
cprofitt#startmeeting ubuntu-beginners-team-november-meeting00:00
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Nov  9 00:00:03 2011 UTC.  The chair is cprofitt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.00:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired00:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-beginners-team-november-meeting Meeting | Current topic:
cprofitt#topic general-discussion00:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-beginners-team-november-meeting Meeting | Current topic: general-discussion
cprofittHello everyone. Please respond with 0/ are here.00:00
Unit193I refuse, I'm not here00:00
cprofittthanks for coming everyone.00:01
cprofittThere have been a great many changes with our team over the past few months and we need to announce them, but first I would like to go over UDS-P and some of the broader topics in our community.00:01
cprofittThere are two 'pads' I want to share with the group.00:01
cprofittwe do not have to read through these tonight, but please bookmark those for later reading00:02
cprofittOverall there is a feeling that was expressed in Jono's survey results that there has been too much 'red tape' in the community. The Beginners Team was victim to this as well. We want to get back to a "Just Do It" mentality.00:02
cprofittWith that mentality goes a responsibility to think about one's actions and ensure that we stay positive or express criticsm in a constructive non-personal manner.00:02
cprofittThe beginners team council has been, to my knowledge, disbanded.00:02
cprofittThe team has been made open00:03
cprofittand there is a desire to not use the mailing list as a forum for continued debate that degrades to 'bickering'00:03
cprofittI am positive that all of us want to move forward and would like to put the last seven months behind us00:03
MrChrisDruif(Ow, wasn't a vote ;-) )00:04
IAmNotThatGuyhe he00:04
IAmNotThatGuyhi jbicha00:04
cprofittI learned one important thing from Mark Shuttleworth this UDS00:05
MrChrisDruifWhich was?00:05
cprofittWhen I introduced him to Marek (bdfghjk) he asked what Marek liked to work on00:06
cprofittMark was not concerned with asking Marek to do something for Ubuntu... but what Marek liked doing00:06
cprofittthat helped clarify what made the BT a positive force in the Ubuntu eco system in the past00:06
cprofitteach person DID what they LOVED to do00:07
cprofittthey excelled because they were internally motivtaed to do something that scratched their own itch00:07
cprofittthat in turn helped others... but it did not feel like work and people were highly motivated00:07
cprofittwith that in mind I would like to ask people, in turn, what they WANT to do00:07
cprofittUnit193: what would you like to do?00:08
Unit193I'm working on that, but I have done ISO testing with Xubuntu and a little with Lubuntu00:09
Unit193I will continue to do that00:09
Unit193I have also done support in channels, need to get into that better00:09
cprofittso, to check my understading you are still finding what itch you like scratching the most00:09
Unit193Well, in a way00:10
cprofittThat is a fantastic answer... and one we will all end up hearing00:10
cprofittUbuntu is vastly different than the typical proprietary environment00:10
cprofittso it is normal for people to 'find' their itch after exploring00:10
cprofittMrChrisDruif: what is it that you want to do?00:11
MrChrisDruifI'm trying to find my way back into Ubuntu, as I've been away in the last months. Trying to help build UBT back to it's former glory looks like a great itch to scratch atm00:12
* cprofitt nods00:12
cprofittmy only word of caution is that we not throw red-tape up00:13
cprofittI fell in to that trap myself and it was non-productive00:13
MrChrisDruifFormer glory is more then putting up red-tape00:13
cprofittgreat to have you back MrChrisDruif and I look forward to you helping us reinvigorate the team00:13
cprofittduanedesign: what do you want to do?00:13
MrChrisDruifThat's more like it, invigorate the team.00:14
* cprofitt nods00:14
cprofittfor those not familiar with MOTU can you share what that is duanedesign ?00:14
duanedesignthey are the folks responsible for maintaining the universe repository00:14
duanedesignthey keep a large portion of the packages we use in good shape00:15
PabloRubianesduanedesign, I want that too... and MrChrisDruif also00:15
cprofittpleia2: what do you want to do?00:15
PabloRubianesthe UBT was the greatest team arround....00:15
pleia2cprofitt: as of now, I am mostly going to be focused on continuing to recruit BT members for Classroom events00:15
* cprofitt nods00:15
cprofittclassroom events are great opportunities for the community00:16
cprofittAndrewMC: what do you want to do?00:16
ashickur-noorcprofitt:  what is can I ask question?00:16
AndrewMCI am trying to get more into bugs because I have this vision in my head, if when I am a pilot (I hope to be soon) I trust computers enough to fly my airplane, I want every system to be THAT bug free and dependable, probably sounds strange but its my "itch" to "scratch" :)00:16
AndrewMCI have gone idle recently and I am ready to get back going again00:17
Unit193pleia2: Announcements in channel help us actually attend too :)00:17
* cprofitt nods00:17
cprofittVery good AndrewMC, the community needs help with bugs and triage00:17
pleia2Unit193: indeed!00:17
M0hiSorry. Bad machine00:17
cprofittashickur-noor: please ask your question00:17
ashickur-noorWhat is classroomevent?00:18
