
=== ujjain_ is now known as ujjain
gingdoes anyone know how you make it so when you need to unlock an ssh key in a terminal window it pops up the gnome keyring manager ?07:40
diploMorning all08:01
popeyGood morning08:05
AlanBellging: it should do that if you have the display environment variable set08:07
AlanBelland morning all08:07
gingAlanBell: where would i set that variable?08:11
AlanBellhappens automatically if you start gnome-terminal from a desktop session08:11
AlanBellif you ssh somewhere, it should pop up and ask for the password08:12
TheOpenSourcerermorning all08:12
AlanBellif you ssh somewhere, then ssh from there to somewhere else it won't be able to launch the local popup so it will ask you in the terminal08:12
DJonesMorning folks08:12
gingAlanBell: well it does on 1 of my computers the other it doesn't, not too sure what i've done to it08:12
gingboth are 10.0408:13
=== dipl0 is now known as diplo
selinuxiummorning  o/09:01
MooDoomorning all09:05
JamesTaitWonderful Wednesday, people! :D09:35
andylockranmorning guys!09:36
andylockranIt is a beautiful day.  How is everyone09:36
dauberstired, sniffly and grumpy09:39
* popey makes coffee09:39
* daubers finishes his second mug09:39
* BigRedS grumbles at the temperature09:40
andylockranpopey: welcome back to Engerlands.09:41
MooDooi'm ok thanks09:42
* JamesTait is well, but still getting used to the miserable weather we've had lately.09:43
MooDooit's a bummber, especially seeing as i ride to work on a bike09:44
daubersMooDoo: I did that Monday and yesterday, but surrendered to my oncoming cold today and brought the car09:45
MooDoodaubers: motor or push?09:45
daubersMooDoo: Motor09:45
MooDoodaubers: it's all i've got at the moment, either that or bus [shudder]09:45
JamesTaitOne of the benefits of working from home, I guess. Still have to do the school runs, though.09:45
popeyYeah, wfh is nice, I get out of the school runs :D09:46
daubersheh, if I want to take the bus to work I have to leave the house at 4am to get into the office (10 miles away) at 7:3009:46
* MooDoo would love to work from home :)09:46
* daubers would also like to work from home... but it's impractical without an antistatic workshop09:46
JamesTaitpopey: I could if I wanted to, but I like to take the time away from the keyboard and with the kids.  Gives me a bit of a refresher. :)09:47
popeyi get out of it because the kids go to the school where my wife works :D09:47
DJonesdaubers: I get the same problem with the train, if I want to get to work by 9am, I have to leave at 5am, its only a 1hr drive09:47
AlanBellpopey: snap09:47
JamesTaitIn terms of time with the boys it's probably a net loss - I could start work earlier and have fewer breaks, so finish earlier if I didn't do the school runs.09:48
JamesTaitpopey, AlanBell: I believe that's cheating. :-P09:48
TwinkletoesI've got my zone file all fixed up, but what's the syntax for a catch-all, so <mydomain.com> will resolve to an IP address?09:51
* daubers avoids the school run by not having kids09:51
TwinkletoesIs it just        @ IN A <ip>     ?09:52
daubersTwinkletoes: Everytime I do that I have to look it up09:53
JamesTaitTwinkletoes: That looks right.09:55
Twinkletoesthis is why I Can't find the answer, because I always ask the wrong question09:56
TwinkletoesI just want <mydomain.com> to work, as well as <hostname.mydomain.com>09:56
JamesTaitTwinkletoes: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/732898/09:56
TwinkletoesJamesTait: thankyou... so just a blank name then!?09:57
andylockranTwinkletoes: that looks correct09:58
JamesTaitTwinkletoes: IIRC that works because the context is already set in line 3.09:58
JamesTaitTwinkletoes: What you had originally should also work.09:58
shaunowith no name should just match $ORIGIN09:58
TwinkletoesThank you :)09:59
TwinkletoesJamesTait: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/732904/10:03
TwinkletoesJamesTait: Is that correct?10:03
TwinkletoesLine 12 & 17 are the ones I'm concerned with I suppose10:04
JamesTaitTwinkletoes: LOoks good to me, yes. :)10:04
m4r35n357is Ubuntu One throttled at the servers ? (for freetards like me)10:05
JamesTaitm4r35n357: Throttled how?10:05
JamesTaitm4r35n357: To the best of my knowledge, no, but I might not be thinking of what you mean. :)10:06
m4r35n357just really really really slow10:07
m4r35n357considering the amount of data and bandwidth10:08
JamesTaitm4r35n357: File sync is slow?10:08
m4r35n357I'm trying to work out what it does, but the tiniest change seems to take hours to filter through and settle down10:08
AlanBellm4r35n357: I am fairly sure there is no intentional throttling, the only place it would make sense is the music streaming10:08
feisarmorning all, when using Ubuntu 'ls -l' seems to list a date corresponding to when the files inside a directory were last modified is that correct?10:09
m4r35n357and I just can't work out what it does with several machines sharing the same files10:09
AlanBellm4r35n357: it does thishttp://www.theopensourcerer.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/action_queue_states1.png10:10
m4r35n357ie. if I upload a file, then edit it on two different machines, or delete it on one but not the other . . . . ?10:10
JamesTaitm4r35n357: Changes on one machine will be synchronised to the servers and then pushed down to the other machines attached to your account.10:11
