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vilamgz: my man ! :)09:29
* fullermd used to be your man :(09:30
vilaI can't find the bug about the recent spurious failures on babune, do you ?09:30
vilafullermd: hehe, I can multi-man for some contexts ;)09:31
* fullermd c&p's into his quotes file.09:31
vilahehe, see if I care ;)09:31
vilafullermd: by the way, did you try to run the full test suite lately ?09:33
vilafullermd: I remember you had issues and mgz landed a patch on trunk that we hope should address them09:33
fullermdNah.  I'm just an optimist and assume it'll work.09:33
vilamgz: also, I just noticed you use 'test' and 'test-failure' as bug tags where I was assuming 'selftest' myself, we should probably discuss and agree on which one(s) we use09:35
vilamgz: oh, and 'babune' is also relevant09:36
fullermdSeems the last time I tried a full run (which was however many $AGES ago) I always had the deadlocks run up.09:36
mgzyou edited oneyou want bug 874153 vila?09:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 874153 in Bazaar "Spurious test failure" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87415309:36
mgzone you just edited, and I think that's the other current one09:37
vilaYES !09:37
mgzI try and remember to use selftest for... issues with selftest itself, and generally don't tag test failures in any particular way09:38
vilaha, right, poolie seems to be using test-failure09:40
vilayeah, keeping 'selftest' for selftest itself seems like a better fit09:41
vilaI think I'll switch to 'test-failure' for regressions triggered on babune09:42
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mgzvila: how far back are we backporting fixes currently?10:47
mgzthis bug report is against 2.1.4, the change is against 2.3 and we're on 2.510:48
mgzI'll propose against 2.3 for now I guess10:49
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vilamgz: for bug #874153 ? spurious enough to target trunk only I'd say11:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 874153 in Bazaar "Spurious test failure" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87415311:58
vilamgz: oh no, 2.1.4, dunno which bug you're referring then11:59
mgzvila: https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr/2.3_unprintable_retrywithnewpacks/+merge/8182712:02
jelmerhi hrw12:02
mgzhey hrw, getting on okay with the buildds now?12:03
hrwmgz: works great12:04
vilabriandealwis: hi12:04
hrwmgz: thanks a lot for this change12:04
briandealwishi vila12:04
mgzjelmer and poolie were slaving away on getting it deployed all week we were at UDS :)12:05
mgz(and jelmer had been trying for... I don't want to know how long before that)12:05
hrwbut the question for today is: how to export set of revisions as separate patches. I need to merge some changes from one branch to other but they have no common ancestor so prefer to have patches (like I would do with git and git format-patch)12:05
mgzif you have both branches, you can cherry-pick the revisions, rather than going via patchfiles12:06
hrwI cannot export some of changes as they are one huge commit12:07
mgzanyway, bzr diff with the revision range? depends how you want to edit the patch.12:08
mgzif your normal git thing is to get interactively select hunks, I'm not sure what would suit you best.12:09
hrwmoment - phone call12:09
briandealwisvila, I haven't had time to do any further work on hooks-related part. The exception-shielding code comes from some nearly inexplicable interactions I've witnessed from exceptions in hooks. I've nearly reported 3 bugs on bzr-svn or bzr-git that were due to hooks instead.  But I see your points about hooks being able to influence the execution too. Seems we want a HookPoint.run for both with and without exceptions12:10
briandealwis(sorry for the wall of text)12:11
vilabriandealwis: great, I was worrying you got confused by the reviews across both proposals12:11
briandealwisnot at all12:12
jelmerbriandealwis: do you recall what those hooks were? bzr-git and bzr-svn only hook into the "info" and "version-info" commands.12:12