cprofittpleia2: can you take that one?00:18
ashickur-noorcprofitt: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/meeting/19590/community-roundtable-friday/00:18
ashickur-noornot working00:18
cprofittashickur-noor: you may have to login with your launchpad ID and enable scripts if you are running no-script00:19
cprofittI can help with the link after the meeting if that did not help00:19
ashickur-noorcprofitt: I hvae loged in00:19
pleia2ashickur-noor: Classroom is a project where we do IRC-based learning sessions in #ubuntu-classroom https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom00:19
ashickur-nooranother link works gr800:19
cprofittwe lost Iam...00:20
cprofittPabloRubianes: what do you want to do?00:20
Unit193cprofitt: M0hi is still here, jsut bad connection00:20
PabloRubianescprofitt,  I want Motu for me, and working to help spanish speaking community to become less alienated from english00:21
PabloRubianesis not english fault but is like two worlds and we are just one00:22
cprofittI think the Loco Council and CC are working on that with language teams as well PabloRubianes00:22
cprofittyour work will be much apprecaited00:22
PabloRubianescprofitt, lots of great people are left behind for this... languaje thing00:22
cprofittashickur-noor: what do you want to do?00:22
PabloRubianesit's a shame00:22
PabloRubianesso work needs to be done00:23
pleia2PabloRubianes: we could do a better job of coordinating the classrooms, sorry we've not done so well on it this past year00:23
cprofittPabloRubianes: I believe we will work toward correcting that... and everyone that can help will be much appreciated00:23
ashickur-noorI am currently thinking to make some video tuto for my community00:23
cprofittzkriesse: yes, meeting... welcome and thanks for coming00:23
M0hiPabloRubianes, LoCos can try concentrating on that. Lets starts from Uruguay ;)00:23
zkriessecprofitt: ;)00:23
cprofittashickur-noor: Great. I have done a couple of tutorials... including one on how to make a tutorial00:23
ashickur-noorcprofitt: can you give me link?00:24
PabloRubianesM0hi, we are working with argentina one00:24
cprofittashickur-noor: yes...00:24
M0hiPabloRubianes, cool00:24
cprofittM0hi: what do you want to do?00:24
ashickur-noorcprofitt: one question regarding that00:24
cprofittashickur-noor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0Tn3Z8OklQ00:25
cprofittgo ahead ashickur-noor00:25
ashickur-noorIt's about voice00:25
ashickur-noormy voice is so bad00:25
M0hiCurrently, I was not able to spend the time that I've spent before 8 months. I just have one wave running in my mind, saying me that UBT is there and nothing to worry. I just want that wave live forever =]00:25
ashickur-noorSo what can I do about the Voice?00:26
M0hiI am now restricted with the time I spend. But I will help in documentation and the blueprint of our team00:26
cprofittashickur-noor: I am not really sure about that... I am not fond of my voice, but I do my best00:26
ashickur-noorcprofitt:  and describing something do always worst for me00:27
cprofittfantastic M0hi; one key aspect of being a leader in the community is realizing what you can and can not do...00:27
cprofittI respect that you are busy and glad that you acknowledge that as well00:27
cprofittit is important for people to be realistic with what they can take on00:27
cprofittzkriesse: what do you want to do?00:27
zkriessesorry i gotta run00:28
zkriesseNot what I intended00:28
cprofittno problem zkriesse00:28
ashickur-noorcprofitt: nice Idea00:28
cprofittso I have asked you all that question, but now I need to answer it00:28
zkriesseFolks are asking me to run to the store so off I go :P00:28
zkriessecprofitt: I'll pm you later in response to this?00:29
cprofittI originally migrated to Ubuntu to learn programming that was not Windows oriented... I am, at my day job, a systems administrator and used to helping folks.00:29
cprofittI did a lot of that and also found that there was not an active community in my area00:29
ashickur-noorI have something big in my mind but need help00:29
cprofittI started doing help and community building and did not have time for programming00:29
M0hiashickur-noor, After charles =]00:30
cprofittso one of my focuses for this next six months is to add 'programming' back in to my things to do00:30
cprofittas it is the original 'itch' I had and one I did not scratch for three years00:30
cprofittAt the same time I learned that I truly love to help and build the community00:31
cprofittso one other thing to keep in mind is that the journey may twist in ways you do not expect00:31
ashickur-noorcprofitt:  I am as like you00:31
cprofittjust make sure to enjoy the journey00:31
PabloRubianescprofitt, I agree00:31
cprofittashickur-noor: what is the big thing you wanted to mention00:32
PabloRubianesso I think is time to start over? but with GREAT ATTITUDE!00:32
cprofittcoalwater: what do you want to do?00:33
ashickur-noorcprofitt:  arranging some program in my Country00:33
ashickur-noorcalled ``Ubuntu Day''00:33
* cprofitt listens00:33
Unit193coalwater is on phone00:33
ashickur-noorbut I have no idea what think I do for that00:33
coalwaterabout what, I just joined00:34
Unit193coalwater: WHat do you want to do in the community?00:34
MrChrisDruifashickur-noor; Not to burst any bubbles, more to give you direction: we've got the Ubuntu Global Jam already, maybe worth looking into?00:34
cprofittashickur-noor: I am not sure about how to do that either, but randall ross from vancouver would be a fantastic resource for that00:34