m4r35n357well in my system I keep having to re-share directories because it forgets between boot-ups10:12
JamesTaitm4r35n357: If you make a change to a file that's synchronised while the computer is offline, and that same file is modified on one of the other computers, you can end up with conflicts.10:12
m4r35n357just now syncing stuff that I synced yesterday10:12
m4r35n357the docs seem to use the phrase "synchronisation" pretty liberally, for either data direction10:12
JamesTaitm4r35n357: Probably best if you could drop into #ubuntuone - there are people there who are way more clued up on the client side than I am.10:13
m4r35n357JamesTait, OK didn't know about that channel, ta10:13
JamesTaitI'm just a lowly server developer. ;)10:13
MooDoopah !  pah !10:22
kirrusfeisar: yes, that is correct, and normal10:22
feisarkirrus: great, thanks10:23
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:24
JamesTaitbrobostigon: o/10:25
brobostigono/ JamesTait10:25
DJonesANybody with google plus business pages worked out how to have multiple admins, from what I've read, you are restriced to a single admin10:26
bigcalmShare a gmail account?10:32
DJonesThat seems to be the only way at the minute10:32
popeyyou cant yet10:41
popeyits coming10:41
bigcalmIf you build it, they will come10:42
DJonesAh well, a bit more patience needed10:43
daubersAny recommendations for an IRC bot?10:54
daubersis that still maintained?10:55
TheOpenSourcererMoar coffee and a wee required.10:56
popeynot really10:56
popeylovely TheOpenSourcerer10:56
popeydaubers: i think hugo has one in #tvrrap10:56
popeysorry #tvrrug10:56
daubersHeh :)10:57
AlanBellbot to do what?10:57
bigcalmdaubers: eggdrop is an all-rounder you can add to with tcl10:57
daubersAlanBell: Some logging and some databasey factoidy stuffs10:58
bigcalmperldrop for factoids10:58
bigcalmErm, no10:58
* bigcalm needs more coffee (I've already had a wee)10:59
MooDoothanks for that bigcalm10:59
bigcalmMooDoo: I blame TheOpenSourcerer11:00
DJonesdaubers: supybot ?11:00
davmor2czajkowski: prod11:01
davmor2morning all11:01
TheOpenSourcererThat's better (ahhhh)11:01
TheOpenSourcererCoffee and TWO digestive biscuits11:01
bigcalmdavmor2: you're alive!11:01
* czajkowski kicks davmor2 11:01
czajkowskiI have bruises from you buddy11:02
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: I thought you'd missed me picking on czajkowski for a minute11:02
davmor2czajkowski: Ahhhh sorry11:02
TheOpenSourcererI gave that up davmor2 - I always end up losing.11:02
daubersMihgt play with supybot as it's python11:02
davmor2czajkowski: to be fair though you started it :P11:02
MooDoodavmor2: czajkowski nice to have you both back11:02
davmor2MooDoo: morning dude11:03
DJonesdaubers: supybot is what ubottu is based with the encyclopedia plugin11:03
davmor2bigcalm: Cause I am :)11:03
MooDoodavmor2: morning man, eventful trip to the states11:03
DJonesdaubers: This might help for background info http://ubottu.com/guide/11:04
davmor2MooDoo: Meh got to pick on czajkowski in person and we are both alive11:04
MooDoodavmor2: czajkowski what's wrong with you pair? still alive? pah! you're obvciously not trying hard enough, just wait till i see you both11:05
bigcalmdavmor2: next week still on?11:05
davmor2bigcalm: indeedly doodley11:05
bigcalmAnd the others?11:05
davmor2gord: next thursday you still on dude?11:06
bigcalmgord: the wifi/'net connection there is good enough to play Minecraft...11:07
daubersDJones: Bookmarked! Ta :)11:08
davmor2czajkowski: how's you're back now kiddo you looked like you were in a lot of pain even though the grimaced laughter and smiling11:31
czajkowskiyeah tis so so11:39
czajkowskithe carrying of a laptop clearly makes it worse11:39
czajkowskiplus sitting down from 8-6 every day didnt help11:39
TheOpenSourcererdavmor2: That sounded very caring and sensitive. For czajkowski?11:39
dogmatic69does this look strange? http://i.imgur.com/5c8T5.png11:40
bigcalmServer not found11:40
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: you didn't see her dude,  we might have a love to hate each other attitude in public but I like her on top form still :)11:41
MooDoodavmor2: *slap*11:41
dogmatic69bigcalm: was that to me?11:41
bigcalmdogmatic69: yes11:41
dogmatic69can you try again plz11:41
bigcalmSame again11:42
davmor2MooDoo: What I like czajkowski on top form injured isn't a fair kill ;)11:42
bigcalmdogmatic69: what have you done?!11:42
dogmatic69broke imgurl by the looks of things11:42
MooDoodavmor2: like and czajkowski doesn't go together, so behave ;)11:42
dogmatic69bigcalm: cant you open imgurl?11:42
bigcalmhttp://imgur.com/ gives me a site without stylesheets11:43
directheximgur is broken right now i think11:43
bigcalmFirebug is shoing s. and i. are b0rked11:43
czajkowskidavmor2: took lots of pain killers getting on the plane so as to ease the journey11:44
czajkowskibut it only gets as bad as you saw me when I'm really busy and dont taken enough meds and rest11:45
gordonjcpany recommendations for a working twitter client for Ubuntu?11:46
bigcalmtweetdeck works for me11:46
dogmatic69gordonjcp: twitter.com :)11:46
gordonjcpdogmatic69: apart from the obvious11:46
MooDoobigcalm: on 64bit ubuntu?11:46
dogmatic69i find it the best11:46
bigcalmMooDoo: the box I have it on is 32bit, so I can't comment11:46
bigcalmTis still a little buggy at times sadly11:47
gordonjcpI don't use 64-bit11:47
