
ScottLfalktx, what do you envision -controls doing?00:41
ScottLfalktx__, what do you envision -controls doing?01:13
ScottLwould this be like cadence and control studio usage?01:14
falktx__ScottL: yes01:14
ScottLwhat about helping users set up (or tune) their systems like ailo would like?01:14
ScottLi would like it to also control installing and removing work flows as well01:14
ScottLor at least assist doing that01:15
falktx__ScottL: yes, I plan to do most of that01:15
ScottLoh good !01:16
falktx__ScottL: I was looking for a list of features to do01:18
ScottLthat's about all i can think of at this time01:20
falktx__adding/removing worksflows seems like a nice option01:20
ScottLi think that and the set up are the best for the use case where people want to use a ubuntu install for studio work01:21
ScottLmakes sure they have the right kernel and are in the audio group (and creates it if necessary)01:21
falktx__yep, system checks01:22
ScottLknome, when you get back can we talk about website update?  i would like to talk to you and stochastic to clear up a plan of action01:28
ScottLfalktx__, i talked to some people about how edubuntu and kubuntu website pull information from wiki.ubuntu.com01:28
ScottLi think that is the 'iframe' stuff you were talking about01:28
ScottLafter we get the website implemented we might look into that for adding the user documentation to the website01:29
stochastichey everyone what's the current suggested xfce theme to start building upon04:38
stochasticor what are the contenders?04:39
holsteinstochastic: greybird04:39
stochasticholstein, has a particular Ubuntu Studio set been started anywhere?  bzr or anything?04:54
holsteinstochastic: i dont think so04:54
holsteini wanted to go to greybird, and put our old wallpaper in04:55
holsteinand if we get to more at some point, great! :)04:55
* stochastic recalls there was a recent e-mail suggesting a darker theme...04:55
holsteinstochastic: it was more of a fight04:55
holsteinabout whats too dark04:55
holsteingreybird is darkish, without messing things up04:55
holsteinstochastic: we have a plymouth theme to put in somewhere too04:56
stochasticholstein, where is that?  or do you mean we need to build one too?04:57
holsteinstochastic: ScottL said we already had one made04:58
holsteinstochastic: and im not sure where that stuff is04:58
stochasticholstein, I notice greybird isn't even packaged yet05:43
stochasticor am I not seeing it?05:43
holsteinstochastic: should be... im using it in xubuntu 11.1005:44
holsteinnot sure how things work though05:44
holsteinmadnick might know05:45
holsteinor knome 05:45
stochasticthere is a ppa listed on the site05:48
stochasticbut when I apt-cache search for greybird I get nothin'05:48
holsteinstochastic: me too05:49
holsteinso its gotta be some other package05:49
holsteinsomething like that maybe?05:50
* stochastic will look05:50
micahgI think it's in murrine-themes05:50
stochasticthat it is.05:53
knomestochastic, greybird is in murrine-themes10:55
knomeright, somebody answered that already :)10:55
knomefor the darker version: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Blackbird (very WIP)10:56
knomeit's been worked on by ochosi and DAZ1 now10:56
knomeScottL, sure, go ahead10:56
ScottLknome, stochastic: i wanted to make sure progress continues on the ubuntustudio website11:57
ScottLstochastic, are you still waiting for me to review the rest of the website?11:57
ScottLstochastic, the changes that i suggest in the blueprint spec, can you do those or do you need knome 's input?11:58
ScottLlook at "website content", first image:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/update-website-spec12:00
ScottL 12:00
ScottLstochastic, what are you concerns about social media on the website?  don't think we need any at all?  want to only support open ones (i.e. not twitter, etc)?12:01
ScottL 12:03
ScottLas far as the changes i suggested, i'm not sure i can some/most/any/all of them but i also didn't want to move unilaterally and wanted some feedback at least from you two, stochastic, knome 12:04
ScottL"note sure i can MAKE some/most/any/all"12:04
ScottLbasically i'm pretty sure it would take me a while to make significant changes to make changes to borders or padding or whatever required for minimizing vertical height12:05
ScottLand at this point i am unsure that i know how to add a "Blog" menu item on the front page and then make the additional page for it :P12:06