coalwaterumm , I like solving bugs lol00:34
cprofittashickur-noor: https://launchpad.net/~rrnwexec00:34
cprofitttry contacting him... he has a passion that will astound and a great deal of experience organizing large events00:35
coalwaterI really liked 'lernid'00:35
cprofittthe Ubuntu France team is also incredible with what they do00:35
M0hiashickur-noor, I just saw you idling in #ubuntu-bd team. Just try to pull in more people, market about IRC and get visitors, Start planning for an activity and bring it on00:35
ashickur-noorOK I will00:35
cprofittashickur-noor: I will say... just start and event... even if you only get two people to show up you got it off the ground and it can grow00:36
cprofittthat is what I did in my area00:36
ashickur-noorM0hi: I told you last night ubuntu-bd members are too busy00:36
M0hicprofitt, So, are we going to discuss about the ideas accepted before and the action items?00:36
cprofittalright... so our new moto is...00:36
M0hiI need a like button here ;]00:37
cprofittM0hi: I am not sure what has been accepted and not...00:37
coalwaterwhat kind of things for the community are we talking about00:37
ashickur-noorthey are even not free in weekdays00:37
cprofittfrom my understanding most of the structure was removed00:37
Unit193coalwater: Support, devel, bugs, etc. Anything you can think of really00:37
ashickur-noorM0hi: do we have a FB page?00:37
cprofittI think the message bodhi wanted to get out is to not worry about strucutre... just engage with what you like to do00:38
Mohan_chmlSorry for my connections00:38
MrChrisDruifcprofitt; how about the council? Does it still exist?00:38
coalwatero ok,thought we were talking about events only00:38
Mohan_chmlLet me shortly tell all the -restructuring plans00:38
cprofittMrChrisDruif: No, the council does not exist00:38
Mohan_chml1) There will be no members and council. We all are equal and anyone can come forward and propose his/her plan.00:39
Mohan_chmlThey can work on that Idea and can get volunteers for their work00:39
AndrewMCbut there is still someone in authority to deal with those plans? if not how does that work00:39
Unit193Group mentorship00:40
cprofittAndrewMC: the person making the proposal will be in charge of their plans00:40
coalwaterwont that slow decision making?00:40
ashickur-noorAndrewMC:  I agree with you00:40
coalwaterthe no council00:40
Mohan_chmlAndrewMC, If you post an idea, then you are owner of that idea. So, Just try it  out instead of asking for a vote. If you succeed, we all succeed00:40
cprofittif there is a dispute any respected member of the group can help to resolve it00:40
cprofittMohan_chml: +100:41
cprofittwe do not want stagnation because a person with a great idea needs to ask permission00:41
Mohan_chmlAndrewMC, Its like wasting an idea by voting00:41
cprofittI would rather re-direct a little bit than have no action and discouraged members00:41
* AndrewMC will have to look into this for his own team to possibly implemet00:41
AndrewMCsounds interesting00:41
cprofittit is really the roots of the UBT as I knew it00:42
cprofittIf you want to be an app developer and have a great idea for an app... do it00:42
cprofittask for folks who are also interested to help you00:42
cprofittif you run in to issues, ask for help from folks00:42
Unit193Although feedback can help...00:42
cprofittif you need testers... ask for help00:42
Mohan_chmlUnit193, +100:42
AndrewMCI see00:43
cprofittif there is a dispute ask a person you respect00:43
cprofittthere is no need for a specific person to be 'in charge'00:43
AndrewMCWell I will have ot consider this for my team, it sounds like a really good idea actually :)00:43
cprofittwe have many respected members that can be brought in to offer advice or help if you run in to a wall00:43
ashickur-noorcprofitt: then they should be listed00:44
Mohan_chmllet me continue the proposal or plan we had in the mind00:44
cprofittashickur-noor: no, each of us should get to know the people we trust00:44
ashickur-noorit will help newbe like me00:44
MrChrisDruifMohan_chml; go on...00:44
cprofittleave the lists for things like the CC and Loco Council00:44
cprofittashickur-noor: spend time in our irc channel... ask others who they would ask for help00:45
iMichealHcprofitt: PM?00:45
cprofittno need for a static list00:45
ashickur-noorcprofitt: oh, I understood now00:45
cprofittiMichealH: sure00:45
cprofittif there is a list then there is a chance people might be away for a week00:45
cprofittand your question get old... we need to act like a community... get to know each other...00:45
Mohan_chml2) There will be no voting as I said before. It will 'IDEAS' and 'ACTIONS'. The person who proposes can take the ownership of that idea or if he is not having time, he can give the ownership to someone who will be one working on that idea00:45
cprofitthave multiple people we can ask for help from00:45
Mohan_chmlHe/she can get volunteers to work on that idea as we mentioned before00:46
Mohan_chml3) The team is "Open". There is no membership. Anyone can join UBT at anytime and serve our ultimate goal. "Help the beginners"00:48
ashickur-noorMohan_chml:  nice one00:48
Mohan_chml4) We are looking for the support from the whole Ubuntu community to help us work on the Focus groups, by providing some of their time in mentoring people and guiding them to contribute in the future.00:49
Mohan_chmlfor this, we need volunteers to act as a bridge between UBT and other Community FGs00:49