gordonjcpit's too slow11:47
gordonjcpfor the couple of minutes your applications actually run, they're marginally faster11:47
gordonjcpbut that's more than compensated for by the time spend rebooting from kernel panics11:47
bigcalmI don't use a desktop or web twitter client much these days. Use use tweetdeck on my phone. This usually means that I get more work done11:48
andylockranNever had an issue with 64bit myself12:02
MooDoome neither, just adobe air doesn't like it much12:02
Neoti_LaptopHi All, i have a problem with empathy since upgrading ubuntu to 11.10 it will not connect to hotmail i have removed the account and readded it all my other accounts sign in fine but the hotmail account on the accounts screen just has the green speech bubble flashing at me ... any ideas ?12:03
directhexNeoti_Laptop, yes, i know this one!12:03
directhexNeoti_Laptop, which version of telepathy-butterfly do you have installed?12:03
Neoti_Laptophow do i find that ?12:04
directhexdpkg -l telepathy-butterfly12:04
Neoti_Laptopah ... of cause sorry im ill today and not with it ....12:05
Neoti_Laptoptelepathy-butt 0.5.15-2.112:05
directhexokay. "dpkg --purge telepathy-butterfly", log out, log back in, delete the account in empathy, and re-add it.12:06
directhexthere are two different telepathy msn implementations, and butterfly is broken.12:07
Neoti_Laptopah cool bean ..... many thanks directhex .... :)12:09
DJonesAnybody had issues with Pidgin not working on connect, I find I have to disconnect/reconnect about 1/2 dozen times before I can get a contact list up12:10
DJonesAh confirmed bug 88000812:17
BigRedSDJones: I've had that a few times with one XMPP account12:17
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 880008 in pidgin (Ubuntu) "pidgin hangs on first start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88000812:17
BigRedSOh, not that12:18
BigRedSI get it trying to connect for ages12:19
DJonesI'd use empathy instead, but thats pretty useless in not raising a conversation window when somebody messages you, if you don't spot the little icon, I miss them12:20
BigRedSand empathy can't do away-on-idle which seems quite the oversight12:23
DJonesI've never used it long enough to notice that12:23
DJonesAh well, subscribe to the bug & +1 for the affects me12:25
NET||abusehi folks, what's thinking on gnome-tweak-tool? I've looked for a way to tweak the system font, so it seems that's the only way in Oneiric12:30
BigRedSIt's what I use in Gnome3 on Debian12:31
BigRedSseems fine there, not had cause to install it on a ubuntu yet12:31
NET||abusemy screen resolution is 1440x900,, and the defaults in ubuntu are all just a bit too big12:32
NET||abuseso i need to push for a more compact layout.12:32
NET||abusealready reduced the launchers icon sizes in ccsm12:33
gordonjcpI need to figure out how to get alt-f2 to work properly12:34
BigRedSin unity?12:34
gordonjcpin XFCE it autocompletes based on your history12:34
NET||abusegordonjcp: what's it not doing for you?12:34
BigRedSdo you also get it starting arbitrary apps for you?12:34
AlanBellthis with Ubuntu would be nice http://www.engadget.com/2011/11/09/transformer-prime-detailed-10-inch-super-ips-display-12-hour/12:35
gordonjcpNET||abuse: not autocompleting, so I need to type the full name of whatever I want to run12:35
NET||abuseit usually completes based on what it finds in the path12:35
gordonjcpannoyingly it will highlight for example "gnome-terminal" in the history below, but not actually autocomplete it12:35
AlanBellgordonjcp: hit return12:35
gordonjcpAlanBell: did that, doesn't do anything12:36
AlanBelland it will run the first thing in the list below12:36
BigRedSyeah, if you hit return it'll normally start the first thing in the list, sometimes what was first a few characters ago, though12:36
BigRedSand, other times, I find it just starts whatever it thinks I should be doing12:36
AlanBellwhich I will admit sucks if you want to run it with arguments12:36
gordonjcpactually that time it randomly started gnome-calculator12:36
BigRedSalt-F2, enter "openarena", claws mail starts "Oh, alright then, I'll check my mail"12:37
gordonjcpis there a way to make it prefer the history list rather than the "what's in the path" list?12:37
AlanBellif you do alt+f2 return it should run the last thing in history, or go down twice then right to navigate the list with cursor keys12:38
AlanBellor write a better lens :)12:38
* AlanBell contemplates scrambled eggs with one of TheOpenSourcerer's chillis in it12:42
popeyAlanBell: agreed, nice device12:42
* TheOpenSourcerer just had left overs: Lamb Chop in Tomato Sauce, Couscous and home grown chillies x2 (1 Bangalore Torpedo and 1 Goat Horn)12:49
popeyI just had ham rolls and a cappucino ☺12:53
AlanBellnom nom nom, spicy eggs are nice13:00
* JamesTait is currently tucking in to chicken in Nandos sweet and sticky sauce, with pasta and vegetables.13:00
davmor2popey: you back home now?13:04
gordonjcpthe popup messages from things like empathy, I think the way they work is a bit broken13:05
gordonjcpmaking them blur when you mouse over them and do nothing when clicked seems like really strange behaviour13:05
gordonjcpanyone know what the thinking behind that is?13:05
AlanBellthat is very intentional13:06
AlanBellpatches not welcome13:06
AlanBelland I agree with you13:06
BigRedSyeah, it's less annoying than gnome3's way IMO, though13:06
