
medberrybut you could run dnsmasq or something like that on a subnet or nat at home. I think if you really are intending to host an apache at home that has some actual utilization, you probably want to review your goals, your TOS, and your investment (time, energy, power, equipment, etc.)00:00
medberryputting ubuntu up on one of the host providers or up on one of the cloud providers looks more and more attractive if you actually have any usage.00:00
atrunocan anyone recommend a domain registrar that is better than godaddy.com ?00:32
EvilResistanceatruno:  define "better"00:34
atrunoEvilResistance, thats relative i'm open to any suggestions00:39
EvilResistanceatruno:  well you need to have a definiton of better in order to get an answer00:39
EvilResistancefwiw, i use 1and1 for domain registration00:39
EvilResistancebut then dump DNS into zoneedit00:40
atrunothank you00:40
EvilResistanceatruno:  1and1 has horrid DNS so you'd need third party or your own hosted00:40
EvilResistanceatruno:  there's tons of other registrats out there, google for "domain registrar comparison"00:40
twbIt seems silly to use your restrar for DNS (or any other) hosting00:41
SpamapStwb: its so easy to use the registrar for DNS at this point.. for anything "not serious" .. way easier than setting up two of your own servers :P01:38
twbI'd rather handball the DNS to zoneedit than a registrar01:39
twbOK so I have a lucid server that runs a big bag of streamripper processes, currently started up via a really horrible perl script invoked by a really horrible sysvinit job.02:36
twbthe config file looks like this: http://paste.debian.net/144034/ (first field is the port to listen on)02:36
twbI'm thinking this should really be an upstart job that has multiple instances02:36
Matrix3000_i love it02:49
Matrix3000_apt has supercow powers02:49
twbMatrix3000_: "apt-get moo"02:50
Matrix3000_ha that's awesome02:51
Matrix3000_that's a awesome easter egg02:51
Matrix3000_any others?02:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #887859 in nova (main) "euca-reboot-instances failed to reboot lxc instances after a crash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88785902:52
twbMatrix3000_: in Excel there is a flight sim02:55
c_heathcottHello.  I'm running a fresh install of 11.10 and running into issues with kvm/libvirt and bridged networking.  I've been referring to the KVM page in the community docs, and right now I've got the bridge interface setup on the host and I can ping to and from the host on my LAN.04:53
c_heathcottI've assigned the bridge interface to the VM guests, and assigned static IPs on the same subnet within each guest, but I still can't ping to or from any of the guests.04:53
c_heathcottIs it necessary to setup IP aliases in the host interfaces configuration, or should I simply be able to assign static IPs within each guest?  I've seen postings on the forums that seemed to indicate the latter although the community docs page goes through the steps of the former.04:53
jehoshua02I'm having a mounting problem with an entry in my /etc/fstab file.05:29
jehoshua02... actually, I think the vbox share name is wrong ...05:31
jehoshua02... so not an ubuntu question.05:31
=== jason is now known as Guest30334
TheDigitalNinjain a pam config file  if i want to set pam_mysql.so to use a non startard port  do i do host = hostname:port   or host = hostname port = port  ?06:14
skypentHey there, anyone know of good programs to install on a server that can tell me the IPs or users currently accessing the system?06:16
TheDigitalNinjaskypent: netstat -a should do the trick06:20
skypentTheDigitalNinja : Thanks.06:21
=== Guest30334 is now known as jasef
jetoleDoes anyone know an application that can monitor HTTP response times and create some pretty web graphs aside from smokeping?07:37
twbIs "pretty graphs" a hard requirement?07:38
jetoleI'm partial to RRD but I guess no, it's not a requirement07:39
jetolethe data is more important then the graph07:39
SpamapSapachepong anyone?07:39
twbSpamapS: it sure does07:39
jetoleheh. lol07:40
jetolewell in this case, the majority of the http servers are IIS but apache pong is cute07:40
jetoleI like the smoke ping style and while the "smoke" concept of send multi pings to record difference between median, high and low is useful I want to limit to send only one ping per check but smoke ping doesn't support less then 307:42
twbFWIW I have collectd look at the detailed server_status page, which is not the same thing07:43
twbjetole: re median -- less than 20 or so is generally not statistically sound, let alone one :P07:44
jetoleI'll have to google collectd. I know of it but been years since I read up on it and lack of a photographic memory and all07:44
twbIt's a generic snarfers -> rrds solution, usually coupled with a separate rrds -> pretty graphs07:44
jetoletwb: depends on the context of the check and the perspective of the observation, for example if I send one check every minute then very narrow jumps arern't much of a concern but I can watch steady rise and fall and notice sudden jumps when they are maintained long enough07:45
SpamapSIf you want resolution under 1 minute.. you should be tailing logs or sniffing traffic, not probing from outside.07:46
jetolewell I didn't say _under_ one minute but yeah I see your point07:47
jetoleoh now this is cool to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s98-5rZIVyk&feature=related07:56
jetoleI never realized software development could be this entertaining from this perspective07:59
twbWhen I am pair programming/sysadminning, I usually finish every sentence with "quick!  Quick!  Type faster!"08:02
