
falken_If I run glxinfo | grep direct on the console I get the following:00:04
falken_X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)00:04
falken_  Major opcode of failed request:  135 (GLX)00:04
falken_  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)00:04
falken_  Serial number of failed request:  1200:04
falken_  Current serial number in output stream:  1200:04
falken_ok goodnight all, got to go.00:30
Space-DuckIs it possible to make applications open in the same position they were closed in? Or something similar?01:36
Space-DuckI have dual monitors, and I like my web browser on the right... it always opens on the left though.01:36
yrgknome, thank you. :)02:06
jugglerI was trying to download the iso image via torrent, but it sems that the tracker was down. Can anyone else access the tracker?02:48
ToZjuggler, yes I can access it. downloading now.02:53
jugglerToz: I could download the torrent file, but the program could not access the tracker02:53
ToZjuggler: I'm access tracker fine (http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969). Can you access other torrent trackers?02:54
jugglertoz: ok hey.... it is working now, I feel kinda silly02:55
ToZjuggler: maybe a hiccup?02:55
jugglertoz: well let me rephrase that, I can access the announce page, but my program (utorrent) is still having trouble let me fiddle with it some more...02:56
jugglerbefore I couldn't even access the announce page02:57
jugglertoz: I still can't get it working (every one in a while, the annouce page does not load), so I am just going to download it directly, thanks for your help03:03
LomaxHello everyone! I've just finished upgrading to 11.10 (from 10.04) and it's great in many ways - but the UI appears very squished up with very little separation between text and menu items. How can I increase the "padding" in the UI?03:10
asterismohi people03:10
asterismoi have an issue with the radiance theme (appearently the only one that supports gtk3 apps like evolution)03:11
asterismoi would like to fix some ugly colors in the window buttons applet in the xfce panel03:11
asterismoi could send a screenshot03:11
asterismois someone familiar with editing applets colors?03:12
LomaxHello everyone! I've just finished upgrading to 11.10 (from 10.04) and it's great in many ways - but the UI appears very squished up with very little separation between text and menu items. How can I increase the "padding" in the UI?04:34
homebrewciderhi all, new installation of xubuntu 11.04, hd6670 vid card, lcd monitor shows up as crt. when you put 16 x 9 resolutions in, it goes way over screen, but with 4 x 3 res in, it stretches to fill the screen which looks wrong07:14
Sysipress autoconfiguration button on your screen or try 16:10?07:16
homebrewciderhmm, autoconfiguration button?07:18
Sysimost screens have it, usually labelled "AUTO"07:19
homebrewcideron my monitor?07:20
homebrewciderdoesn't have it07:21
homebrewciderthanks, might have fixed it some other way, hmmm, not sure07:25
homebrewciderthanks anyway for the effort07:25
homebrewciderok, resolution seems to be okay. just can't get it recognised through dvi, set "detect displays" but doesn't show up07:27
ballhomebrewcider: Perhaps you're using a 16:9 mode that is too large for your screen?07:57
ballhomebrewcider: Which modes have you tried?07:57
homebrewcider16:10 is on now, all good as I said, dvi is the problem now08:04
ballWhy is DVI a problem?08:07
ballOh I see.  Do you know the native size of your screen?08:08
stochastichi, my window borders have disappeared on my new laptop after installing the 3rd-party nvidia drivers.  Unity and Gnome both have window borders appearing.08:09
ballGosh, that's a big 'un.08:09
Sysistochastic: we only know xfce :/08:11
Sysioh, misunderstood08:11
stochasticSysi, sorry, the xfce window borders are the ones not there08:11
Sysixfwm4 --replace08:11
stochasticaahhh, thanks, that works08:12
stochasticshould I expect that behaviour be required on every login?08:12
Sysino, but you maybe should save session on next logout08:13