ScottLi'm sure i could figure it out but probably either of you could do it much, much faster ;)12:07
knomeblog menu item in the tabs, or just in the top navigation?12:21
ScottLknome, i was going for something like the first image under "website content" section:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/update-website-spec13:07
ScottLsorry, trying to get kids ready for school/daycare right now as well13:14
ScottLknome, to be more explicit, i don't want to make all these changes at this time, i was hoping for feedback, if none is coming then i suppose we will move forward then13:20
ScottLi think stochastic was going to email the list with his concerns over social media on the website13:21
len_Re: social media - I personally find it annoying.14:21
len_I don't use it. 14:22
astraljavaFB was annoying, G+ works okay-ish.14:23
holsteinlen_: morning!14:33
holsteinastraljava, len_, stochastic, ScottL14:34
holsteini agree with jussi that it should be opt in14:34
holsteini dont think that is optional14:34
holsteini think it should be something that the 'purist' can easily ignore/tolerate14:34
holsteini also dont think it would be out of place to have a note "why is an open project using closed avenues like FB and G+?... to reach and recruit users in the mainstream"14:35
holsteini can go either way on it really because i can see and appreciate both arguments14:36
holsteini know i have actually seen and reponded to some questions on twitter14:36
len_Is there an overhead to maintain/generate the extra content?14:39
holsteinlen_: resource-wise?14:40
len_People wise14:40
holsteini mean, i think we can handle making the embeddables or whatever14:40
holsteini think it depends on just what all in entails14:40
holsteinlen_: thanks for actually testing that iso and reporting in such detail14:40
len_Does every website update eqire something sent  or added ?14:40
holsteini would give it a week or so at least before trying again14:41
len_No peroblem14:41
holsteinlen_: theres an email i get that talks about what is broken14:41
len_There are dialy reports but the site still shows the no7 build14:41
holsteinlet me see if i can figure out how to get you that14:41
holsteinlen_: it might not build if there are errors?14:42
len_I get the daily build repot14:42
holsteinim still not 100% on how it all works14:42
holsteinlen_: OK... cool :)14:42
holsteinthe watson report... i read it like the NYtimes ;)14:42
holsteinlen_: you mean, will every site update be this intense?14:43
holsteindepends on what we are doing i think14:43
len_Hmm I am thinking I can ty changing the options to install everything even with erors to see what else is wong. the daily build report did not mention the ubuntu 1 thing14:43
holsteinAFAIK simple content edting will be easy14:43
jussiholstein: which cms are you using(if at all) ?14:45
jussiMost CMS's have twitter and other feed plugins14:46
jussilen_: content management system - aka drupal, joomla et al14:46
holsteinjussi: we're doing to have drupal?14:46
holsteinpretty sure its drupal14:46
jussiholstein: Ive no idea, Im asking? 14:46
len_Not, I do hand coding of my html14:46
holsteinknome: thats correct?14:46
len_oops, sorry for interupting, Just realized I was answering questions dirrected at someone else. Not used tom this yet.15:00
knomeit's wordpress15:01
knomeand yeah, there is plugins for twitter for wordpress15:03
knome..but all those need to go through canonical IS review :P15:03
scott-workgood morning (again)15:20
madnickmorning :)15:20
holsteini just knew it wasnt joomla ;)15:24
=== falktx is now known as falktx_busy
scott-workholstein: what wasn't joomla?15:29
scott-workoh and holstein, do you have time to line a few things out for the blueprints with me today?  this morning or afternoon?15:31
scott-workquestion for anyone who would like to answer (and i really would like feedback on this)18:56
scott-worki've been thinking long term about goals for ubuntu studio18:56
scott-worki will be extremely happy to share my thoughts on this with this group later when i have it firmed up and in a presentable form, however...18:57
scott-workdo you think it will be beneificial to share this also with the community at large?18:57
astraljavaBut of course. Transparency will be welcomed, even though it will generate a lot of debate. But in the end, being open will be welcomed.18:58