twb"Not that left your other left!"08:02
twbReally keep them on their toes08:02
jetoleheh. Well thank god we got admins to deal with the -l users. I'm an engineer and my work is typically around the data center08:03
jetoleI guess if I had typed that faster he would have seen it before he quit :-(08:04
jehoshua02Does anybody understand how to use the fmask option in the mount command? I'm using 027, hoping for "-rwxr-----". Any reason why I would get "-rw-r-----" instead?08:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #887953 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 126" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88795309:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #861682 in keystone "Foreign keys should relate to fields of the same type" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86168209:56
plmHi all10:48
plmpeople, where aI see list of packages of ubuntu 11.10?10:48
lynxmanmorning o/10:50
plmwhat is postgresql version in ubuntu 11.10?10:53
lynxmanplm: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-8.410:55
plmlynxman: that is about “postgresql-8.4” package in Ubuntu10:58
plmlynxman:  I would like know where I see a list of pacakges in ubuntu 11.10. I think are there some place where I can see all packages and version of pacakges contents in ubuntu 11.10 right?10:59
lynxmanplm: I guess so, can't remember form the top of my head though :/11:00
plmanyone? google not tell me :-)11:00
jamespageplm: http://packages.ubuntu.com/11:02
plmjamespage: thanks11:08
Davieylynxman: can you follow up on bug 874981, please? :)11:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 874981 in mcollective "Please merge/sync mcollective from debian wheezy" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87498111:29
Davieyjamespage: is libcommons-dbcp-java merge on your radar?11:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #887998 in asterisk (universe) "GoSub Dialplan Application not registered" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88799811:31
jamespageDaviey: I took a look - see comment - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+localpackagediffs?field.name_filter=libcommons-dbcp-java&field.package_type=non-ignored&field.package_type-empty-marker=111:32
lynxmanDaviey: I reported on it on the server meeting yesterday :)11:32
lynxmanDaviey: and got some extra news11:32
Davieylynxman: ok, thanks - i'll catch up on that11:33
lynxmanDaviey: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-11-08-16.09.moin.txt11:33
DavieyNCommander: are you planning to attack ipmitool?11:34
Davieyadam_g: facter merge on your shoulders?11:36
eagles0513875|2hey guys i have a very nasty issue11:40
eagles0513875|2apt-cache policy is showing i have libcupsys2-dev installed yet its showing there is no installation candidate and that its not installed yet it is installed on my system and there is an install candidate available11:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #888006 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88800611:41
ikoniaeagles0513875|2: confirm if the package is installed yes/no before deciding how to proceed11:50
eagles0513875|2apt-cache policy is showing installed and candidate as none11:51
eagles0513875|2yet when i do apt-get install libcupsys2-dev it tells me that its already installed11:51
ikoniaeagles0513875|2: apt-cache is not showing what's installed11:52
ikoniaconfirm if the package manager believes it's installed or not11:52
eagles0513875|2that the libcupsys2-dev package is installed11:52
eagles0513875|2and also its not showing a candidate package that can be installed11:52
ikoniaeagles0513875|2: ok, how did you verify that11:52
eagles0513875|2with apt-cache policy11:52
ikoniaapt-cache policy does not list what's installed11:53
ikoniahow are you confirming it's installed11:53
eagles0513875|2i usually do it that way to confirm as it shows if its installed and gives you the version of the package installed11:53
ikoniathat is showing the policy11:53
ikoniaconfirm the package manager thinks it's installed11:53
eagles0513875|2ok. how though11:54
ikoniayou're a paid sysadmin ?11:54
ikoniaI'll leave you to work that out, I'm happy to help, but I'm not feeding you the basics after the ammount of time you spend bragging how much of a paid/quality sysadmin you are11:55
ikoniaonce you've done that, we can walk it through11:55
eagles0513875|2ok found the answer on google11:55
ikoniahow are you confirming it's installed11:55
eagles0513875|2dpkg --get-selection | grep cups11:56
ikoniaso can you see the package in that list ?11:56
ikoniaok - so the package manager believes it's installed11:56
eagles0513875|2ill be back later off to lunch11:57
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uvirtbotNew bug: #888031 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88803112:40
=== Guest59350 is now known as jasef
lynxmanjamespage: ping13:46
jamespagelynxman: pong13:46
lynxmanjamespage: need some help with a java process start script13:46
lynxmanjamespage: let me pm you13:46
jamespagehere is good13:47
lynxmanjamespage: ah cool13:47
lynxmanjamespage: dealing with the activemq startup script13:47
lynxmanapart from lack of dependencies (doesn't depend on openjdk, need to fix)13:47
lynxmanthe script won't start a heatlhy instance, where if I feed the parameters manually it will13:47
* jamespage checks 13:47
jamespagelynxman: deps look OK13:49
jamespagejust pulling the source13:49
lynxmanjamespage: k,just check the init, the start-stop-daemon line doesn't spawn anything13:49
lynxmanjamespage: whereas if I do su - activemq -c "/usr/bin/activemq start xbean:activemq.xml" it does run13:51