cprofittMohan_chml: and this time we will not require respected members of other teams wait several weeks or months to get approved... so hopefully we can build that support00:50
cprofittthat is one of the benefits of an open team... in the past due to red tape it took too long and some people lost their energy to assist00:51
cprofittpeople should understand that as we ask for help... some folks may still think we are closed... so we have to ensure they know that is not the case anymore00:51
MrChrisDruifAlright, that idea kinda eludes me00:51
cprofittMrChrisDruif: what do you mean?00:51
Mohan_chmlThe FG mentoring structure will be decided in later meetings once we identify POC and the people from the community to start the FG shine00:51
MrChrisDruifWe still have FG's?00:52
Mohan_chmlMrChrisDruif, That is secondary00:52
cprofittMrChrisDruif: I think that is still in the process of being decided...00:52
Mohan_chmlOur primary goal is "Help the beginners"00:52
cprofittwe may or may not have formal teams... but there are areas of focus00:52
cprofittregardless of 'strucutre'00:52
ashickur-noorFG's whit it is btw?00:52
cprofittif duanedesign wants to become MOTU he will focus on that00:52
cprofittand can help others obtain that goal as well... so that will be his focus00:53
popey /lastlog Andre_Gondim00:53
ashickur-noorand what is MOTU?00:53
cprofittand those working with him would be a focus group.. informally or formally00:53
cprofitthey popey!!00:53
MrChrisDruifashickur-noor; FG = Focus Groups, MOTU = Masters Of The Universe00:53
Mohan_chmlSo, we need people for certain places00:53
cprofittwe really want people to get re-energized and worry about strucutre later00:54
AndrewMCMrChrisDruif: beat me to it :P00:54
duanedesignashickur-noor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU00:54
Mohan_chml1) A Person to update the wiki regarding the meetings and the ctions happening in UBT00:54
cprofittwe definately need a person to do that Mohan_chml00:54
Mohan_chmlis there any volunteer stepping forward for that?00:54
Mohan_chmlcprofitt, ;)00:54
cprofittno one said they were interested in that Mohan_chml00:54
cprofittare you willing to take that on until we find a person who wants to do that00:55
Mohan_chmlOkay then. I will take that on my plate00:55
cprofittI can share that with you if needed too00:55
cprofittI do not want to burden people with minutia unless they want to do it... as in WANT to do it00:55
Mohan_chmlcprofitt, #action it over me and I will ping you if I feel of failing =]00:55
cprofitt#action Mohan_chml will update the BT pages with meeting minutes00:56
meetingologyACTION: Mohan_chml will update the BT pages with meeting minutes00:56
cprofitt#action cprofitt will be his second or fallback00:56
meetingologyACTION: cprofitt will be his second or fallback00:56
MrChrisDruifI might be able to help Mohan_chml , just ping me if you need help00:56
Mohan_chmlMrChrisDruif, Sure =]00:56
cprofittMrChrisDruif: is that what you WANT to do?00:56
Mohan_chmlif so, put him first then cprofitt00:57
cprofittI want to make sure everyone has high motivation for doing things... and are not locked down with 'tasks' that feel more like work00:57
Unit193I can easily paste the stuff meetingology spits out00:57
MrChrisDruifcprofitt; I've done wiki's in the past, so it's not too much to ask00:57
cprofittif you truly want to do that... we can make you first MrChrisDruif00:57
Mohan_chmlUnit193, you have to edit them :P00:58
Mohan_chmlcprofitt, Put him first and we can back him up00:58
cprofittMrChrisDruif: I will put you first00:58
MrChrisDruifIt's not like I'm jumping to do it, I just could help lighten the burden cprofitt00:58
cprofitt#action MrChrisDruif will take primary role of posting meeting minutes00:58
meetingologyACTION: MrChrisDruif will take primary role of posting meeting minutes00:58
Mohan_chmlAnd we need a separate volunteer to monitor the wiki pages and report the out dated contents00:58
cprofittlets remember to keep motivated... and just do it...00:59
cprofittno need to ask for permission00:59
ashickur-noorI can do that00:59
Mohan_chmlAlso, it will eb better if we have Unit193 to update the next meeting date both on wiki and the channels00:59
cprofittI would like to thank Unit193, MrChrisDruif, duanedesign, pleia2, AndrewMC, IAmNotThatGuy, PabloRubianes, ashickur-noor, Mohi, MichaelH, zkriesse, coalwater, Mohan_chml, popey for coming and participating in the meeting00:59
cprofittI hope to see you all next meeting01:00
Mohan_chmlashickur-noor, Thanks. Just stick with me or Unit193 who knows about the basic changes01:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Nov  9 01:00:16 2011 UTC.01:00
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-11-09-00.00.moin.txt01:00
MrChrisDruifcprofitt; thank you for leading this meeting, I've got the utmost respect for you01:00
cprofittthanks MrChrisDruif01:00
MrChrisDruifDamn, I wanted that IN the meeting =P01:00
Mohan_chmlcprofitt, Thanks dude. You did awesome =]01:00
cprofittdid the logs link post for everyone?01:00
cprofittMohan_chml: thanks01:00
MrChrisDruifI've got the link01:01
ashickur-noorme too01:01
cprofittTry to post the logs on the wiki and then send an email to the list to alert people that they are there01:01
cprofittlet us take any addiitional business to our own team channel and clear the channel for any others using it01:01
Unit193Might be best to have announcements at the end (if there are any)01:01
cprofittUnit193: I agree... we should list announcements on meeting agenda pages too01:02