stochasticcool, thanks.08:14
stochasticoh, Sysi, what's your current xfce theme?08:14
Sysinicest gtk2+3 one08:16
plasticdocHello all. Is there a way to auto-center the bottom launcher after defining it as 100% length ?10:02
well_laid_lawnI haven't found a way yet10:03
TheSheepyou can put a separator on each side and set it to autoexpand10:05
plasticdocSo in order to have centered contents the the bottom launcher must be kept small and with auto length checked?10:05
falken_Hi all11:19
falken_Can someone help me with an OpenGL / Xubuntu problem?11:19
well_laid_lawnfalken_: depends on what the problem is11:20
falken_:) OK here it is:11:20
falken_Since upgrading to the newest xubuntu release opengl is not working for me at all. Is there any control panel for it I can tweak? I'm using  an RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M] on a toshiba satellite with the latest xubuntu release11:21
falken_Open GL xscreensavers not working, or any other software that requires openGL. (e.g. GNUbik does not open at all when launched)11:22
well_laid_lawnseems there's some issues with ati cards and the recent kernels from what I've seen lately - I don't use ati tho11:24
falken_Yeah it's a pity. Do you know if it's something that's likely to be fixed?11:25
falken_Is it any clue to my problem that when I run "glxinfo | grep direct" in the console I get the following:11:26
falken_BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)11:26
falken_  Major opcode of failed request:  135 (GLX)11:26
falken_  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)11:26
falken_  Serial number of failed request:  1211:26
falken_  Current serial number in output stream:  1211:26
knome!pastebin | falken_11:27
ubottufalken_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:27
falken_ok sorry - total noob here11:28
well_laid_lawnnot having glx working isn't good falken_11:41
falken_yeah i know, it's bad :(11:42
well_laid_lawnfalken_: which driver are you using ?11:43
falken_I don't know. That's part of the problem.11:44
falken_Like I said, is there a control panel or something I can look at for graphics driver?11:44
well_laid_lawnI always use intel - there should be a proprietry driver option in the menu iirc11:46
well_laid_lawnmaybe an ati user could give a clue...11:46
falken_What do you mean by "menu iirc"?11:46
falken_Sorry, total noobcake here when it comes to xubuntu11:47
TheSheepfalken_: "iirc" means "if I remember correctly"11:49
TheSheepfalken_: you should have an option in system->hardware drivers11:50
TheSheepor something like that11:50
falken_I have been trying to post a screengrab - but anyway: I do not have Hardware Drivers listed in the System menu11:55
falken_Is it somewhere else?11:55
falken_Here is my menu: http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/1690/screentn.png11:58
ablomenfalken_, settings => additional drivers12:16
falken_I have used that wizard already and it just brings up a suggested driver download for a software modem. :(12:17
falken_Is there a xorg control panel I can access?12:19
falken_Or does oneric even use xorg ?? :)12:20
falken_hi all, anyone home?12:30
falken_I'm looking for help with an opengl issue - it's simply not working after i upgraded from lynx to oscelot12:31
falken_Is there somewhere I can change video card drivers?12:31
falken_OR edit settings? LIke a xorg control panel?12:32
ablomenfalken_, do you have an nvidia card?12:35
falken_no ati12:36
ablomenoh ok, sorry can't help you then12:36
falken_I'm using  an RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M] on a toshiba satellite with the latest xubuntu release12:36
ablomenthere might be some help here >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto/ATI12:37
falken_thank you very much i will look here...12:37
sutijahi guys13:34
sutijai need one important question to ask13:34
sutijaDoes anybody knows how to fix battery issue in xubuntu 10.0413:34
sutijainstalled on EEEPC 4G SURF.13:35
sutijaIt shows me good info about percent13:35