jamespagelynxman: precise or oneiric?13:54
lynxmanjamespage: precise13:54
jamespagelynxman: I just tried enabling the main instance as it worked OK for me13:56
jamespageanything specific you are doing different?13:56
lynxmanjamespage: oh bummer.. then my box is broken :/13:56
lynxmanjamespage: just ln -s the instance from available then start13:56
lynxmanjamespage: somethings borken with my precise machine then :/13:56
jamespagelynxman, http://paste.ubuntu.com/733086/13:57
jamespageand http://paste.ubuntu.com/733086/13:57
lynxmanjamespage: same13:57
lynxmanjamespage: I'll just reinstall my devel vm, this one is broken I reckon13:58
jamespagelynxman: looks that way13:58
lynxmanjamespage: thanks a bunch :)13:58
jamespagethat init script would be so much simpler with upstart13:59
* jamespage puts that on the TODO list13:59
bitshiftHi, me again - not sure why but the Ubuntu Server Installer goes away and doesn't come back after picking the mirror to use. No errors in dmesg, last thing I see is about ethernet link up - and syslog has some messages about goog signature from package maintainers or something but nothing else (10.04.3) what should I do?14:01
lynxmanjamespage: that would be schweet14:02
lynxmanjamespage: do we have isos of precise server yet?14:02
jamespagelynxman: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/ looks that way14:02
jamespagenot tried one yet tho14:02
lynxmanjamespage: cool :)14:03
lynxmanjamespage: always forget about the url... doh14:03
jamespageyou should try a 'bookmark' - they are great :-)14:03
Davieyroaksoax: hey, around?14:03
lynxmanjamespage: can you talk more about that bookmark thing, it sounds interesting14:03
Davieyjamespage: have your invoice book to hand.14:06
smoserlynxman has a precise machine. bravo.14:07
smoseryou're weeks behind Daviey though. he upgrades as soon as the archive opens.14:07
zulwait desktop or server?14:08
bitshiftcan anyone help with a lack of any activity from the 10.04.3 server installer?14:09
ninjixbitshift: physical or virtual?14:10
bitshiftno, fresh14:10
bitshiftit configured the network card and asked me which mirror to use, and then went away14:10
ninjixwhich did you choose?14:10
eagles0513875hey ikonia i am back14:11
bitshiftno errors in dmesg or syslog, installer has just left me with the blue background and hasn't done anything14:11
lynxmansmoser: yeah I upgraded 2 weeks ago from an oneiric one, badly though14:11
ninjixmight want to try again with one of the Canonical servers14:11
bitshiftokay, I'll restart the installer and try - will be back shortly14:12
smoserlynxman, my upgrade monday went fine. laptop is happily running the pangolin14:13
ninjixheh, Oneiric not new enough for you :)14:14
lynxmansmoser: :)14:14
lynxmansmoser: that's one of the reasons why you're better than me14:14
smoseronly one of them14:14
lynxmansmoser: one of many!14:15
bitshiftIt seems to have done the same thing, I chose archive.ubuntu.com14:17
bitshiftIt flickered something as though it was getting a package list or something but it disappeared almost instantly14:17
bitshiftand then went away14:18
khussein78 i found this errors in my syslog,  iuse ubuntu server 11.0414:18
khussein78 http://pastebin.com/RvsyUWkm14:19
khussein78any idea about this14:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #861813 in keystone "Two files missing from keystone source package" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86181314:22
khussein78any idea about this please  http://pastebin.com/RvsyUWkm14:26
zulsmoser: ping you are using devstack right?14:32
smoserping yes14:32
smoserwell, i have.14:32
smoseri'm not right now.14:32
smoseri'm using xchat for irc14:33
zulsmoser: with keystone?14:35
smoseroh. i dont thin kthat got sorted out.14:35
smoseri think you may not be able to use the ec2 api with keystone at all14:35
zulyou can14:36
smoserso, thats your first bug14:36
zulthe middleware is there14:36
zul*grumble *grumble*14:36
smoservish commented once that he was working on sorting it out.14:36
smoserthat was probably 3 weeks ago.14:36
zuli need to figure out keystone first14:38
smoserjamespage, around ?14:41
smoser$ apt-cache show ec2-api-tools | grep Dep14:41
smoserDepends: default-jre-headless | java6-runtime-headless14:41
jamespagesmoser: yep14:41
smoser$ dpkg-query --show default-jre-headless14:41
smoser$ which java || echo no java14:42
smoserno java14:42
smoserwhat went wrong ? somehow getting 'default-jre-headless' does not get me a jvm on precise14:42
jamespagesmoser: yikes14:42
jamespageit should14:42
bitshifthory shet 10.04 has started installing14:43
bitshiftfgsfds awesome14:43
smoserok. wait, it did. i do have openjdk-6-jre-headless14:43
ninjixbitshift: selecting a different repo mirror work?14:43
bitshiftno leaving it for 30mins seems to have worked lol14:43
bitshiftsuddenly saw network activity lights flickering and thought "oh god maybe" and so connected monitor and suddenly14:44
ninjixlove auto-fix14:44
smoserah. i see.14:44
smosermy old /usr/bin/java -> /etc/alternatives/java -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java14:45
smoserbut openjdk-6-jre-headless now installs java to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java14:45
jamespageupdate-java-alternatives might be your friend there14:45
smoserie, 'openjdk-amd64' rather than 'openjdk'14:45
jamespageis this an upgraded system then?14:45
smoseropening bug.14:46
jamespagegood idea14:46
smoserbug 88810014:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 888100 in openjdk-6 "java alternative link broken after upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88810014:56
roaksoaxDaviey: im here15:16