MrChrisDruifRight, let's find that mailing-list again =)01:02
Mohan_chmlMrChrisDruif, and Unit193 you are responsible for meeting minutes :P make sure that the message is delivered01:02
Mohan_chmlIn the mean time, I will bring/propose a structure for the contents of the UBT wiki01:03
Unit193MrChrisDruif: You've got the wiki/ML? Or I could paste it up on the wiki01:04
MrChrisDruifI'll paste the moin.txt on wiki01:05
Mohan_chmlback to -team to discuss please01:05
MrChrisDruifOw, btw....next time put it in the Fridge also!!!01:06
=== Mohan_chml is now known as M0hi
=== jason is now known as Guest30334
=== Guest30334 is now known as jasef
=== jason is now known as Guest59350
=== Guest59350 is now known as jasef
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
* slangasek waves16:01
* stgraber waves16:01
* slangasek finds his way back to IRC after logout16:01
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Nov  9 16:02:23 2011 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.16:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired16:02
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e cjwatson barry doko stgraber jhunt ev bdmurray slangasek)16:02
slangasekbdmurray stgraber barry jhunt ev cjwatson doko slangasek16:02
slangasekah, topic first :P16:02
slangasek[TOPIC] lightning round16:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: lightning round
slangasekand go :)16:03
evwhoops, missed that.  Who am I after?16:03
cjwatsonev: jhunt16:03
evcool, thanks16:03
bdmurrayAttended UDS P in Orlando Florida16:03
bdmurrayupdating blueprints with notes from UDS Precise16:03
bdmurrayinvestigation into bug 882255 regarding passwordless login and changing of password16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 882255 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "No administrative actions possible (password refused) after enabling passwordless login" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88225516:03
bdmurrayadded lp_work_item_editor to firefox-lp-improvements16:03
bdmurrayuploaded new version of firefox-lp-improvements16:03
bdmurrayreview of Oneiric nominations for foundations packages16:03
bdmurrayupdate bug bot to deal with bugs with gzipped attachments better16:03
bdmurraywrote bug bot function to comment on no package bug reports16:03
stgraber- UDS last week16:04
stgraber- Looked a bit at bug 876829 (few patches around, none really fixing the issue) and bug 823366 (need to do some testing)16:04
stgraber- Testing tracker work16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 876829 in ifupdown (Ubuntu Precise) "Oneiric's ifupdown breaks ip aliases" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87682916:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 823366 in ifenslave-2.6 (Ubuntu) "bond_primary is ignored in /etc/network/interfaces" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82336616:04
stgraber - is usually up to date with what's in the branch16:04
stgraber - Secured the XML-RPC API (authentication using a login on the website + a key in the user profile)16:04
stgraber - Initial work on notifications16:04
stgraber - Changed theme to gain more screen space16:04
stgraber - Merged initial report from Jean-Baptiste16:04
stgraber - Update schema and API to support multiple result per user with link to hardware profile and a note with each build (rebuild reason)16:04
stgraber - Improved migration/upgrade scripts16:04
stgraber- Played a bit trying to get upstart:i386 to install on my laptop, uploaded most of its dependencies to my PPA but still won't work. Will poke slangasek :)16:04
stgraber- TODO16:04
stgraber - Get a test environment for bug 82336616:04
stgraber - Get a test environment for iscsi, then look at the open-iscsi merge (hopefully fixing a few bugs in the process)16:04
stgraber - Continue testing tracker work, now working on finishing the user UI and notifications16:04
stgraber - Make sure all my blueprints are up to date on LP (should be) and cleanup the work items list a bit16:04
barrysince uds-p: merged claws, claws-plugins patches from official PPA; bug 884890; working on blueprints; start investigating python 3 for update manager and python-dbus; done.16:07
barry 16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 884890 in python-tz (Ubuntu) "Failure to instantiate timezones with well-known names in 12.04" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88489016:07
slangasekjhunt: you're up16:08
jhuntUDS last week (still recovering!). This week have worked on updating the16:08
jhuntcookbook and going the bugs (had some significant contributions from the16:08
jhuntcommunity which is great!!) Worked on a fix for bug 829980 - currently16:08
jhuntawaiting feedback on my ppa build from users with "dodgy" battery16:08
jhunthardware. Plan then to merge pad data -> blueprints, and finish rework16:08
jhunton job logging.16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 829980 in upstart (Ubuntu) "upstart-udev-bridge eats 100% cpu calling dbus_message_iter_append_basic()" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82998016:08
jhuntsoz - didn't see the end marker :)16:09
ev- Getting back up to speed after UDS.  Filed expenses, filled out the survey.16:09
ev- Discussion with Robert around the replacement Launchpad OOPS system he's16:09
ev  building, using Cassandra as a backend.  Set up a call with him to brain16:09
ev  dump the results of our UDS discussions on the crash DB for Thursday night.16:09