davmor2gordonjcp: Yes it was so you would need to open the application to interact with it, it was a conscious effort to keep people working but still involved with what is going on iirc not perfect by far but very intentional13:08
AlanBellgordonjcp: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/25313:09
gordonjcpdavmor2: surely clicking on the indicator would have been a great way to open the application...?13:10
popeydavmor2: ya13:10
=== christel is now known as superwoman
* DJones worry's at christel's latest nick change13:11
Pendulumgordonjcp: the point is to make it harder to open the application so that you're less likely to do so rather than doing whatever you're working on13:11
davmor2gordonjcp: no you have to physically go off and open the application, that is the point.  It is set up so you know what is happening but not spending the entire day in your twitter feed13:11
superwomanDJones: i am totally a superhero today!13:11
superwomancape and all13:11
MartijnVdSwatch out with capes13:12
DJonesMartijnVdS: I thought it was canapes you to watch out for13:12
davmor2superwoman: man I prefer wonderwoman she had a whip and everything can't you be wonderwoman ? ;)13:12
daraelgordonjcp: There's also the point that it can be really annoying when one wants to get to something behind the indicator, if it isn't click-through.  Less so since the indicators came in at about the same time as the window-button move, but still...13:12
gordonjcpdavmor2: as opposed to clicking on the big distracting thing that takes up a quarter of the screen?13:12
superwomandavmor2: haha i actually have wonderwoman grouped also :x13:12
gordonjcpor giving you some way of getting rid of it, so it doesn't annoy you for the ten seconds or so that it hangs around for?13:13
davmor2gordonjcp: the idea is you don't interact with it you just read it13:13
gordonjcpdavmor2: right, but that's just annoying because the first thing I want to do is either act on it or get rid of it13:13
nigelbJust realized this channel dropped off my list.13:13
TwinkletoesI want to check syslog after restarting bind9/named.  I only want to show the lines since the last message "received control channel command".  I can filter on named using grep, but I only want the lines since the last message, as stated.  how can I do it?13:13
oimon1midway through my week off and i've achieved ...not much :(13:14
BigRedSgordonjcp: I think you're preaching to the converted I'm afraid13:14
gordonjcpdavmor2: so in this case I either have to bring up the list of squares down the left side and work out which one is demanding my attention13:14
davmor2nigelb: shame on you13:14
JamesTaitTwinkletoes: Use less. :)13:14
gordonjcpdavmor2: or, wait with a giant dialogue box blotting out a chunk of my screen until it goes13:14
TwinkletoesJamesTait: It'd be part of a script, and I just want it to spit out the relevant lines13:14
MyrttiJamesTait: or watch, or tail, or grep13:15
JamesTaitTwinkletoes: Ah, that wouldn't work then. ;)13:15
Myrttitail and/or grep then13:15
TwinkletoesJamesTait: sort of like "search for the last occurence of <string> and spit out everything thereafter"13:15
Myrttigrep does that13:15
TwinkletoesMyrtti: really?13:15
JamesTaitMyrtti: Really?13:15
* Twinkletoes goes to the man page again13:15
nigelbdavmor2: yeah, *hangs head in shame*13:16
davmor2gordonjcp: or click on the blue envelope or the blue arrowed application square or change the length of time it stays open...13:16
* JamesTait loves learning new stuff13:16
MyrttiI think so, grep -A with high enough number13:16
JamesTaitMyrtti: But can you limit that to just the last occurrence?13:17
JamesTaitlogcheck does something similar.13:17
JamesTaitI haven't look at how it does it though.13:17
daraelI don't recall if grep has a mode where it outputs line numbers of matches, but if so then that could be combined with tail to get the desired effect.13:18
Twinkletoesdarael: -n for grep13:18
daraelTwinkletoes: I was about to look it up.  There we go, then.13:19
LaneyMooDoo: still on for tomorrow?13:19
Laneyanyone else coming?13:19
MyrttiJamesTait: yeah, dunno if that's possible, I remember doing something like what darael mentioned with a script I wrote for Nokia some years ago13:19
JamesTaitMyrtti: That's the way I'd approach it, working on a copy of the file though so nothing else writes to it between grep and tail. :)13:20
Myrttiyeah, the problem involved LaTeX sources that needed to be generated into PDF either as a whole or as a one chapter at a time, it involved a lot of bash/grep/sed/awk magic13:22
Myrttiand tail, if I remember correctly13:22
Myrttiand temporary files :-D13:23
JamesTaitMyrtti: There's a lot of power in them there commands. :D13:23
Myrttioh man, the war stories I have from that project...13:25
* Myrtti goes to play with emacs and updates her LaTeX scripts for generating her CV13:26
scoundrel50ahad a few problems yesterday, lost my Panel and top bar, wouldnt load after a crash. once I managed to find out how to start ccsm I managed to get both back, but for some reason it will only allow me to have one desktop, even though in ccsm in general options it shows I have 6. The icon in the Panel for workspaces doesnt work.....any ideas on how to get my desktop back?13:26
* JamesTait goes back to vim and... "stuff".13:27