zetuianyone know about this error :15:17
zetui[ 6307.476929] ACPI Error: SMBus or IPMI write requires Buffer of length 42, found length 20 (20090903/exfield-286)15:19
zetui[ 6307.476929] ACPI Error: SMBus or IPMI write requires Buffer of length 42, found length 20 (20090903/exfield-286)15:19
zetui[ 6307.476938] ACPI Error (psparse-0537): Method parse/execution failed [_____SB_.PMI0._PMM] (Node ffff88011b64ad00),15:20
zetuievery 5 sec i got this error on my machine15:20
zetuianyone there ?15:22
SpamapSzetui: looks like a problem with sensors15:26
zetuiwhat sehnsors ?15:27
ZanzacarHi everyone, I have created a new user with useradd, and modified the bash shell afterwords with usermod15:33
ZanzacarThe purpose of this FTP account is to allow a friend to mainly FTP into my server, that being said I dont want him to have access to anything other then his home directory more or less15:33
Zanzacarhow would I go about that? I tried rbash but that seemed super restricted.15:34
Zanzacarand I dont even know how rbash would correspond with a FTP account.15:34
SpamapSZanzacar: you should be using *sftp* not FTP15:34
Zanzacarright it is sFTP b ecause its only over port 2215:34
bitshiftand because it's just better, safer15:35
SpamapSZanzacar: there is a program called 'scponly' which will chroot a user into their home dir. That might be what you want.15:35
ZanzacarSpamapS: Thanks I will look into scponly. My friend does know linux or anything so he will mainly only be using winscp to login and copy files.15:36
Zanzacardoesnt know, not does know haha15:37
ZanzacarSpamapS: this seems like a typo but I always like to be sure. http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/9415:40
Zanzacarin the second step it says stfp-server..... shouldnt this say sftp-server?15:40
plmwhat is site to downlaod ubuntu server.. wher I can to choice file.. not that default in page..15:41
lynxmansmoser: around?15:42
smoserhere, l15:43
lynxmansmoser: what would be for you the best way to detect the existance of another package from inside a postinst script of a package :)15:43
lynxmansmoser: trying to figure out if activemq is there and otherwise rabbitmq15:43
lynxmansmoser: just check for the config dir existance?15:43
smoserlynxman, i'm not really sure. there might be some policy regarding responding to the existance of another package.15:45
smoserat very least, i would not think it is easy to do for something like 'apt-get install rabbitmq activemq'15:45
lynxmansmoser: yeah I'd rather not :) just check that they're there (they're a dependency already activemq | rabbitmq-stomp )15:46
smoseri really dont know, lynxman15:47
lynxmansmoser: gonna check the deb packager guide to see...15:47
smoseryou'll get better feedback, but not like it, in #ubuntu-devel15:47
smosers/but not like it/but may not like what you get/15:47
lynxmansmoser: lol, I'll ask there then :)15:47
rbasakroaksoax, zul: could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/ubuntu/oneiric/cobbler/misc-fixes/+merge/77771 please? It'll make it easier for my further changes if it's merged.15:47
lynxmansmoser: well truth always hurts15:47
lynxmansmoser: lol15:47
rbasakOr is that now obsolete due to oneiric being released?15:48
zulrbasak: this is going into oneiric right?15:49
rbasakzul: I'm confused now, sorry15:49
zulrbasak: er...this is a bug fix for oneiric right?15:49
rbasakzul: my fixes need to go into oneiric, and SpamapS' rev 52 probably needs to15:49
rbasakyeah I guess so15:50
rbasakmaybe I should branch SpamapS' branch and add to it to merge everything in at once?15:50
* rbasak isn't really sure of the lp+bzr workflow here15:50
zulrbasak: for oneiric can you follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates?action=show&redirect=SRU15:50
zullp+bzr workflow is fine just the debian/changelog and stuff is incorrect15:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #888124 in excalibur-logkit (main) "excalibur-logkit version 2.0-8 failed to build with openjdk-7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88812415:56
hallynkirkland, regarding the first work item in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-kvm (about orchestra), I know you said you didn't remember who that came from, but any idea who I could ask?  :)15:56
lynxmansmoser: actually I liked the answer :)16:03
lynxmansmoser: it's very cool16:03
kirklandhallyn: looking....16:13
kirklandhallyn: which one are you calling the "first" work item?16:14
kirkland"orchestra integration for preseed configuration (thin hypervisors etc) (Serge doesn't know what this is): TODO" ?16:14
hallynthat's the one16:14
kirklandhallyn: meh, drop it16:14
kirklandhallyn: i don't see it being that important16:14
hallynok, i figured maybe someone would want it moved to some orchestra blueprint, but sure i'll drop it - thanks :)16:15
hallynhey, byobu-tmux q16:15
hallyni was thinking abou ttaking the plunge,16:15
kirklandhallyn: yep16:15
kirklandhallyn: neat, it's really awesome :-)16:15
hallynbut does that mean all my ctrl-a shortcuts won't work, i assume?16:15
kirklandhallyn: what do you mean?16:15
hallyni can't tell you how much those are built into my reflexes16:15
kirklandhallyn: no, i've enabled screen's commands in tmux16:15
hallynctrl-a ctrl-a, ctrla- ctrlw, ctrl-a-esc, ctrl-a ], etc16:16
kirklandhallyn: yep, all of those should work the same16:16
hallynsign me up!16:16
kirklandhallyn: source /usr/share/doc/tmux/examples/screen-keys.conf16:16
kirklandhallyn: yep16:16
kirklandhallyn: latest version is 4.46-0ubuntu116:16
hallynthanks - will install, ttyl :)16:16
kirklandhallyn: thanks, feedback will be appreciated ;-)16:16
hallynoh I BET you'll get some :)16:17