vilabriandealwis: as said, if you've got enough use cases to triangulate, run_without_exceptions makes sense for purely innocuous hooks12:13
jelmerah, bzr-git hooks into Branch.hooks['post_commit'] too12:13
vilabut as soon as we start playing tricks with return values or stopping hook execution when some condition is reached, run() itself becomes less attracting12:13
briandealwisjelmer: it was due to one of my own plugins :)  I have a 'verbose_hooks' plugin for debugging that dumps info on the hook args for various hooks.  There was an error in one of the branch hooks with bzr-git as it doesn't support generating a revno12:13
briandealwisSo I'd do a dpush, which would throw an exception12:14
briandealwisI was uncertain as to the state of the branch or the push12:14
jelmerah, ok12:14
briandealwisSo from a user's perspective, providing the exception was far more confusing an experience12:15
briandealwisOr rather, showing the exception without context, was confusing12:15
vilabriandealwis: that being said, I think my review was more about splitting the proposal to separate the parts we all agree upon from the parts for which more discussion may be needed12:15
briandealwisI moved out the exception-shielding-run into HookPoint at poolie's request :)12:16
vilait generally makes it a more satisfying experience for both the submitter (stuff lands) and the reviewer (easier to review)12:16
vilabriandealwis: yup, I realized that *after* my review12:17
vilabriandealwis: cross reviews are ... confusing :)12:17
vilaor rather reviews across resubmitted proposals12:17
vilabriandealwis: you know you can just push on the same branch ?12:18
briandealwisI wondered about adding BZR_PDB support, so the exceptions could be seen and debugged, but it looked harder than I thought12:18
briandealwisre: pushing: I did, but on a previous proposal, I thought I was told to resubmit12:18
briandealwis…but that was a while ago12:18
vila(the distinction between re-submitting or just pushing is rather arbitrary)12:19
vilaand even reviewers may say resubmit for push adding to the confusion ;)12:19
briandealwisah that would make sense12:19
vilait's a judgment call but generally re-submitting is when you want to really re-start the review from scratch because the first proposal is becoming too... complex/diverging from initial intent/whatever12:20
briandealwisoops, I mean: got it12:21
* vila blinks, the subtle difference between 'gotcha' and 'got it' here escapes me...12:21
briandealwisgotcha seems to have more of a connotation of a surprise.  I think.  In my head at least.12:22
viladidn't 'gotcha' mean: 'I got what you said' ?12:22
vilajelmer, mgz: freezing 2.5b3, please don't land, I'll do as fast as possible and tell you when I'm done12:32
vilaRiddell: ping12:42
diwicHi! I'm writing a launchpad recipe and when I'm testing it I have to enter my key passphrase 10 times, although read access to these branches are public...?12:47
viladiwic: you may be interested in an ssh-agent ?12:48
viladiwic: as soon as you tell lp about your ssh key, ssh will be preferred to http for performance reasons12:49
diwicvila, hmm, how do I set up an ssh-agent? I tried just running "ssh-agent bzr dailydeb recipe" but it didn't help12:50
hrwmgz: for f in `seq 1 12`;do bzr diff -c$f >$f.diff;done12:51
viladiwic: depends on your os/distro, which are you using ?12:51
diwicUbuntu 11.1012:51
hrwmgz: that what I needed ;)12:51
* vila blinks, wth are the key settings gone, can't find them anymore in system settings12:53
viladiwic: On ubuntu the ssh-agent should already be running... 'ssh-add -l' should tell you which keys are known12:54
viladiwic: 'ssh-add <path-to-key>' will add a new one12:55
diwicvila, aha, thanks, that was helpful!12:55
diwicMy recipe still fails though :-(12:55
diwicbzr: ERROR: No such tag: upstream-3.0.012:56
* diwic files bug 88853913:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 888539 in bzr-builder (Ubuntu) "Recipe fails with "bzr: ERROR: No such tag: upstream-3.0.0"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88853913:09
jelmerhi diwic13:10
diwicjelmer, hi there!13:11