scoundrel50aIs there something in ccsm apart from what is in general options that you have to click on to get more than one workspace13:28
scoundrel50acould it be something in the windows options? its really annoying that I can only get one desktop13:29
scoundrel50aI just worked it out, thanks anyway......13:29
popeyhave you tried "..13:29
daubersOdd chap that one13:36
popeycan someone test something for me on 11.10 with unity 3d?13:36
daubersIs it going to kill my laptop? If not, yes13:37
popeyopen compizconfig-settings-manager, choose accessibility and switch it on13:37
popeyunity will explode13:37
popeyyour apps will be fine13:37
daubersWhich part of accessibility?13:37
AlanBellooh really? without installing the upstream ezoom thing?13:37
popeyi havent installed anything extra13:38
AlanBellmine crashes but I thought that was because I broke it13:38
popeyunless i did and forgot13:38
daubersHmm.. mine does nothing13:38
AlanBelldoubt it, I was compiling stuff from source13:38
* andylockran is installing 6.06.2 LTS13:38
directhexandylockran, why?13:39
* andylockran is stuckon gparted not working, not recognising the network card, and not recognising hte CD Drive.13:39
andylockrandirecthex: need to get a system running with MySQL 4.13:39
AlanBellthere is very little in that plugin, it should just turn on some apis I think, which text tracking zoom will depend on13:39
dauberspopey: I get no response :) Unity is keeping hold of the super key, so can't actually switch the negative on13:39
directhexandylockran, why?13:39
andylockrandirecthex: legacy app13:39
popeyAlanBell: the only thing i switched on was negative13:40
daubersAh, now it explodes13:40
daubersMine is definatley just with negative on13:40
AlanBelloh, you don't have the accesibility plugin by default13:40
daubersalso, now I can't mend it13:40
popeyi do have enhanced desktop zoom on13:40
popeyi just disabled negative and it barfed unity again13:41
* popey file0rs a bug13:41
* AlanBell crashes here too13:42
AlanBellunity does not play nice with others13:42
daubersMay have to reboot to make this work properly again now :)13:43
popeybug 88806413:46
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 888064 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity crashes when switching on or off Accessibility -> Negative" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88806413:46
oimon1isn't there an existing bug for those?13:46
popeyoimon1: i didnt find one13:48
oimon1maybe i was thinking of 58555213:49
oimon1bug 68555213:49
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 685552 in unity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Compiz crashes when (en|dis)abling a plugin (ccsm) aka compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in sigc::signal_base::impl()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68555213:49
daubersThat wasn't fun13:49
AlanBella fair few dupes on that one!13:51
oimon1i got a crash the other day when enabling zoom13:51
TwinkletoesMyrtti: back to extracting some lines from syslog... I've done it, but it looks awful...13:51
TwinkletoesMyrtti: grep -n 'received control channel command' /var/log/syslog|tail -1|cut -f1 -d:|xargs -I K tail -n +K /var/log/syslog|grep named|grep -v client13:51
andylockranwhat's the best way of running MySQL4 these days?13:52
popey!info mysql13:52
lubotu3`Package mysql does not exist in natty13:52
popey!info mysql-server13:52
lubotu3`mysql-server (source: mysql-5.1): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 (natty), package size 6 kB, installed size 92 kB13:52
popeywhy do you need 4?13:52
BigRedSandylockran: probably to just run a really old distro behind a firewall13:54
BigRedSvirtualisation makes backporting less necessary :)13:54
andylockranBigRedS: Yeah - it's never going to be internet-facing13:59
andylockranpopey: compatibility with some legacy apps :s13:59
BigRedSyeah, we've a14:01
BigRedSn etch box here for that sort of thing14:01
andylockranBigRedS: We've got an etch box currently running it too14:12
andylockrandebian.­mytso.­net use to host them.14:14
Myrttidoes segphault participate in the development of Gwibber anymore?14:49
MyrttiI'm just baffled by Gwibber all the time nowadays14:51
Myrttireminds me why I've stopped using it on my laptop14:51
BigRedSI keep trying to see the point in it, and I keep failing14:52
BigRedStwitter.com seems to be the best Twitter UI...14:53
AlanBellany client that doesn't use the twitter streaming API is doing it wrong14:53
MyrttiI just want something that would integrate Twitter and Facebook and perhaps in the near future G+ into one app14:54
Myrttiin fact, I want Tweetdeck for Android to every platform.14:54
AlanBellI tried writing a twitter client, it works fine, and if I knew how to write desktop applications in GTK it would probably be OK14:55
MyrttiI greatly dislike how Gwibber has been 'gnomified'14:55
AlanBellas it is I am thinking of making it a specialised twitterfall type application14:55
MyrttiI don't know what has gone wrong, but the scrolling is atrocious and the theme is next to unusable in the dictionary14:56
MooDoohopefully the next version will be better, especially as it's hoped to have column support14:57
AlanBellhttps://launchpad.net/circleoffriends if anyone wants to help make it less broken14:57
* popey recommends polly15:02
popeyit uses the streaming api like circleoffreinds so tweets appear instantly15:03
popeytis very nice15:03