ev- Helping someone from the XMBC team get ubiquity working on their stripped16:09
ev  down live CD.16:09
ev- Blueprints and workitems drafting.16:09
ev- Trying to get an apport-retracer instance up and running in the Canonicloud.16:09
ev- Looking at AMQP vs Cassandra's asynchronous triggers as a way of triggering16:09
ev  retraces of submitted crashes.16:09
slangasekjhunt: understandable, since he cheesed out and didn't use unicode :)16:10
jhunttsk tsk!16:10
slangasekev: what's XMBC expand to?16:10
evxbox media center16:10
everr XBMC16:11
slangasekah, ok16:11
evapparently I just cannot type that acronym16:11
cjwatsonGetting the +1 maintenance team going: this month it's me, mterry, and cyphermox once he gets back from vacation.16:11
cjwatsonLots of build fixes and transitions and the like.  Broke cmake/armel (not my fault!), analysed and reported the compiler bug that broke it, and worked around it.  Broke yelp and fixed it.16:11
cjwatsonPatch pilot on Tuesday morning.16:11
cjwatsonFixed casper bug 882308 by request of OEM^WPES.16:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 882308 in casper (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Choosing simplified chinese in isolinux menu causes corrupted characters and untranslated installer" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88230816:11
cjwatsonExperimenting with multiarch cross-building.  I at least seem to have a usable chroot now and have fixed a few packages as a result.16:11
cjwatsonWe almost have the new stonking cdimage master machine!  Working with IS on getting it set up properly, and doing some preparatory work on antimony.16:12
cjwatsonDrafted foundations-p-image-build-pipeline.  Three or so more to do.16:12
slangasekah, and doko's off this week, so it's just me16:13
slangasekhalfway through my own blueprint drafting16:14
slangasekupgraded to precise this week, have started reporting bugs16:14
slangasekfiled bugs for the various unity2d inconveniences I hadn't gotten around to reporting before16:14
slangasekmerged console-setup, will try to forward some changes upstream later to reduce our delta16:14
slangasekmerged user-setup16:14
slangasekpushed a patch to sbuild so that it understands multiarch build-dep syntax16:14
slangasekworked on checking the multiarch cross-buildability of a few packages in the base system16:14
slangasekgot bored with that and decided to go straight for qt4-x11 instead; pushed a bunch of M-A patches16:14
slangasekanyone have questions?16:15
slangasek[TOPIC] Bugs16:16
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slangasekbdmurray: anything of interest from your side?16:16
bdmurrayOnly one bug 834516 which you've touched recently16:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 834516 in user-setup (Ubuntu) "Encryped home directory selected but not encrypted" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83451616:17
slangasekcjwatson, ev, stgraber: have you seen any other reports of that issue?16:18
stgrabernot that I can remember.16:19
cjwatsonnor I16:20
bdmurrayI don't see "Cannot get ecryptfs version" in any ubiquity bug report log files16:20
cjwatsonalthough it rings a bell, I think I remember fixing something similar16:21
bdmurrayInstallationMedia: Ubuntu 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot" - Alpha amd64 (20110817)16:21
slangasekoh, it was installed from an alpha?  should we close this out as fixed?16:21
bdmurrayWell should ubiquity have stopped at that point?16:22
cjwatsonhm, I was thinking of bug 820460 which was different16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 820460 in user-setup (Ubuntu Oneiric) "User not created with encrypted home partition: user-setup exit code 32" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82046016:22
jrgiffordthere was this bug, which is the exact opposite. - bug #84057016:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840570 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Forced to encrypt my home directory during Oneric install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84057016:22
slangasekstgraber: do you think you could follow up on this and see what the source of that error message is?  I'll bet it was a problem with the actual kernel during the alpha and should be closed16:24
bdmurrayI mean it seems wrong to me for the installation to have proceeded even though ecryptfs wasn't available.16:24
stgraberslangasek: yep, I can do that16:24
cjwatsonwe || true the adduser call I think because it's possible that the user might already exist in some contenxts16:25
slangasekbdmurray: ah, true16:25
cjwatsonI agree that we shouldn't proceed if it's clearly broken; we just need to be careful not to go too far the other way16:25
slangasekso we shouldn't just close the bug anyway, we ought to communicate the missing encryption to the user16:25
slangasekstgraber: still yours if you want it :)16:25
cjwatson(that || true is very old; I think it may date back to base-config)16:26
cjwatsonit's in r1 of user-setup16:27
stgraberslangasek: I can certainly add that to my low priority list :) If we skip the user creation, we should at least show a warning I'd think16:27
slangasekstgraber: I think it's a high urgency to confirm that the underlying issue is fixed in the final release, and low urgency (but not low priority) to not silently skip encryption16:29
stgraberslangasek: sounds good16:30
slangasek[LINK] http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-p-tracking-bugs.html16:30
