
Supper_slashgood evening01:54
Supper_slashstill no word on graphics work yet. Ho Hum.01:55
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Tm_Tanyone on updating libmsn package?11:36
debfxTm_T: an update is being prepared in Debian11:39
Tm_Tlooks like it yes, thanks (:11:41
molnarphi all, don't know if you have heard about the recent change of the MSN messenger protocol, which affects Kopete11:54
molnarpaccording to #kopete, a patch is on its way: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=CAKcBokvo7zN9v8a3jPdr7iSoh%3D8nXLO%2BFWE2ptkSPS1GGvbvNw%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=libmsn-discuss11:54
molnarpis there anything i could help to get this fix released soon?11:57
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jussihrm... so I had an idea.., dunno if its implemented already or no, but anyway, here goes. I would like a "container" plasmoid, where I can put shorcuts to programs. so its like a mini menu, I click it and it brings upa little "menu" of say 4 apps that I dropped in there. 13:49
jussikinda like I have here on my android device: http://jussi01.com/upload/uploads/20111110-135210-screenshot_2011-11-10_1549.png13:52
agateauRiddell: salut !13:55
agateauRiddell: I am working on a package for massif-visualizer right now,13:55
agateauRiddell: it embeds its own copy of kdchart, as a few other apps do13:55
agateauRiddell: anyone tried to package kdchart as a standalone library?13:55
RiddellI can't remember but I think we had issues with different packages needing different kdchart versions13:58
agateauoh ok, was it a long time ago?13:58
Riddelldo you remember what else uses it?  koffice wasn't it?13:59
agateauI had a quick mail discussion with dfaure who told me they maintain binary compatibility now13:59
agateauI found kmymoney2 does13:59
agateaukoffice as well iirc13:59
agateauprobably calligra inherited it13:59
Riddellwe could package it separately but then you would probably have to fiddle with the build systems in the other applications14:02
agateauindeed, but I guess until there are packages app won't use it, so it's a chicken-and-egg problem14:03
Riddellnice of you to volunteer to solve it :)14:04
agateauwhat worries me is if applications modified the lib14:04
Riddellis there a definitive upstream release to package?14:04
agateaudfaure gave me this: ftp://customers.kdab.com/pub/kdchart14:05
Riddelloh that's nice, I think the problem historically is that upstream never made releases14:05
Riddellso it's probably worth contacting calligra and kmymoney and saying they should stop using their own copies and just have it as a normal dependency14:06
agateauYou can't find the url on the website, there they ask you to register to get access to it14:06
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agateauwill send a mail to them14:08
agateaummm... it's using qmake :/14:08
agateaui guess that means writing a FindKDChart.cmake file14:09
debfxor a pkg-config file which is compatible with most build systems14:11
afiestaslibmsn should be updated to fix kopete WLM 14:19
yofeldebian was working on that14:19
afiestasright now the login is failing because M$ modified something, it is patched in latest libmsn, so it hsould be updated14:19
Quintasanrbelem: incredibly late pong14:28
Quintasanagateau: Urgh, qmake? I hope it's not insanely broken like qtscriptgeneratot14:30
Riddellyes pgquiles is looking at the libmsn update for debian, I said I'd look at it in a bit for us but feel free to take that todo item from me14:31
_Groo_Riddell: hey14:35
_Groo_hi/2 all14:35
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_Groo_Riddell: amarok is ready in peppa ppa14:35
_Groo_Riddell: i asked in amarok.dev for them to give it a test drive, if everything is ok ill ask to move the final one to kubuntu-ppa as soon as they tag it in git14:36
Riddellthey seem a bit slow with this tagging14:37
_Groo_Riddell: a tar will do fine14:48
_Groo_Riddell: whatever comes first14:48
_Groo_Riddell: just saying its ready14:48
_Groo_Riddell: this weekend im gonna update and cleanup the calligra debs also 14:49
* debfx prepares kde-workspace 4.7.315:16
debfxkubuntu-ppa has an old tarball of kde-workspace 4.7.315:26
rando_uuhi experts I've been building packages for a plasma widget that consits of many  modules like a library, a plasma-dataengine, a krunner plugin and some widgets, for now I've been building each module as a separate package15:26
debfxalso we shouldn't use the precise packaging for oneiric15:26
rando_uunow the author provided a global CMakesLists which'll build everything at once, can I use that to automatically built all the different packages, and what kind of package will that be, multiple binary?15:27