Myrtticould someone atleast try to explain the difference of Gwibber's Home and Messages views?15:04
DJonespopey: Do you know if polly has facebook/G+ access15:04
DJonesnvm, doesn't look like it supports it15:07
=== superwoman is now known as christel
MooDoolol nice nic christel :)15:14
andylockranI think what I'm going to do is load dapper in a chroot and just run mysql 4 there..make sense?15:15
MooDoohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UCADay - ubuntu community appreciation day :)15:16
bigcalmandylockran: why do you need v4?15:18
davmor2Myrtti: Home contains all messages, plus likes comments etc, Messages is only a view of the messages coming in from your direct contacts.15:19
=== tubadaz_ is now known as tubadaz
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
Myrttihow baffling15:26
davmor2Myrtti: that's the only difference I see at any rate15:26
davmor2Myrtti: it does include messages you sent too15:27
Myrttiand the difference of these two views is differentiated by a little white triangle in the UI :-<15:28
MyrttiI'm really really starting to hate gnomification15:28
andylockranbigcalm: legacy app uses MySQL4 only bindings15:28
davmor2Myrtti: file a bug and point kenvandine at it he's pretty good to be fair15:29
bigcalmandylockran: ok15:30
davmor2Myrtti: I'm with you in that the two seem to be odd to have but then I don't know the master plan with it15:30
dogmatic69what the... just installed 'multi IE' thing (on 10.10 wine) for running different versions of IE.. opening IE shows some 'Wine Internet Explorer'15:34
bigcalmA twitter spam bot just replied to a tweet I sent 46 days ago15:39
dogmatic69any proxy gurus around? im getting loads of 502/504 errors :/15:40
czajkowskidavmor2: see am being busy today http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Strobe-acquired-by-Facebook-1375813.html15:46
TwinkletoesIn bind, I want "certain" users to be able to edit "certain" zone files.  I added the 'bind' group to each user, but notice the zone files are group-owned by user 'bind' but do NOT have write privs.  I'm assuming it's a VERY bad idea to give the bind user write access to zone files, so how can I achieve what I want?15:48
davmor2czajkowski: I didn't say you weren't :P15:48
=== Cassie is now known as Guest18522
=== Guest18522 is now known as Cassie```
Cassie```I have a question regarding ATI cards for Ubuntu 11.0415:48
Cassie```Is there anyone here with some sort of knowledge with regards to that?15:49
MooDoo!ask :)15:49
lubotu3`Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:49
MooDooyay that's the one :)15:49
* Twinkletoes smiles at MooDoo15:50
Cassie```!ask I believe I have finally installed my ATI card with ATI drivers correctly but I'm a bit confused as to why I cannot play youtube videos in 1080 or 720 quality like I can in Windows XP.15:51
lubotu3`Cassie```: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:51
daraelMooDoo: Wouldn't !anyone be more relevant?15:51
lubotu3`A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:51
BigRedSI do think there should be a bot that reponds to every question that begins "does anyone" with "probably"15:52
daraelBigRedS: ++15:52
Cassie```I'm a little lost know15:52
Cassie```Have I used this !ask command correctly?15:52
MooDooCassie```: it was just an informational really, what i really meant was just ask away :) if there is anyone that can help you they will :)15:53
Cassie```I'll wait it out then :)15:53
daraelCassie```: !ask is a quick way of us telling people "just go ahead and ask".  It prompts the bot to give the message it did.  Don't worry about it.15:53
DJonesCassie```: Just explain the problem you're having with as much detail as you can, which ATI card etc15:54
Cassie```The ATI card is a Sapphire Radeon HD 6670. I am using the 11.10 driver from AMD's site.15:54
DJonesAnd what type of computer its on15:54
Cassie```Processor : Pentium 4 3.00GHZ with HyperThreading15:55
Cassie```2GB DDR2 800MHZ ram15:55
Cassie```Watching 1080 or 720 on youtube is not a problem on windows so I am sure my hardware is not the centre of issue here. But I cannot have good playback on Ubuntu15:56
DJonesI'm not sure about this, but would youtube 1080/720 videos need an extra codec from the restricted extras?15:56
Cassie```Elaborate on "restricted extras"15:57
davmor2Cassie```: have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?15:57
MooDooCassie```: ubuntu-restricted-extras15:57
Cassie```No, and I do not know what it is.15:57
MooDooCassie```: it provides a number of extra codecs15:57
MooDooCassie```: have a look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats15:58
DJonesCassie```: If you open software center and search for "ubuntu-restricted-extras" and install that package and then try the video's again15:58
daubersdoes flash on linux support hardware playback now?15:58
MooDooor just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras from the command prompt :)15:58
Cassie```I cannot scroll smoothly on webpages or even in Ubuntu itself15:59
Cassie```Sort of the issue you have when you insert a new card and not install its drivers15:59
davmor2Cassie```: yeap which can also be down to the fact that you don't have the codec to play the video so it falls back to the most basic of settings16:00
KrisDouglasif it is happening to youtube/scrolling around is it not more likely that the proprietary drivers need to be loaded for the graphics card? (or the card is incapable)16:03