slangasekI think this link has been passed around; hopefully everyone has seen it16:30
evfancy pant16:31
slangasekthis is the list of bugs that I've committed you to fix for the release so far :P16:31
slangasekthere are 33 tasks on there for foundations... which is high, but I don't see any bugs on that list that I think are ok for us to ship with16:32
slangasekif you disagree you can argue it :), but I'd much rather we focus on getting them fixed16:32
slangaseksince this is an LTS and we're emphasizing quality, the list reflects that16:33
barryslangasek: is there a difference between "Canonical Foundations Team" and "Ubuntu Foundations Team"?16:33
slangasekbarry: two different teams in launchpad, the latter includes some community folks16:33
* barry nods16:33
slangasekso the challenge I'd like to set for the team is to get 20 of those bugs fixed by the end of the year16:34
slangasekno reason to wait until after FF to start fixing them :)16:35
slangasekwhat do you think?16:35
cjwatsonit can't hurt to try; do you have the current set recorded somewhere so that tracking won't be thrown off by additions?16:36
slangaseknot yet, but I'll snapshot it today16:36
slangasekthere are a lot of installer bugs on there to go around, fwiw16:36
slangasekso anyone who isn't already familiar with the installer and would like to learn more, now's your chance :)16:37
jhuntthose two plymouth bugs are the same issue. Would it make sense to make one a dup of another?16:37
jhuntonly reason I say that being some folks have expressed the view that they don't get notified of changes to the bug their bug is a dup of.16:38
slangasekI don't remember why they wound up split16:38
slangasekI think it was because the issue was rereported (849414) in a later release than when we thought we'd fixed it16:39
slangasekjhunt: if you merge them, please make sure the bug description of the master says something sensible :)16:39
jhuntslangasek: righto.16:39
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slangasek(e.g., reproduce instructions)16:39
slangasekcjwatson: that reminds me... is there anything other than ^C that would generate SIGINT on console?16:40
cjwatsonsome random keycode or other with the console in raw mode16:40
slangasekjust trying to figure out if the bodgy SIGINT handler in the plymouth theme really does explain all the problems we've seen, or if as upstream says there's some other issue16:41
cjwatsonmuch like, er is it Enter?, turns into SIGQUIT16:41
jhuntslangasek: I've got a systemtap script that logs all SIGINTs system wide if anyone has a system that actually exhibits the plymouth failure on those bugs.16:41
slangasekjhunt: \o/16:41
slangasekjhunt: we should probably take upstream's advice and nix the SIGINT handler anyway, and then see if the problem goes away16:42
jhuntTaking a closer look at the sigint handler, it *does* look safe which is even more mysterious. The only way I've managed to recreate the issue is to fire SIGINTs at plymouthd semi-randomly.16:42
jhuntright. All the plugins have the same code seemingly (copy'n'paste.. ? :)16:42
jhuntI'm just not sure what the implications of removing that handler are for the plugins - it's not as if the handlers aren't doing anything.16:43
cjwatsonI don't agree that all of them are safe16:43
cjwatsonlooking at the script handler as an arbitrary example, it frees memory in a signal handler, which is unsafe16:44
slangasekthe implication is that ^C does nothing, which seems reasonable anyway16:44
slangasekand consistent with the other themes16:44
jhuntare you sure? I was thrown off track initially as the handlers themselves do dangerous things like modifying linked lists. *But* the handlers are not called when the signal arrives - they are called on the next main loop iteration.16:44
cjwatsonoh, except that the signal handler doesn't work that way16:44
cjwatsonyou're right, I missed the indirection through the event loop16:45
jhuntso, in principle it *should* be perfectly safe.16:45
jhuntyeah - it's a mare of code layers.16:45
jhuntall the handlers do is write the signal number through a pipe and return.16:45
cjwatsonply_write calls assert16:45
cjwatsonassert is not async-signal-safe16:46
cjwatsonalthough that should only actually matter if the assert fails, I think16:46
cjwatsonand if that happened then it would fall over anyway16:46
slangasekwell, we do have failing asserts in some of the reports16:46
jhuntfrankly, I wish there were more asserts ther. No alloc calls are ever checked if I recall.16:46
jhunthowever, they would segv fast I'd hope as the address is immediately dereferenced16:47
* slangasek nods16:47
jhunthope not being a word I like to use in combo with programming... :)16:47
slangasekok, we can chew on that more offline :)16:47
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB16:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
slangasekanything else?16:47
* cjwatson tries to find the list of async-signal-safe functions; I keep losing it16:47
jhuntcan anyone offer any thoughts on bug 861268?16:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 861268 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "text corruption in terminals (xterm, urxvt) and emacs" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86126816:48
slangasekjhunt: did you not manage to pin down the X guys at UDS?16:48
slangasekor did they tell you "oh yeah, binary driver, not our problem"? :)16:48