jelmerdiwic: is this on a local build, or using Launchpad?13:11
jelmer(It shouldn't happen using Launchpad)13:11
diwicjelmer, this is local, testing it before trying it on Launchpad13:11
diwicjelmer, with 0.7.1-0ubuntu1 of bzr-builder package13:12
hrwdiwic: --force-native-mode or sth like that is needed then13:12
hrwdiwic: --allow-fallback-to-native13:12
jelmerdiwic: newer versions of bzr-builder should give you a clearer error message13:13
hrwdiwic: it will ignore tags and force native package13:13
* diwic tries "bzr dailydeb --allow-fallback-to-native recipe"13:14
diwichrw, thanks for keeping me awake at the airport btw :-)13:14
jelmerI'll release 0.7.2, there are a couple of other fixes that would be nice to get out too13:15
diwichrw & jelmer, it worked, thanks!13:15
hrwdiwic: no problemo13:15
hrwdiwic: I had this problem (bzr) before13:15
hrwdiwic: on return path I missed someone to keep me alive - had to rebook flight from FRA to TXL as I missed it (they moved gate and I did not noticed)13:16
diwichrw, oh :-( but it got sorted out I hope13:17
Wellarkjelmer: hi! :)13:18
jelmerWellark: hi :)13:21
hrwdiwic: yes13:23
hrwdiwic: and they did not charged me13:23
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Riddellvila: pon13:40
vilaRiddell: I tried to follow your instructions to update po/bzr.pot13:42
vilaand I encountered weird stuff13:42
Riddellwhat did you do?13:42
vilaI finally used 'BZR_PLUGIN_PATH=-site make po/bzr.pot' instead of 'make -f po/bzr.pot'13:43
vilaand froze 2.5b3 with that13:43
vilaI wanted to make sure excluding the plugins was the Right Thing to do13:43
Riddellyes it is13:44
vilaotherwise the ones included depend on the RM :-/13:44
vilaha good13:44
vilaI've updated the instructions then and I'll send a mp asap13:44
vilaRiddell: the associated diff is an interesting way to look at what has been added since the previous release...13:51
vilaRiddell: good stuff for RMs ;)13:51
vilajelmer, mgs: 2.5b3 frozen, 2.5b4 opening on pqm, thanks for your patience ;)13:58
jelmervila: thanks!13:58
mgzstick the strings file diff up somewhere vila? :)13:58
vilamgz: 'bzr pull lp:bzr' , it's part of the release commit13:59
mgzan extractable part though? :)13:59
* mgz tries13:59
vilathe release commits are quite short most of the time14:00
vilahehe, I just add a wtf moment: I misread 'test_non_ascii.TestNonAscii.' as '^[ascii]' and thought pqm was back in the good old days where we ran the test suite twice ;)14:01
mgza bunch of line number change junk14:01
* mgz grumbles at gettext and the formats it uses14:02
vilahmm, that reminds me that ediff (in emacs) allows regexps to *ignore* some changes...14:02
mgzhm, command help paragraphs don't seem to be shared, eg bzrlib/builtins.py:1007 and bzrlib/builtins.py:114714:07
rvbaHi there, do you guys happen to know if it's possible to have a mirrored branch inside /~me/+junk/ on lp?  Or do I have to create a project and create the mirrored branch in there?14:18
rvbaI've been sent here from lp-dev so please don't send me back there ;)14:18
fullermdWe really should switch up metals for some variety.15:08
fullermdOur next beta should go palladium, say.15:09
jelmerpalladium is one of the launchpad buildds15:11
fullermdOK, ruthenium then.15:11
mgzfullermd is bored of gold by now?15:22
mgzjust have too much, don't know what to do with it?15:22
fullermdNono, I don't have *enough*!  And all those betas keep going off with what I have!15:25
vilamgz: yup, I noticed the help paragraphs too... did you dig that ?15:57
mgznope, but I did notice one was at the end of the help block and one in the middle15:58
mgzso could be a quirk of how that's split15:58
mgzor perhaps help blocks aren't deduped at all.15:59
vilaMaybe a final \n quirk16:00
mgzreally, it's a sign that our help needs shortening I thikn16:00
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jelmervila: 2.5b3 uploaded to sid/precise16:07
jelmersorry, experimental+precise16:07
vilajelmer: Thanks !16:09
mgzvila: looks like export_pot doesn't actually do deduping.16:10
vilamgz: export-port is ours right ?16:10
mgzyup, bzrlib.export_pot16:11