Cassie```I have tested using the terminal to verify the proprietary drivers are correctly installed16:05
Cassie```and the Catalyst Control Center icon is in the Sytem settings window16:06
popeydaubers: it has supported hardware playback under certain specific contitions for some time now16:06
bigcalmIs flash still a going concern?16:07
Cassie```For instance I am on firefox right now, if I wanted to move my cursor across the tabs on top like bookmarks and tools, the drop list would delay in opening up16:08
bigcalmNot used it for some months now and can't say I miss it16:08
davmor2bigcalm: Yes flask are they keep you're drinks hot16:08
bigcalmdavmor2: eh?16:08
DJonesCassie```: Is the problem just firefox related, do any other app's show the same problems16:08
davmor2bigcalm: I've not hear of this flash you talk of so assumed you'd misspelt Flask16:09
ubuntuuk-planet[Paul Mellors] Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day - http://paulmellors.blogspot.com/2011/11/ubuntu-community-appreciation-day.html16:09
bigcalmdavmor2: :)16:09
MooDoodavmor2: you can read? *gasp*16:10
Cassie```DJones: , trying to test that16:11
Cassie```Top left where the time is, wifi, power icon16:11
davmor2MooDoo: No I'm naff at reading ;)16:11
Cassie```when flicking through those it also "lags"16:11
MooDoodavmor2: i wish you'd talk proper like wot i does16:12
bigcalmLiteracy skills are optional on IRC16:12
Cassie```Its almost as if there is more stress on the CPU rather than the GPU16:12
davmor2bigcalm: what? you swallow a dictionary again?16:12
bigcalmdavmor2: in my previous job of manual labour, my cow-orkers would call me the walking dictionary :S16:13
Cassie```I am looking at System Monitor right now and the CPU usage history is jumping way above 60% when moving windows around the screen16:13
DJonesCassie```: I'm not sure what is going, it could be a driver problem, but I've never had a machine with ATI graphics so I'm not sure what you'd need to check16:13
Cassie```Appreciate your help.16:14
davmor2Cassie```: Have you installed the driver from additional drivers?16:14
Cassie```Funny thing is I hard a hard time to get the Proprietary drivers working stable so I can atleast boot up into Ubuntu, now that I get it working I face this sort of non-utilising GPU problem16:14
Cassie```I installed the proprietary driver first, then enabled additional drivers16:15
davmor2Cassie```: how did you install it first?  enabling it in additional drivers installs the driver for you?16:16
daubersCassie```: You may also need libvdpau1 to make hardware acceleration work16:16
Cassie```hardware acceleration16:16
daubers(for flash playback anyway)16:16
Cassie```sounds like the solution16:16
Cassie```I followed this wiki, which forums say is the place to go for installing ATI cards, so I did.16:17
Cassie```I used the command terminal to download and install the package16:17
Cassie```rebooted the computer, couldnt login, rebooted into the other mode and activated the driver from additional drivers16:18
davmor2Cassie```: did you reboot post enabling it in additional drivers and did you do the check to ensure?16:19
Cassie```When I rebooted, I had a black screen and could only see the top bar16:20
Cassie```top taskbar if you like16:21
Cassie```and had to reboot into the safe mode in grub16:21
Cassie```I think it was there that I enabled the additional drivers and rebooted into ubuntu16:21
Cassie```and here I am.16:22
Cassie```problem is when ever I try to install the ati driver it sort of fails to boot properly, the display is completely messed up.16:22
Cassie```I thought I made a sort of error in the installation. But I'm not sure what to do now cause other people with higher end cards than mine are working flawlessly with even 3 monitors supported.16:23
davmor2Cassie```: so if you open up additional drivers now is like this http://ubuntuone.com/4HlHOt3ZmVxGoHFihSLGwq ie the radio button beside the driver is green?16:24
Cassie```Yes. It is activated and currently in use.16:25
davmor2Cassie```: Pass then, the only thing I can think of is you're ATI chip only has partial support :(16:26
Cassie```"This guide will show you how to use the Free, Open Source driver for many ATI graphics cards called "radeon" or "ati". It will provide 2D and 3D acceleration in your video hardware. This driver is not as fast as the closed-source, proprietary "fglrx" driver from AMD/ATI Inc. for some cards, but has better dual-head support, and supports some older chipsets that fglrx does not. "16:27
Cassie```Perhaps my chipset is the problem but then again windows works flawlessly with it16:27
daubersCassie```: Windows may not be asking for certain graphical features16:30
Cassie```My card is a HD667016:30
Cassie```so the driver only has partial support you say?16:31
dogmatic69been checking out the server with the 504 errors and found something about "lsof". its set to 1024 and doing lsof -n | grep apache | wc -l shows 102416:31
davmor2Cassie```: No I said might only have partial support, it might be fine and the issue else where16:32
dogmatic69what is this lsof?16:32
oimon1list of open files16:32
dogmatic69what happens when lsof is > ulimit16:32
oimon1however it might be that apache has a 1024 process limit16:33
oimon1ulimit -a should tell you what settings are16:34