sutijabut it' s buggy with time13:35
sutijaanyone? :/13:36
TheSheepsutija: you just need to give it some time to calibrate13:41
falken_Hi all. I've just realised I don't have the /etc/X11/xorg.conf  file on my system. Does Ocelot not use Xorg? I have xorg installed when i look in software centre.13:43
TheSheepfalken_: it uses xorg.conf when it's present, but by default it just autodetects all settings13:48
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution13:48
dirtycookiehello people,13:48
dirtycookiei editited my fstab file so that it mounts a HD automatically, which it did, but how do i get an icon onto the desktop?13:49
falken_The result I get when I run that in console is "sudo: /etc/init.d/?dm: command not found"13:50
TheSheepfalken_: I didn't tell you to run any commands13:51
falken_Oh sorry that was an automatice respose from ubottu I think. I'm a noobcake you see. :)13:51
TheSheepfalken_: I was hoping that it would link to an article explaining about xorg.conf, but it didn't sorry13:52
TheSheepfalken_: there was a wiki page that explained it nicely13:52
falken_Is there any control panel for xorg I can change settings on? My only problem is that OpenGL is not working at all.13:52
TheSheepfalken_: anyways, if you need to modify any settings, you can just create that file and put whatever you want to change in it13:53
TheSheepfalken_: no control panel13:53
falken_This is true, but I am very new to all this and would be much happier in editing the text in an already existing file.13:54
falken_like the xorg.conf I was looking for :(13:54
falken_Strage thing is: OPenGL worked very well in Lynx, but now not at all in Ocelot.13:55
dirtycookiei editited my fstab file so that it mounts a HD automatically, which it did, but how do i get an icon onto the desktop?13:56
falken_I am going to switch to gnome on startup and see if it is working in this...13:56
falken_dirtycookie: I could be wrong, but did you try to right click the desktop and create a launcher?13:56
falken_I know you should probably see it automatically, but this could be a workaround13:57
falken_bye all13:57
dirtycookiefalken_: no but wouldnt the OS automatically put that on my desktop?13:59
aLeSDhi all14:05
aLeSDdoes compiz make your desktop faster ?14:05
dirtycookieaLeSD: no not really14:06
knomeit makes your desktop slower.14:06
dirtycookieaLeSD: it is only an eyecandy to make it look fancier like win7, if you are a slow or old machine then turn it off if you have the feeling that is laggy14:09
dirtycookiehello people, i have installed the latest version of xubuntu onto my eeePC successfully, but i have a little problem. I have a 4gb onboard flash that is being mounted not by the fstab file, i changed that by adding an entry like the link here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/733191/15:56
dirtycookie I restarted the system and then i noticed that it mounted the fs but didnt link it to the desktop15:56
aLeSDis there something li rhytmbox for lubuntu ?16:21
Sysidirtycookie: drag the folder you mounted it to to desktop16:25
falken_dirtycookie, did my solution earlier not work, to create a launcher?16:26
Sysior maybe that doesn't work for creating links.. (IDK, I like my desktop empty)16:26
dirtycookiefalken_: no it didnt16:26
falken_ok, sorry it didn't work out.16:27
dirtycookieSysi: i dragged it to my desktop but it seems that it makes a copy of it16:28
Sysilauncher should work, command would be like "thunar /path/to/file"16:29
dirtycookieSysi: ok ill try that16:29
falken_what if you rightclick it and select "Send to desktop (create link)"16:29
dirtycookiefalken_: one sec16:31
dirtycookiefalken_: ur suggestion went also good16:32
falken_turns out a complete noob is of some use to you! :)16:33
falken_Now you must fix my OpenGL issue :)16:34
beuntjeHi, there, i'm having problems connecting my BCM4313 to my wireless network. Can someone help me?16:34
StormStrikesI have a Dell Inspiron 1750 that when plugged into power and I shut down, it immediately reboots.  When on battery, it shuts down properly with no reboot.  Any suggestions or things I can check?16:38