yofeldebfx: for oneiric use what's in the PPA15:28
yofeland workspace is fine, the fix is there as patch15:28
debfxstill it's not 4.7.3, there are a bunch of other commits that aren't in the first tarball15:31
debfxkde-workspace from the ppa has changes from the bzr branch which is wrong because they were intended for precise15:33
yofeltrue, I missed the patch renaming -.-15:42
Riddelldebfx: so version is as 4.7.3a15:42
Riddellhmm, poor rando_uu, needs more patience15:43
debfxwhy do we even upload 4.7.3 to precise when we are not pushing it to oneiric-proposed?15:49
shadeslayerAdding to that, are we going to upload 4.8 to precise or stick with 4.7.3 ?15:50
shadeslayer( it is a LTS after all .... )15:51
shadeslayerOh and since we get more space on the ISO ... browser wars anyone? :P15:51
Riddellwe'll have 4.8 in precise, it's quite a good time for an LTS for us really since kdelibs is frozen15:52
Riddellor mostly frozen anyway15:52
shadeslayerYeah, but I'm still not sure as to whether or not it will be a good idea to ship 4.8 15:53
shadeslayerimho 4.7.x is more suited for a LTS15:53
Riddelland miss out on all the bug fixes in 4.8?15:54
shadeslayerI'm pretty sure all bug fixes to 4.8 will land in 4.7.315:54
shadeslayeror 4.7.4 ...15:54
shadeslayerIt's just that 4.8 will probably contain alot of new features that will might have bugs ....15:55
shadeslayerAnd even though we have alot of time till the release, we might not be able to squish all of them15:55
shadeslayer* ... of new features that might have bugs ...15:56
Riddellthere will be many bug fixes in 4.8 that don't go into 4.7.x, upstream is our main source of bug fixes15:57
shadeslayerBut why won't they backport these bug fixes?15:58
Riddellbecause the fixes might be too big to backport, they might depend on new parts in 4.8, or they might not bother since 4.7 is old news16:01
Riddelland for e.g. kdepim we want the latest possible16:01
shadeslayerwith KDE PIM I agree, but with the other parts of KDE ... not so much16:02
Riddellthat the gnomers don't plan to update gnome surprises me, we've had this discussion at past LTSs and the conclusion was always to use the latest stable upstream16:06
shadeslayerHmm ... like I said, I still have my doubts, but since you guys have been doing this for a longer time, you know better ;)16:09
shadeslayerQuintasan: what ROM are you running on yer transformer?16:12
shadeslayeruh oh16:15
shadeslayerI'll need a DVD to install oneiric afresh from now on -.-16:15
davmor2Riddell: how's your new place and did it exist?16:16
Riddelldavmor2: it does exist and so does my flatmate, it's a tropical paradise16:17
davmor2Riddell: haha!16:17
shadeslayerRiddell: where are you these days?16:18
shadeslayergeographically :)16:18
Riddellshadeslayer: a bit of France in the carribean16:19
davmor2Riddell: ps Sue says it should be doable :)16:19
shadeslayerRiddell: you relocated?16:20
shadeslayeror just a vacation?16:20
Riddellshadeslayer: a relocation for a couple of months16:21
shadeslayerah :)16:21
Riddelldavmor2: ooh lovely :)16:21
Riddellfregl: how does this look for working around qt-at-spi breakage? http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/kde4libs_4.7.2-0ubuntu3.debdiff16:41
Riddellyofel, debfx: can I upload this to oneiric-proposed or should it go into 4.7.3?16:42
debfxRiddell: yep, uploading it to o-proposed is fine17:53
bambeeRiddell: so, do you like "la guadeloupe" ? 17:59
schnellecan you guys backport patch for this bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28580319:03
ubottuKDE bug 285803 in WLM Plugin "Unable to connect to WLM for 3 days" [Normal,New]19:03
schnelleall msn clients stoped working19:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 887104 in libmsn (Ubuntu) "Can not login to Windows Live Messenger" [Undecided,In progress]19:06
yofeldebfx: I very much want 4.7.3 in oneiric-proposed, but for that it needs to be in precise19:17
debfxyofel: ok, didn't know that19:24
freglRiddell: did you see what agateau and I came up with? I think that is the better solution (?)19:25
freglRiddell: basically using the gsetting value for screen reader active instead of accessibility active19:25
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Riddellfregl: no I didn't see that, where can I find it?21:26
rbelemQuintasan, ping again :-D21:30
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Quintasanrbelem: pong22:45
Quintasanrbelem: Tell me what you want and I'll see what I can do about it22:59

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