kirklandhallyn: i'll release another version today with the byobu/tmux keybindings documented16:17
kirklandhallyn: :-D16:17
hallynawesome, thanks16:17
hallynno, wait,16:17
hallynis it ppa:kirkland/ppa ?16:17
hallyndoesn't have 4.x16:18
kirklandhallyn: no16:18
kirklandhallyn: sorry16:18
kirklandhallyn: ppa:byobu/ppa16:18
kirklandhallyn: fwiw, ALL of my projects are ppa:FOOO/ppa16:18
hallynkirkland, one thing slightly misleading, 'choose keybinding set' scares me into thinking that 'screen keys' means f keys won't work (but they do work)16:24
hallynalso, ctrl-a esc does not in fact work :(  will have to read up on the new way to cut/paste16:25
kirklandhallyn: hmm, yeah, if you file a bug on that, i need to rework that16:25
hallyni'll start a list and file this afternoon16:26
hallynquite nice.  nice and fast and smooth16:26
kirklandhallyn: it is much faster16:26
kirklandhallyn: at least it feels so to me16:26
kirklandhallyn: have you tried the splits yet?16:26
patrickmwjamespage, how much of the USIT framework do you feel can be replaced by juju charms?16:26
kirklandhallyn: quick start ...   ctrl-f2 and shift-f216:26
jamespagenot much of it TBH16:27
jamespagedifferent use can16:27
kirklandhallyn: then shift-up/down/left/right16:27
hallynkirkland: yup, it took me two minutes to figure out how to MOVE between them :)16:27
kirklandhallyn: then ctrl-up/down/left/right to resize16:27
patrickmwjamespage, cool. just curious.16:27
kirklandhallyn: alt-left/right also moves between windows16:27
kirklandhallyn: and alt-up/down moves between sessions16:27
kirklandhallyn: i find myself using splits more than windows/sessions now16:28
jamespagepatrickmw: until we drop tasksel from the ISO installer we still need to know that the simple application installs work16:28
jamespagejuju will really cover the more complicated test cases such as openstack for example16:28
kirklandhallyn: *especially* when i'm on my 32" monitor16:29
hallyni don't have one of those :)16:30
hallynhow do i start a new session?16:30
patrickmwjamespage, there have been comments on the ramp up time to validate new tests before they get committed to trunk.  Juju just came to mind.  That is a topic that will be brought up next week (although I'm sure we won't spend much time on it)16:30
kirklandSpamapS: ping16:31
jamespagepatrickmw: not sure I understand the context of 'trunk' in this case - please can you explain more?16:34
SpamapSkirkland: pong! 'morning16:45
kirklandSpamapS: howdya!16:46
hallyn(answering myself: byobu-tmux new-session)16:50
hallynkirkland, you should get byobu-tmux added to the lsit of programs using tmux on tmux.sf.net16:51
kirklandhallyn: cool, will do16:52
hallynll right, figured out how to get into 'copy' mode, but not how to get out (without ctrl-c)  :)16:54
Davieysmoser: is bug 789351 a euca or cloud-init bug?17:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 789351 in eucalyptus "UEC cloud-init broken again in 11.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78935117:36
smoserDaviey, i would suspect that the metadata service is somehow bustecd.17:40
smoserand does not include 'instance-id' and cloud-init is failing as a result.17:41
kirklandSpamapS: okay, sru uploaded17:42
Davieysmoser: gah.. odd if it has, i didn't think anything in that area changed from 10.10->11.0417:47
smoserwell, i suspect htat is what is wrong.17:50
smoserDaviey, i'd be interested in seeing the output of:17:51
smoser python -c 'import boto.utils, pprint; pprint.pprint(boto.utils.get_instance_metadata())'17:51
smoserfrom inside an instance17:51
SpamapSkirkland: roger, will review shortly17:57
kirklandSpamapS: thanks!17:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #888206 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso instalado el script post-installation devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88820618:01
pmatulisdamn, my squirrelmail got erased during an apache2 upgrade  :(18:05
kirklandhallyn: can you give me your feedback on http://paste.ubuntu.com/733348/ ?18:08
SpamapSpmatulis: uh, what?18:08
SpamapSpmatulis: did you have it hosted in /usr/lib/apache2 ? ;)18:08
hallynkirkland, looks good.  no plans for an f- equiv to enter copy mode?18:10
kirklandhallyn: that's F7, as well as Alt-PageUp/PageDown18:10
kirklandhallyn: should I use the word "copy" there?18:11
hallynah, no that's probably sufficient18:11
SpamapSkirkland: accepted18:13
kirklandSpamapS: \o/18:17
SpamapSkirkland: btw, I am trying to get your old musica charm into lp:charm .. ever seen this:18:18
SpamapS2011-11-09 10:17:23,885 unit:musica/0: hook.output ERROR: File system loop detected; `./sys/devices/platform/reg-dummy/subsystem/drivers/serial8250/serial8250/tty/ttyS3/subsystem/tty32/subsystem' is part of the same file system loop as `./sys/devices/platform/reg-dummy/subsystem/drivers/serial8250/serial8250/tty/ttyS3/subsystem'.18:18
kirklandutlemming: smoser: byobu SRU accepted;  could you guys help with the verification, so that we can get this tested and moved from oneiric-proposed to oneiric-updates in time for your next ec2 image builds18:18
kirklandSpamapS: hrmf?  no...never18:18
kirklandSpamapS: is there a find or something in there?18:18
* kirkland checks code18:18
SpamapSAnywya, deploys fine ;)18:19
DavieySpamapS: your music collection is weak.18:20
SpamapSLOL looks like it exposes the entire filesystem...!!!18:20
smoserkirkland, i suggest that we test on next daily precise and oneiric build.18:20
smoser * verifiy that it is not on by default18:20
lynxmanSpamapS: GET /etc/passwd...18:20
kirklandsmoser: +118:20
smoser * add-proposed && apt-get update && apt-get install byobu18:20