beuntjeDoes someone knows how to get connected to WLAN with a BCM4313? I see my wireless, but i can not get assosiated to my AP.16:40
Sysibeuntje: have you installed driver with "Additional drivers"? if not, try that16:41
beuntjeI yust did a clean install, i will install now the Broadcom STA drivers from the additional hardware.16:42
gage_bwDoes Xubuntu have a USB stick installation option like Ubuntu does?16:42
falken_Since upgrading to the newest xubuntu release opengl is not working for me at all. Is there any control panel for it I can tweak? I'm using  an RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M] on a toshiba satellite with the latest xubuntu release16:43
Sysiunetbootin/usb-creator work for xubuntu as well16:43
Sysifalken_: see and maybe pastebin your ~/.xsession-errors16:44
falken_ok will try thanks sysi16:44
gage_bwGreat, thanks, Sysi.16:45
gage_bwI've forgotten how automated those are, going to check them out16:45
beuntjeSysi: The STA driver seems enabled. but still the same issue16:46
falken_Sysi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/733252/16:46
falken_Does that help Sysi?16:49
beuntjeSysi: seems that after a connection try, the network is hanging...16:50
gage_bwSysi: The UNetbootin page says "Note that resulting USB drives are bootable only on PCs (not on Macs)."  This is obviously kind of confusing.16:52
gage_bwI want to install it over ubuntu 8.10; i had planned on wiping the HD16:53
gage_bw(screwy mac hardware, oh well)16:54
gage_bwGoing to get this done16:54
Sysimac from usb is tougher cookie, apple officially only supports booting apple software from usb16:55
Sysifalken_: well, not errors there16:55
falken_So OpenGL is working?16:57
falken_When I used Lucid Lunx OpenGL worked fine, but now it does not work at all. OpenGL screensavers not available, and opengl reliant software like Stellarium, Earth, or GNUbik do not launchat all.16:58
falken_I mean that now I have updated to Ocelot it does not work at all.16:59
gage_bwThis drive already has 8.10 bootable. Let's hope it doesn't install too many files.17:38
craigbass1976There are two user accounts on this box.  Ed is who is usually logged in.  Craig doesn't login via the login screen, but needs to fire up thunderbird and chromium every so often, and does this via ssh -Y craig@localhost app-name  Is there a better way?17:54
craigbass1976Also, even though chromium is set to be the default browser, whenever a link is clicked in thunderbird, firefox starts up17:55
craigbass1976I changed Ed's default browser to chromium just to see what happened; no difference17:58
falken_try going into Setings>Settings Manager> Preferred Applications and setting it there to be Chromium18:02
falken_I had a similar issue and it worked for me.18:02
craigbass1976Is there a way to fire up settings manager as craig when ed is logged in?  We've only got one computer here where the poin tof sale actully runs right, and it's the one I'm griping about...18:05
craigbass1976it's xfce4-settings-manager, but chromium is already the default18:08
puffI keep missing those little popup messages in the corner of my screen.  Is there any way to review them, view a log of them, etc.18:23
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xubuntu547i'm having problems installing xubuntu ... anyone on to help?20:42
xubuntu547a quick run down ... i am running the installer now and i have tried 3 times now ... i get some error saying some files weren't copied to the installation and when i reboot it gives me comand prompt looks like a restore .. don't remember what it says20:44
xubuntu547can't boot up unless i put the cd back in20:44
well_laid_lawndid you do the iso and cd check?20:44
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:45
xubuntu547dind't return an error20:45
xubuntu547ah ok ... that sucks then cuz i didn't do the checksum and now i have no OS on my comp haha ... i'm hoping it will work this time20:46
