/tmp directory, this means it's missing from your libfresh.install file23:06
slangasek(also, 'libfresh' is the wrong name for a runtime library package; it should be named 'libfresh1')23:06
PasNoxslangasek: ok, i will rename it once the package build fine ;)23:06
bjsniderPasNox, if you add a hook script it will preserve the build dir in pbuilder if the build fails. there's an example on the ubuntu wiki page for pbuilder23:06
PasNoxslangasek: btw ias i said, as the make install will produce 4 package, i make install in tmp, and then use *.install fiels to mvoe files to correct folder23:07
slangasekPasNox: once the packaging for libfresh (or libfresh1) is correct, dh_shlibdeps will see it and generate the correct autodependency23:07
PasNoxmaybe this install file is run before the needed one ?23:07
slangasekdh_install needs to run before dh_shlibdeps23:07
PasNoxlet me check23:07
slangasekif you're using any of the common packaging tools, this will be done for you23:07
* cjwatson waves a flag with "dh $@" written on it23:08
slangasekooh, are you selling those at cafepress23:08
PasNoxslangasek: http://paste.kde.org/14451823:08
cjwatsonnow there's an idea23:08
PasNoxi call the dh_install in the 'install' rule ( so just after 'make install XXX'23:08
PasNoxit's not the good place ?23:08
slangasekPasNox: oh, you inserted the find command directly in debian/rules?  That's not what I expected :)23:09
cjwatsonDH_VERBOSE=1 in the environment is usually a good way to track down this kind of bug23:09
slangasekPasNox: what does debian/libfresh.install contain?23:09
PasNoxslangasek: yes not optimal but it was working :)23:09
PasNoxi will remove it after23:09
PasNoxslangasek: libfresh.install: http://paste.kde.org/14452423:10
PasNoxcjwatson: yeah i will activate it if i can't resolve easily this problem :)23:10
slangasekPasNox: ok... that .install file looks correct.  I think you want to double check, by getting the output of that find command *after* dh_install runs23:10
PasNoxslangasek: http://paste.kde.org/144530 looks it's called before :/23:12
slangasekso move the 'find' command down a line :)23:12
angelo-ci saw tha bug was triaged for oneiric, so what's next?23:12
* cjwatson refers to jml's "hack like an evil overlord" talk (you can google it): "If I have an unstoppable superweapon, I will use it as early and often as possible"23:12
cjwatsondon't hold back your debugging tools that give you extensive traces of what's going on until you're already confused23:13
infinityangelo-c: Well, normally, next would be you submitting a debdiff for the proposed upload.  But since it's literally identical to the one I did yesterday (modulo version number), and you'd need it sponsored anyway, I'll spare you that hassle, and just do it in a bit.23:13
slangasekoh, oops23:13
slangasekNote: libraries are not searched in other binary packages that do not have any shlibs or symbols file.23:13
slangasekPasNox: ^^ you need to call dh_makeshlibs23:13
slangasekby which I mean, you should replace this packaging with dh(1)23:13
slangasekbecause sequencing debhelper commands by hand is a waste of your valuable time :)23:14
infinitycjwatson: And this is why every command on my system is aliased to "strace $@"23:14
* slangasek lols23:14
angelo-cinfinity: thank you!23:14
PasNoxslangasek: hm not sure i got u :/23:14
slangasekPasNox: you have a difficult to spot error in your debian/rules, which is that dh_makeshlibs must be called before dh_shlibdeps if you are building a shared library package.23:15
PasNoxok so i have to put this command before the seconds, let me check23:15
slangasekPasNox: this "difficult to spot error" would not exist if you were using dh(1) for your packaging, which is my current recommendation for all packages23:16
cjwatsonPasNox: the point is that there exists a program which does all the commands in the right order for you23:16
PasNoxhm ??23:16
PasNoxi use dh_XXX tools it's not what to use ?23:16
cjwatson#! /usr/bin/make -f23:16
cjwatson        dh $@23:16
cjwatson(starting point)23:16
PasNoxslangasek: here are the result for before / after the dh_install call23:16
cjwatsonit understands qmake already so there's a fairly decent chance it will just work as is23:17
* SpamapS <heart> dh7+23:17
cjwatson/usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny, and 'man dh' for help on customising it if it does turn out that the defaults aren't quite right23:17
cjwatsonthis is one layer above the dh_* tools you are already using23:18
slangasekPasNox: yep.  add a call to dh_makeshlibs immediately before the call to dh_shlibdeps23:18
slangasekPasNox: then, once you've confirmed that this fixes your problem, replace your debian/rules with the stuff cjwatson is pointing to :)23:18