astraljavaThat came out really bad, but I hope you get the picture.18:58
knomeastraljava, try to behave the next time scott asks you something18:59
astraljavaknome: I think he knows better not to ask me anything anymore.19:00
astraljavaBut I keep responding. I'm like that.19:00
astraljavaDid I forget the smileys? Silly me.19:02
scott-workwell, i suspect i really had a different question in my mind than the one i really asked19:02
scott-workastraljava: i welcome your comments, there are insightful and extremely useful :)19:03
astraljavaI doubt it, but hey, who's counting.19:03
scott-worki suspect what i really meant to ask would be, "would it increase confidence in the distribution and encourage involvement if we present a comprehensive road map with staged goals and required task per goal?"19:04
scott-worki stress the "encourage involvement" part19:04
scott-workand perhaps "staged" would be more explantory as "scheduled"19:04
astraljavaAgain, I would say absolutely. We discussed about this with jussi the other day. People are much more likely to take on a task that's specified, than coming around and being pointed at the repository or, say, the wiki, and asked to "be helpful".19:05
astraljavaNaturally there needs to be the people with the initiative, but most of the contributors don't have the vision.19:08
scott-workjussi: why did you type "++"?19:09
scott-worki've seen this before from someone else and wondered about this19:10
jussiscott-work: means I agreed with the last comment19:10
jussilike $comment - plus plus to that.19:10
scott-workastraljava:  "more likely to take on a task that's specified"  that's why i did this page:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/ContributeToDevelopment19:11
scott-worki'm going to finish another page first then i'll post to the list about it19:11
astraljavaSounds good.19:11
scott-workjussi: i've only seen it as "+1" so far19:11
astraljavascott-work: That's like +1, but a traditional coding convention.19:12
scott-workoh, this is a python thing, isn't it?  ++ to add one19:14
astraljavaWorks in C/C++ and probably in lots of others as well.19:16
astraljavaJava, perl etc.19:16
scott-workhaving done the blueprints for this cycle ties into my nature to organize and plan and i've been inspired to collate my generalized and random thoughts for improving ubuntu studio19:19
scott-worki believe a natural delineation between tasks exists and i want to further this concept into a more structured plan19:20
scott-workwhat i would like to find at some point is a way to graphically convey this information as well, although i would rather not resolve to a static chart made in inkscape19:21
scott-workit would be nice if there was an online tool to do this19:21
scott-worki should note that i am speaking about using something other than launchpad as it doesn't seem to have the graphical conceptual presentation that i would like19:22
astraljavaHmm... I dunno, have to think about that. I'm sure some exist, but probably most of them aren't free.19:28
scott-workdont worry about it right now astraljava, i've got some more thinking to do ;)19:30
holsteinscott-work: hey!20:01
holsteini was trying to tell jussi what CMS the site was on earlier... thats what the joomla comment was about20:01
scott-workoh crap, i don't remember what i pinged you about :P20:02
holsteini had forgotten it was wordpress20:02
holsteinscott-work: im eating dinner, but i can look at some things20:02
scott-workoh, yeah, reading backscroll it seems it was about the blueprint stuff20:02
holsteinand im home in a bit for probably a few hours before rehearsal20:02
scott-workeat dinner, i'll catch you in a few holstein 20:02
astraljavaDinner? Isn't it late lunch-time for you?20:04
scott-workholstein: when you get back look at : https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+spec/other-p-ubuntustudio-misc-improvements20:04
scott-worki would like you to lead the multi-head tasks please20:05
scott-worki'll be happy to help with documenting it since i know you generally do not like wiki stuff20:05
scott-workbut i also wanted to discuss use cases with you about multi-head20:06
holsteinright now, im thinking arandr and the included tool20:06
holsteintheres not really one thing to do both mirroring and cloneing20:06