smoser * verify that LC_BYOBO=1 ssh host18:21
smoser   gets it turned on18:21
Davieyzul: did you see bug #879853 latest comment?18:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 879853 in munin "Munin upload 1.4.6-1ubuntu1 drops fixes / sponsor debdiff instead" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87985318:21
zulf*cking hell18:21
zulill have a look18:21
DavieySpamapS: Are you doing a mysql-server merge?18:24
SpamapSDaviey: transition to 5.518:24
SpamapSDaviey: I'll mark it on MoM18:24
SpamapSoh, actually there's no mysql merge marked to do18:24
SpamapSDaviey: 5.5.17 landed in experimental a few hours ago.. now need to upload a 5.1 which will let go of libmysqlclient-dev and -server/-client18:25
SpamapSDaviey: then will merge them in18:25
SpamapSDaviey: then rebuild all the rdeps18:25
SpamapSDaviey: slangasek has also asked that we make a pass at making libmysqlclient multiarch .. so will have to take a stab at that.18:26
DavieySpamapS: Oh great! Do you want to hijack bug 880339 at the same time?18:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 880339 in mysql-5.1 "AppArmor profile needs update" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88033918:26
Davieyi'm sure roaksoax won't mind :)18:26
SpamapSkirkland: bug in /etc/cron.hourly/musica .. does not fail if /usr/share/musica/music does not exist.18:27
SpamapSkirkland: so ends up indexing all of /18:28
lynxmanSpamapS: quick question for you, I have an upstart script that forks but writes a pid file (so it's pretty clean), I'm calling it through exec but I expect respawn, should be safe to expect fork or daemon instead?18:37
ZanzacarHi everyone I wanted to chroot a ftp user. I created a new user. added chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd.chroot.list to the vsftpd.conf file18:37
SpamapSlynxman: expect daemon is for things that fork twice18:37
lynxmanSpamapS: this just forks once18:37
lynxmanSpamapS: after the exec18:37
SpamapSlynxman: so if all it does is forks, and then the parent exits.. and it never forks the main process again, its good for 'expect fork'.18:38
lynxmanSpamapS: cool, ty18:38
Zanzacarafter that I added just the username to the vsftpd.chroot.list file, after that I restarted vsftpd and logged in as the user, but I can see everything outside my home directory.18:38
SpamapSlynxman: note that I am a big fan of just having things run in the foreground and using a post-start to determine if its actually "started" .. at least, until we get 'expect exit'18:41
lynxmanSpamapS: yeah me too but that would require patching everybodys config file18:42
Davieysmoser: Are you still working on the rabbitmq 'logged in' bug?18:42
lynxmanSpamapS: which is something I'm a bit wary against18:42
smoserbug 878600, daviey?18:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 878600 in rabbitmq-server "service start rabbitmq-server' does not fully detach from parent" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87860018:43
Davieysmoser: that fixes the issue on desktop and ssh?18:44
lynxmanSpamapS: damn, now it can't capture the pid, we suppressed pid file on upstart right?18:44
smoseri dont know about desktop, Daviey18:44
Davieysmoser: bug 884964 i assumed to be a dupe of the issue you were working on, am i wrong?18:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 884964 in rabbitmq-server "rabbitmq leaves login session open" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88496418:45
Zanzacarhow is the format of vsftpd.chroot_list suppose to be?18:48
smoserDaviey, i actually dont know.18:48
SpamapSlynxman: yeah, there's no pid file handling in upstart18:49
smoserwould have to test18:49
lynxmanSpamapS: rats :/18:49
Davieysmoser: I might try your precise fix on my box here, and see if the issue goes away.18:50
DavieyIf it does, we should probably SRU that18:50
bitshiftHey, how would I build just one module from the kernel source? Already got the build essential stuff and the kernel source for my version, but need the r6040 driver and nothing else18:55
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lynxmanDaviey: mcollective merged \o/ what would you like for sponsoring? branch push? :)19:04
Davieylynxman: whatever you have been working from, i'm going to create a debdiff from ubuntu->ubuntu & debian->ubuntu before uploading.. so that works well :)19:05
lynxmanDaviey: I've just been working from the debian package straight, so debdiff from that should suffice?19:05
Davieylynxman: sounds good!19:05
lynxmanDaviey: so you won't need the ubuntu->ubuntu one I reckon19:06
lynxmanDaviey: cool, doing that now19:06
Davieylynxman: sid or wheezy?19:07
lynxmanDaviey: wheezy19:07
Davieylynxman: does sid make more sense?19:09
Davieylynxman: http://pb.daviey.com/sAY0/19:10
lynxmanDaviey: not really, I'm sending this debdiff back to the debian maintainer too19:11
lynxmanDaviey: but up to you :) I can finish this merge tom. morning otherwise19:11
Davieylynxman: i think,  libstomp-ruby -> ruby-stomp is required. :/19:11
Davieythe other things seem sensible19:12
lynxmanDaviey: yeah the debconf and po translations sure are tasty19:12
lynxmanDaviey: will merge from that then tom morning ;)19:12
Davieylynxman: you might find you can just apply a diff directly from debian onto your merge19:13
Daviey(and fix the changelog)19:13
lynxmanDaviey: yeah but I was about to run out of the door :)19:13
lynxmanDaviey: but yeah, that was the plan19:13
Davieyping me tomorrow then :)19:13
Davieygood work19:13
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lynxmanDaviey: thanks :)19:14
Randolphhi all19:18