well_laid_lawnit's hard to say what the issue could be but it sounds like you end up at a grub prompt20:46
xubuntu547i dind't think to do the checksum cuz i have installed ubuntu and kubuntu without probs until xubuntu ... trying them all20:47
xubuntu547yeah that is what the prompt was20:47
well_laid_lawnyou should be able to fix that from the live cd - this link is useful20:48
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:48
well_laid_lawnthat's if the cd is ok20:48
xubuntu547ok thanks i'll see if that works if/when this installation fails20:50
xubuntu547thanks ... if all else fails i guess i'll just reinstall ubuntu and redownload the iso and checksum before putting on cd this time ... of the 3 i have tried i like the xfce workspace best20:53
well_laid_lawnit is nice :)20:54
xubuntu547i find it funny that i tried ubuntu in 2008 and i couldn't get the hang of it ... now i just started trying linux again a few days ago and i am catching on rather quick this time20:55
gage_bwDid you try to avoid the command line the first time?20:55
gage_bw(just curious)20:56
xubuntu547the biggest part i don't like about it is my netflix and my ipod20:56
azohow to desactivate grid icon of xfce ? plz20:56
well_laid_lawnafaik netflix is not going to work but ipods should be ok20:56
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod20:56
xubuntu547not sure what you mean by that gage ... when it reboots it says it goes straight to the prompt without even showing grub20:57
well_laid_lawna handy trick in linux20:58
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:58
mnemochi, in 11.10, do you know the package name to get "gnome" mixer in xubuntu? (xfce's is kind of.... primitive)20:58
xubuntu547i have tried everything i have read up on the ipod thing but i have nano 6th gen (the newest one) and won't sync20:58
gage_bwxubuntu547: I meant the first time you tried ubuntu, sorry.20:58
well_laid_lawnazo: you don't want the icons on the desktop to be arranged?20:59
xubuntu547gage_bw: i was only 18/19 then and was too used to windows to try something new and got frustrated too easily so i gave up within a matter of hours :P21:00
mnemocinstalling gnome-alsamixer alone gives me a binary that segfaults :-/21:00
azowell_laid_lawn, Yes21:00
holsteinyou should see how long it takes me to get frustrated with windows ;)21:01
holsteinxubuntu547: i could find the guy in my LUG that did an ipod sycing presentation21:01
gage_bw_Everything so far led me to believe that I *wouldn't* need 4GB to install xubuntu!21:01
gage_bw_Did I just waste a few hours? D:21:02
xubuntu547well it seems it installed properly this time (i changed a couple settings and manually partitioned my HDDS this time and i dind't get any errors21:02
gage_bw_It says "for best results", and the orb next to it is green, so I guess I'm okay.21:03
=== gage_bw_ is now known as gage_bw
xubuntu547and of course now i have to get ready for work ... perfect timing i guess haha21:03
xubuntu547thanks for your help guys21:04
well_laid_lawnazo: I don't know if you can sorry21:04
azoit's a options of xfce or thunar ?21:05
puffI keep missing those little popup messages in the corner of my screen.  Is there any way to review them, view a log of them, or something?21:06
well_laid_lawnmnemoc: have a look at this - http://bapoumba.wordpress.com/2008/01/04/add-gnome-applets-to-the-xfce-panel/21:07
well_laid_lawnpuff: in the settings-manager - notifications you can increase the timeout21:08
mnemocwell_laid_lawn: thanks21:08
gage_bwubuntu 8.10 gave me some partitions, but I'm not sure why21:08
gage_bwThere's no particular reason to have more than one partition if I'm not dual booting, is there?21:09
well_laid_lawnmaybe one for swap21:09
gage_bwWhat's that again?21:10
well_laid_lawnswap is hard disk space to be used when memory is running short21:10
xubuntu412hello, can someone tell me a nice tool for incremental backup my system (with a nice GUI please ;-)21:10
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:10
gage_bwOh, of course, swap. I wasn't aware it used partitions, though.21:11