scott-workso, let's say currently we can think of two use cases 1) spanning the desktop across multiple monitors and 2) cloning for use with a projector20:06
holsteinarandr looks really nice too20:07
holsteinsimple, clean20:07
scott-worki wouldn't think #2 would be a very common use case for us, but i do think that #1 is20:07
scott-workand you are suggesting we use arandr for #1?20:07
holsteinand, this would be easy for us too20:07
holsteinjust add arandr and we're done20:07
holsteinmake some documentation20:07
holsteinscott-work: right20:08
scott-workcool :)  has this been testing with ait and radeon cards?20:08
scott-workerr, ati20:08
holsteinscott-work: nah20:08
astraljavascott-work: With laptops getting more powerful all the time, I could see someone using Studio on one that is sometimes connected to a projector at times.20:08
holsteinnvidia is going to be the hassle i think20:08
holsteini can test ati easy enough20:08
astraljavaThen again, I always like to use separate desktops in those cases as well.20:08
holsteinfor me, i dont mind the spanning on the projector as well20:09
holsteinthats my preffered way of connecting20:09
scott-workastraljava: i was thinking that too but i wonder if we should start simple20:09
holsteinbut, i think we should support both since we can20:09
holsteinall of this stuff comes down to hardware though at some point20:09
scott-workholstein:  is the setup automatic for you? or did you have to go to the menu and start 'arandr'?20:09
holsteini mean, if an ati card or nvidia is not supported, theres nothing we can add to fix that20:10
holsteinscott-work: i started it20:10
scott-worki think i used the ati or radeon driver to do mine actually20:10
astraljavaI have to use xrandr, forgot to test arandr, sorry.20:10
holsteinastraljava: no worries20:10
scott-workholstein: "ati or radeon card not supported" but we shoudl test this and document it for the users so they don't bang their heads trying to get it to work though20:10
holsteini dont have my nvidia hardware moved yet20:10
holsteinand i have to install xubuntu on the ati hardware i have20:11
holsteinscott-work: yeah... its challening20:11
holsteingets into why is it not supported?20:11
holsteini mean, it works20:11
holsteineverything on our end works20:11
scott-worki wonder if having a card with digital and analog vs two digitial outputs generates different results as well20:11
holsteinscott-work: i know some folks locally with hdmi, but i think thats even more scarry depending on driver support20:12
scott-workooh, yeah, i don't want to get into that right now ;)20:12
scott-workastraljava: do you have an radeon card?20:13
holsteinwe could just have a general statement about non-supported hardware, and who's 'fault' that is20:13
scott-worki wonder if falktx has one?20:13
scott-workholstein: absolutely20:13
holsteinwe could link to those support addresses for nvidia20:13
holsteinmaybe get some acutal feedback where it should be going20:13
holsteinthat can be down the road20:14
holsteinim just saying... we cant test every case.. as long as the overall process is sound20:14
astraljavascott-work: I do, if I get the laptop to switch to it. It now goes to use the integrated intel GPU by default.20:14
holsteinand we are doing all we can to provide support...20:14
astraljavascott-work: I also have nVidia on the desktop.20:14
scott-workholstein: well, i suppose where i am going with this is...20:19
scott-workcan you please lead this while doing a good cross section of testing so we know what to expect20:20
scott-worki'll be happy to test any specific test cases you would like, i can check which hardware i have available20:20
scott-workand if you can summarize what packages we should use, the testing results, and how to set it up i will be happy to document it all in the wiki20:21
holsteinscott-work: sure20:21
holsteini think next week i can suggest a plan20:22
holsteinright now im leaning towards the included too, and arandr20:22
scott-worki have a lot of other tasks falling on me (live dvd, ubiquity patch, website stuff, probably theme as well) so this is something i would really like someone else to direct20:22
holsteinand labeling arandr well in the menu20:22
scott-workgood :)20:22
holsteini still say for the theme..20:22
holsteinright now, put that login theme, and our old wallpaper in20:23