RandolphI wanted to know if it is normal that when there are some updates for Ubuntu 11.10, the user does not need to supply the root password ?19:18
KiallRandolph, I'm 99% sure i have to type my password out...19:19
RandolphKiall, me too until today19:20
RandolphKiall, sorry I must precise on ubuntu desktop19:21
RandolphKiall, wrong chan19:21
RandolphKiall, but if someone have an answer I will appreciate19:22
lynxmanDaviey: finally had the time to do it, find debdiff attached to bug 87498119:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 874981 in mcollective "Please merge/sync mcollective from debian wheezy" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87498119:33
ballIf a small business buys a support contract from Canonical, will they be able to help with simple tasks like adding a user, configuring Samba etc?19:35
SpamapSball: http://www.canonical.com/enterprise-services/ubuntu-advantage19:36
* ball takes a look19:36
ball...hope it's not Rick Astley.19:36
EvilResistanceball:  out of curiosity... you cant just hire a linux admin?19:36
EvilResistanceassuming of course you're the business19:36
SpamapSuh, that might be quite a bit more expensive ;)19:37
onrenot really if you don't hire him full-time19:38
EvilResistanceSpamapS:  /me is an on-call linux admin for 2 local small businesses, charges by the ticket.19:38
onregood admin can do wonders in hours19:38
ballEvilResistance: Looking at these prices, an admin would be a lot more expensive.19:39
Randolphonre, but not miracles19:40
onreyeah. preferably the admin has been there when the system has been designed and planned :p19:41
onrethat makes it much more likely that he can do wonders ;)19:41
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ssureshotI'm trying to find out where failed login attenpts are originating from,, I've got an ldap backend with s3 domain,, any anyone point me in the right direction?20:15
Davieylynxman: great!20:16
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adam_gDaviey: which? facter 1.6.1-1ubuntu1 -> 1.6.2-120:19
adam_gDaviey: ? i can do tomorrow for sure (out today)20:19
Davieyadam_g: no hurry. :)20:20
kirklandhallyn: ping20:54
hallynkirkland, hey20:54
kirklandhallyn: re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/byobu/+bug/88824520:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 888245 in byobu "horizontal split not remembered when switching vertical splits" [Wishlist,Confirmed]20:54
kirklandhallyn: try shift-F3 and shift-F420:54
kirklandhallyn: tell me if that behavior is "better" for you?20:54
kirklandhallyn: there's a very subtle difference between shift-F3 and shift-right20:55
hallynno, shift-f3 takes me up, not left ?20:55
hallyni see - shift-f3 is like 'ctrl-a ctrl-a' in screen - last active screen20:56
hallynso, if i do 'shift-left' and then 'shift-f3', it does what i'd want it to do20:56
hallyn(but that's not really a good substitute :)20:56
kirklandhallyn: shift-f3 moves you "counter clockwise"20:57
hallyn(it's like having alt-tab for different app, alt-` for same app different window - too much thinknig when i'm moving doing something)20:57
kirklandhallyn: shift-f4 moves you "clockwise"20:57
hallynoh i see20:57
kirklandhallyn: and will operate like a circular linked list20:57
hallyni didn't experiment enough20:57
kirklandhallyn: shift-left/right are more explicit -- they *only* go left and right20:57
kirklandhallyn: right, i'm trying to figure out what makes most sense here20:58
hallynyes, but the 'bug' i was filing was about being able to go left-right-left-right and stay in bottom window20:58
hallynoh, i see why it does it now too20:58
hallyni.e. if you have 2x2, you can move left-right-left-right and stay in bottom,20:58
kirklandhallyn: right, your "last" focused one20:59
hallynbut if you have 1 full-height and20:59
hallynif you have full-height on left and 2 on the right, when yo move to the left one, it just things you're in the top now.20:59
hallynso it's never remembering where you were vertically20:59
hallynit only tries to go based on where youare now20:59
kirklandhallyn: right, i'm looking at tmux code now21:01
kirklandhallyn: to see if your previous focus is tracked and stored21:01
kirklandhallyn: and how to reference that21:01
kirklandhallyn: there is a 'last-pane'21:02
virusuyhello everyone21:05
hallynstgraber, did you say arkose already ships with its own bridge?  Where is that getting set up?  I don't see it in the package source...21:12
kirklandhallyn: hmm, i'm not sure there's going to be an easy solution to this21:12
hallynkirkland, i had a feeling :)21:12
stgraberhallyn: no, arkose uses point-to-point veth devices to communicate with the outside (/31 on the 169.254.x.x subnet)21:15
hallynstgraber, what does the other end link to though?  doesn't it have to connect to a bridge?  Or, you're using iptables on the other end?21:16
hallynI see it now, though - thanks21:17
stgraberhallyn: both veth devices have IP addresses and arkose sets up forwarding + masquerading to make it work21:17
hallynstgraber, ok - i guess for the lxc default config, to avoid changing lxc-start too much, it's still easier to create lxcbr0 and just set masq up for it21:20
stgraberhallyn: yep, that's definitely the easiest. Are you planning on starting dnsmasq as DNS + DHCP server on that bridge too (through an option ideally)?21:23
stgraberhallyn: I think we basically need options for: global on/off switch for the bridge, DHCP+DNS, name of the bridge and subnet for the bridge21:24
|rt|hey guys what package do you guys use for serving iscsi targets?  It seems as though the default solution to that has changed between the last LTS and current...so if you were running LTS do you run iscsi-target or the newer solution tgt?21:25