gage_bwThis is a low-RAM system. What happens if I don't make a partition?21:11
xubuntu412thats nice thx well_laid, i take a look21:11
well_laid_lawnit's normally a partition - useful for hibernation/suspend too21:11
gage_bwIt seems like the installer should take care of that stuff for me21:12
gage_bwWhat should I do *during* installation, then?21:12
well_laid_lawnit will if you choose automatic partitioning iirc21:12
gage_bwwell_laid_lawn: I'll tell you what I see:21:13
well_laid_lawnI always have a /, home and swap partition21:13
* well_laid_lawn is making a coffee21:13
gage_bwI clicked 'delete 8.10 and install 11.10'21:14
gage_bwIt says Select drive at the top, then 'The entire disk will be used'21:14
gage_bwThere's an *advanced* partitioning tool, is this the automatic one you spoke of?21:14
homebrewciderhi there, changed the resolution via the amdcccle, but resolution changes aren't saved on reboot21:15
puffwell_laid_lawn: thanks.21:17
well_laid_lawngage_bw: the advanced option is for you to set the number of partitions and size21:18
puffwell_laid_lawn: hm, seems to be set to 10 seconds... they seem to disappear faster.  Perhaps because I'm usually typing something when they pop up?21:18
gage_bwwell_laid_lawn: Will I need the advanced option to have a swap?21:18
well_laid_lawngage_bw: it's been ages since I used that but from what I remember no21:19
gage_bwwell_laid_lawn: Okay, I'm going to continue and assume it won't screw me =D21:19
well_laid_lawnpuff: as a guess you might have slow graphics/cpu and it takes a couple of seconds to get drawn21:20
well_laid_lawnthat's a guess tho21:20
puffwell_laid_lawn: thinkpad t520 using on-board intel graphics (fscking nvdia...)21:22
gage_bwsome font weirdness in the installer21:22
well_laid_lawnpuff: all I can suggest is to increase the timeout a bit...21:23
gage_bw's' and 'e' are cut off at the bottom, only the top half of 'x' shows.  I doubt it'll happen once installed, but I wonder if they're aware.21:23
well_laid_lawngage_bw: probably due to running the livecd on a slow comp21:24
puffwell_laid_lawn: Cool, thanks again.21:26
gage_bwI usually used gedit rather than a terminal editor. is there an xfce-based alternative?21:26
gage_bwgnome stuff runs with perhaps a few artifacts, doesn't it?21:27
well_laid_lawnshouldn't do21:27
gage_bwit shouldn't work?21:27
well_laid_lawnartifacts are graphic driver related not app related21:28
gage_bwperhaps i used the wrong term21:28
Sysishould run without flaws21:28
gage_bwI sure hope 'quiet boot' is on by default...21:32
* gage_bw crosses fingers21:32
well_laid_lawnit should use "quiet splash"21:33
gage_bwI didn't see anything so far. I'll remove the USB drive( even though I already gave priority back to the hdd ) and try again21:34
gage_bwBlinking cursor in the top left. This could be bad. Heading to google.21:36
gage_bwIt can't possibly take 5 minutes to boot. Something went wrong.21:39
well_laid_lawngage_bw: when does the blinking cursor show ?21:54
gage_bwwell_laid_lawn: I don't see GRUB any more21:54
gage_bwif I had a video camera i could see what it said21:54
well_laid_lawngrub might be set to be hidden21:55
well_laid_lawnhold the shift key after the bios post21:55
gage_bwafter? can I hold it the whole time?21:55
gage_bwno change21:56
well_laid_lawnyou did do the iso/cd check?21:56
gage_bwcheck the livecd for errors? no21:57
well_laid_lawnalways do that - sux to find out there was a bad burn after an install...21:58
gage_bwI've never been 100% sure on how that works21:58
well_laid_lawnclick on the live cd menu entry for the cd check21:59
well_laid_lawnit's pretty easy21:59
gage_bwWhen putting the .iso on the USB drive, does it not check for bad blocks(or whatever) then?21:59
well_laid_lawnI never use a usb for an install so can't say - you need to check the downloaded iso before transferring it22:00
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:00
gage_bwto check for a bad download, then?22:02
gage_bwwell_laid_lawn: The image check didn't report anything. I looked away for a second and it was done.22:03