astraljavascott-work: We can discuss in the meeting about sharing your load a bit, I still haven't looked at them at all, assigning-wise.20:23
holsteinand just greybird or whatever20:23
holsteinand be done for now20:23
holsteinif we get to more, great20:23
holsteinif not, that'll do20:23
scott-workholstein:  there is more to it than that, we need to integrate those things into our bzr branche and packages20:23
scott-workand there isn't necessarily a 1:1 match20:23
scott-workso it's not necessarily a drop in replacement20:23
scott-worki'm not saying there isn't, but no one has looked yet20:24
scott-work(i don't think)20:24
holsteincan we just take what xubuntu has? and drop the panel and add our wallpapre?20:24
holsteindrop the bottom panel*20:24
scott-worki think that is an agreed approach, at least in some small circles20:24
scott-workalthough i'm not sure we should drop the bottom panel, is it?20:24
holsteinwhatever is easy20:24
holsteinits not right for us as-is20:25
holsteinand we've never had one20:25
holsteinso, i was thinking it would be easy to just drop it at first, and if we get to workflows down there, thats gravvy!20:25
holsteinwavvy gravvy20:25
scott-worki've been thinking about priorities and my involvement20:39
scott-worki was really, really thinking of completing some misc. documentation and my involvement in the website by end of next week to focus on the theming20:40
scott-workalpha 1 is dec 1st, i was hoping to have the theming done before that20:41
scott-workwe are waiting on the kernel crew for the -lowlatency bit (i plan to poke them shortly after alpha 1)20:41
scott-workand we can slot the livedvd and ubiquity patch for before alpha 2 then20:41
scott-worki was secretly hoping falktx would do the bulk of the work on the theming issues (theme, ui, icons, lightdm) because he is alreay pretty knowledgeable about them20:42
scott-workbut i don't know that he will be available before alpha 120:43
scott-workochosi has volunteered to help with the transition from the xubuntu-devel team20:43
astraljavascott-work: I need to pick up the slack and get done with the testing documentation I didn't do last cycle, but I can add some other tasks as well.20:57
scott-workastraljava: which testing documentation was that?  i'm doing some stuff already20:57
holsteinyeah... i like that time frame on the theme20:58
astraljavascott-work: The stuff we talked about copying from Xubuntu. Dailies, milestones etc.20:58
scott-workmy overarching goal was to develop an infrastructure of docuement to transition people into helping us with testing20:58
scott-workall in an effort to reduce our work load throughout the cycle20:59
astraljavaYep, that's what I'm talking about as well.20:59
scott-worka persistant place that acts as a repository of knowledge so that when people leave, others can easily come in and assist as well20:59
scott-workastraljava: okay then, tomorrow i will have a broad outline to you about my thoughts on it then and we can collaborate and get it done twice as fast ;)21:00
astraljavascott-work: Sounds like a plan.21:00
scott-worki was parsing some of the documentation efforts that i would like to accomplish so that this cycle we were addressing documentation that might benefit our development21:04
scott-workastraljava: can you think of any other documentation that might reduce our work load or benefit us in any other ways?21:05
scott-worki dont' really want to touch user documentation for this cycle, perhaps start it later in the cycle if our scheduled tasks are done21:05
astraljavascott-work: I'll look up the dailies spreadsheet we used for Xubuntu last cycle.21:10
astraljavaYou should have mail.21:16
scott-workastraljava: what does the red cells mean in that spreadsheet?21:33
astraljavascott-work: They were used to indicate which tests Charlie wanted us to concentrate on that day.21:40
scott-workah, okay21:40
astraljavaSo we didn't have to stress about doing them all each and every day.21:40
scott-workthat certainly makes sense21:45
scott-worki'm surprised at the robustness to test the dailies everyday21:45
scott-worki'm not sure we can provide that level of testing21:45
astraljavaWe don't have to, at least outside of milestones approaching.21:48
astraljavaBut we can use that as an example.21:48
scott-workastraljava:  do have you a minute to discuss the purpose of the wiki page(s) for ubuntu studio testing?22:28