hallynyeah that's what i'm doing, controlled through /etc/default/lxc options21:25
hallyn|rt|, you might ask in #ubuntu-kernel, but my impression was that tgt was the way to go.  ppetraki do you know offhand?21:26
hallynstgraber, actually i think i'll hold off on making dnsmasq use optional.  I'm sure that'll come later, but i want to keep it as simple as possible right now21:26
|rt|hallyn: for the LTS that would mean pulling in tgt from universe but probably would make it a more future proof solution21:26
|rt|hallyn: with a new LTS version not that far off now21:27
hallynhm, if it's still in universe, then i guess that can't be our recommended route :)21:27
hallynoh, you mean 10.0421:27
hallynsorry i thought by 'current' you meant 12.0421:27
|rt|hallyn: yeah sorry this server is running LTS21:27
|rt|hallyn: but I know that tgt is now the recommended solution with 12.04 as I've been playing around with it a bit at home21:28
|rt|hallyn: should I file a bug that the tgt package doesn't include the man pages in 12.0421:28
hallyn|rt|, that would be great, yes :)21:31
NCommanderDaviey: when I have hardware, sure21:31
|rt|hallyn: in general I think iscsi (target and initiator needs some more documentation)  I may volunteer to try to get something done on the documentation side of things as that's an area that I can contribute21:34
|rt|is the only way to file a bug these days by running ubuntu-bug <package>?21:38
|rt|b/c if I'm filing a bug from my desktop that doesn't have the tgt package installed that may look a bit odd in the bug report21:38
EvilResistance|rt|:  i file bug reports without ubuntu-bug all the time :p21:43
EvilResistanceexcept i usually include technical details and crap anyways :P21:43
EvilResistancewhere crap includes useless information from the errors i get :P21:43
|rt|EvilResistance: where do you find that option on launchpad?21:47
EvilResistance|rt|:  what option?21:47
|rt|EvilResistance: I only see the button to file a new bug that takes me to the wiki on how to file a bug21:47
EvilResistance|rt|:  start by searching launchpad for the package21:48
EvilResistancefor example21:48
EvilResistancethis is the launchpad page for the package php5-gd: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+package/php5-gd21:49
|rt|yeah I've already done that do you need to get to the package page to file a new bug against it?21:49
EvilResistancei *always* start there first21:49
EvilResistance|rt|:  it never hurts, but usually21:49
EvilResistance|rt|:  ubuntu-bug figures out what to do automagically21:49
EvilResistanceby pumping info into launchpad21:49
|rt|EvilResistance: ah the report a bug button on a package page does let you manually add a bug...but in the bug search page it takes you to the wiki on how to file a bug21:50
EvilResistance|rt|:  what packages21:50
EvilResistancepackage(s) *21:50
EvilResistanceas well, what distro21:51
EvilResistance|rt|:  is this for the "tgt" package?21:52
* EvilResistance assumes so given your prior posts21:52
|rt|yeah but I just realized my error21:53
|rt|man tgt doesn't return anything21:53
|rt|but man tgtadm does21:53
EvilResistance|rt|:  fwiw...21:53
|rt|so no bug to file :)21:53
EvilResistanceyou file bugs against the source of a package21:54
EvilResistancephp5-gd's source package is just "php5"21:54
EvilResistanceso when i filed a maverick bug against php5-gd21:54
EvilResistancei filed it against the php5 source package21:54
EvilResistanceand linked in that it was about maverick21:54
EvilResistanceso searching for the package's source package will lead you to where to file a bug21:54
EvilResistanceif its in ubuntu's repos, then bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/<srcpkg>/ is a good template to remember21:55
EvilResistance(note you need to know what the source package is ;P)21:55
EvilResistancefor tgt though, the source package is 'tgt' :p21:55
|rt|yeah tgt is an easy one :)21:57
EvilResistancesome people automatically assume that there's a source package for every binary in the repos though21:58
EvilResistancenot realizing there isnt :p21:58
virusuyElizabethKelley2: really, i thought that, basically because a binary is source code + rules to compile it21:59
virusuywell, it's more complex than that21:59
EvilResistancevirusuy:  fwiw, i think you mishighlighted22:00
virusuyups, thats right22:00
virusuySorry ElizabethKelley222:00
virusuyEvilResistance: so, a binary isn't that?22:01
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Gr3mlinhay all23:00
Gr3mlinwhats the name of the headless sys spec monitor called? ive forgotten.23:01
SpamapSGr3mlin: sys spec monitor?23:05
Gr3mlinresource monitor23:06
Gr3mlinlike, cpu, ram.. its got a strange name23:06
SpamapSGr3mlin: like, top ?23:06
SpamapSThere are a plethora of plethoras of monotoring tools23:07
Gr3mlin:) i'll have a look at top, but it was saidar :) is top better?23:09
SpamapSnever heard of saidar23:10
SpamapSGr3mlin: if you've never had top, I don't know if you've ever really run a server. ;)23:10
Gr3mlinlol, its my first home server. just a tiny one, im getting use to ubuntu.23:11
Gr3mlinsaidar is somewhat what i need, its got cpu, network, hdd, mem. what else do you need! :D23:12
Gr3mlinok, HTop looks rather good.23:13
Gr3mlinthanks for the help! ;) have fun! :D23:14
yabooshould thank the people who helped me before on my soft raid issue, thank you channel23:33
ppetrakihallyn, |rt|, I can ask the QA guys and get back to you, last time I looked into this the answer wasn't straight forward so I'm not surprised that these questions are coming from the community23:46
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