
thafreakAfternoon Ohio!17:12
Cheri703how are you?17:48
* Cheri703 has been dead to the ubuntu world for a few months, trying to get back to it17:48
thafreakded 4 why?17:57
thafreakthat whole server hard drive problem?17:57
paultagCheri703: well, thanks!18:12
paultagCheri703: how are you?18:12
Cheri703doing alright, working at my mind-numbing job and bike commuting :)18:12
Cheri703just put down a pre-order on this puppy yesterday: www.utahtrikes.com/TRIKE-TRDSPK.html18:15
Cheri703going to put snow tires on it :)18:15
Cheri703thafreak: yeah, that and work training18:16
Cheri703sorry, didn't see the question18:16
Cheri703been super busy overall18:16
Cheri703have to go out and oil my bike chain and re-install my rear fender actually, then make lunch and get ready for work. :)18:26
gilberthey guys :)22:36
Unit193Howdy gilbert22:42

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