
TLEdpm: did you do a UDS translation summary somewhere?09:03
artnaydoes anyone else have this problem with LP that you can't see your name listed on contributors/translation info page?10:04
artnaycould be this https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/48498110:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 484981 in launchpad "Incomplete/empty list of contributors in non-trunk series (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 1)" [High,Triaged]10:05
artnayok, I'm able to filter my own translations manually (by setting my account to url) but still it would be best to have a working (and visible!) link on translation details page10:07
artnaynevermind having one's name mentioned in the actual translated program10:08
artnayfor example compare these: https://translations.launchpad.net/deja-dup/20/+pots/deja-dup/fi/+details https://translations.launchpad.net/deja-dup/22/+pots/deja-dup/fi/+details10:09
artnaya massive loss of names10:09
artnayTLE: great job on being "an active reminder" ;)10:19
TLEartnay: thanks, I'm hoping I'm not pushing to much, it is just that this release is especially important10:21
artnayTLE: because of deja-dup, ubuntu-docs etc.?10:23
artnaythey seemed to be ok10:23
artnaytherefore I mentioned those in notes section10:24
TLEyes, that is good10:25
head_victimIf translations are done upstream in a project (due to it not being hosted on launchpad) what is the process of getting it updated in Ubuntu? Is it just when they pull the next version it automatically comes along or?11:08
dpmTLE, I didn't, I'll be working on the blueprints this week11:11
TLEdpm: ok, I did actually more means like a blog post er email or something, that I could link to in a G+ update ;)11:45
TLEmaybe I'll have a look at the notes from the session I attended and make a short list of highlights from thos11:46
dpmcool, thanks TLE11:56
head_victimhappyaron: time for a pm? RE membership board meeting11:58
head_victimI was just about to shoot you an email because I didn't know where you hung out on irc.11:58
happyaronhead_victim: what's RE?12:06
head_victimBasically I just wanted to let you know you are able to self renew your membership.12:07
happyaronhead_victim: ok12:07
happyaronhead_victim: I'm aware of that, so I didn't attend yesterday's meeting.12:07
head_victimAh good stuff, I'm about to update the wiki so you don't mind if I remove your line then?12:07
head_victimI don't like just making changes without asking first when it affects others12:07
jaddi27I have added en_AU translations to the list of languages that have passed language pack testing12:32
TLEdpm: got a sec15:51
TLEdpm: I forgot, I'm going home soon, so I send you an email in stead16:04
dpmTLE, ok, no worries, sorry for not having been responsive16:04
dpmoops, too late16:05

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