vilaok, worth a bug then16:11
vila2.5 is the first series for translations, it's expected that we encounter a few16:12
mgzI better read up on the po format first... :)16:12
vilahmm, and PEP8 issues there too ;)16:12
vilajelmer: I kinda lost track of where you are for multiple tarballs, but16:13
vilajelmer: IIUC you commented a line related to branch freshness and this is causing other import failures16:14
vilajelmer: is there two different bugs ?16:14
vilajelmer: I meant: commenting that line (which one ?) will *address* other import failures that we encounter *now*16:15
mgzas I recall, he only commented a line on his box, for testing, which was a path the importer doesn't go down16:15
mgzthe freshness issues should be all the same old freshness issues16:15
vilamgz: yup16:15
vilalooks new to me16:16
vilaimbw but it seems that running bzr-2.5 on jubany has caused these new failures16:16
vilawhich is surprising in itself16:16
vilabut checking the freshness on the importer seems useless anyway so we probably want a way to disable it if only for the importer16:17
mgzvila: I wouldn't be suprised if fixing the multiple tarballs error exposed a few more packaged with freshness issues16:20
jelmervila: it works at the moment16:21
jelmervila: but I'm fixing a bug in the multi  tarball support to handle revisin parents correctly16:21
vilamgz: the importer is responsible to make the branches fresh enough is what I'm trying to say ;)16:22
mgzthis is pretty fun too: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/73d7709fb86e524d019e4c119d698c58.html16:22
vilajelmer: ok, so I'm still waiting for your green light16:22
vilamgz: that's one of the bugs where I suspect the importer misunderstands the packager16:24
jelmervila: yep16:24
mgzvila: do you favour merging up older bzr releases when each change lands?16:37
vilamgz: yup, that means the guy doing the landing also handle the conflicts when merging up16:45
vilamgz: and they should be easier to resolve by him than by anybody else16:45
mgzheh, anyone can read release notes and probably realphabetise better than me :P16:47
vilaoh, release notes, yeah, be careful when crossing... 2.2 -> 2.3 where they were split from NEWS to one file per release16:48
vilabut release notes is not my concern here ;)16:49
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vilawgz: confused by the too many spurious test failures, I ended up filing a bug you already filed, in anger, I marked *yours* as a dupe of mine ;)17:42
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smoserhey all. how can i track a git repository in bzr ?18:23
smoseri know i can set  up launchpad to do it for me18:23
jelmerhi smoser18:23
smoserbut how can i do it on my own?18:23
jelmersmoser: if you have bzr-git installed, just use bzr branch as you would with a bzr branch18:23
smosereasiest question ever18:25
smoserthank yoiu18:25
george_eI can't seem to get Bazaar to pull from an HTTP server.19:36
george_eUsing Chromium, I can verify the remote server is up and running and the .bzr folder is accessible.19:37
george_e...but I keep getting errors: "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: ''"19:37
george_eWhat am I doing wrong?19:39
jelmerhi george_e19:40
jelmergeorge_e: is .bzr/branch-format accessible?19:40
* george_e slaps forehead19:41
george_eIt's spitting out a 403 :)19:41
george_eThat would explain it alright.19:41
george_e(That's what I get for using IIS :P)19:41
george_ejelmer: Thank you thank you thank you - that solved the problem.19:44
jelmergeorge_e: np :)19:45
pooliehi all23:03
GRiDhi poolie23:09
Noldorinhi jelmer23:09
jelmerhi poolie, GRiD, Noldorin23:18
GRiDhey jelmer23:19
Noldorinhow's it going?23:19
GRiDno hurry, but if someone can take another look at https://code.launchpad.net/~weyrick/bzr/720853-max-recursion-depth/+merge/81297 ...23:21
poolieoh thanks for th ereminder23:21
GRiDthanks :)23:27
Noldorinjelmer, are we any closer to the new bzr-git release/fix, may i ask? :-)23:29
GRiDpoolie, btw, i suppose i should also add something to release-notes?23:33

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