
Unit193micahg: Is it permitted to ask/report/query about FF alpha here?00:01
micahgFF as in Firefox?00:16
Unit193Yes sir!00:17
micahgyeah, probably better off in #ubuntu-mozillateam00:18
ScottLis ristretto the pdf viewer or image viewer?01:27
ScottLokay, i think i need to add that to a blueprint then, thanks01:27
ScottLknome, i know you aren't here right now, i'll see if you answer in the morning....02:48
ScottLis the xubuntu website going to use any social media?02:48
ScottLare you purposefully excluding any social forms, e.g. twitter or facebook or other proprietary ones?02:49
ScottL 02:49
ScottLalso, has stochastic talked to you about changing the ubuntustudio website?02:49
Unit193I'm going to assume you've seen this (and not pretend to answer questions) http://wp.xubuntu.org/02:50
ScottLUnit193, is this the staging website?02:54
Unit193Yep, it's about to go live, based on wordpress this time, not Drupal02:54
ScottLi see that social media was not included, do you know the reasoning behind that decision?02:54
ScottLUnit193, i should point out that knome is helping ubuntu studio update our website as well based on word press02:55
Unit193There was an idea to get Xfce news feed in there02:55
Unit193You are correct to ask knome, I'm just a random person online02:56
knomeScottL, there isn't much social media to show, in our opinion. i'd like to show a planet-like thing for developer blogs (just show the titles though)10:54
scott-workgood morning everyone15:20
astraljavaHey guys, how can I add a UTC clock in the panel?20:22
pleia2astraljava: just add another clock and right click to edit properties20:42
pleia2one of the options is time zone, I've got 3 clocks with all different TZs20:43
astraljavapleia2: Not for me it isn't. I only see Layout, Tooltip format for Appearance, and Format for Clock Options.20:48
astraljavaOh, and btw. I added you on G+. :)20:48
pleia2astraljava: orage clock?20:48
astraljavaHmm... probably not. Is the clock applet different?20:49
pleia2yeah, there are two clocks20:49
* pleia2 G+ adds back!20:50
scott-workhi pleia2 :)20:54
astraljavaExcellent, got it working now. Thanks a lot, pleia2!20:54
pleia2hey scott-work :)20:56
pleia2astraljava: you're welcome, hooray for lots of clocks!20:56
astraljavaHehe, yeah. I like having the UTC in sight, makes it easier to think what time it is for others.20:57
SiDiWow, theres been some changes in this channel20:58
SiDihi people20:58
astraljavaHello there.20:58
scott-worki never even thought about having a second clock for UTC, i have been using two clocks on my igoogle page21:00
astraljavaI setup my desktop akin to the old-style GNOME, so the panel at the top has all sorts of informational items, and the one at the bottom acts as a hub for applications. I moved the auto-hidden on the left, cause I very rarely use icons for anything.21:02
astraljavaSo there's plenty of space for multiple clocks.21:02
astraljavaSorry, this should be on -offtopic.21:03
holsteind00d... thats a great idea... a UTC clock in the panel... i can believe i didnt think of that21:03
scott-workastraljava: interesting, i moved the auto-hide panel to the left on my laptop as well, but then i added awn to the bottom21:06
astraljavaOh alright.21:10

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