dogmatic69ye, its 102416:35
Cassie```I've posted a thread on forums, hopefully someone will respond with a solution.16:35
Cassie```I only installed Ubuntu as university requirements to run a software called OpenFoam16:35
dogmatic69oimon1: ulimit 'open files' == 102416:35
MooDooCassie```: noo shush, you installed ubuntu as it's fun, free, great community ;)16:35
Cassie```I admit it is rather neat, if only it had full support of drivers and softwares it would really sky rocket, thats just my opinion though.16:37
Cassie```but then again what monopoly companies would allow such free operating systems to do so16:38
oimon1dogmatic69: one at the bottom might help16:39
dogmatic69oimon1: added that line and rebooted apache. there is now +- 1400 files open16:42
andylockranphew.. day over.18:02
diploEvening all18:34
diploAnyone unlocked a HTC Wildfire ?18:34
diploSim unlocked?18:34
* MartijnVdS has a N1, waiting for Galaxy Nexus18:35
diploJust been given a wildfire18:36
diplobut locked to Voda18:36
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: WARNING! Be very Careful with that Naga I gave you the other day. If it anything like the one I have just eaten on my Pizza there will be trouble.19:23
=== tonytige1 is now known as tonytiger
ballI'm out of touch with the cost of server hardware in the U.K.  Does UKP 350 sound about right for an entry-level tower server with a couple of hard disks in RAID-1?19:33
ball(or a microserver)19:33
diploMicroservers are about £200 with£100 cash back ball19:41
diplo+ cost of hard drivesa19:41
balldiplo: So UKP 350 is not unreasonable?19:44
diploNope not at all19:44
balldiplo: Thanks, that really helps.19:45
diploI think my HP Micro box came to a total of £230 incl 2 2TB hdd's19:45
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
Myrttiwould anyone happen to have a sachet of fresh-ish black Sugru I could buy off their hands?20:18
Myrttimine has gone bad and I need to fix my handbag strap :-(20:18
Myrttidon't want to buy another lot just to have it go old on me again20:18
Myrttihttp://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/6329254789/ :-(20:25
AlanBellMyrtti: just done a merge request for your model M theme :)20:28
ali1234why don't you just sew a new piece of material over it?20:29
Myrttibecause I'm not a cobbler20:30
Myrttiand I don't have moneys to take it to the cobbler20:30
ali1234i know leather isn't the easiest thing to sew but you only need a special needle20:30
Myrttiali1234: well actually if I had fresh Sugru, I'd knit a woollen fuchsia patch I'd glue on the Sugru20:31
Myrttithat way it would also be less slippy20:32
ali1234i only have epoxy putty, sorry20:32
ali1234i don't think it is quite the same20:32
mattt  /j #bitlbee20:41
jacobwo/ davmor220:44
davmor2jacobw: hello21:04
AlanBellMyrtti: ali1234: buzz_: one reason onboard may be a bit slow on weak hardware is it draws the key lables three times to get the rather rubbish embossing effect which just looks blurry to me21:39
popeydebian bug 54811922:09
lubotu3`Debian bug 548119 in latex-xft-fonts "latex-xft-fonts: Error when trying to run update" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/54811922:09
ubuntuuk-planet[Ubuntu UK Podcast] S04E19  Burning Ambition - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2011/11/09/s04e19-burning-ambition/22:09
popeyoooh, look at that22:09
* AlanBell prods directhex with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda22:21
bigcalmpopey: multiplication before addition22:37
bigcalmThat better ;)22:44
Azelphurmy computer is such a mismatched bunch of crazyness23:07
AzelphurI use XFCE, Compiz draws my wallpaper, I use nautilus and file-roller, and I use cairo-dock instead of xfce-panel23:07
bigcalmUse whatever works for you :)23:08
popeywhich is occupied23:12
* popey goes to move the small person from the bed23:12
bigcalmGosh, it is late :S23:12
ubuntubhoyyou have a midget infestation ?23:13
Dave2I have TWO beds, both unoccupied. I win.23:18
Dave2Wait, that's not how it works is it.23:18
bigcalmWhy do you have 2?23:18
bigcalmOne for the goat?23:18
* bigcalm notices this isn't the channel he thought it was23:19
Dave2because i have a spare bedroom. it mainly contains boxes and my laundry that's drying, but on the rare occasion that someone needs to stay overnight, it's there.23:19
christelwould you like a goat that can live in your spare room?23:24
christelif yes, i will get you one for christmas23:25
bigcalmAwww, that's true friendship :)23:26
bigcalmchristel: can I have a pony?23:26
christel(clo..oh wait)23:26
bigcalmExcept I am horribly allergic to equines23:26
christeli'll get you a my little pony pony then23:27
bigcalmYeah, does suck a little23:27
bigcalmHehe :D23:27
christeli have been to loldongs23:28
christelfor yummy japanese23:28
christelfollowed by an accidental visit to that haagen-dazs place23:28
Dave2christel, i don't think a goat would like living in my spare room :(23:28
christelno grass?23:29
Dave2no grass, limited space, i'd be out of the place most of the time and i'm the only person who'd be here, that sort of thing23:29
* christel nods23:29
bigcalmAnybody like cats and dislike mice?23:33
* bigcalm again realises he is not in the channel he thought he was23:34
bigcalmDamn it23:34
* Dave2 claps.23:35
bigcalmDave2: I'd get that seen to23:42
bigcalmSleepy times23:56

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