gage_bw'press any key to restart'22:04
gage_bwShould I still md5 check?22:04
well_laid_lawnyou might need to repeatedly hit the shift key from near the end of the bios post to try and get the grub menu up22:04
well_laid_lawnif the live cd check passed you should be ok22:05
gage_bwI'm using my "Test your might" skills on the shift key. Nothing different.22:06
gage_bwUnless you think I should move the stick over here and check the md5, I'm going to try booting into xubuntu from the stick22:07
gage_bwwb. i have successfully booted from the usb22:16
gage_bwNo internet access, though22:18
gage_bwsurely it can autodetect nearby access points22:18
gage_bwwondering if 11.04 would have the same problem22:29
gage_bwOh, the up and down arrows are the connections apparently22:31
gage_bwno hover info ...22:31
gage_bwinstallation take 222:33
gage_bwThe installer has detected that the following disks have mounted partitions:  /dev/sda22:42
gage_bwIs this the very USB I'm installing from?22:42
gage_bw(therefore, should I click "No", 'don't unmount' ?)22:43
zusis there a way to save notes in xfce-notes? or does it auto save? how do i recall my notes after i close em?22:54
zusalso is there a "force-quit" applet  like in ubuntu for the  pannel?22:56
gage_bwlike in gnome? i sure hope so. I'm in the middle of installing xubuntu myself22:57
zusi like  xubuntu a lot and  am wondering daily  why havent i got  here before22:57
gage_bwi'm upgrading because 8.10 isn't supported any more, and I was having trouble installing up-to-date versions of things22:58
zusim working out the notes bit as we speak...22:59
zusim not getting tinto the panel... i see a smartbookmark applet... this  looks like itll be helpfull23:02
gage_bwfirst install didn't work. This time, I booted from the USB stick, then started the installation from within xubuntu23:03
zusgage_bw,  i dont see a kill all app, BUT i have right clicked on a "stuck" window and got something similar....but ubuntu's is much better imo.23:06
gage_bwdepends which ubuntu you mean23:07
gage_bwgnome in earlier ones, unity now23:07
zuswell by ubuntu i did mean gnome, sorry. i forget to specify23:08
gage_bwapt configuration problem23:10
gage_bw"An attempt to configure apt to install additional packages from the CD failed."23:10
gage_bwIt says it's complete, but does the message still indicate a problem?23:11
zusthat i dont know.23:11
gage_bwIf it goes the same way, I'll boot to a flashing cursor and nothing else23:11
holsteinzus: see if http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1199668.html is still relavant23:11
zusholstein,  hey bud.23:12
holsteinyeah, adding a shortcut and putting xkill in it works23:12
holsteinyou can put that on the panel it you need23:12
zuscreating my own kill-all app in a sense?23:13
holsteinnot really23:13
holsteinjust making a custom shortcut to xkill23:13
holsteinyeah, creating your own little applet for it23:13
zushow ya been?23:14
holsteinnot bad... working a lot, which is fine with me :)23:15
holsteinand you?23:15
zusi wish i can work alot23:15
zushad an interesting phone call the other night, about doing my  old  blog talk radio show,23:15
holsteinsounds like fun23:16
zusand some friends are talking about doing an arch based distro... so i have a butt ton of reading and learning!23:18
gage_bwIs that intentional?...23:33
gage_bwI've seen a monitor go white from the edges, or from the center, before.23:33
gage_bwThe good news is that xubuntu seems to be booting this time. I'm just a tiny bit concerned about my screen.23:34
gage_bwI hope it's doing some first-boot stuff, because it's taking a while.23:34
gage_bwAt least it's keeping things interesting, failing in new and unexpected ways.23:38
gage_bwThe blue 'forest with sunbeams' splash screen with the progress/loading bar bouncing back and forth. It's been at least 5 minutes. Anyone seen this? Any ideas?23:44
EdgEy /j #math23:55
EdgEysorry :)23:55

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