PasNoxslangasek: ok, let try, thank u23:19
broderslangasek: you should file a bug against dh-make - i think it still spits out old-style dh_ rules files :)23:19
slangasekbroder: I don't think that's the default anymore, is it?23:19
slangasekbroder: dh_make(8) says it is not23:20
broderslangasek: ooh! it changed since i last looked. awesome23:20
PasNoxbtw i create the template using 'dh_make -c XXX' and it's what the ubuntu wiki told me to do :/23:20
PasNoxi was using this how to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/QtApplication23:21
PasNoxso u say they are outdated ?23:21
slangasekPasNox: I don't think the documentation is outdated, that's still a reasonable way to create the template23:21
slangasekPasNox: what version of Ubuntu did you run this on?23:21
SpamapSdh_make spits out shiny new tiny rules files23:21
PasNoxslangasek: kubuntu oneiric 64bits23:21
SpamapSand has for quite some time23:21
slangasekPasNox: ok.  Then there is a bug in dh_make, unfortunately23:22
PasNoxxD ok23:22
cjwatsonthat's odd, I tested that recently23:22
slangasekcjwatson: maybe specific to some multipackage option chosen interactively?23:23
PasNoxthis was the command i used:23:23
PasNoxdh_make -c "lgpl3" -f "$START_PWD/$FRESH_FILE_SRC" --createorig -l23:23
cjwatsonperhaps; I just tested it with single-package and it gave me dh723:23
slangasekPasNox: can you point me to the original upstream source for fresh, so I can test here?23:23
PasNoxthen i added new *.install *.dirs and package rule in the control files to create 4 package instead of 223:24
cjwatsonsame with -l, which I agree might have influenced this23:24
PasNoxthis is my current files for create / build the packages23:24
PasNoxand i use the master working copy to be packaged23:24
cjwatsonPasNox: can I have the output of 'dpkg-query -W dh-make'?  that debian/rules is not consistent with the version I'm looking at23:25
PasNoxfrom where i should run that ?23:26
cjwatsona terminal, anywhere, doesn't matter23:26
PasNoxcjwatson: dh-make 0.5923:26
cjwatsonwell, then I don't understand this; the comment "This version is for packages that are architecture dependent" near the top of the file looks like it's from a template, but it's not in any of the current dh_make templates23:27
cjwatsonincidentally, I have to very strongly recommend against the practice in debian_fresh_packaging.sh of putting dh_make in a script23:28
PasNoxdh_shXXX call shadeslayer say to add23:28
PasNoxfix my problem23:28
PasNoxthe deb are built and they content what i wanted them to contains23:29
cjwatsonit's something you run once at the very start, not something you should be putting in a script you run to update your package to new versions23:29
PasNoxcjwatson: yes it's why it's in the function i no longer call23:29
PasNoxbut i keep it becasue it can help me later for create other package23:29
PasNoxi'm so noob / new at creating package :)23:29
slangasekyeah, I can't reproduce this dh_make behavior23:30
cjwatsonso shadeslayer advised you to replace the debian/rules template created by dh_make with this version?  in that case I think shadeslayer should take the blame for having to support the result :-)23:31
PasNoxi do not understand xD23:31
slangasekcjwatson: I think that's tab-complete-error and he's saying that dh_makeshlibs fixed his error?23:31
PasNoxi did not repalce the template rules files23:31
PasNoxi jsut added what it seem to be a missing command23:31
cjwatsonthen none of us understand how that debian/rules got there in its current state23:32
PasNoxwhat i'm sure is that it comes from a dh_make -c XXX call23:32
cjwatsonyou weren't running it in a chroot or something?23:32
SpamapSslangasek: looks like cmake actually makes it pretty simple23:35
PasNoxi commited in master my last rules file that works23:35
cjwatsonnow, the version in PackagingGuide/QtApplication looks like your version23:36
PasNoxso now it create correct deb package, but it seem u say me my tempaltes are bad and i should recreate them from a clean  debian folder ?23:36
cjwatsonand it's also based on /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.arch from old (pre-oneiric) versions of debhelper23:36
cjwatsonPasNox: we're not saying they're *bad* as such, we're saying that this entire conversation would have been unnecessary if you were using a modern rules format because you wouldn't have to micromanage which dh_* commands to call in which order23:37
PasNoxcjwatson: i see, the problem is that i follow the how to from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/QtApplication23:37
PasNoxso this is outdated ?23:37