scott-worki suppose this defines the scope and maybe the philosophy of what you and i want to accomplish22:28
scott-workastraljava: do you have a brief minutes to discuss our goal for the ubuntu studio testing wiki page(s)?22:40
scott-workthis would be an almost philosophical discussion i suppose22:41
astraljavaYep, I'm free now.22:42
scott-workhere's my thoughts22:43
scott-worki don't know that we need to expansively define what testing is or all the testing that _could_ be done22:44
scott-workmy thoughts have been that we should frame this as getting people to help us with important testing, not all testing22:44
scott-worki.e. the qa iso testing22:44
scott-workbe very specific to minimize our time spent on the documentation that will hopefully generate the most return22:44
scott-workalso, to just get it done :)22:45
scott-workthat's about it as far as purpose or philosophy at this point22:45
scott-workastraljava: what did you envision?22:45
astraljavaWell, there's a lot of docs out there about what testing is about. We'd probably just wanna specify the things important for our derivative specifically.22:46
astraljavaI agree that just a few of us can do dailies or on-demand testing when we know something has just changed, that's probably affecting us.22:47
astraljavaBut get more people involved with ISO testing when milestones are approaching.22:48
scott-workastraljava: also considering that we would be asking people unfamiliar with some aspects of ubuntu studio, we should not ask them to do dailies IMO22:48
astraljavaYeah, that's too heavy a burden, and quite frankly, not that interesting.22:48
scott-workwe should try to focus their efforts to the milestone testing22:48
scott-workyeah, they get to test and go to a soon to be updated website to log their results :)22:48
astraljavaI just got a spare HD for dailies, so I can take a lot of that on me.22:49
scott-workso do you feel okay with the immediate wiki page to focus on people not currently involved helping with qa testing?22:50
astraljavaI'm not that keen on virt, even though I acknowledge the speed advantage they give us.22:50
astraljavaYep, seems to me we're on the same page here.22:50
scott-worki wouldn't mind other documentation and threading this one so it would fit within a larger structure22:51
scott-work"other documentation" = other testing documentation22:51
scott-workbut i am unsure how that would affect this particular documentation for new users doing qa testing22:52
scott-workmost likely the audience would remain the same even if we had other documentation for testing i suppose22:52
astraljavaYeah. And I don't think we need to re-invent the wheel there. We can point to already existing ones, and encourage people to ask if they find something puzzling or whatever.22:55
scott-workoh yeah, i definitely agree22:55
scott-workbut i did kinda want to do some very low level explanation as well22:55
astraljavaJust get the certain Studio-specific cases there, that are important for our work flows.22:55
scott-workstuff like...22:55
scott-work* purpose of qa testing22:55
scott-work* contrast against dailies22:56
scott-work* links to qa website and daily images22:56
scott-work* methods of testing (i.e. vm or iron)22:56
scott-workthere are other things, but i think most of these can be one sentence descriptions22:56
scott-workbut i defintely want to link to other pieces of information for the testers22:57
astraljavaI don't think we should even confuse anyone doing QA ISO testing with the daily concept at all. Maybe explain the difference elsewhere, if needed.22:57
scott-workoh, oh, oh...maybe we can tie this in with stochastic 's -testers team22:57
scott-workastraljava: hmmmmm, that is a good point22:58
astraljavaYeah, that sounds wiser.22:58
scott-worki know that i found the two confusing and didn't understand their purposes and wanted to contrast them in a very topical manner22:58
scott-workbut if we are considering having complimentary documentation then i agree that we don't need to mention it here and it would confuse things22:59
astraljavaI agree it's important to make the distinction, but to the people who we only point to the QA ISO testing pages, they shouldn't need to know about it, until (and only if) they become interested about further contributing.23:00
scott-workokay, getting ready to go home, talk to you later :-)23:06

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