cjwatsonoh, there we go, it's buried in http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/V2_chap02.html#tag_15_0416:49
bdmurrayLooking at recent ubiquity bugs some seem to be about Natty.  I wonder if people are installing it thinking it is the latest.  Or if commenting on them and pointing them to 11.10 makes sense.16:49
jhuntslangasek: semi - I spoke to Chris who thought it could relate to the nvidia driver, but the nouveau driver behaves in the same way.16:49
cjwatsonsend() and write() are async-signal-safe, so I've got nothing else that would break in that way16:49
evbdmurray: please point them at 11.1016:49
evwe don't fix bugs in non-LTS releases post-release16:49
jhuntcjwatson: I've got some tools and scripts that we can use to try and pin this down. Might be worth a bit of pair-debugging?16:49
evfor ubiquity, that is16:50
cjwatsonjhunt: yep, not that I can reproduce it myself16:50
bdmurraywell so if the same bug happens in 11.10 they'll be at the same place though16:50
cjwatsonev: well, except for when we do, but yeah :)16:50
cjwatsonI think we'll want to do more post-release fixing given the existence and advertisement of live-build16:50
cjwatsonbut sure, it's good to make sure that the bugs are current ...16:50
evI think testing the latest release is a reasonable first pass at triaging16:50
jhuntcjwatson: signal(7) also lists async safe calls.16:51
evtmux is made of awesome16:52
cjwatsonjhunt: ah yes, thanks16:52
cjwatsonI always look for it in the base-definitions section of POSIX and it's not there16:52
jhuntev: +10016:53
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Nov  9 16:53:39 2011 UTC.16:53
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-11-09-16.02.moin.txt16:53
slangasekthanks everyone :)16:53
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nuclearbobwho's ready for the QA meeting?18:08
patrickmwsorry, I was running a little late18:08
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Nov  9 18:09:01 2011 UTC.  The chair is patrickmw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.18:09
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired18:09
patrickmw[TOPIC] Previous Actions18:09
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patrickmw[TOPIC] Community Efforts/Testing18:10
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patrickmwjibel is out today.  anyone else have input?18:10
nuclearbobnone here18:10
patrickmwTOPIC] Automated/Systems Testing18:11
patrickmw[TOPIC] Automated/Systems Testing18:11
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Automated/Systems Testing
patrickmwI will go18:11
nuclearbobI've got a few things18:11
nuclearbobyou first18:11
patrickmwDuring UDS we have several action items for improving and growing our automated test suites.18:12
patrickmwWe will be establishing QA submission guidelines for tests18:12
patrickmwAs well as standardizing how to submit tests to QA18:13
patrickmwThere are a few more projects added to the backlog which will be prioritized next week in the QA automation sprint.  Expect an update in two weeks18:13
patrickmwGo ahead nuclearbob18:13
nuclearbobwe had a session about the qa-regression-testing code at UDS, I proposed a couple of additional metadata tags that we're working on adding, and we're still determining the best way to specify dependencies across different distro versions18:14
nuclearbobduring the upcoming sprint I'd like to get some of those tests into jenkins and automatically running on the new lab18:14
nuclearbobthat's what I've got18:15
patrickmwany one else?18:15
patrickmw[TOPIC] Engineering Team Bug Status (hggdh, Ursinha, pedro_, bdmurray)18:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Engineering Team Bug Status (hggdh, Ursinha, pedro_, bdmurray)
bdmurrayI've nothing very exciting to report18:16
patrickmwhggdh, Ursinha?18:17
patrickmwmoving on18:17
patrickmw[TOPIC] Other Topics18:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Other Topics
bdmurrayWith all this testing are there any plans to test the minimum memory needed for installing Ubuntu?18:18
patrickmwI have not heard anything about that. Is this something that you thought of or was this discussed prior?  We could certainly talk more about it18:19
bdmurraySomething I'd thought of and that has long needed addressing.18:20
bdmurraybug 820842 is related18:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 820842 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Minimal memory requirement (512MB) too low to install Ubuntu Desktop in a VM" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82084218:20
patrickmw[ACTION] Discuss testing minumum memory reqs with QA team18:20
meetingologyACTION: Discuss testing minumum memory reqs with QA team18:20
patrickmwok, I will bring this to the team's attention next week and keep you posted18:21
bdmurrayOkay, its worth noting that there is an amount put on the CD sleeves which should be verified.18:21
patrickmwanything to add?18:21
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patrickmwthanks, bdmurray18:22
patrickmw[TOPIC] Chair Selection18:22
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patrickmwSince the QA team will be in the same room next week we can decide who will run it then18:23
nuclearbobsounds good18:23
patrickmwthanks all18:23
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Nov  9 18:23:31 2011 UTC.18:23
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-11-09-18.09.moin.txt18:23
nuclearbobthanks for chairing18:23
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