cjwatsonit is not adequate for libraries and it is not up to date with current recommendations23:38
PasNoxoh i think i remember23:38
cjwatsonit would be better off recommending /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny23:38
slangasekSpamapS: yeah, cmake was already multiarch-sorted in the first round :)23:38
PasNoxpossible i copy / paste the content from the how to in my rules files23:39
PasNoxit's why it does not looks like the generated one ??23:39
cjwatsonthis sort of thing is really nice to remember so that you don't send people off on wild goose chases ;-)23:39
PasNoxok so the better, is to get rules.tiny and make changes to it and use this one instead of my current rules file ?23:40
cjwatsonthat would be my recommendation, yes.  you don't need to start again as far as the rest of the files under debian/ are concerned, though23:40
SpamapSis there a script somewhere to do a mass upload of all the rdeps of something? I want to do a test-rebuild against MySQL 5.5 in my PPA before raining down rebuilds on the main archive.23:40
PasNoxcjwatson: ok, i will try that now, thanks u23:41
cjwatson'man dh' has a bunch of examples of how to do little customisations - the idea is that you only have to describe how your package differs from normal23:41
PasNoxand thank u all for your valuable help :)23:41
slangasekSpamapS: StevenK probably has such a script, but I'd think it's a shell oneliner23:42
cjwatsonI use variations of http://paste.ubuntu.com/733682/ (and a for loop) for my mass rebuilds23:43
SpamapSThats precisely what I need. :)23:43
broderSpamapS: i think you could do this with a really short shell loop combining tumbleweed's new rdepends service (http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/rdepends/) and backportpackage23:44
cjwatsonwait for vi to appear, wait one second to be sure the timestamp has ticked over, :wq, check diff, enter23:44
SpamapSwell, that and an unlicensed particle accelerator that I can carry on my back.. but.. need may be too strong for that..23:44
cjwatsonSpamapS: if it's a biggish library soname transition, we can set up a transition tracker for it23:45
cjwatsonall that needs is patterns for affected (which packages should we bother to look at, usually a regex on build-depends), good (usually a regex on depends), and bad (ditto)23:46
infinitycjwatson: libmysqlclient qualifies as big, yeah.23:46
cjwatsonso what are the old/new sonames?23:47
infinityadconrad@cthulhu:~$ apt-cache rdepends libmysqlclient16 | wc -l23:47
cjwatsoner, package names23:47
infinityOld is anything <= 16, new is 18.  Looks like.23:47
cjwatsonwe can ignore < 16 for these purposes I think23:48
cjwatsongiven that we only have 16 in precise23:48
infinityYeah, looks like < 16 got properly transitioned from where I'm sitting.23:48
infinitySpamapS: Verify that the new SOVER is 18?23:48
infinitySpamapS: I've only been half awake today.23:49
slangasekthat's the sover he mentioned earlier23:49
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/libmysqlclient.html should appear in a few minutes23:50
cjwatsonanyone in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-transition-trackers can tweak it if I got it wrong23:50
SpamapSinfinity: yes, its 18.. or at least, it was at 5.5.15 ..23:50
* SpamapS re-checks 5.5.1723:50
SpamapScjwatson: thank you23:50
angelo-cbye, thank you all!23:51
=== jjardon_ is now known as jjardon
slangasekSpamapS: bah, mysql-5.1 ftbfs on amd64: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/84808548/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-amd64.mysql-5.1_5.1.58-1ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz23:55
slangasekmain.query_cache_28249                   [ fail ]23:55
cjwatsonSpamapS: whoops, I got the good/bad regexes backwards; but you can look at that tracker page now and check the 'good' button to get a list of source packages23:56
cjwatsonfixed for the next regen in an hour from now23:56
PasNoxfor the package name23:57
PasNoxi should calle libfresh1 and libfresh1-dev ?23:57
PasNoxor libfresh1 and libfresh-dev ?23:57
PasNoxshould name*23:57
SpamapSslangasek: hmm.. http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=4386123:58
slangasekibfresh1 and libfresh-dev is best23:58
cjwatsonI would normally recommend libfresh-dev, unless you think you're likely to be in a position to want to support people building against multiple different versions of the library in the same release23:58
slangaseksorry, libfresh1 of course23:58
cjwatson(which you probably aren't)23:59
slangasekSpamapS: so... give-back? :P23:59
PasNoxok, so let got for libfresh1 and libfresh-dev23:59

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